Presume this doesn’t happen when you switch to a default theme?
Also test whether it is actually subscribing to all forums, or just saying that it is.
Presume this doesn’t happen when you switch to a default theme?
Actually, the strange thing is, that it also does happen with a standard theme, like twenty fourteen. I didn’t test it before, as I thought it would be a problem with my custom theme, but now I see, that it happens also with other themes.
Also test whether it is actually subscribing to all forums, or just saying that it is.
Well, if I visit the subscription list with subscribed forums and topics, I do see the whole forum list, with categories and forums, no matter which forum I did subscribe to. It’s the same with the source code, I do see all the forums.
I should add, that it is working wth topics. If I subscribe to a topic, only that topic appears in the subscribed topics list.
I can’t reproduce this using bbPress 2.5.4, BuddyPress 2.01 and WordPress 3.9.1 with the Twenty Fourteen theme.
Okay, I just found out, that it was a plugin I was using for forum permissions – Tehnik BBPress Permissions. As soon as I activate it, the subscription doesn’t work correctly anymore. Might be a problem, as the plugin wasn’t updated a long time, and it is not an “official” one…
Guess I have to find an alternative to it. Any suggestions?
@Robin W
I’ll have a closer look on it after lunch. Looks very promising!
I want to thank both of you, Robin and Stephen for your help and your time so far!
Okay, I have to add another reply here, sorry.
Strange thing is, that I am having the same effect as with the Tehnik plugin. As soon as I add your plugin, bbp-private-groups, and I subscribe to a forum, I am subscribed to all forums. As soon as I disable the plugin everything works fine. It also happens with a standard theme like twenty fourteen.
I am not sure where this coming from. Very strange…
Here’s a list of installed plugins:
- Advanced Custom Fiels
- bbP private groups
- bbPress
- bbPress Pencil Unread
- Breadcrumb NavXT
- Buddypress
- CodeStyling Localization
- iThemes Security
- Members
- Radio Buttons for Taxonomies
- Regenerate Thumbnails
- Require Featured Image
- WP
All Plugins are up to date!
May it be a conflict with iThemes Security or Members? But why? And why does it just happen if a plugin for forum access is used?
This is like a closed book to me, as I am a designer and css-coder, but not a php-coder, which makes it realy hard…
It could be a bbpress + buddypress + private groups issue
Buddypress filters some bbpress code, so my plugin may be overwriting a filter that buddypress is using to control either subscriptions or the info it is displaying about bbpres subs.
Did you check if subscribing to one forums ACTUALLY subscribes to them all, or whether buddypress is just saying that they are?
You could check this by unsubscribing from forum b, then subscribing to forum a, checking that buddypress says you’re subscribed to forums a & b, and then posting in forum b to see if you get an email.
Subscribing to Forum A subscribes me (user) in the forum itself only to Forum A, but not to others, like Forum B and so on, where the link still says “subscribe”. So it realy seems to be a problem with buddypress and the way it displays/queries (?) subscribed forums in combination with permission plugins.
ok, thanks for the info, V useful, as at least it’s only a display, rather than changing what is subscribed, although obviously I appreciate that if you think you are subscribed to a forum when you’re not, you may be equally annoyed !
I really have no experience of buddypress, so let me have a think and I’ll come back shortly !
That is very kind of you @robin-w. I was a little… demoralized today, as I did put a lot of work into my bbpress-forum, which is based on INK interface kit, and it would be very disappointing if all the effort would’ve been for naught, even if it’s just the subscription.
Please let me know if I can help you with anything, even if it’s just testing!
Thanks again for all the work!
ok, you say this is in your profile, can you send me a screenshot of what ‘looks wrong’ so I can see.
Sure. But the theme I am using is WIP, very WIP. The whole Buddypress part has not been worked on so far. That being said – It looks messed up.
On the first picture you can see the generall forum view, which looks a little bit different, but it’s a normal bbpress. Where it says “Neuigkeiten und Ankündigungen” (News and Announcements), this is the the category (header). Below, this are the forums (subforums). Right now I am subscribed to the first forum, which ist called “Der Yucom-Bote”.

On the second picture you can see the forums in the buddypress profile. It displays all forums and categories, even if I am only subscribed to the first forum. As said before, it looks a little bit messed up, as there aren’t any template files or changes for buddypress yet.

Not sure if this helps you. I can make new screens with another theme, if you want to.
ok, I’ve just installed bbpress, buddypress and private groups on a new test site, added a couple of forums, and set one to subscribe.
Without private groups it is fine, with private groups both forums show as subscribed, so I can replicate your problem 🙂
I’ll take a look tomorrow as to whether I can work a fix for it.
Good to know, that you’ve been able to reproduce the problem. One step closer to a solution. 😉
I am looking forward to what you can come up with. 🙂
Ok I am making progress, and have tracked down the function concerned. Now I just need to work out how ‘profile’ calls this and I should be able to fix !
Ok I have fixed this issue – can you download version 1.9 from
bbp Private Groups
and test it to ensure it also works for you.
if so, I’ll load it to wordpress plugins for general release
Hey Robin,
I just did test the new version, and as far as I can tell, everything is working fine now. I did subscribe to various forums in different categories, and only those, which I did subscribe to, are visible in the buddypress profile. I also did set up a few private groups and made some forums private, which is also working like intended!
Let me thank you for the work you did put into it. Your plugin is awesome, and I think many people will use it! A feature like this is needed by many projects.
Again – Thanks to everyone who helped me, and a special thanks to Robin!
Great, thanks I’ll take that version to live shortly