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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #65062

    Mufasa, I’m in the same boat. I’m trying to integrate my bbpress into Please let me know if you find out how to do this.




    I am thouroughly confused on how to do this. Where the heck would I actually start? I don’t want to integrate the the databases/cookies/etc., I just want to apply the same look of my header and footer at with…


    How can I create a navigation bar in bbPress so that when I update it in WordPress, it automatically gets updated in bbPress? I don’t want to call the full wp header as the bbPress header, but would I be able to use

    <?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li='); ?>

    in bbPress to call the pages in the navigation bar? Both my WordPress and bbPress are integrated in the same databases. If not, how can I do it?


    Foros Ryuuko

    I use a custom theme (heavily a modified Kakumei) and some custom plugins. The forum is new, so it doesn’t have activity, all our users are still using the Vanilla forum we had.

    I didn’t hack any core files, all “non standard things” are donde via custom plugins.

    Plugins i use:

    – My own “Ajustes” (for sidebar, footer and navigation menu content, profile content, and some html tags).

    – MD5 Insecurity (will be deactivated soon).

    – Private Messaging Extended

    – A custom Quicktags (ported from Vanilla)

    – Ajaxed Quote

    – Simple Online List (i also modified a lot this plugin, because it never worked for me ….).

    – Unread Topics. I also modified this one, it was doing too many queries. I added some indices and reduced the overhead.

    – User Photo. I ported the User Photo WP plugin.

    – Human Test.

    Also i indirectly use:

    – Gaming Codes: each user can enter his gaming codes. They’re displayed on the user profile.

    Aleph: this plugin creates user lists (among other things). So i use it inside WP like a “member list”. The beauty is that i can easily create different user lists, so i created a list for each gaming code (in other words, users can see which users have a certain gamer code).

    As i said, the theme is a heavily modified Kakumei. I replaced all topics/forum loops with my own, trying to mimick the Vanilla look. Also the css is based on the Tarski theme for WordPress. In fact, i import it directly from the WP installation.

    For the forum/topic icons, i created a custom plugin which printed the css based on the slug of each forum, and then i added the resulting code to the style.css. I still have to create a lot of icons, those are temporary.

    I hope you like my forums and if you have any questions or would like a plugin/theme release, just ask :p


    I want to know what I need to change in the bbPress files so that the layout will be changed. Basically, I want the left sidebar currently on the default bbPress on the right, with the content on the left. Also, currently on the default bbPress theme, the sidebar disappears when you click a topic or forum. I want the sidebar to always be present. Is there anyway of doing this and switching the sidebar and content?


    Here’s my bbPress. It’s a forum for kids and teens to discuss books on. I modified the default theme to fit with the color scheme of the main site, and added a few plugins for features that my members wanted.

    This is actually our second forum. The first was a YaBB install, which I hated, ’cause it kept letting spammers in. But our members and I love bbPress and the ease of use!


    In reply to: Several domains


    Ah, so when you said this “Now, when i get a visitor from “”, he will be redirected to “” pretty fast, like when he’s clicking the “Home” link on the forum.” this is NOT want you want, eh? You want multiple domains/URLs all pointing to the same bbPress installation and people to stay on the domain they came in from?


    If you just want the year with php, you don’t need bbPress functions at all, just php:

    <?php echo date('Y'); ?>

    That will echo the current year.


    As i did with Private Messaging, i needed this functionality in the Quote plugin. So here it is if anyone is interested.


    – The plugin uses nonces and removes the paragraph tags added by the pre_post filters.

    – The JS library used is SACK. I just copied it from a WP installation.

    – When you click on the Quote link, the post content is added in the reply form. You can click quote on another post to quote it too .

    I tested it on Firefox and works ok in my test install of bbPress.


    Just like how WordPress calls time in the footer by <?php the_time(‘Y’); ?> and the name by <?php bloginfo(); ?>. What is the code I need to use for bbPress since <?php the_time(‘Y’); ?> doesn’t work to get the year? I also need to know how to get the bbPress title.


    In reply to: Several domains


    Thanks for the reply. I think i didn’t explain myself too good.

    I want users who come from domainA to stay at domainA, and users from domainB to stay at domainB, and so on (got quite an amount of domains actually).

    I need bbPress to somehow get the domain from the browser, and use this domain instead of the one saved under the ‘uri’ or ‘BB_HOST’ variable.


    In reply to: Add New Topic


    In reply to: Several domains


    Why not redirect them with a permanent 301 redirect? If your host does not offer this, why not create a directory for each domain, like this:



    You install bbPress in the directory. In the directory, you put an index.php file in there like this:

    header("Status: 301 Moved Permanently", false, 301);


    Then, when anyone accesses they are seamlessly directed to Would that accomplish what you need?

    You can also use .htaccess for 301 redirects if there is more than one page, like there are search engine results with pages from already out there, and you want to redirect them all to


    In reply to: new topic


    alexandreperei: That’s a phpBB forum and was earlier as well. Are you looking for help with phpBB or bbPress?



    I’ve been testing it quite a bit today, and I have found one small bug…

    I’ll try to explain this as clearly as possible. Basically, when Member A sends a PM to Member B, then Member B replies, the plugin tries to send the message to Member B, not Member A like it should.


    I just overwrote all of the old files. Works fine on my latest-version bbPress install.


    I have used WordPress for a few websites but only recently stumbled across BBPress.

    I just added a Forum to this School History site which was pretty painless.


    Topic: Add New Topic

    in forum Troubleshooting

    Can someone tell me where I can modify the template file that controls the page that comes up when someone clicks “Add New Topic”

    It doesn’t seem to be in the theme files… basically this page would be the example of what I want to modify:


    Hi, i hope someone can help me with this.

    I have several domains pointing to the same bbpress forum. For example, during the installation, i installed bbpress with the domain name setting of “”. Now, when i get a visitor from “”, he will be redirected to “” pretty fast, like when he’s clicking the “Home” link on the forum.

    I have managed to change this, by replacing, in the header file of the template, the:

    <?php bb_option('uri'); ?>

    .. to:

    http://<?php _e($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ?>

    And it works. However, bbpress use the ‘uri’ alot, and for example, if the user is not logged in, and is trying to post, he will be redirected to domainA.

    What i’m asking for, i guess, is if it’s possible, in the php files somewhere, to specifically define the uri to be the server’http_host’ instead of the domainA? Where can i find and change this, and how?

    Thank you very much.



    Hi all,

    I’ve just installed a bbpress and used a ready found theme for it(Superbold for bbpress), but it doesn’t seem to be displaying one of the elements correctly.

    I’ve only spotted this error on the following page – click here.

    Just above the users post there is a half showing input box and ‘Add’ button. If you notice on the right hand side the border of that particular element ends about 30px short of the themes width. I’m not sure what it’s even meant to be showing there, nor do I know what to edit to push that element back in its place.

    Thank you in advance.


    How can we vote on this? Clearly lots of people want easier integration with their site – its just too bloody hard to get it going.

    Bring on a WordPress [shortcode] and widgets!!

    I’m very happy with how easy it it get the accounts to jive but what about the front end of our websites. I don’t expect the bbPress team to just start listening and acting on what I say – but I will put my money where my mouth is and if the bbPress team spoke to us and pointed us in the right direction – what hooks to use etc then I would even look at doing the code to make it happen.

    But I don’t even know if people care :P


    Whew. Found the problem and more importantly, the solution, here:

    Should have searched a little more before getting panicky.


    I upgraded bbpress after upgrading my wordpress site to the latest version (2.5.1). The install complained that there were already forums/threads in the database, but said the install went OK. The problem I’m having, however, is that when I go to the forums, I get a t_string error referring to line 20 of the bb_config.php file.

    This line is the prefix used for the tables.

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!

    So, I’m guessing that it thinks it is a new install instead of merely an upgrade. How do I get the updated version to simply read in the existing forums and threads?

    Thank you so much for any help. These are busy forums and there will be limited patience with this problem. :/


    Well, having checked and rechecked everything, it turns out it was that the secret in wp-admin/options.php was different than the secret in the wp integration settings in bbpress.

    I had checked these before and they were identical, but at the time I might have been dealing with a path issue. Then when the path issue was resolved I never went back to ensure they were still the same.

    My suggestion to everyone is to check everything even if you KNOW you check them before.


    Thank you! But… I have no plugins installed on BBPress. I have desactivaed all plugins on the blog and Spanish characters aren’t shown…

    Derek Ashauer

    We previously setup WordPress/BBPress on a different domain. When we switched domains, I changed every reference of the old domain to the new one by exporting the database and doing a search/replace then reimporting the database.

    Everything seems to work except for one minor issue: When you go to the BBPress main page, it redirects the URL to the old domain name. Everything works fine except it does not maintain the session. Once you click on a forum or topic title, it goes back to the new domain name. I cannot find any reference to the old domain name anywhere in config files, htaccess or the database – what else could it be?

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