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  • #148142

    Okay, I have to add another reply here, sorry.

    Strange thing is, that I am having the same effect as with the Tehnik plugin. As soon as I add your plugin, bbp-private-groups, and I subscribe to a forum, I am subscribed to all forums. As soon as I disable the plugin everything works fine. It also happens with a standard theme like twenty fourteen.

    I am not sure where this coming from. Very strange…

    Here’s a list of installed plugins:

    • Advanced Custom Fiels
    • bbP private groups
    • bbPress
    • bbPress Pencil Unread
    • Breadcrumb NavXT
    • Buddypress
    • CodeStyling Localization
    • iThemes Security
    • Members
    • Radio Buttons for Taxonomies
    • Regenerate Thumbnails
    • Require Featured Image
    • WP

    All Plugins are up to date!

    May it be a conflict with iThemes Security or Members? But why? And why does it just happen if a plugin for forum access is used?

    This is like a closed book to me, as I am a designer and css-coder, but not a php-coder, which makes it realy hard…


    Hi again,

    shortly before I can finally go online with my WP+bbpress, there is a problem with the shortcode in a widget: The tag cloud in sidebar widget is not displayed.

    Here in the forum I found the following tip:

    To allow shortcodes in sidebar widgets, write in an empty functions.php file the following code und put this file into your child-theme-folder:

    add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');

    After saving the file, you can now add the shortcode [bbp-topic-tags] in sidebar widgets.

    Unfortunately the tag cloud is not shown.
    What did I do wrong?

    Thank you very much for help says


    In reply to: Add forum to post


    Don’t worry, I found the shortcodes and that told me how to do it. For anyone else who needs this use the shortcode below where the id is the id of the forum you want to display.

    [bbp-single-forum id=10]

    more help on the shortcodes is at

    Robin W

    yes, start with

    bbp additional shortcodes

    This list the last 5 topics across all the forums, and your friend should be able to crack it open

    the end function

    function rw_display_topic_index_query( $args = array() ) {
    		global $show ;
    		$args['author']        = 0;
    		$args['show_stickies'] = true;
    		$args['order']         = 'DESC';
    		$args['posts_per_page'] = $show ;
    		return $args;

    just needs an extra parameter to get the right forum,

    If you get him to also look at


    he’ll find some useful code to do that

    Robin W

    Is there any way to completely skip the forums index? I don’t see why I would need multiple forums when I can have 1 main forum with different topics.

    Yes you can skip the forum index, just create a page and put one of the shortcodes on it

    In your case you’d use

    [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] – Display a single forums topics. eg. [bbp-single-forum id=32]



    i have a wordpress site with bbpress installed. i have 3 subforums in bbpress. on the homepage of my wordpress site, i would like to list out those 3 forums with the lastest 5 posts from each.

    please take a look at this image:

    the styling doesn’t have to look like the attached as long as i can list out the individual subforums and 5 of its most recent posts.

    i have setup 3 columns with ability to put shortcodes.

    i tried using some of the shortcodes provided by bbpress with no luck.

    SOS please!!! i’m running out of options…lol

    thanks in advance,



    WP V. 3.9.1
    bbPress v 2.5.4

    I’ve been banging my head against the wall on this one.

    Here is what I need to do:

    I have users who need to register for different forums. Each specific forum has restrictions. I am using the S2Member plugin. I can with their shortcodes restrict content within a page. I then can restrict a forum listing when I use a bbPress short code within a page.

    The problem is that bbPress dynamically creates topic pages, thus I can not put any shortcode logic in to restrict who sees the topics.

    S2Member has some code that works to restrict content with a function. However, using bbPress conditional tags don’t work. I can use the native conditional tags which do.

    Below is my code that I can’t seem to get working:

    add_action ("wp", "my_custom_capabilities");
    function my_custom_capabilities ()
    		header ("Location: ".S2MEMBER_MEMBERSHIP_OPTIONS_PAGE_URL);



    In reply to: Latest 5 Topics?

    Robin W

    I’ve just started working on a plugin that will have some additional shortcodes in it

    the only functional one so far is the ability to show the latest xx topics

    you can download it from here

    bbp additional shortcodes

    you use the shortcode

    [bbp_display_topic_index show=’5′]


    Two ideas.

    1. If using a multi-site, start a subdomain for bbPress and activate it on that site alone.

    2. Using a plugin called – As Diphda mentioned, bbPress loads on every page. This plugin can block any plugin from loading on pages where it is not required (for bbPress where there are no short codes or forums).

    The only draw back is your Admin panel will still be sluggish for those who are experiencing a similar lag, but visitors will experience faster load times.

    Hope this helps.


    Hello everyone!

    First let me say, that I am not sure if the problem is coming from bbpress. Please let me know it is a general problem.

    The reason I am posting the problem here is, that it appeared right after todays bbpress-update, and there’s also a reference in the message.

    This is the error message I am reciving (debugging enabled):

    Warning: mysql_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50535 Library:50617 in /home/www/xxx/www/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1372

    Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class Tehnik_BBPress_Permissions_Load in /home/www/xxx/www/wp-content/plugins/tehnik-bbpress-permissions/tehnik_bpp_init.php on line 35

    Notice: bbp_setup_current_user was called incorrectly. The current user is being initialized without using $wp->init(). Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 2.3.) in /home/www/xxx/www/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3245

    Notice: bp_setup_current_user was called incorrectly. The current user is being initialized without using $wp->init(). Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 1.7.) in /home/www/xxx/www/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3245

    Strict Standards: Declaration of BP_Poke_Component::setup_globals() should be compatible with BP_Component::setup_globals($args = Array) in /home/www/xxx/www/wp-content/plugins/bp-poke/bp-poke-component.php on line 57

    Strict Standards: Declaration of BP_Poke_Component::includes() should be compatible with BP_Component::includes($includes = Array) in /home/www/xxx/www/wp-content/plugins/bp-poke/bp-poke-component.php on line 57

    The strange thing is, that I am running an exact mirror of the page and db on a subdomain, where I am testing plugins, etc. There I am not getting the error.

    I did had a search on google, but couldn’t find anything helpful. As I am not a coder or server-tech myself, I am a bit lost here. I did try a few things, like disableing plugins, or enabling another theme. But nothing helped so far.

    Here’s a list of plugins I am using right now:

    • (BuddyDev)BP Poke
    • Advanced Custom Fields
    • bbPress
    • bbPress New Topics
    • BuddyPress
    • CodeStyling Localization
    • iThemes Security
    • Members
    • Regenerate Thumbnails
    • Require Featured Image
    • rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress
    • Tehnik BBPress Permissions
    • WP

    I thought it might be a problem with iThemes Security, so I tryed to disable a few things, and also disabled the whole plugin. But the problem is still the same.

    Thanks for your help in advance!

    Best regards,




    My bbpress is working fine. I just want the recent topics to be displayed on my forum-root-page.

    The site can be found here (you cannot see the forum index, as the site forum is private, but the site shows the problem anyway).

    I use a page with shortcodes. Using the shortcode [bbp-forum-index] just displays the forum index. But when i try to use the shortcode [bbp-topic-index] the result is as u can see in the link above: it just shows the shortcode itselve.

    I would just like to have the recent topics to be diplayed as they are here in the forum root on

    Thanx for your help.

    Wordpress 3.9.1
    bbpress 2.5.4.
    Theme: Dynamik Website Builder on Genesis Framework


    I’m here again!
    It’s great I have a place to come back!

    Now, I’m looking for advice on How to show “Website” part at User Profile page.
    By default, 4 sections are displayed on User Profile page.

    1.user-description,, 3.topic-count, 4.reply-count

    In edit page, There is a section for entering users “Website”.
    in spite of entering the section, it would not be display at User’s Profile page.
    How can I display it at the User’s Profile page.

    I found that I need to add some PHPcodes into “user-profile.php”.
    But as you know, I have no idea What codes I have to put in.

    would you please advice me…

    WordPress: ver3.9.1
    bbPress: ver2.5.3


    Just installed BBPress to replace my proboards forums , and i like the theme integration.

    All is working fine , but i could not find a way to change the page title for the forums that is displaying in the browser tabs , as it was showing “Forum Archive” . So i read about the shortcodes and decided to just make a page and title it Mysite Forums . So now the page title is displaying and all working good , but i notice that when i click on any category , topic and/or click back to the forums link via the BBPress menu bar , i am being directed to another version of the forums which was created by BBPress. How can i get all the forum categories , topics and post to have the same URL string as the new page i set up. – this page is generated with BBPress – this url is generated when i create a page for forums and use the shortcode


    Hi! Mr Robin W!

    Now, my Website is likely to complete.
    Thanks to you. (Detailed description of PHP codes was very helpful for me!)

    My Website is a site to help people.
    Near future, some troubles might be found in my Website.(It might be tomorrow..orz)

    At that time,
    I would be happy if you come back and advice me.

    Best regards.

    Robin W

    ‘Why is there no way to control this with shortcodes and nobody has found a solution πŸ™ ‘

    Solutions require problems, and clearly not enough think this a problem. πŸ™‚

    There are probably several hundred things that the developers are working on or could work on (I’m not a developer, just a volunteer helping here).

    I’m not actually sure what you are saying isn’t there – is this just controlling the numbers, or are you after more functionality.

    If you could write a detailed problem definition, I’ll take a look !

    Anonymous User 13302461

    I can’t believe there isn’t more info on this.

    I want to have maybe 5 topics listed at the top of my home page that have no replies. [bbp-single-view id="no-replies"]

    Maybe under that I would like to have the 5 most popular topics, then the 5 most recent.

    Why is there no way to control this with shortcodes and nobody has found a solution πŸ™


    I really appreciate your response!
    bbPress support is great!

    I’ve worked for about 3years as a Web designer.
    So, I can understand HTML and CSS3,
    and how to edit and ftp files as well.

    For php, I learned the just basics before.
    So, I can read basic php codes,
    but I can’t write php codes by my own.

    Thanks for telling URL “Shorten freshness wording”.
    The codes should be helpful for me.
    However, I have no idea to customize the codes to get to my Two goals…

    Robin W

    You would need to cut some code, but basically you would be looking at

    using some code from the widget to find the latest topic

    then maybe using the shotcodes

    [bbp-single-topic id=$topic_id] – Display a single topic. eg. [bbp-single-topic id=4096]

    and if it has a reply

    [bbp-single-reply id=$reply_id] – Display a single reply eg. [bbp-single-reply id=32768]

    using the do-shortcode function

    If you do this, please post the result here for the benefit of others !


    Topic: CSS Plugin

    in forum Plugins

    My theme comes with an option in the settings to add my own CSS codes. I love it because I’m just starting out and learning a lot about CSS by just putting snippets of code in there and seeing what it does. Of course none of it fazes my forum and that really really sucks because I’ve read a lot of great reviews about bbPress and I’d like to use it on my site.

    Why doesn’t bbPress have the same feature? Is there an up to date plugin I can use, or do I have to create a custom style sheet?


    Hi community,

    My forum in BBpress It’s working properly and It’s awesome! congratulations! nice job guys!!

    But hope you can help me with a little problem. If I access the forums normally styles are ok, but when I show the forums via shortcodes like [bbp-forum-index] then the text fonts are different from what they should be. Is there a way to show the same font using the forum directly from url and with the shortcodes application?

    Thank you in advance for your help and time.

    Stephen Edgar

    I just checked the difference between the current version included with bbPress and that version you linked above. The version included with bbPress has quite a few enhancements, password support, forum categories, author IP, closed topics, sticky topics and topic tag slugs.

    The difference that you need is the BBCodes:

    // This is what is currently included with bbPress for YouTube:

    $vbulletin_markup = preg_replace( '/\[video\=youtube;(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/video\]/', '$2', $vbulletin_markup );

    //And this is what we had in that custom linked version:

    // Replace '[video=youtube;$1]$2[/video]' with '$2"
    $vbulletin_markup = preg_replace( '/\[video\=youtube;(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/video\]/', '$2', $vbulletin_markup );
    // Replace '[video=youtube_share;$1]$2[/video]' with '$2"
    $vbulletin_markup = preg_replace( '/\[video\=youtube_share;(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/video\]/', '$2', $vbulletin_markup );
    // Replace '[SOUNDCLOUD]$1[/SOUNDCLOUD]' with '$1"
    $vbulletin_markup = preg_replace( '/\[SOUNDCLOUD\](.*?)\[\/SOUNDCLOUD\]/', '$1', $vbulletin_markup );

    So the addition of these two BBCodes:

    [video=youtube_share;$1]$2[/video] and [SOUNDCLOUD]$1[/SOUNDCLOUD]

    Do you know if both of these BBCodes are included with all vBulletin versions or are these custom BBCodes you manuallly created in your vBulletin install?

    Either way I just updated that gist with the above BBCode that you should be able to download and test as you did 8 months ago, it has ‘all the things’ above included in it. πŸ™‚


    I saw there some styling from your theme (ShopAndBuy). That style adds fontawesome icon for every LI elements. But bbpress has so many ul/li structure for formatting forum section and that style makes this issue there. Please manage or remove that styles from line 350 of “ShopAndBuy/css/shortcodes.typography.css”


    Stephen Edgar

    Cool, I will take a closer look in the morning, it’s late here down under and the brain is to fuzzy to dive in right now πŸ˜‰

    Can you confirm which importer you used, did you import using the vBulletin3 or vBulletin importer and what is the exact version of the vBulletin forum you are importing from. I’ll try to take a closer look at those BBCodes and also make any updates as needed.

    Stephen Edgar

    Except for the default BBCode [b], [i], [u], [img], [url] etc the vBulletin importer only has [quote], [mention], [youtube] BBCodes added at this time. You would need to manually edit your topics and replies for any SoundCloud embeds.

    To test this any further I will need your vBulletin version you importing from so I can take a closer look, firstly to see if I have a copy of a vBulletin ‘version xyz’ to test against and then to see if I can see any reason why it would not be importing everything correctly.


    In reply to: bbpress editor


    yes this is what Im using .. but Im still using WordPress 3.8.3
    The MCE editor is displaying perfectly and I can use all its features .. but when I save the content from the front end, the content is displayed with the html codes ..
    Could it be a theme problem?

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