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  • #2919

    Obviously bbpress takes someone with a good understanding of php and I don’t have that. I have contacted 2 of you offering to pay you to help me but have heard nothing back. I didn’t want to ditch my wordpress, I liked it. I sure didn’t want to ditch either wp or bbpress after I’d worked to create templates that went with my site, but what good are templates if I can’t open the forums to my site visitors because they just aren’t working?

    I’ve had a headache over this for several days now. I’ve found another forum software with a blog that I can also buy a month of phone support for ~ total cost for forum, blog, and one month phone support = US $195.00 (can take credit card or paypal). I would still rather pay someone here who has good working forums to get mine fixed ~~~ rather than start with creating a new template. I am doing one of the two tomorrow ~ if no one here is willing to help, I will be forced to go with the other product.

    IF you are willing to help, you MUST have good, working bbpress forums running somewhere so that I can see your abilities. That’s how I chose the two members that I have already contacted. I checked out their forums.


    Hi- We’ve been trying in desperation to stop spambots from registering profiles on our very active bbpress forums, and despite the captcha test we installed, it seems they are circumventing the registration process and creating new accounts all the time. We’re getting around 50 fake profiles a day.

    We’re being told by several sources that this is a bug in the current version of bbpress and there is no solution for it. We simply can’t accept this, that bbpress would be open to such severe bugs.

    Right now we’re manually deleting profiles and we’re seriously considering abandoning this plattform for a more secure foums solution that works with WordPress.

    Do you have any insight into how to stop them from creating bogus profiles? Right now for some reason they are all having their birthday as Feb 2, 2008.

    You can see some of the profiles here:


    If you make it too easy then everyone will have one, and what will happen then? :)

    Before long it will be possible to talk to bbpress instead of type….


    I am beginning to test some code I have written to pre-configure a CPANEL based website to auto-install bbPress. Barring any extreme problems (or unforseen events in my life) I should have an early beta to test by the weekend.

    It will only require a few simple inputs such as your username and password (same as you’d use on FTP or cpanel access) and from there it will do everything – create the database and tables, download bbPress, install it and take you to it’s configuration options.

    It may be possible to eventually get it working with other types of hosts. I plan to investigate doing it on dreamhost and perhaps a couple of the other most popular hosts.


    How does Google know if you’ve added new content without crawling? Do they establish some sort of baseline pattern for crawling, and if you have lots of content being added between visits, they keep visiting frequently, and if you add content less frequently, they don’t visit as often?


    This nothing to do with the amount of traffic your website receives. If your site constantly ads new content to the web, Google crawls your site more often. If you have a static site, where little new content is added, Google crawls your site less.


    In reply to: TalkPress


    Looks like a lot of trouble to fix in the future. I never had any problems with bbPress, but that’s probably because there aren’t a lot of users active :)


    Thank you Mr._ck_ …

    Now I am use an arabic Title in my forum …

    see it here


    Thank you for all … Now I have one problim in Registr with Non-English Names

    in this link :


    In reply to: Using RSS Feeds


    I just installed bbpress today and I was having the same problem with a blank RSS page. I thought I had followed all the instructions for using the SLUGS links. But, I looked closer at the install instructions. When I changed my .htaccess to what was listed from /bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php it started working.

    Amazing things happen when you RTFM. ::sighs:: ::laughs at self::


    I know the Alexis toolbar affects your site’s rating through Alexis ~ makes sense that Google’s would do the same thing. Personally I don’t have either one installed, I hate how the extra toolbars make my browser lag when it opens. Maybe I’d be smart to add them when I get the site running smooth & ready to roll.


    I’ve always wondered if that is the case… seems like they would be silly not to use that information to further their indexing.


    I don’t know whether I did it or if it was in the template I modified, but posting a topic in the main Dog Breed Forum didn’t correct the issue. I posted my forum.php code in the pastebin:

    Thanks,_ck_ ~ I only hope that I understand php and bbpress forums as well as you do one day!



    When you go into a forum, it should show you all the sub-forums available. If there are no topics in that forum however, it may just immediately jump to add new topic – that may be a bug in how bbPress works. Try creating a test topic in the main forum that has sub-forums.

    If your forum has topics and still does not show sub-forums, you edited your theme somewhere and removed it or you are using a theme that removed the feature. If so, put into pastebin your forum.php page from your theme and show it to me.


    Quoto from simpler integration with wordpress:

    Do so by defining WP_BB as true in either config.php or wp-config.php. Also, WordPress will have to be loaded first.

    I use WP and BB with german language! If I include wp-blog-header.php in the configuration file (config.php) of bbpress, the following error occurs:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class streamreader in /homepages/.../www/forum/bb-includes/streams.php on line 26

    If I uncomment the lines 122 + 123 in bb-settings.php:

    // include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . ‘streams.php’);

    // include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . ‘gettext.php’);

    No error occurs … but the forum is in english!

    I use WP 2.3.3 and bbpress … WP is installed in web root and bbpress in the subfolder “forum”.

    Is there a documented way to fix this … or a workaround?

    cu, helpy


    Among my installs I help maintain a very large/active bbpress forum and google sometimes indexes new pages less than a minute after they are created. It’s creepy! I think they do it based on people who have the Google Toolbar installed and browse the page.


    I call this “reverse integration”.

    Unless there is something I am overlooking, I believe the easiest way to do this is to use phpmyadmin to either rename or export bb_users and bb_usermeta to wp_users and wp_usermeta.

    (you’d have to get rid of the existing wp_users wp_usermeta first of course)

    Then you will need my fix-admin-access plugin to restore access to the WP admin panel since your role will no longer exist. This assumes you as the keymaster are user #1.


    It may be possible to work around this bug by putting the name directly into the db via phpmyadmin. There are a few other bbPress forums in Arabic though so I am not sure how they got around it.

    (also make sure there is no whitespace after the ending ?> in config.php)


    Sorry for posting it this way, butI’mkind of lost and need help finding my way though some of this. If you have a reasonable fee, I am willing to pay you to help me get my bbpress fixed the way I want it and correctly integrated with my wordpress. I have managed to get my theme customized, but I don’t speak php and am having SERIOUS trouble with a number of things (ie Avatar Upload and others) that you have managed to incorporate into your bbpress forums.

    Forums are at

    Wordpress is at

    [email removed by Trent]

    Please let me know one way or the other whether you’re willing to help.



    ps ~~~ after you’ve read this, please mark this for a mod to delete. I didn’t want my email out there, but couldn’t find a way to contact you.


    Added to the theme switcher here:

    Looks suitable for Halloween :-)


    Well that would actually be my next question as I am not familiar with the legal limits of opensource/gnu software. Am I allowed to make a bundled version of bbPress and use part of the name bbPress as long as I am clear I didn’t make the core product, and include the GPL license?


    Hi there, (not sure if this is an appropriate place to post this.)

    We’re looking for someone to hire to help us fix some bugs on our WordPress/Bbpress integrated site. Here are some of the bugs:

    1- user profile pics missing from blog comments

    2- Backslashes appear in blog comments

    3- Backslashes appear if you modify any php files via the wordpress interface.

    4- User names with apostrophes, accents or usual characters display oddly

    5- Cant modfiy the way a author or user name displays

    6- private messaging is disabled

    7- users can’t modify profile pictures.

    Feel free to look around and see the bugs:


    In reply to: Copyright Question

    Sam Bauers

    SessionX, what is the issue with, as far as I can tell the forums are still active? There is nothing stopping you using a domain name with bbPress in it, but it would be nice if you clarified your “unofficial” position and provided links back to here.

    Trent Adams

    Even though there is no demo, the screenshot looks nice! Good deal!



    This site uses both, WordPress and bbPress. Also plug-ins from many members of

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