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Search Results for 'codes'

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  • #155773
    Angelo Rocha

    I need create a query to bring the list of forums and subforums on the homepage of my website, i woudn’t like to use shortcodes cuz i want create a custom style. I did a wp-query but i can’t use functions to show the topic, replies and posts quantity.

    	$args = array(
    		'post_type' => 'forum',
    		'order' => 'DESC',
    		'orderby' => 'date'
    	$query = new WP_Query($args);
    <?php if( $query -> have_posts() ): ?>
    	<?php while ($query -> have_posts() ) : $query -> the_post(); ?>
    		<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">
    			<?php the_title(); ?>
    		<?php $value = bbp_get_forum_post_count(); echo $value; ?>
    	<?php endwhile; ?>
    	<?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
    <?php else: ?>
    	Nothing yet...
    <?php endif; ?>

    Thanks for help.


    Topic: Import Hung?

    in forum Troubleshooting

    I was importing from my Vbulletin 4 and it went through converting topics, then it started converting tags and hung about 12,900. Is this a known bug? What’s the best way to do this over without losing the imported content and without taking risks of missing content not being imported initially on the hang up? Any ideas why it would hang up like that? It took a pretty long time just to do the topics. It didn’t start the users yet either. You’d think it would import users first?

    Side note, I don’t see any area to set up bbcodes? Is bbcode not a default feature?


    O M G !
    Thank you so much, both of you!

    The codes were not working, but when I change the border to 0, it worked !

    (@jmodine Yes, I got a child theme already :3)



    The recipe plugin seems to have had separate issue in addition as its links where not accessible at the expected urls according to default settings.
    That was dealt with.
    Around that same time as I was first using that plugin & also setting up the bbpress forum is when I noted something wrong with bbforum forum at /forums.
    That is when I turned to bbpress.
    It seems to be the case as I found after repeated testing the other day as I now need to finish the site & hence visiting the issue again, that if you install bbpress first & use default settings, and later after activating recipepress reloaded,the recipe plugin links do not work.
    I also discovered that if on the other side you deactivate bbpress, the existing recipe plugin links work.

    So to sum it up, this specific issue is still there, as described above.
    If it was possible to use the short code method you suggested & still be able access bbforum settings from its admin page, etc, I would settle for that, but the time I last tried settting up a forum, I got the impression one has to use shortcodes all thru, with no equivalent centralized settings page, which made it rather complicated to administer the forums & have an overview.

    Of course better would be if there was no apparent conflict.




    I’m back after a while. 😉
    After a lot of research, enabling, disabling this & that, I discovered this issue only comes up if the recipepress reloaded plugin is activated.

    It is recommended for the main recipe page to be at /recipes.
    If you first install this, then whatever you do, bbpress will not be accessible at the recommended & preferred /forums.
    Instead as explained above, if you try to access the forums at /forums, whereas the url remains correct & pointing to /forums, the content of the blog front page is loaded & if I remember well, any latest forum content appears listed as one of the normal blog posts!

    I tried however to uninstall bbpress & disabled all other plugins, including the recipe plugin, then re-installed bbpress. The set up run normally & the forums were accessible at /forums. When I reactivated recipepress reloaded, all its links, including /recipes returned a page not found error. It is only when bbpress is disabled that the recipe pages are accessible again.

    Conclusion: both plugins cannot run together, at least with default settings (?).

    Quite perplexed regarding what to do next since the site has to shortly go online & both the recipe & forum sections are integral partS. I cannot put off the issue any longer.

    In suggestion above, you suggested an alternative solution of using shortcodes.
    I discovered at the that the forum I created, or at least it seemed works independent of the settings on the bbpress settings & admin pages & everything had to be done with shortcodes(?), or is there a possibility of an equivalent central admin area?
    Or am I mistaken?

    Ideally, a solution to the apparent conflict between the 2 plugins would be great, but if it cannot be gotten (any time soon/at all), is there any equally easy way to manage forums created via shortcodes?

    Some further guidance would be very much appreciated.



    Hi, I havn’t notices your answer earlier.

    I installed bbPress as a try, but when I noteiced that it screwed up the roles I took it away, but to no use, and that is the situation today.


    Responsive by CyberChimps

    Advanced Access Manager
    Clef (i just took it awy but not differnce)
    Contact Form
    Download Monitor
    Exportez les données utilisateurs.
    FooBox Free Image Lightbox
    iFeature Slider Free
    MailPoet Newsletters
    Photo Gallery
    Responsive Add Ons
    Shortcodes Ultimate
    The Events Calendar
    UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore
    WP Super Cache

    I am 100%sure that the problems arrived with bbPress.

    Today I am the only with admin rights, but I the user list I am given the role as Keymaster but as said, I am defacto an Administrator.

    NOte that Administrator does not exisit in the list !!!

    For the others, I can give them the roles as keymasters but defacto they rights will not be higher than Editors.

    NOTE that bbPress is not intalled but the roles availbel are (a mix of English and French):

    Abonné (French)
    Contributeur (French)
    Auteur (French)
    Editeur (French)

    Thankful for all help because I really must give the roles as editors to some more peoples.



    In reply to: Import from vBulletin

    Stephen Edgar

    1. Custom vBulletin BBCodes are not supported eg. [youtube] – You will have to manually change these yourself either before importing in vBulletin or after importing into bbPress using phpMyAdmin.

    Indeed this is now fixed to work with vBulletin’s default YouTube BBCodes:
    Specifically the two following BBCodes are the only ones supported (many vB forums used to use custom BBCodes and this was primarily the main issue here)

    // Replace '[video=youtube;$1]$2[/video]' with '$2"
    // Replace '[video=youtube_share;$1]$2[/video]' with '$2"

    For example [video=youtube;eOUq4Z6R7xI][/video] will be replaced with just the YouTube link, bbPress (and WordPress) will automatically embed the video using the direct URL.

    2. All ‘Ordered Lists’ will be displayed as numerical lists.

    This is also fixed

    3. You may find extra page breaks <br> and paragraph <p> elements in topics and replies and is less than ideal and is from the way the BBCodes are converted during the forum import conversion. You will find these primarily around ‘blockquotes’ and ‘lists’

    This is fixed also 🙂

    #1 If I create the exact bbcodes in BBPress prior to the import, I assume this would rectify this area correct?

    Yes, modify your custom BBCodes to either a) Match the supported vBulletin BBCode above or b) completely strip the vBulletin BBCode so just the YouTube link remains 🙂

    I have updated the codex article and removed quite a few things that were listed there that are now fixed including full support to convert user passwords and the items in red in this image are fixed and/or supported 🙂

    With that said “some” of these features are not in the currently shipped bbPress 2.5.4 such as Forum and Topic subscriptions and guest/anonymous topic and reply support, I’m going to post an announcement here on the site in the coming day or two on the improvements and where and how to get this test release.


    Hi those codes worked great on the bbpress forum paage! However they did not translate to the topics section. I added them to my child Css.styles.
    Any idea why the background of these pages did not take to the CSS change?
    The DoGooder


    In reply to: Photo in Latest posts


    Thank you.

    So, Please, where exactly I should enter these codes above, within my code I have in the folder: loop-single-topic.php



    * Topics Loop – Single
    * @package bbPress
    * @subpackage Theme


    <ul id=”bbp-topic-<?php bbp_topic_id(); ?>” <?php bbp_topic_class(); ?>>

    <li class=”bbp-topic-title”>

    <?php if ( bbp_is_user_home() ) : ?>

    <?php if ( bbp_is_favorites() ) : ?>

    <span class=”bbp-row-actions”>

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_before_topic_favorites_action’ ); ?>

    <?php bbp_topic_favorite_link( array( ‘before’ => ”, ‘favorite’ => ‘+’, ‘favorited’ => ‘×’ ) ); ?>

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_after_topic_favorites_action’ ); ?>


    <?php elseif ( bbp_is_subscriptions() ) : ?>

    <span class=”bbp-row-actions”>

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_before_topic_subscription_action’ ); ?>

    <?php bbp_topic_subscription_link( array( ‘before’ => ”, ‘subscribe’ => ‘+’, ‘unsubscribe’ => ‘×’ ) ); ?>

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_after_topic_subscription_action’ ); ?>


    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_before_topic_title’ ); ?>

    “><?php bbp_topic_title(); ?>

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_after_topic_title’ ); ?>

    <?php bbp_topic_pagination(); ?>

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_before_topic_meta’ ); ?>

    <p class=”bbp-topic-meta”>

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_before_topic_started_by’ ); ?>

    if (class_exists(‘userpro_api’)) {
    /* Integrating UserPro */
    global $userpro;
    $link = preg_replace(“/(?<=href=(\”|’))[^\”‘]+(?=(\”|’))/”, $userpro->permalink( bbp_get_topic_author_id() ),
    bbp_get_topic_author_link( array( ‘size’ => 14 ) ) );
    } else {
    $link = bbp_get_topic_author_link( array( ‘size’ => ’14’ ) );

    <span class=”bbp-topic-started-by”><?php printf( __( ‘Started by: %1$s’, ‘bbpress’ ), $link ); ?></span>

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_after_topic_started_by’ ); ?>

    <?php if ( !bbp_is_single_forum() || ( bbp_get_topic_forum_id() !== bbp_get_forum_id() ) ) : ?>

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_before_topic_started_in’ ); ?>

    <span class=”bbp-topic-started-in”><?php printf( __( ‘in: %2$s‘, ‘bbpress’ ), bbp_get_forum_permalink( bbp_get_topic_forum_id() ), bbp_get_forum_title( bbp_get_topic_forum_id() ) ); ?></span>

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_after_topic_started_in’ ); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>


    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_after_topic_meta’ ); ?>

    <?php bbp_topic_row_actions(); ?>

    <li class=”bbp-topic-voice-count”><?php bbp_topic_voice_count(); ?>

    <li class=”bbp-topic-reply-count”><?php bbp_show_lead_topic() ? bbp_topic_reply_count() : bbp_topic_post_count(); ?>

    <li class=”bbp-topic-freshness”>

    <?php //bbp_topic_freshness_link(); ?>

    <p class=”bbp-topic-meta”>

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_before_topic_freshness_author’ ); ?>
    if (class_exists(‘userpro_api’)) {
    global $userpro;
    $link = preg_replace(“/(?<=href=(\”|’))[^\”‘]+(?=(\”|’))/”, $userpro->permalink( bbp_get_topic_author_id( bbp_get_topic_last_active_id() ) ), bbp_get_author_link( array( ‘post_id’ => bbp_get_topic_last_active_id(), ‘size’ => 30 ) ) );
    } else {
    $link = bbp_get_author_link( array( ‘post_id’ => bbp_get_topic_last_active_id(), ‘size’ => 14 ) );

    <span class=”bbp-topic-freshness-author”><?php echo $link; ?></span>

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_after_topic_freshness_author’ ); ?>


    <!– #bbp-topic-<?php bbp_topic_id(); ?> –>


    I’m sorry, I resolved.

    I copied and pasted the shortcode from this link.

    Well, I copied the teletype tag too!



    Hi folks. Saw this page,

    It hasn’t been updated in 2 years. Just wondering if there are any improvements made to this tool?

    Some of my concerns are these listed:

    1. Custom vBulletin BBCodes are not supported eg. [youtube] – You will have to manually change these yourself either before importing in vBulletin or after importing into bbPress using phpMyAdmin.

    2. All ‘Ordered Lists’

      will be displayed as numerical lists.

      3. You may find extra page breaks <br> and paragraph <p> elements in topics and replies and is less than ideal and is from the way the BBCodes are converted during the forum import conversion. You will find these primarily around ‘blockquotes’ and ‘lists’

      In regards to

      #1 If I create the exact bbocodes in BBPress prior to the import, I assume this would rectify this area correct?

      #2 This is definitely not good. I’m hoping someone knows a trick around this.
      #3 Same as above.


    My domain is:

    I have set an static page as Front Page Displays with following short-codes:

    Some Welcome text….

    Also I have set an URL to restrict users to redirect if they are not logged in (Under plugin: bbP Members Only).

    Now I am facing following issue:
    1. If someone visits first time by entering the URL:, yet they are not redirected to page specified under plugin bbP Members Only
    Infect they get following info:

    Some Welcome text….
    You do not have permission to view this.
    You do not have permission to view this.

    So they should have redirected to page specified under plugin bbP Members Only. Although if I click on sidebar forums list then they are redirected.

    This can be solved out by:
    Either redirect to page specified.
    Or, this text “You do not have permission to view this.” must display only once.

    Please help guys to fix me.



    In reply to: Activate page

    Robin W

    there is no [bbp-activate] shortcode

    what are you trying to do?


    What’s the best way to go about adding a custom page under the bbPress directory (/forums)?

    I’ve created a new page in WordPress that uses bbPress shortcodes. I’d like the URL to remain under ‘/forums’ like ‘/forums/new-page’. WordPress automatically converts the directory to /forumsnew-page (due to a conflict with bbPress using /forums)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Robin W

    Thanks Robin for your reply.

    I am giving 2 short codes on main page:



    By doing so, there are two search box display just above of Forum block, and Topic Block. Which is not correct, on same page two search boxes.
    How can we fix it?

    Cheers 🙂

    Robin W

    either :

    shortcode [bbp-topic-index]


    bbp additional shortcodes


    Hi Robin

    Sorry for disappearing on this. I was so busy with the rest of the site, I had to leave the forum to one side.

    Anyway, thanks for your suggestions above. I tried them out and have unfortunately hit a couple of snags

    1) I’m finding that once I login using the BBP login form, I’m left with a blue box that says ‘You are already logged in’. Is it possible to make this disappear, once logged in. Or if not, have you redirected to a different page once successfully logged in?

    2) Is it possible to say exactly where in the menu the ‘Edit Profile’ goes? I would prefer it not to be a top level menu item and to go into the dropdown menu instead

    3) Is the intention that I put the [bbp-forum-index] shortcode underneath the [BBP-login] shortcode? I want people to be taken straight to the forum once they have succesfully logged in. At the moment when I put those two shortcodes on a page together, I am getting a php error along the lines of

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by...

    I think this might be to do with me using the Genesis framework?

    I have alreday installed the Genesis Extend BBpress plugin


    i just checked on my side with the latest raindrops theme ,

    i checked to see if all of the quicktag buttons worked
    they did.

    i checked if some of the bbcodes from gdbbpress and bbpress2 bbcode didnt just process the bbcode out well
    they did.

    i didnt run bbpress2 bbcode with bbpress direct quotes while gdbbpress tools activated at the same time, because i mean they do the same thing.

    if you feel like the quicktags toolbar is really causing the problem and you have some error logs to post or images of error logs or any other info you can get while debugging is on, make a new topic with all the information in it.


    bbPress forums play an important part in an outdoor recreation club site I administer. Members make heavy use of notification emails to be informed of changes in scheduled events.

    Html entities in notification emails annoy the members. The members are non-technical. They don’t understand why characters such as & ‘ and – are replaced with strange codes in email.

    The fix is trivial, apply html_entity_decode() to the subject and message body before sending. I don’t see any security risk in this. (Someone please let me know if there is a risk; I’m using this fix on the site.)

    Can this be added to bbPress?


    @atfpodcast yeah thats what people usually say there.

    try just switching to bbpress bbcode with the whitelist plugin

    and also bbpress direct quotes.

    the bbcode plugin just turns basic html into shortcodes , so its still fine even though it is 2 years old.

    but remember to use it with the whitelist plugin too so that other users cant post the bbpress login shortcode and other unwanted shortcodes you dont want in bbpress posts/wordpress comments/buddypress activity/buddypress private messages.

    bbpress direct quotes wont quote as fast as gd bbpress tools quotes but it still works fine too.


    @johnohfs oh , well the grey bars are actually the li.bbp-header and li.bbp-footer that hold the labels

    here are what css codes are causing the problem.

    changing display:inline; to display:block; should fix the problem for you.

    #main li {
    font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    font-size: 14px;
    display: inline;
    margin-right: 5%;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 769px)
    #main li {
    font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    font-size: 18px;
    display: inline;
    margin-right: 12%;

    i think putting .bbpress if you already created a bbpress.php file or #bbpress-forums before #main li { should fix the problem, so that only on bbpress pages would have a different css for the #main li

    Robin W

    you can just show the latest topics as a list by using

    say as a menu item or make this your home page.

    alternately you can post the latest xx topics using

    bbp additional shortcodes


    use robins plugin.

    bbp additional shortcodes

    remember to read on how to use the plugin on that page too.


    In reply to: Help Css & Layout

    Participant I past the codes to bbpress.css and child theme css … nothing happens … I alter the codes and add another one with !important tag but all in vain…

    One more question how to install these themes only in bbpress forums. please give me some illustration ..
    I try a lot of methods like
    -copy bb theme files to child main theme directory
    -rename bb theme style.css to bbpress.css and paste to child theme directory ..I past in main folder as well as in css folder of child theme..

    I shall be thankful to you if you help me in installing premade custom layouts of bbpress theme

Viewing 25 results - 676 through 700 (of 1,696 total)
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