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  • #49593

    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    Great job. Dropped right in, went right to work.



    In reply to: img tags

    heh.. didn’t notice that. It is exactly the same.

    oh well, at least one can place images now. Glad we got this one figured out. If I ever implement bbpress on a wide scale, that will be the first thing users ask me. :)


    Topic: Img tag plugin

    in forum Plugins

    Somebody should take the work done here and make it into a plugin, preferably one that will allow the use of img tags between code tags.

    You will be a hero.


    In reply to: img tags

    in formatting-functions.php I added this under the function encode_bad:

    $text = preg_replace('|<(/?img.*?)>|', '<$1>', $text);

    under function bb_allowed_tags() I added this:

    'img' => array(

    'src' => array(),

    'alt' => array(),

    'title' => array()),

    for an example see this post I made where it succeeded.

    I added the /bb-images/bbpress.png image in a post. yay!


    In reply to: img tags


    function outlet_encode_bad( $text ) {

    $text = wp_specialchars($text);

    $text = preg_replace('|<(/?strong)>|', '<$1>', $text);

    $text = preg_replace('|<(/?em)>|', '<$1>', $text);

    $text = preg_replace('|<(/?a.*?)>|', '<$1>', $text);

    $text = preg_replace('|<(/?ol)>|', '<$1>', $text);

    $text = preg_replace('|<(/?p)>|', '<$1>', $text);

    $text = preg_replace('|<(/?img.*?)>|', '<$1>', $text);

    $text = preg_replace('|
    |', '
    ', $text);

    $text = preg_replace('|<(/?ul)>|', '<$1>', $text);

    $text = preg_replace('|<(/?li)>|', '<$1>', $text);

    $text = preg_replace('|<(/?blockquote.*?)>|', '<$1>', $text);

    $text = preg_replace('|<(/?code)>|', '<$1>', $text);

    $text = preg_replace(“|(.*?)|se”, “‘' . encodeit('$1') . '‘”, $text);

    return $text;


    ..should work, but doesn’t.

    Ok, how bbPress does it is that it takes every < and > and replaces them with the &lt; and &gt; characters.

    Then, it goes through the above list (the exceptions) and turns the lt’s and the gt’s back to actual <‘s and >’s. I can’t get it to recognize the img tag though, because regular expressions confuse the hell out of me. If anybody can get it to recognize the img tags, you’d be making a lot of people happy. For now I am going to take a break…


    In reply to: img tags


    I would also like to know if there is an img plugin/rewrite for bbpress.


    Does WordPress or WordPress MU directly integrate with any Wiki engines?

    How about bbPress?

    I see that you guys use Trac, so I’m guessing that the answer currently is “no”, but just want to go to the source to be sure.


    “directly integrate” = e.g.:

    – share user database and authentication

    – share tags

    – have directly shareable presentation modules for CMS purposes (e.g., for nav blocks, ad blocks, footer blocks)

    – share a common design / performance philosophy &/or strategy.


    In reply to: FAQ

    HOW do you make the plugins work?

    the “display-name.php” file adds a header of broken links and mod info (which I don’t understand) to the beginning of every install page but otherwise appears to not do anything.

    and the “bbpress-integration.php” plug-in for WordPress (I’m using 2) adds the same “Trac” information at the top of every loaded WP page…(!!!)

    very frustrating… =(



    In reply to: img tags


    I just tried plugin-izing that but it didn’t work either… what are we missing?



    Plugin Name: Allow <img> tags in posts

    Plugin URI:


    function outlet_bb_allowed_tags() {

    $tags = array(

    'a' => array(

    'href' => array(),

    'title' => array(),

    'rel' => array()),

    'img' => array(

    'src' => array(),

    'alt' => array(),

    'title' => array()),

    'blockquote' => array('cite' => array()),

    'br' => array(),

    'code' => array(),

    'em' => array(),

    'strong' => array(),

    'ul' => array(),

    'ol' => array(),

    'li' => array()


    return apply_filters( 'bb_allowed_tags', $tags );


    add_filter( 'bb_allowed_tags', 'outlet_bb_allowed_tags', -1, 3);



    In reply to: Can’t Login…

    I have the problem described by DawudM (above) – so to answer mdawaffe’s question:

    “After you try to login, does it still display the login form or does it instead show you the profile, admin, and logout links?”

    it show’s the first page of bbPress with the login info correct in the header (two fields with entered text); the correct account in the body with “first post!” etc but unable to add, delete, initiate etc – anything.

    just stuck.

    then after hitting a few of the page links (those that don’t allow you to do anything) then bbPress fails to recognize me as admin – or a user in its dbase.


    thanks in advance



    Ok. found a css sheet, a new header and image files from Fernando_Graphicos <; and got the forum up and running but it won’t let me add a forum, doesn’t recognize me as admin [after initial screen] etc…




    In reply to: Can’t Login…


    I think I am having the same problem, when i log in to WP and then go to bbpress the user name field is populated with my wp username and the password field is blank. Any leads??


    In reply to: freshness = -1 years


    looks like this is already being discussed – the time zone isyour server time, not yours. the two may be different. My server is in California while I like on the east coast… i had to set it to -7.


    In reply to: bbPress 0.73 released


    Now you guys just need to make a wiki, and a gallery!!! :-D


    Greetings all! I’m having a slight problem, for some odd reason when I create a new topic, it seems to create fine, but it doesn’t appear in any of the lists. I’ve tried readding the entire forum and what not to no avail. Here’s the link:

    Also when I try creating a new user through WP, it doesn’t show up in BBPress even though I’m using the WP plugin. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!


    It was a bit fustrating in the beginning, but I’m finding it kind of fun. It’s a good back-to-basic-code refresher for me. Here is a little modding I’ve been doing: and I like its pretty easy to integrate into WP since its practically built off the same engine.



    It looks like I’ve successfully installed BBpress, but when visitors (or admin) click on a forum post from internet explorer, the page hangs and times out. The post is never displayed. The same thing happens when trying to create a new post.

    Is there some firewall issue with my host? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



    In reply to: freshness = -1 years

    thanks nolageek. I’ve actually had that part correct. After messing around, now only one topic is like that. The other is fine.

    In fact the default topic that was made called “Your first topic” portrays the correct “freshness”. All new topics give the -1 year weirdness. I’ll keep tinkering.


    In reply to: bbPress 0.73 released


    YES U R RIGHT AphelionZ, i agree with u, a big big thanks to all bbpress team. great job!

    i like that bbpress forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    just tinkering around with bbpress.

    In the config.php file it has this:

    ‘$bb->akismet_key = true;’

    How do I enter my key into that? Let’s say my key is 12345678. How would the code look after inserting the key?


    oh, guess I could add that I get this in my dashboard everytime I try to put the key in:

    The API key you have specified is invalid. Please double check the ‘$bb->akismet_key’ variable in your config.php file.


    In reply to: bbPress 0.73 released


    Great work! You and the rest of the bbPress team (whoever that might be) should be commended for your fast, quality development.

    PS. the plugin works now and i’m so PSYCHED!


    Details on the blog post.

    Upgrading should be straightforward, but please backup your files and data first, just in case.

    What are you waiting for? Download the sucker!


    Ok….did that – got the install up – but am STILL not getting the css (or stylesheet) to load.

    Am seeing non-styled HTML – and most important – when I click a link to go to the first post, or login, I’m taken to the front page of the WordPress blog (posts and all)…

    no sign of bbPress…..

    what’s going on do you think?


    Topic: No style sheet

    in forum Installation

    Hi I’ve installed BBPress and I see no style sheet at all

    My blog’s URL is BBpress is installed in a subdirectory called forum. I can’t see no style sheet. I’ve copied the stylesheet’s URL seen in the source code of the Forum’s homepage ( and it doesn’t work. How can I fix that?



    My sincere apologies. I’ve sent you on a wild goose chase. That plugin will only work with the upcoming next release of bbPress.

    Don’t dispair, though. That new release is coming soon.


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