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Strange forum formatting

  • @rolandbaker


    Just installed bbPress for the first time and followed the installation guide, but the layout of the forum does not look right. Is this a template issue or css? Any help would be appreciated.

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  • @themeton


    I saw there some styling from your theme (ShopAndBuy). That style adds fontawesome icon for every LI elements. But bbpress has so many ul/li structure for formatting forum section and that style makes this issue there. Please manage or remove that styles from line 350 of “ShopAndBuy/css/shortcodes.typography.css”




    Thanks ThemeTon. I was able to remove the FontAwesome icons with some override code.

    Regarding the way my sub-forums are being displayed…side-by-side, is this the “out-of-the-box” format for bbPress? If bbPress requires lots of coding/formating I’ll probably scrap it and switch to something more streamlined.



    yes that is the default – see

    Layout and functionality – Examples you can use

    to change it



    Thanks for the link Robin. Crap load of customizing with bbPress, but I’ll stick it out and see what I can come up with. 🙂



    depends on your view, and to a large extent what theme you’re using 🙂

    You can view the forum as light and customisable, or choose one that has loads of presets but not easily changeable.

    Anyway I hope you are either able to stick with bbPress or find a you you like.

    And remember it’s free, so if you think it’s crap, it’s free crap, so you can’t really complain !

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