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  • #51369

    It’s probably a “white space” issue.

    Make sure there are no spaces or tabs or new lines or anything before the <?php or after the ?> in bbPress’ config.php file.



    Actually MultiViews looks for topic.php if it hasn’t found topic/, but otherwise you’re spot on.

    You can also use RewriteRules which forces the server to do the same thing ‘manually’.


    When you request that URL, Apache’s MultiViews or RewriteRules (whichever you are using) loads topic.php. That file then prepares a bunch of data and displays it with my-templates/topic.php (If that file exists) or bb-templates/topic.php (otherwise).

    If you are familiar with the way WordPress works, it may not help much :) This is one area where WordPress and bbPress are quite different.


    ColdCN, that’s strange.

    Does the information here help?


    You can hook into the bb_new_user hook (see bb-includes/register.php: bb_new_user() ), but by the time that hook is fired, the user is already in the database, and the new user has been sent an email.

    In the next version of bbPress, you’ll be able to hook into bb_verify_email(). (


    The following plugin should work, but I have not tested it.



    Plugin Name: Ignore Edit Lock

    Plugin URI:


    function members_ignore_edit_lock() {

    global $bb_roles;

    $bb_roles->role_objects['member']->add_cap( 'ignore_edit_lock', true );


    add_action( 'bb_got_roles', 'members_ignore_edit_lock' );


    Save that bit of code as members-ignore-edit-lock and put it in bbPress’ my-plugins/ directory.


    What version of bbPress are you using?


    berg80, thanks for the info. The documentation has been updated:


    bbPress’ table prefix should never be the same an WordPress’. That will cause many problems, as you may have experienced.

    bbPress uses the following tables. Don’t delete the ones marked with a *, since WP uses those too (hence the problem).









    These all look like bb_forums (or whatever bbPress’ table prefix is in your case) in your database.

    Trent Adams

    Thanks for the reply. I have included the generic php file and it seems to be working. Of course, how could I test it?!



    I beleive you… Don’t worry, I don’t blame your article. It’s very well written; no joking :).

    Thanks for your support. By the way, nice to meet you.

    Hope you can help.

    Here is my config.php:

    define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘per my WordPress wp-config.php’); // The name of the database

    define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘per my WordPress wp-config.php’); // Your MySQL username

    define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘per my WordPress wp-config.php’); // …and password

    define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘ localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // I chose that my bbPress prefix start with bb_.

    $bb->domain = ‘’; // Not sure which domain to choose here? is my WordPress domain.

    $bb->path = ‘/bbpress/’; // My bbPress folder is title bbpress as shown in this FTP path: (/public_html/blogue/bbPress). My WordPress folder is title blogue as shown in this FTP path: (/public_html/blogue/bbPress).

    $bb->name = ‘Babillard’;

    $bb->admin_email = ‘** MODERATED**’;

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    $bb->page_topics = 30;

    $bb->edit_lock = 60;

    $bb->gmt_offset = -4; (Eastern Daytime)

    define(‘BBLANG’, ‘fr_FR’);

    $bb->akismet_key = ** MODERATED**;

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ** MODERATED**; // I’m sure about my WordPress database prefix!

    $bb->wp_home =; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash

    $bb->wp_siteurl =; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash

    When I add wp_home & wp_siteur1 URL as , I get the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’ in /home/patrimoi/public_html/blogue/bbpress/config.php on line 53 at . I retrieve this URL under my WordPress Options General.


    You’re doing something wrong in the config. (Don’t blame my article ;))

    Chances are, your WP information is not matching up in your BBpress config. Post your config file here (just take out the db passwords) and I’ll be glad to help.


    Remove bad behavior from your my-plugins folder and follow this


    Hello again,

    Consider that I’m using guide to install bbPress, I was brought to the forum setup screen, but my WordPress admin account username is not in the dropdown menu listing. There’s no dropdown menu listing. Without this menu listing, my WordPress integration will not be possible: forum admin login will not be the same as WordPress.

    How can I resolve? I’ve tried many different combinations within Config.php with no success in obtaining the account username in the drop down menu listing.

    What do you suggest?


    You’ll have noticed that there’s no “topic” subdirectory inside your “forums” directory, so what I think you’re asking is “is bbPress really serving a page that doesn’t physically exist on my hard drive?”

    The answer is yes, bbPress generates the page on the fly, so there is no stored page that has the content of that URL.

    Apache’s MultiViews option makes this happen because the server tries to find the best match to your URL. It looks first for forums and finds it, so then it looks for topic in forums, which doesn’t exist, so it tries the next best thing, which is to look for an index of some kind, and it finds the bbPress index.php.

    When bbPress runs (through index.php) it still sees the originally requested url, so the fact that it’s a request for topic/242 is spotted by the code – it’s a simple as stripping the integer value from the string and using that as the primary key for the database lookup.

    Briefly, the sequence is that index.php loads bb-load.php, bb-load.php loads your config.php, which specifies where your DB is (so the content can be generated), config.php then loads bb-settings.php which is where most of the core request-processing is done.

    At least… that’s what I got from looking through the code :) A core dev. might be able to describe it better.


    Thanks for replying,

    If a member request reset time limit to re-edit a specific posting, is it possible to configure within bbPress Admin?


    Originally posted at

    Using I was able to add reflection to the blandname bbPress theme.

    Here’s how it works:

    You’ll need two files to make this happen.

    Put both files in either /my-templates or /bb-templates, CHMOD them to 755, and edit your header.php file accordingly.

    In my case:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/my-templates/reflection.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/my-templates/prototype.js"></script>

    Was added before the last div tag in the header.php file.

    In order to make the reflection work, make sure to add class="reflect" to any img tags you wish to have reflecting and looking all mac daddy cool.


    Hi Atsutane

    Let’s explain the question clearly:

    For url above, I want to know which page that url will finally located on. I guess all request will be first directed to index.php, but how about the next step and which page on earth will be directed to display the main body of page.

    I am not native English, I don’t know if I have made the question clear.

    Thanks for you kind response.


    Trent Adams

    I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to get Bad Behavior working with bbPress. If you just upload the WP plugin up to the my-plugins folder as is, it just makes it so you cannot access your site at all. It would be great to get this working. Anyone have a clue?




    I’m currently having a problem with being able to start a new topic when I am logged in as a ‘member’ I have tried re-installing bbpress but it hasn’t helped.

    Anyone got any advice? Any help would be great!



    This shows you how I did it. It is fairly easy, and I just use the fckeditorm, which i am very fond of.



    What configuration is needed to get my bbPress visitors or myself unlimited minutes or time to edit their/my postings?

    // A user can edit a post for this many minutes after submitting.

    $bb->edit_lock = unlimited;

    Thanks for all replies.


    In reply to: K2.F


    Very nice Theme.. it looks a lot better than my attempt to let bbPress look like K2.

    When will you publish it? Do you plan to put the code a plattform like Google Code to make development more accessable?

    (Sorry, that my english is a bit crappy, it´s due to I don´t speak and write in english regularily.)


    Most likely there is some plugin for wordpress that are using the same name as bbpress function. Try disable that plugin to see it work or not


    In reply to: I cannot login


    Previous solution to a similar problem:



    I just tried to include “require_once (‘/www/htdocs/w006aa53/wp-blog-header.php’);” in the config.php and “<?php get_header(); ?>” in the header.php. But I’m allways getting this: “Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class streamreader in /www/htdocs/w006aa53/bbpress/bb-includes/streams.php on line 26

    “. I can’t fix this problem on my own… Who can help?

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