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  • #150920
    Robin W

    In fact took a look today and done !

    bbp additional shortcodes

    You now have a template of ‘short’ which just does the titles and topics, no search or other stuff.

    see the web for full details on how to do this, but for example

    [bbp-display-topic-index show=’5′ forum=’29’ template=’short’ ]

    Robin W

    just updated this to do a particular forum as well !

    bbp additional shortcodes

    Robin W

    I’ve just recut my topics shortcode to allow you to do just that

    bbp additional shortcodes

    David Anderson

    I recently installed bbPress 2.5.4, and imported a load of data from a Mingle Forum install.

    All seemed to be going well…

    Unfortunately, sometimes when forum pages (pages under the /forums/ hierarchy) are loaded, there is the content; sometimes they are blank.

    It’s not a PHP fatal error, or out-of-memory: no PHP errors are logged, and the HTML delivered is complete right down to the closing /html; it’s just that the section where there should be bbPress content is empty.

    I’ve tried setting up pages that use shortcodes to display the forums instead – and these pages *always* work. It’s the pages that are going through the permalink structure which sometimes work, sometimes don’t.

    There’s no apparent pattern I can discern in when it works and does not. I just hit “reload” lots of times – and sometimes it works, and sometimes doesn’t. The only pattern is that when it flips from not working to working, or vice-versa, then it tends to stay that way for a few reloads – across browsers too.

    I’ve tried re-saving my permalink structure, several times – this makes no difference. I put an mu-plugin which always called flush_rewrite_rules() on every page load; no difference.

    Example URL: – try reloading a few times, and/or waiting a few minutes, and see the result change.

    Example of things not working: … so, I hit reload a few times, and then it works:

    Also: my /forums/ page has other text at the top (i.e. text entered in the textarea when editing the page in the WP dashboard). When not working, none of that text is displayed either – i.e. not just the forum index is missing, but everything.

    Currently, the HTTP server is set up to redirect requests to /forums/ and to the forum index so that they go to pages which use shortcodes. But, the topic links are always linked by the resulting output into the sometimes-works, sometimes-doesn’t permalink structure.

    Anyone got any ideas? Theme: Pagelines. WP Super Cache is installed, but there is no cacheing of /forums/ or anything beneath (confirmed that this is working by searching in wp-content/cache/).

    Many thanks,

    Robin W


    I have a plugin that does xx topics

    bbp additional shortcodes

    if that is what you are after


    Peter thankyou but I tried like this and I just did again with yours now but didn’t change anything
    I did this one wich worked fine:

    .bbp-breadcrumb {
    	color: #fff;

    Code above changed the color to white but codes below didnt change anything.

    .bbp-breadcrumb p a {color: #fff;}
    .bbp-breadcrumb-home {color: #fff;}
    .bbp-breadcrumb-current {color: #fff;}

    I have a black background of my wordpress site and site color is white for blog but for bbpress I changed only the header and footer background colors and used the code below

    #bbpress-forums a{
    	color: #000;
    #bbpress-forums {
    	color: #000;

    So I did this because bbp-topic has white background and in this case the links became #000 as site background but the breadcrumbs are on the top where the background is black too and I need to change the breadcrumb link color to white …


    Hi Robin. Sorry for the delayed response. It worked! Thanks for the simple fix. Now we know that shortcodes can take two inputs. If you need any of my code for use in a plugin, let me know. Though I have done things that are unique to my website, so they may not be as useful.

    We can close this thread now.


    Hi guys, I’m pretty new(bie) on WordPress, hope some1 could help me.

    I’ve created a little test site here:

    Then, I’ve installed bbpress and I’ve created menu entries with those magical-fantastic short codes.

    Everything seems going fine, of course it will need some CSS adjustment but I don’t panic on that… else way I panic because I can’t reach profile page…

    My forum is:
    And profile for my user should be:

    When I go to my profile page, something strange happen… It seems that bbpress use my homepage php to build the page.. of course result in a home-similar, with a “THESE POSTS ARE BY: ” on top and any other infos…

    I read that bbpress look for page.php if there is no bbpress.php on theme root folder, but if I also create a copy of my page.php or post.php doesn’t fix the problem.

    Is because that template uses dynamic pages? there is no solution? I mean, There is no way to override bbpress page settings and make a different view for the profile page?

    Please… help those noob

    Robin W

    sorry, but very long and quite confusing questions.

    you url would be very helpful so that we can see what your issues are.

    on # 1 – where are you seeing these? – on shortcodes, widgets or where. Please describe current process, and what you would like to happen.

    on #2 – need a url so that we can see

    Stephen Edgar

    Use the ‘Views’ widget in a sidebar or shortcode [bbp-single-view id="no-replies"]



    The login widget, including register and lost password links.

    I know there are shortcodes for each of them, but I want it to look like the login widget.



    I have installed bbpress on multiple wordpress sites and seem to always have the same issue. On the main forum index page it says 0 voices and 1 posts no matter how many posts you create this never changes. Being that this has occurred on every site that I have included bbpress and being different themes and installs I can only conclude that I must be missing something when I set it up.

    If anyone can help I would appreciate it….because you cannot run a forum that says there is only 1 post in it 🙁

    Also I use no shortcodes, I just install bbpress then go to and start posting.


    In reply to: Text Color and Font


    This is the Image of forum. Right above the emoticons there is a letter “p”. I am not too sure what that is for:

    i dont really know either, but i think it indicates what heading style you are on , you see that list box that says paragraph click Heading 2 , now your p symbol should show h2

    This is the image of what user posted on the forum and ended up with all the codes showing up:

    it might be because participants cant post any other html tags than what bbpress allows, im not for sure though.

    easy way to test it is for keymaster to post using span style, if it works then its allowing participants to use restricted html.

    The user just replied that once he highlight any part of the content, that’s when it shows with all the codes.


    link me to your site ,give me some demo login details and ill sign up and try it out??


    In reply to: Text Color and Font


    The user just replied that once he highlight any part of the content, that’s when it shows with all the codes.


    In reply to: Text Color and Font


    Hello @robkk,

    All the buttons I needed is showing up as it is.
    For the Media ones, I will contact the Author and ask them about it if anything can be done or else I will find another way to show video as per your suggestion.

    I just received a message from one of the user that he encountered a problem while posting on Forums.
    Please see the Links below and let me know the solution:

    This is the setting section of TinyMCE Advanced of how I have it:

    This is the Image of forum. Right above the emoticons there is a letter “p”. I am not too sure what that is for:

    This is the image of what user posted on the forum and ended up with all the codes showing up:

    How can I resolve this issue?

    Thanks you again for your time and help….

    Robin W

    yes, just change it !

    you can then do one of two things

    1. just make a note, so that each time I upgrade this plugin, you’ll need to go back and change the code again

    2. rename the plugin in line 4 – say to

    Plugin Name: bbP shortcodes robkk

    and then change the directory the plugin sits in to something else

    Worpdress will then tell you that you have a plugin installed but not activated called bbP shortcodes robkk, and that the plugin bbp shortcodes no longer exists, and you can then delete it.

    Robin W

    One I’ve been playing with

    bbp additional shortcodes


    which one would you suggest?

    i have no idea , i have no opinions on any of them since i havent tried any of them.
    You can try each one on a local site if you want and make your decision off that.

    But what i can say is that this rating plugin

    is on

    and it also has some integration with bbpress.

    Basically I want it to show up in only a few of my subforms next to the bb codes on top ^^^

    I have no idea how your going to show the ratings on a few subforums , your probably going to need help on that too, (i have no idea how to help you on this)


    which one would you suggest?

    Basically I want it to show up in only a few of my subforms next to the bb codes on top ^^^


    In reply to: login and registration

    Robin W

    yes you need to set up pages for these functions.

    So set up a page called ‘registration’ and put


    in it.

    and a page called ‘lost password’

    and put


    in it

    You can prefix these codes with some text as well so for instance lost password might say

    Enter your email address, and we'll send you a new password

    they use , the bbpress shortcode for the new topic form.

    [bbp-topic-form] – Display the ‘New Topic’ form where you can choose from a drop down menu the forum that this topic is to be associated with.

    more shortcodes

    create a page , lets say “new topic”

    add that shortcode, and save

    place an html link in loop-forums.php

    the link should look like

    <a href="">New Topic</a>

    style it with css with

    a.bbp-new-topic-button {

    Hi Robin, so you don’t like feedback here? I seemed to have hit a sensitive nerve with you! I did try to make some positives as well as what I thought were honest concerns. I looked on the support forum and there were also other older threads with no replies, not just mine, If you can’t take feedback about what you do then I’m sorry to say you will never learn or grow. As for it been free, well I’m not going to go into a debate about that. But I believe there would be ways to make money out of this like here:

    bbpress is open source , i dont think the community is going to try to make money off of something thats open source, thats probably why there is no ads on this site too.

    that book was just written by some guy thats not really affiliated with bbpress. Its like if i myself made a book of all that i know from reading all the documentation. (i dont work for bbpress, i am a volunteer )

    topics with no replies, people are busy , there is like only 2 official people that check out this forum occasionly , robin and stephen

    jjj might check out the forums though but he also works on wordpress core i think i am not sure.

    Other than that the others are volunteers like myself , which i am helping out people because robin helped out me , idk i feel i got to repay them somehow haha

    Your own layout looks promising, I hope it goes well.

    im on the fence if i should put it on github or not, i feel like i dont want people jacking my forums style sometimes

    As for examples

    Just any thing that looks like a forum:

    bbpress looks like a forum ,its just a really simple one.

    which is great because not all people need extravagant features, but if they want they can add wordpress plugins, and also custom functions that you may find on this forum.

    if we compare features in bbpress compared to other forum software there is not much of a difference.

    All i can see that is different is shortcodes on bottom, which i showed a user how to do in a topic before. using bbpress forum statistics shortcode, and the do shortcode function.

    forum icons, which is possible there is a function somewhere if you search this forum.

    category and hierarchy layout , if you search the bbpress trac people have shared how to do this if users want that specific layout.

    ip boards topic sorting you can create something similar using bbpress views in simple html links.

    and the rest is just styling with css, in the documentation it explains… go to this


    Yikes I think I may have spoke a little too soon. Having done your recommended method, it doesn’t seem to isolate the changes made for the shortcode. I have removed the original modified file and created a duplicate named ‘content-single-topicb.php’. This corresponds with the change to line 335 in shortcodes.php with bbp_get_template_part( 'content', 'single-topicb' );.

    Any idea why it’s not working?

    Robin W

    ok so if your code savvy, two approaches

    1. the hack

    I haven’t tried this, but it should work fine

    go into


    and look at line

    355 which says

    bbp_get_template_part( 'content', 'single-topic' );

    change that to

    bbp_get_template_part( 'content', 'single-topicb' );

    That will then get bbpress looking for a php file called ‘content-single-topicb.php’

    so then you can use the method in my first post to create that file in your theme ie as per first post, but just rename the file with a b at the end.

    YOU WILL need to change this each time bbpress upgrades as it will overwrite – hence why it is the hack ! But that’s hardly difficult !

    2. the proper way

    Would be to create your own version of the shortcode, by copying all that particular shortcode into your themes functions file, BUT renaming it (or you’ll get already loaded errors), and then lots of editing to get it to work.

    Personally I’d go route 1, and just make a note to change that file each time bbpress upgrades

    Robin W
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