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  • #228781

    I’m using WordPress 5.9.3 and bbPress 2.6.9.
    I have checked the option for “Allow users to subscribe to forums and topics” in the bbPress settings. However, I don’t see the Subscribe/Unsubscribe button/link above a Forum. I do see the option to subscribe to a Topic when replying to a topic. I’ve tried viewing the forum while logged in with different user roles including Administrator but still no joy.

    I have even tried creating my own shortcodes to try and output the subscribe link but it doesn’t output anything. e.g. while in the loop, bbp_forum_subscription_link( array( ‘before’ => ”, ‘subscribe’ => ‘+’, ‘unsubscribe’ => ‘×’ ) )

    Is there something I’m missing?


    Hi Robin

    How can i show unread messages with your plugin ?

    i suppose it is with shortcodes, but i didnt find a shortcode to show unread messages

    i want to show unread messages on a dedicated page, so i would need a shortcode

    thanks 🙂


    Thanks Robin,

    I thought that for some reason I was unable to use shortcodes in my particular situation but the project has been a long build and I have forgotten why! Will have a fresh look.

    Thank you,



    On my staging site, for my client, I installed BBPress. The forum page works fine, but when I try to open a topic page, it shows the content from blog posts that were published a super long time ago. I tried unpublishing the blog posts, but it still shows these contents.

    I am using WP version 5.8, bbPress 2.6.9, the enfold theme which is to date, and I believe that this glitch has something to do with the Avia advanced page builder, because the content that is generating shows a bunch of short codes that look like avia shortcodes.

    I tried to repair the forums, under the forum settings, but this did not cause any changes.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    Hi. Nice one! this is also my exact concern, I’m very thankful to see this in the forum. It is also a big help for me, I successfully fixed and corrected my codes. Thanks again.


    I would like to add a title banner to all my forum pages so that it is consistent with the rest of the website.

    This page is an example of what I would like it to look like – – this is created with Divi though with shortcodes which doesn’t work so this is just for visual representation.

    So, I think I am after a way to inject this title banner into the forum pages, perhaps using the functions.php file, I am not entirely sure but would really appreciate some guidance on how to crack this.

    This is my current forum layout –

    Thanks so much,

    PS. I am using latest version of WP and bbPress.


    wordpress version: 5.8.3
    bb press version: 2.6.9

    I have a WordPress website with Restricted content pro (membership plugin), bbpress and buddy press. There are some forum pages, that are pages with bb press shortcodes and blocked with Restricted content pro and its locked message for logged out users appears(such as OR That is working fine. However, pages generated from the post type such as the archive page, aren’t blocked and can be accessed (and a list of categories can be seen). Then when a logged OUT user tries to click on a topic to see topic content, it send them to a funny login (not restricted content pro) and then when they click the “log in” button, (whether or not the username and password fields are filled in) in they are redirected to the regular RCP login. That is an extra step. How do I get rid of the middle step?

    (not sure if this info is relevant: Under Restrict – buddypress , I set that “Redirect to page” to a page called “locked content”.)

    Thank you in advance.

    Robin W

    your theme/developer has added the ‘no-js’ class to the very top, hence why the other codes are not working.

    can you try this snippet

    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'rew_supports_js' );
    function rew_supports_js() {
    	echo '<script>document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace(/\bno-js\b/g, '') + " js ";</script>';

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets


    Thank you Robin for this so quick answer 🙏

    I already use your awesome plugin + additional shortcodes (thanks a lot).
    But it doesn’t allow me to get (and use) the information “Is there any topic to read for this user ?” so that I use it in my menu…

    By reading this post :
    I ask myself if there is a way to make a function that :

    1) get the subscribed forums html
    2) check if there is the “unread” tag in this html
    3) return YES or NO (or best : the number of “unread” occurences)

    Do you think this is feasible ?


    Can’t remember where I found this code, tried a search, but it use to show 4 topics underneath the Forum headers but no longer shows anymore. Was this affected on an update or perhaps if someone can direct me to the page that had these codes? Thanks.

    * Show 4 topics for Forum Groups
    ul.bbp-forums-list li:nth-child(n+5) {
    display: none !important;


    In reply to: Shortcodes in Sidebar


    I’m using WP Astra as my theme and the plugin Sidebar Manager (also from Brainstorm Force), which just replaces the theme’s main sidebar with a different one based on the post type being displayed. Inside of the sidebar is a widget and inside of the widget, there are the shortcodes that aren’t being rendered. Let me know what other specific details I might be able to offer that would help. Thanks.


    I’ve noticed that any shortcodes in my sidebar are not rendering on bbPress pages. Is there a way to make it so shortcodes are rendering properly? I’ve been searching the forums and can’t seem to find an answer to this. Thanks for any help.

    – Aaron


    I can use the same theme for topics as well, as in this case:

    Unfortunately, however, if I open the question (post) the theme is not inherited friday night funkin

    Is there a shortcodes to display the question (post) and the area to reply (reply form)?

    Thanks in advance for your answers..

    I have the same issue here. Did you find a fix for it, by any chance?


    Topic: Thumbs up and down

    in forum Plugins

    I am desperately searching for a forum that has the ability to rate threads. The forum will be for promo codes and I want users to have the abilty to ad a yes working or no working comment by way of thumbs. so if one had 10 down thumbs and no up thumbs dont bother!
    Is there such an abilty by way of a plugin? I cant aford the hundreds to have code written to do the job (sorry coders)


    In reply to: Forum Display

    Robin W

    sorry, copied the wrong link

    it should be

    [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id]

    all the shortcodes are here



    Hello Guys,

    I’ve been wandering on the forum for quite some hours and even though the question has been raised many times, there don’t seem to have a proper answer so far.

    When you enter your username / email within the lost password form, the only thing happening is that the page refreshes with an argument:

    It’s a bit confusing for the user. Has anyone found a way to either return a success/ failure message or at least redirecting to another page?

    (I’ve tried some function.php codes, 301 redirect and bbp-style-pack.4.8.9)

    Many thanks in advance for your help,



    @maxlevel Element Pack is useless either. It is not clear how it works and its functionality is just to create and insert shortcode which you can do it by shortcodes provided by bbpress directly.
    I search a whole week and didn’t find any solution. Did you find any possible workaround to solve this issue?



    I trying to build a forum theme with divi, it is easy to create the theme for the general forum structure with the help of shortcodes
    This is my forum


    I can use the same theme for topics as well, as in this case:

    Unfortunately, however, if I open the question (post) the theme is not inherited

    Is there a shortcodes to display the question (post) and the area to reply (reply form)?

    Thanks in advance for your answers..



    I would like to ask you what is the best way to change the bbpress role names. For example Keymaster to Support Team.

    I can’t find the way to do it, and some of the codes I found on the internet are old or I’m afraid they might break my site.



    I tried using a string of codes someone posted here, but I couldn’t follow through.
    So, can anyone direct me on how to remove that form at the end of forums and topics?

    Take this BBPress website for example. The create New Topic takes us to the new page. But it’s not hanging below.


    Hi @babblebey & @robin-w , thank you both for your work on this matter.

    I’m trying to do the same on my Bbpress install (not online yet) in order to sort topic by number of “fav mentions”.

    I tried your last two codes but it returns “0” (I hooked them on bbp_template_before_single_topic and putted them in two separated functions).

    Does it still works for you? Did I get it all wrong?

    Thank you for your answer. 🙂


    Topic: Add emoticons

    in forum Troubleshooting

    I migrated a forum from vbulletin but now the customized smileys do not appear but I only see their code such as the writing: cgrd: or: by2:, how can I connect their codes to the smileys that I upload in ftp?


    Robin W

    nothing I know of doe this at the moment

    If it’s a fixed list then just cascade eg

    [bbp-single-topic id=4096]
    [bbp-single-topic id=4097]
    [bbp-single-topic id=4099]
    [bbp-single-topic id=4099]

    if you’re doing it programmatically then just do the ‘echo_shortcode’ in a foreach loop

    or crack open /inclues/common/shortcodes and you can use the code form there to create what you want



    I want to exclude “breadcrumb” from the topic list output screen of a specific forum.

    i use to plugin’s bbp style pack, bbP shortcodes


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