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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #51355

    In reply to: Image Upload

    Sam Bauers

    I’m currently running bbpress vs. Do I have to rename the config file for bbpress when I upgrade?


    What are the changes we need to do in theme?


    I tried to post this in the comments off the plugin homepage, but Extend won’t recognize my login. Weird.

    Anyway – if you are running 0.9 and plugin browser, you probably see no version listed for all plugins in the ‘Local’ column. This is due to a change in how bbpress stores the plugin paths in the DB (_ck_ clued me into that) The fix is easy. In the main plugins-browser.php file, add ‘user#’ before pb– or pb– on lines 681 (in the preg_replace statement) and line 698 ($plugin) Once I did that, the browser worked fine with correct version info, showed updates that existed, and installed them no problem.

    I’m sure the WordPress plugin update stuff will make it into bbpress soon, negating the need for this plugin (to a point – the browse part is still great) but until then – this will get you going.


    I suspect this is the the same problem as you or someone else had with a non-standard template with bbpress.

    Make sure in your header.php template that you have

    <?php bb_head(); ?>

    just before the


    or bbPress plugins won’t work properly (like you are seeing now)


    Hi, i have the bbpress installed.

    I try to enable BBemoticons for Private Messaging Plugin.

    I modified the file bb-emoticons.php add at last line this command:

    bb_add_filter(‘pm_text’, array(&$bbemoticons, ‘convert_smilies’));

    I have add the line:

    <?php bb_do_action(‘bb_grins’); ?>

    into file pm-user-form.php

    And i have add the line:

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”‘. bb_get_option(‘uri’) .




    in the file header.php of template.

    I see the emoticons in the private messages :-)

    but when i click on the smile,

    i see an exception in the javascript :-(

    the plugin run correctly in the normal message of forum.

    Can you help me?



    In reply to: Importing from vanilla

    yes please!

    I’d even be willing to kick in some cash if we want to get together, hire someone to write it, and then donate the code back to the bbpress project.


    You’re stuck with the default of ‘none’ if your server doesn’t support mod_rewrite or Options +MultiViews. You can read about setting up permalinks here if your server supports either of those.

    Setting up permalinks on bbPress is not as straightforward as it is on WordPress, but they’re working on it.


    In reply to: En español


    Muchas gracias ggnard ;)

    Yo también empecé a traducirlo pero, a falta de saber si se pueden combinar varios catálogos .po, preferí esperarme a la nueva versión de la traducción. La que hay en el SVN creo que es de la 0.8.3… por eso lo dejé ya que en WordPress el cambio de versiones en algunas ocasiones no era del todo compatible e imagino que en BBPress tampoco :(

    PD: Ahora que caigo… estoy usando la que tenía acabada de la 0.8.3 xDD

    Ya la colgaré también por ahí ;)



    I’m using the Kakumei theme, and I like it – except for the fact that there is no “search forums” field, as is the case in the theme used here, at the bbPress support forum.

    Does anyone know whether (and how) I could insert a Search field in my Kakumei theme?




    And you can get it right here:


    I’ve changed it to

    border-top:10px solid #ffffff;

    (I know 10 is extreme but it to see where it shows)

    Nothing happens though. I have dark grey background.

    I’m not using BBpress’ header.


    Hi folks, there seem to be many people out there having similar issues, but I’ve spent all evening looking through for a solution and still no luck.

    I’m trying to do a full integration of bbPress 0.219 and WordPress 2.51, full integration meaning that bbPress should load WordPress functions and vice versa.

    WordPress appears to be playing very nicely and loading bbPress template tags with no problems at all. I’ve done this using

    //BBPress Integration

    if ( !defined('BBDB_NAME') )


    at the very end of my wp-config.php file, as per the tutorial at . As I say, no problem so far.

    It’s when I try to load WP functions into bbPress that I run into trouble. When I’ve attempted either of the following two mods to bb-config.php, it has disabled user login, as well as blocking me from /bb-admin (which re-directs straight back to home). The two mods to bb-config.php I have tried are:

    // WordPress Integration //

    define('WP_BB', true);

    if ( !defined('DB_NAME') ) {

    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/../wp-config.php');


    // **Wordpress Variables ** //

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_'; // your wordpress db prefix is

    $bb->wp_home = 'http://localhost/bloomag';

    $bb->wp_siteurl = 'http://localhost/bloomag';

    or simply

    require_once( 'C:testingserverwwwbloomagwp-blog-header.php');

    With both these mods, the bbPress page loads up with no problems but, as I say, both /bb-admin and any attempt to log-in give no response and just redirect to the hompage.

    Has anyone got any suggestions for what might be going wrong and the correct method to call WP functions into bbPress?

    Thanks a lot,



    Okay version 0.8.7 of this can now indicate forums with new posts:

    You will have to change the optional setting to true near the top of the plugin.

    It defaults to highlighting the title in blue but you can also change the css to append an icon, etc. instead.


    I love that the bbSync plugin turns WordPress blog posts into bbPress forum topics. But is there a way to do the opposite?. In other words, can you turn a bbPress forum topic into a WordPress blog post. I’d love the ability to “promote” certain forum topics into a WordPress blog post.

    That way, the blog can becomes a community blog, where members can submit content in the forums. And if the content is good, it can be selected by a moderator to make it to the front page of the blog


    In reply to: bbSync


    I love that this plugin syncs WordPress posts with bbPress. But is there a way to do it in the opposite direction. In other words, is there a way to turn a bbPress forum post into a WordPress blog post. It’d be great to have the ability to select and “promote” certain forum posts to the front page of blog.


    Does someone know about an existing script to migrate from minibb to bbpress ?

    Thank you !


    Hi there!

    I just started to experiment with bbPress and will integrate it into my family’s blog installation which of course runs WordPress. :-)

    While playing around with it, I noticed some missing labels on form controls. These missing associations cause screen readers to not pick up on the right stuff to speak when focus moves to a certain textbox, combobox or the like.

    So, I went ahead and filed ticket #871 to deal with this and submitted a patch.

    If you’re interested in accessibility, I invite you to follow that trac ticket!



    affact, your code is just what i was searching for. unfortunately it just doesn’t work :/


    Topic: Host problems

    in forum Troubleshooting

    Ok, I think I’m just doing something really stupid, but maybe not. I downloaded bbpress 9.0.2, ran the installation, and have it working, BUT all links are not relative but instead redirect to ‘http://localhost/bbpress/whatever&#8217; instead of just ‘whatever’. This effectively mean that my forum doesn’t work from any machine but the one I’m running it on. Is there any way to change the host name, ie the ‘http://localhost/bbpress/&#8217; prefix or to tell bbpress to use relative pathnames?

    Thanks in advance for any and all help,


    [EDIT 4/26/2008 8:50 pm] Apologies if this would be better suited for the installation forum…


    This is my forum.

    I added a single banner ad at the top. However I want to push the rest of the header material down one line so it doesn’t crowd the banner ad. However, I can’t figure out how to do this. What should I change?


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion

    This is very important if one already got a forum but want to have a *GOOD* integration with WordPress on a new site.

    Imagine loosing 4000 users just to be able to change to bbPress. It just won’t happen and it’s a damn shame that there isn’t a converter yet. :/


    where did u get a K2 theme for bbpress from?


    In reply to: No SECRET_KEY in WPMU


    since this is about WPMU, I guess I don’t need to open a new thread. We have common problems.

    To get you secret key: go to

    It lists out your option and your SECRET_KEY is a long alphanumeric character in front of the key ‘entry’.

    For the second secret (I’ve forgotten which is which), just define one in the wp-config.php of your installation.

    I’ve not checked user-integration on my side by downgrading bbpress sounds like a pain.

    Now, to my own problem;

    I just installed bbpress on my new WPMU based website. I used the automated wordpress registration.

    Everything is working fine but I’ve got two concerns:

    1. I got this error on installation: Duplicate key name ‘user_nicename’

    >>> User tables will already exist when performing a database integrated installation.

    It looks pretty harmless, but I want reassurrance that it will not be harmful in the future.

    2. The only pretty permalink feature working is the default forum.php?id=1. The others give 404 errors.

    Any idea what I might do?


    In reply to: Image Upload


    There was a program I liked from phpbb that maybe someone can make for bbpress.

    It uploaded the image but showed the thumbnail in the post until you clicked on it.

    It uses

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