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  • #50671

    Then you’re in luck!

    Login to your bbPress site

    go to the admin panels by clicking the “Admin” link next to the “logout” link

    Click on the “Content” tab

    Click on the “Forums” subtab

    Then add whatever forums you like


    I have successfully installed a WordPress blog and am trying to add a bbpress. Upon installation, and going to the install.php file, I get nothing but a white screen. Any ideas?


    If bb_ really is your bbPress table prefix, and that is what is entered int the integration plugin page, users registering through bbPress should be given WordPress’ default role upon logging into WP for the first time.

    So I’m not sure what’s wrong exactly, but it may be caused by the stuff you’re doing manually (as you expect).


    zapata, this plugin.



    Plugin Name: Force Login

    Description: No one can see your forums unless they are logged in.

    Plugin URI:

    Author: Michael D Adams

    Author URI:

    Version: 0.7


    function force_login_init() {

    if ( !bb_is_user_logged_in() && false === strpos($_SERVER, ‘bb-login.php’) ) {

    if ( file_exists( BBPATH . ‘my-templates/login.php’ ) ) {

    require( BBPATH . ‘my-templates/front-page.php’ );

    } else {

    require( BBPATH . ‘bb-templates/front-page.php’ );





    add_action( ‘init’, ‘force_login_init’ );



    Oh, man… how embarrassing, I read right past that twice!



    I am setting up a web site that has two main groups of users: The (WP) blog editors, and the readers, who are supposed to be able to make contributions through comments or in the forums. The registered WP users can use the bbPress forum seamlessly, however, there’s a bit of a problem on the other end, with the users who first register themselves in bbPress. It seems that when someone registers as a bbPress user, they are also automatically a WP user. This would be fine and dandy, if only their user level was set low enough to keep them out of the WP backend. But it doesn’t work like that. I’ve set the default user role for new users to “Subscriber”, but something in the communication between bbP and WP goes wrong, and they are granted some mutation of the administrator role instead: They aren’t able to publish, or edit posts from users with a higher level, but they can edit each others drafts, and they can change both their own and others user levels and passwords. Or edit the templates.

    So what I want is a way for registered WP-users to flow freely into bbPress, but not vice versa. I don’t want the forums users in the WP dashboard area at all. I’ve tried the bbpress-integration.php-plugin, but it doesn’t seem to make any difference, its only option is to set the bbPress prefix to bb_ (the bbP-tables already has this).


    in config.php try find this line “$bb->name = ‘New bbPress Site’;”


    try like this

    define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__).’/’);





    I guess I messed it during install, but my site’s name is New BBPress Site with the first forum named what I wanted the site named.

    How can I change it without re-install? I couldn’t find it in the admin panel.



    … I remember when WP was at this point. No easy plug-in function, no template function.. I was still ecstatic..

    And I also remember trying to use BBPress a year or so ago.. Heh. Come along way baby.

    In short. Just give it time.


    In reply to: Comments in WordPress


    There is a plug in that posts entries from your WP blog into your bbpress bulletin board.

    I think this will be what some people want in there forums.


    so you all suggest I change

    define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__).’/’);



    to read

    define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__).’/’);



    or to read

    define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__).’/’);







    In reply to: Your first topic


    bbpress makes me a happy man,


    Hi ear1grey, jepp, you are right… Maybe I am too spoilt by all the coders work on wordpress. In fact, bbpress is a good point to start with, and the idea of having a forum and a blog coming right from “one-stop” is the right decision. So, don’t get me wrong! It is really a wish of mine to have it all “together” and tools get merged this way.

    The only thing I want to highlight is, that – I’m not a coder from nature, but a tinckerer – it is not as easy as it sounds to set up the forum and integrate it into a running blog; first of all, if you are using wordpress for more than only as a “blogging-machine”. So, I will report

    all bugs I find and – if it is possible for me, give advice how to fix it. In case I have the courage… as mentioned, I’m a tinckerer, not a coder.


    Hi guys,

    I’ve tryed to integrate bbpress in my wordpress blog, but I’ve some problems…I think in the configuration file.

    I’ll post my config file for semplicity:



    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘blog_wp’);

    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘root’);

    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘root’);

    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

    $table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    define (‘WPLANG’, ”);

    define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__).’/’);





    define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘blog_wp’);

    define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘root’);

    define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘root’);

    define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’;

    $bb->domain = ‘http://localhost/neoxyty&#8217;;

    $bb->path = ‘/forum/’;

    $bb->name = ‘Neoxyty forum’;

    $bb->admin_email = ‘’;

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    $bb->page_topics = 30;

    $bb->edit_lock = 60;

    $bb->gmt_offset = 0;

    $bb->akismet_key = false;

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = “http://localhost/neoxyty&#8221;;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = “http://localhost/neoxyty&#8221;;

    define(‘BBPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );

    require_once( BBPATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );


    The intallation of the wordpress is ok and it works, and also the installation of bbpress seams to be ok, but when I try to read a post or make some changes in the admin section it doesn’t work…

    Some section are ok and other no…

    Somebody can help me…please!

    P.S. sorry if my english is not so good… :-)


    Hi Zimpet, “alpha”, “beta”, “0.72”; it really doesn’t matter what the label says; any code is only as good as the number of man hours that have been spent writing it, and then refining it.

    The ratio of hours spent on WP versus BB is currently* around 100,000:1, so a certain lack of polish is likely.

    * educated guess :)

    bbPress has reached the point of maturity where it can have more people developing it, using it, and commenting on it; so this is the point where it’s development can accelerate whilst it’s core capabilities mature into something stable, so if you think you’ve identified problems, then thats a good thing, so be happy.

    The best thing that you (and any of us) can do is to isolate and describe each problem (and each suggestion) so it can be entered into trac, prioritized and fixed.


    Hi, i’m just steppin’ in in Bbpress, and i’m very impressed.

    I’ve used WP in the past, and I like it a lot.

    BBPress has same carisma.

    I’m just wondering about changing the default language.

    In Wp that’s done throug a compiled file, and with BBP?



    Inside wp-config.php



    where would this be added?


    I was installing bbpress on a local server that is not connected to the internet. I noticed that during the installation an image should come up “;. If you happen not to be connected to the internet, the image can’t show up.

    I would like to make the suggestion to put all such files and images in the installation, so that installing and running bbpress is not dependent on an internet connection.


    Mmmmh. Tried it and got: “Fatal error: Call to undefined function __() in /path/to/bbpress/bb-includes/capabilities.php on line 27”, it is the part with “function get_roles()”. Maybe it is beacuase I have defined a role “Key Master” within WordPress (with the plugin Role Manager)?


    In reply to: changing user type


    I ran into that exact same problem; no matter what you changed the user role into, he/she would always stay a member. bbPress would also NOT give me the “profile updated” message after submit.

    My guess: since I was also using a localised version of WP (I had already tried to just include WP, not use the wp_ tables for user info), a lot of strings were translated, including the roles. It even changed the URL to the profile edit page to /profile/2/bewerken/ (bewerken == edit).

    And sure enough, after complete removing the WP inclusion code, things worked again…

    Maybe there’s some strings being gettext’d, that shouldn’t be?


    Hi! I am truly a fan of WordPress (I use it on several websites), but I am a little bit disappointed of bbpress. I know, that it is a beta, but there are plugins for wordpress available, making integration into wordpress much better. Easier integration concerning templates, user-management, navigation etc. In spite of being a beta, the code still is “grubby” – having templates in “my-templates” does not mean that all functions will work with them. Eg. “bb-login.php” still include “login.php” from “bb-templates”. So, it means wasting time by seacrhing and fixing these things… And truly: who did directly understand “how-to-integrate-bbpress-into-wp” ? Or otherway round?

    And why do I always have “Ok. The document has moved here”? After login, logout – using IE. Using Firefox, nothing happens – no redirect, no link. I am enervated. Sorry. I have expected a bit more. Perhaps my fault…


    In reply to: next release ideas


    Some of these additions are either done with a simple plugin or template modifications…

    Personally I’d like to see bbPress continue on with it’s development without spending resources to integrate the two programs together. Rather bbPress should stand alone as a forum system and not just a glorified WordPress plugin. It is my opinion that current forum systems offer way too many features and confuse themselves with content managment systems and social networking sites. Huge avatars and signatures take away from actual content and private message systems have been around for ages disguised as email.

    The community around bbPress should develope plugins for all of these specific features. Remember that 90% of your users will just read and post on your forum and all those other goodies are just taking up resources that aren’t contributing to the overall “digital discussion” philosophy of a forum. Usenet is still pretty popular and that hasn’t changed much in years.

    I’d like to see improvements on security, speed, and ease of use in the next releases rather than glittering goodies and features.

    I am working on another ghetto plugin to highlight threads that have been started since your last visit. It’s been painful and frustrating to work on this since it’s been so long since I’ve worked with php but man is it fun. Another thing I’d like to see in the next release is a list or plan of what is going to happen next so I don’t waste time creating a plugin that is going to be in the next release. :D

    Although it is fun.


    I’m biased on this issue as I’ve been in web stuffs for a number of years now so I can easily integrate a theme. It should be very simple as most of your design should be located inside your wp css file. The only thing you really have to change is some <div> placement. I threw away the default bbpress css theme and just flung bbPress into my WordPress site’s containers and it worked pretty well.



    I’ve a settled and happy little wordpress (version 2.02) community that I want to add a robust Forum software to.

    Seeing as how recommends (and uses) bbPress, I thought I’d give it a go.

    I’ve read through the (available) documentation <–that which I understood, and made changes to the “config.php” file as I believed all should be. I know I have something wrong, because I can’t seem to get the Forum to work with the WordPress installation I have.

    My problems are less now than the first install (I keep going into the database and deleting all the ‘bb_’ instances before try to run the install each time (6 times now) – but I still have a few issues I can’t seem to put my finger on and would like to pick some brains – or be led down a truer path of enlightenment.

    #1 – I am not a php programmer (an illustrator by trade) but pretty sharp so you don’t have to speak to far down to me =0)

    #2 – I took the info for the top 3 lines of the “config.php” from my wordpress install. that is I left the ‘BBDB_Name’, ‘added my DB name’ left ‘BBDB_USER’, ‘added MySQL username’ and then the database password

    #3 – the bbPress will reside within a “forums” directory inside directory named “cms” which is in the root of the site. I’m a mite confused about the blog and domain paths requested I thought I had them correct but everything lacked the WP template look (no css) and all the links for the “bbpress-integration.php” <-is this really a release plugin?), ahem…all of the links in the window this plug-in generates are two directories higher (on the root) instead of in the same directory as the forum.

    (more on this in a bit)

    This is what I have here:

    // If your bbPress URL is , the examples would be correct.

    // Adjust the domain and path to suit your actual URL.

    // Just the domain name; no directories or path. There should be no trailing slash here.

    $bb->domain = ‘;; // Example: ‘;

    // There should be both a leading and trailing slash here. ‘/’ is fine if the site is in root.

    $bb->path = ‘/cms/forums/’; // Example: ‘/forums/’

    respectively – and believe they are wrong – but unsure.

    #4 – named the forum ‘forum name’ ; added my email address ‘’; left pretty permalinks to false; topics to 30; edit-lock to 60; offset time zone -5; used my actual akismet key # (is that correct?) and then got to the serious stuff – the three items for integration with WordPress.

    #5 – set

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = true; // ‘wp_’; // WordPress table prefix.

    $bb->wp_home =; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash

    $bb->wp_siteurl =; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash

    And since this site isn’t loading WordPress with bbPress (being that WordPress is the primary site) I left that alone.

    #6 – then I create a folder/directory in the ‘forum’ directory called “my-plugins” and add the “display-name.php” plug-in to it (it gets calls for error on line 15 which is “search”) everytime during config


    I turn on the plug-in added to WordPress – (/cms/wp-content/templates/plugins) “bbpress-integration.php” (which opens immediately in “raw format” – even before I run the bbPress install.

    But these two plugs are recommended for us non-techies – so I go with it.

    #7 – run the config.php follow the link to Step 1 [and get the same page shown with the “bbpress-integration.php” plug-in (links wrong) at the top, at the bottom a path error on headers and then the regular “Step 1” information to fill in.

    Repeat for step 2

    Finally, when it appears to be complete I have a login page that is without css (no template integration); links two levels up toward root than where the forum resides ‘’ instead of’

    and not wp integration what-so-ever…none of the users/passwords are recognized (over 200) etc…

    what, what, what in gods name am I doing wrong?


    thanks for any insight in advance…..

    devils advocate.

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