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Search Results for 'codes'

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  • #162053

    In reply to: Footnotes


    if you are just using the shortcode , bbPress doesnt allow shortcodes for security reasons like users pasting the [bbp-login] shortcode

    since i assume this is just for admins you can use this plugin to use the shortcode.

    Robin W

    yes use the shortcode


    available in

    once activated see settings>bbp style pack> shortcodes for a full explanation of how to use this

    Benjamin Zekavica

    I am use Sahifa from Themeforest. I put all the codes in the Theme.


    In reply to: shortcodes meeaning


    its all self explatory really.

    you can test them out by creating a test page and putting each shortcode into it to see what it does.

    if you need help finding ids of bbPress post types install this plugin, then look in the certain post types section.

    like say forums , you go to the WordPress back-end and go to forums> all forums and you will see all the forums post id to use for these shortcodes. It would be close to the same procedure for topics and replies.


    Hey guys. I’m busy customizing my forum page.

    I’m using WP Visual Composer Plugin to add some elements to the Forum Page, but every time I click update and reload the page they’re gone? Maybe they’re being overridden by css or bbpress code?

    How can I fix this?

    I’ve checked the bbpress shortcodes for visual composer but don’t think that will fix it. As I’m simply trying to add a header and footer image, plus a Custom header.

    Thanks in advance.


    allows only admins and moderators to use shortcodes

    allow any user to use shortcodes


    you can use the bbpress shortcodes

    but it will only affect that one page not the rest of the other ones.

    i suggest creatng a bbpress.php file , these two guides will help

    to find the file bbPress uses you can use the What the File plugin.


    Hello there!
    I would like to understand the difference between

    [bbp-search] – Display the search input form.
    [bbp-search-form] – Display the search form template.

    I tried both of the shortcodes and they gave the same result, and my english is not good enough for me to understand the difference by reading the description. So please help.

    and I have the same question for

    [bbp-reply-form] – Display the ‘New Reply’ form.
    [bbp-single-reply id=$reply_id] – Display a single reply eg. [bbp-single-reply id=32768]

    and for

    [bbp-topic-form] – Display the ‘New Topic’ form where you can choose from a drop down menu the forum that this topic is to be associated with.
    [bbp-topic-form forum_id=$forum_id] – Display the ‘New Topic Form’ for a specific forum ID.
    [bbp-single-topic id=$topic_id] – Display a single topic. eg. [bbp-single-topic id=4096]

    and for

    [bbp-forum-form] – Display the ‘New Forum’ form.
    [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] – Display a single forums topics. eg. [bbp-single-forum id=32]

    thank you for your answers!


    Hello everyone,
    first, I would like to apologize if my writting is not very good, but I’m french and I’m not used in english phrases. And that’s why I dont’ understand some explainations on the blog. so please be soft with me.

    I would like to create a page wich gives a view of the last replies of my forum. I tried to create a new page with the short code [bbp-single-view id="last-replies"] but it does’n work when I clik on that page I have a notice “Aucun sujet n’a été trouvé ici!” which means “no topic has been found here!”

    I have others questions about short-codes meaning, but I’m going to ask it in another topics.

    thanks for your answers.

    here my forum:


    In reply to: having problem

    Robin W

    bbpress uses wordpress registration and assigns the default role set in settings>forums upon first user login.

    so any wordpress registration will work

    bbpress has a shortcodes

    [bbp-login] – Display the login screen.
    [bbp-register] – Display the register screen.

    or you can use sidebar widgets also


    what is your full function of echoing the shortcode and where are you putting it??

    in an actual page you would not need to echo a shortcode you would just place it.

    you echo shortcodes in templates if you want though.



    i gave you two shortcodes for each instead

    place the two functions into your child themes functions.php or add the snippets to a functionality plugin.


    function rk_bbp_topic_stats() {
        $stats = bbp_get_statistics();
        echo "<dl role='main'><dt>Topics</dt><dd><strong>";
        echo esc_html( $stats['topic_count'] );
        echo "</strong></dd></dl>";
    add_shortcode('bbp-topic-stats', 'rk_bbp_topic_stats'); 


    function rk_bbp_reply_stats() {
        $stats = bbp_get_statistics();
        echo "<dl role='main'><dt>Replies</dt><dd><strong>";
        echo esc_html( $stats['reply_count'] );
        echo "</strong></dd></dl>";
    add_shortcode('bbp-reply-stats', 'rk_bbp_reply_stats');  

    @katootje Robin forgot he already had this type of functionality in one of his other plugins.

    bbp additional shortcodes

    Robin W

    ok, so is it the same with plugins disabled and default theme as per

    Before Posting

    and how is your forums page constructed – eg shortcodes, bbpress.php file etc.


    I am looking for a shortcode or code (so I can make my own shortcode) to add the latest x topics from a specific forum. Like the recent topic widgets does. But in this case I can’t use the widget – so I am looking for a code to get the output of that widget somewhere in the text. I hope that is possible. I looked at the shortcodes on the website, but none of them is useful in my case.
    It needs to say show x recent topics of forum with ID=… and then only give the titles with link

    Robin W

    either install this

    or if you’re into php/css, download the plugin and crack open /css/styles.php which has the codes documented within it


    I tried with twentyfifteen and it still looks the same. Im not sure if i understand it clearly, but if yes, then: If i set it not equal then in the breadcrump it will show the bbpress’s virtual page for the forum root-and in the url also, and not my real wordpress forum page i created with shortcodes.


    yes, like so shortcodes

    And this is how it looks on the page now page view

    But setting the forum root to be the wordpress page clearly makes the problem, before it looks just perfect.
    (down below if images dont appear)

    Robin W

    i have my forum built up by [bbp-single-forum id=xxx]-shortcodes

    and these are one under each other in the forum name page?


    Yes exactly, forum named page with the slug foforum, but on the page i dont have any [bbp-forum-index], i have my forum built up by [bbp-single-forum id=xxx]-shortcodes-tho momentally because of the break these shortcodes gives the result as if i had [bbp-forum-index] instead of [bbp-single-forum id=xxx]. so if i have 3 of [bbp-single-forum id=xxx] shortocdes under eachother, then it results as if i had 3 of [bbp-forum-index] shortcodes.


    Sorry if i wasn’t clear. So my problem basically is: BBpress has the forum root option, that i set the same as my wp page’s slug. It works, forum is shown on the wordpress page, and the url is okay, and the breadcrump is also okay.–>but setting the root to show forum on my wp page also breaks my [bbp-single-forum id=xxx]-shortcodes—-it seems to now show up on the page as if it was this shortcode:[bbp-forum-index] instead of each and every one of my[bbp-single-forum id=xxx] shortcodes.


    [bbp-single-forum id=460] im using this momentally, but i`ve tried more codes that did the same.
    The link works good as i rewrote the forum root to the wp page`s slug-


    My problem is :
    I set my forum root matching with the wp page slug i created for main forum page, named it: ´foforum`.

    It works, the root is now the wp page, but it breaks all the bbp shortcodes that i am using on the page, it seems to display forum index instead of each single forum displayed, so everywhere there is [bbp-single-forum id=xxx], it shows all the forums-as ifd it was the forum index shortcode.


    It wokrs for me also, root is good, but it somehow breaks my shortcodes, instead of displaying single forum, all my single forum shortcode shows forum index shortcode.

    Chad R. Schulz

    I’m building a discussion board site that won’t use the standard bbpress forum interface. Forums will be embedded in individual post/pages with shortcodes. And all forum-type URLs will redirect to the appropriate post/page.

    So no one will have access to the normal forum structure/hierarchy. Will I still need to create categories/sub-categories/forums for the individual forums?

    This site may eventually have hundreds of forums and I’m looking to provide the best possible performance.

    Any help welcome, Thanks.

Viewing 25 results - 576 through 600 (of 1,695 total)
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