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I recently installed bbPress 2.5.4, and imported a load of data from a Mingle Forum install.
All seemed to be going well…
Unfortunately, sometimes when forum pages (pages under the /forums/ hierarchy) are loaded, there is the content; sometimes they are blank.
It’s not a PHP fatal error, or out-of-memory: no PHP errors are logged, and the HTML delivered is complete right down to the closing /html; it’s just that the section where there should be bbPress content is empty.
I’ve tried setting up pages that use shortcodes to display the forums instead – and these pages *always* work. It’s the pages that are going through the permalink structure which sometimes work, sometimes don’t.
There’s no apparent pattern I can discern in when it works and does not. I just hit “reload” lots of times – and sometimes it works, and sometimes doesn’t. The only pattern is that when it flips from not working to working, or vice-versa, then it tends to stay that way for a few reloads – across browsers too.
I’ve tried re-saving my permalink structure, several times – this makes no difference. I put an mu-plugin which always called flush_rewrite_rules() on every page load; no difference.
Example URL: – try reloading a few times, and/or waiting a few minutes, and see the result change.
Example of things not working: … so, I hit reload a few times, and then it works:
Also: my /forums/ page has other text at the top (i.e. text entered in the textarea when editing the page in the WP dashboard). When not working, none of that text is displayed either – i.e. not just the forum index is missing, but everything.
Currently, the HTTP server is set up to redirect requests to /forums/ and to the forum index so that they go to pages which use shortcodes. But, the topic links are always linked by the resulting output into the sometimes-works, sometimes-doesn’t permalink structure.
Anyone got any ideas? Theme: Pagelines. WP Super Cache is installed, but there is no cacheing of /forums/ or anything beneath (confirmed that this is working by searching in wp-content/cache/).
Many thanks,
DavidTopic: Profile page doesn't show
Hi guys, I’m pretty new(bie) on WordPress, hope some1 could help me.
I’ve created a little test site here:
Then, I’ve installed bbpress and I’ve created menu entries with those magical-fantastic short codes.
Everything seems going fine, of course it will need some CSS adjustment but I don’t panic on that… else way I panic because I can’t reach profile page…
My forum is:
And profile for my user should be: I go to my profile page, something strange happen… It seems that bbpress use my homepage php to build the page.. of course result in a home-similar, with a “THESE POSTS ARE BY: ” on top and any other infos…
I read that bbpress look for page.php if there is no bbpress.php on theme root folder, but if I also create a copy of my page.php or post.php doesn’t fix the problem.
Is because that template uses dynamic pages? there is no solution? I mean, There is no way to override bbpress page settings and make a different view for the profile page?
Please… help those noob
Topic: 0 Voices 1 Posts?
I have installed bbpress on multiple wordpress sites and seem to always have the same issue. On the main forum index page it says 0 voices and 1 posts no matter how many posts you create this never changes. Being that this has occurred on every site that I have included bbpress and being different themes and installs I can only conclude that I must be missing something when I set it up.
If anyone can help I would appreciate it….because you cannot run a forum that says there is only 1 post in it 🙁
Also I use no shortcodes, I just install bbpress then go to and start posting.