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  • #50679

    Basically the same thing is happening to me. I have the bbpress integration plugin installed on my WordPress blog, but when I register on BBPress, no default role is assigned for that user in WordPress. When I look at the Users tab in WordPress, no group is identified for that new user.


    In reply to: Email subscription


    Ahh, on the trac roadmap, it indicates email notification will be now implemented in 1.0?


    Hi all ,

    what do you think about my BBPress customization ? here’s the URI of my forum : Forum de rĂ©fĂ©rencement ( its in french ) .

    Bouazza .


    There are tickets that will affect some parts of the template system, but nothing massive.


    In reply to: Timezone support


    Ah, I can see now I misread the question, you could erase my post so it doesn’t confuse anyone.

    User-specific time settings would be nice. Another site which I may switch to bbPress would probably prefer to have that feature.


    Nevermind.. ;-)


    In reply to: Timezone support

    Handy, there is no way to do this in bbPress core. A plugin could accomplish this, but I do not think the core will support it.

    (M, I believe HandySolo is asking about user-specific time zone settings.)


    hi, Uhm..I think I followed all the directions..however no links are working once I log into my bbpress can someone help me out?


    [preface: I’m just a simple WordPress support moderator, which uses bbPress]

    It is very (very) conceivable this may be a dumb user question… but I’ll ask anyways.

    Is there a way to get post dates in the support forums (or any bbPress forum) to show the time in my time zone?

    Editing my user profile and poking around, I don’t see an option to set my proper time offset (I’m GMT – 7).

    I know it’s not a huge deal, but it’d be keen to see!


    I dont think they gonna change the theme system for now :)


    Design bugs:

    on this forums, profile page in FF 2.0:

    on bbpress login button is not inline with inputs:

    Functionality bugs:

    I installed bbpress on my local computer and I can’t log out in FF. Simply don’t accept command.


    I really like bbpress a lot from the moment I saw it. I was checking templating system and I am sure I can make one theme for it and give it free.

    If you release new bbpress version with different templating system soon, there is no point to make theme for 0.73. Right?


    Do you use MultiViews or the Rewrite Rules?

    If you use Rewrite Rules and you made them back when you were running bbPress 0.72, try clearing your .htaccess and regenerating the rules with the bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php


    I donno what went wrong. But when i try to find post using tag, i got “500 Internal Server Error”. I have try disable pretty permalink and still no luck.

    Anyone know what went wrong? Using wordpress 2.0.5 and bbpress 0.73


    English, and yes I have the bbpress integration plugin installed in my wordpress plugins, as well as the display name plugin for bbpress.

    I have not yet upgraded wordpress to 2.0.5, am still running 2.0.4.


    There should be no .htaccess in your bb-templates or your my-templates directory (some old versions of bbPress included on, so make sure you delete them).

    You need to generate the .htaccess file by the method described here: and put it in bbPress’ root directory (the same directory with bbPress’ config.php file).


    Are either of you using a translated version of bbPress, or are you both using English?

    I ask because I have heard of a strange thing or two with capabilities and non-enlish languages (though I’ve newer been able to confirm or reproduce).

    and M,

    Do you have the “bb-press integration” plugin installed in your WordPress blog?

    (the download link is way at the bottom)


    nolageek, it was a bug on bbpress 0.73 –

    For temp solution u need to disable akismet :)


    I’m having the same problem. I copied my htaccess file into bbpress/bb-templates and still no luck…

    My forum’s url =


    In reply to: Email subscription


    Not having email notifications is the only reason that stalls me from using bbpress with WP.

    While a lot of effort has gone into RSS integration, as others have said, it’s not straightforward for many ordinary users. Email is still dominant.

    I hope email notifications will be developed, or least a plugin please :-)



    gnawph wrote:

    The bbPress designers would look foolish changing all of their IDs to Classes and wouldn’t conform.

    I’ve already stated that: “I’m not advocating the removal of any of the ID’s from templates”. I am, however, conscious that the reliance on ID based formatting in the default template is more likely to run in to integration problems in the long run.

    “Latest and Popular are different tables and shouldn’t be labeled the same”.

    Yes, latest and popular are different tables (their ids are different), but they are both examples of a certain kinds of table that show an ordered selection of items based on some kind of score (be it date or rating). So it’s better to define what that kind of table is, so use a class.

    “If code redundancy is an issue you could always go:#latest, #popular {

    Yes, this does have a similar effect, but, if I’m writing a plugin with UI elements then for it’s output to be shown correctly in TemplateX, either:

    1. I have to add CSS to the plugin which might work with TemplateX, but be incompatible with TemplateY, or
    2. The authors of X&Y must alter their css to cope with my plugin.

    This potential hassle just becomes less likely if template designers take an extra few minutes to consider what the more abstract classes in the design should be!

    BTW: class="tableonmainpage" might be better described as .mainpage > table {}


    In reply to: Google sitemap


    Hello earlgrey

    The 06rc1 version seems to work very well

    (note : line 21 $version=0.6rc1; must be replaced by $version='0.6rc1';)

    The version number is still 051 in the xml file so it may be hardcoded somewhere in the code.

    By the way the correct link is 0.6rc1


    In reply to: Google sitemap


    Hello earlgrey

    This is exact, I don’t use permalinks (for some strage reason, they work fine on my wordpres install but no for my bbpress install both been in subdirectory of the same account.. strange..)

    I didn’t make any change (the only one is the path to the xml file), perhaps I made a type when copy-pasting the content to the php file

    The link to release 0.6rc1 seem broken


    I’m glad to have happened upon this thread, after reading it I decided to check my own and found if I registered through the forum the user was set to Administrator in WordPress.

    While I’m no coding expert, I’ve enough experience working with WordPress and all it takes to set things up to be quite sure I have not made an error somewhere.

    Just as hasund said above, the new user is listed in a separate section under Authors & Users in my WordPress Dashboard – at the bottom under all admins, subscribers, editors, etc. Their

    I’m using the Role Manager plugin, could that be causing the trouble? The only step from bbPress that I did not follow was the Pretty Permalinks; every other step, plugin, etc. I followed to a T.

    This is a very serious issue, my entire site would have been vulnerable had I not found this thread and gone ahead and opened my forums this weekend as planned. I’ve removed my register.php file for the time being. I already have some people using my forum, but they are trusted friends who already have some access to the main site anyhow, thank goodness.

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