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  • #3503

    Any idea when next major bbPress release will be? Will it be 1.0 or something in between? Thanks


    Dear All,

    I am monetizing my blog with adsense. and i am going to integrate with bbpress.

    I need your help:

    Do we have any plugin for adsense and adsense revenue sharing plugin.




    In reply to: Two small questions

    Rhys Wynne

    Figured it out by looking at the documentation. Silly me :(


    The Trunk is broken because there`s still a lot to do and to change / integrate (wordpress functions..); so it is just normal that the bbpress trunk is not installing.. (backpress..)

    use the 0.9.02 Version.. and if using wordpress trunk, remember, wordpress changed its cookies so there is a problem in logging in with bbpress if its integrated. With WordPress Final there`s no problem with integration – bbpress will sure be updated soon (i hope) to use the new logged_in cookie from wordpress.


    Topic: Two small questions

    in forum Themes


    Slug means URL, but I’m not sure :).

    You have to change the settings/premalinks option to day and name. After that you can change the “Slug” in the Page management to whatever URL you want, for example

    After that your page links to bbpress, OK. But how you make it recognized as a “current page item” when you’re in the forums?


    Could it be that posts retain as metadata the forum in which they where originally posted and when you move the entire topic they do not change said metadata? If this is bbPress behaviour and I move a topic to another forum, then all the subsequent posts made under this topic (prior to me moving it) are linking (the forum_id field) to the old forum and not the new one.

    Did this make any sense?

    Because this turns to be a problem when using a plugin like “Hidden forums” for example. I move a hidden topic with a lot of responses to a public forum (not hidden) but only the first posts become visible to those users who can’t access the hidden forum. You have to edit the other posts so the forum_id gets updated and those posts are linked to the new forum.


    I doubt it has anything to do with subversion.

    What revision did you check out? I think the trunk release is probably broken (I could be wrong, but I still wouldn’t use it in production) so I would check out tags/ of trunk:

    svn co


    To link your bbPress forum to WordPress, follow this:

    Create a new Page in WordPress. When you do that, the page is assigned a slug, which is basically the URL it will be accessed at. If you want , you create a new page called “Forum”. That page will appear in your WordPress navigation. Then install bbPress into a directory on your server, one directory lower than WordPress, called forum, and when someone accesses that URL, they get your forum.

    They will never use the same administration pages.


    I still dont get how to link my bbpress forum from my wordpress blog?

    what is slug? i have installed both bbpress and wordpress, they now use the same database but not the same administration pages…



    I got to step one of the bbPress installer and I get this:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_specialchars() in /Users/onekopaka/Sites/bbpress/bb-includes/wp-functions.php on line 35

    Should I remove the call or do i need to find where it is defined?

    I have a subversion installation of WordPress which works excellent. should i replace the wp-functions.php in bbPress with the WordPress one?

    Hey All,

    Well, after a day playing around with creating my own template I’ve decided to go with an include. Any tips on including a WP header in a bbPress installation?


    In reply to: bbPress Database Error


    bbPress requires MySQL 4.0 minimum. I think 3.23 is too low:


    I have just started a new forum at

    I got a letter with the password with my name Göran but could not log in with, only after giving Gran as my name.

    You can log in to the key master account with the following information:

    Username: Göran

    Password: xxxxxxxxxxxx

    This is even worse than before as I think it means that if people with common swedish names register they will get log in information that not work.



    In reply to: bbPress Database Error


    Sorry, I don’t check this forum daily, so here’s a late answer:

    1. From what I know, it has always been like this. It’s only when I perform a search.

    2. The version is bbPress and it was installed somewhere between june 26 and june 31.

    3. I didn’t. I only screwed around with the template files.

    4. No, they did no update or change whatsoever.

    5. Like I said, it was there before the plug-ins, but here’s the list.

    Private Forums, BBPress Private Messaging (not working), Post Count Plus – Dynamic.Titles & More!, Akismet, Avatar, Last-Post, Limit Latest Discussion, Bozo Users, BBcode Lite, Move It, Quote, Simple Onlinelist, Allow Images, Human Test for bbPress & Front Page Topics.

    6. The second error appears only when someone perform a search. The first error is only noted in the admin area, in the first tab, beneath ‘User Registrations’.

    7. Yes. It does happen.

    The MySQL version is 3.23.58.

    I’m not a big guy when it comes to coding/scripting, so I have no idea what these errors mean. I’m glad somebody wants to help.


    I am very interested in the same question. I also use Mimbo (your implementation is very nice!) and I have just changed the footer wchih was easy. But adding the navigation bar at the top I do not know how to do. In by header.php in Mimbo I have the corresponding lines

    <ul id=”nav” class=”clearfloat”>

  • /” class=”on”>Start
  • <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’); ?>

  • Diskussionsforum
  • I have changed Home to Start and added a link to my Forum. If I dont try to list pages with wp_list_pages I could perhaps write a link as I did to my Forum. Would that work?

    But the formatting might disappear?

    My site is

    I am grateful for all suggestions!

    I post this to the Mimbo Forum as well.


Sorry, here’s a link to my live site if it helps…


Okay, the footer was no problem as mine is just some simple links. I’m having difficulty with the nav bar. In my WP theme (Mimbo) I found this code which I think corresponds to the nav bar…

<ul id=”nav” class=”clearfloat”>

  • /” class=”on”>Home
  • <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’); ?>

    When I add it to the header.php file in the template I’m building I get a blank page! I read somewhere about adding code to bb-config to get it to accept WordPress functions but that’s what we are trying to avoid right? So what am I missing?

    Thanks by the way!


    Thanks everyone for the discussion and tips – this is my first time using the bbPress forum and I have a good feeling about it!

    I’ve been playing around with various suggested techniques to achieve what I want. It seems as though there are quite a few methods bouncing around the forums – unfortunately none have worked for me. Interestingly enough, none of them mention the ‘my-templates’ rule.

    I’ve decided to make my life simpler and just hound you guys until I get it done as you seem to know what your doing! So, going with Sam’s suggestion to create my own them I have…

    Set-up locally (in a folder called ‘my-templates’ a bare bones theme – consisting of a css file, a header file and a footer file. My only goal is for my WP header and footer to sandwich the forum.

    Where do I go from here?


    I am having similar issues. I have followed the steps from, and it’s not working for me personally. Well, everything is working. I have fully integrated my wordpress blog and bbpress forum. So, users can sign up and use one username and password for both, works great, BUT, first of all… sometimes I guess the cookie part isn’t working, because I can log in at my wordpress blog, then go to my forum and I won’t be logged in. But, when I first did the integration, it worked. I’d log in at one, then go to the other and already be logged in. So there is that issue, then I am also having an issue every now and then with logging out. If I log out from my bbpress it gives me some kind of header already sent error… But, again, that only happens periodically. So, my issues are odd and they don’t happen all the time :)

    I’m thinking that most of my issues have to do with the cookies. Has anyone discovered any hints or tips to make sure that my cookie code is correct? The cookie part of my code in my bb-config file looks like this:

    $bb->authcookie = ‘wordpress_354420af36a7c3b4f6ad07a79c17612a’;

    $bb->cookiedomain = ”;

    $bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;

    $bb->sitecookiepath = ”;

    does all that look correct?


    This does not answer your question (sorry, I don’t have integration on that level) but there was a discussion of this recently:

    While it’s easy to do it like this, by including the WordPress in your bbPress config, it’s not really recommended. It’s quick to do but a lot of overhead as explained by Sam Bauers (one of the developers.)


    I’ve already got the database and cookies working correctly and all of that. I was talking about getting the look of it, etc. Those instructions referr to adding code to your bb-config.php file to do the include of the header from your WordPress installation, etc.

    If I linked to the wrong instructions, oops. I’ve read and read many posts on integrating the look and they say to add things to your bb-config file, etc. But I don’t know WHERE.

    So I’d like to see a completed, working bb-config.php file for someone who was able to do that successfully so that you can include the php get header in bbpress. If that makes sense.




    I don’t think those integration instructions apply any more. For example, there is no plugin necessary any longer.

    Did you try just installing and see how it goes? Install WordPress first, then bbPress. Use WordPress 2.5.1 and bbPress and integration will be no problem.

    Once you get basic integration going, you can work on getting bbPress to look like WordPress if that is important to you.


    > Yes, but you can see it does not survive on my forum.

    Right you are :-)

    Name	bbpress_[snipped]
    Value chrishajer%7C[snipped]
    Path /forums/
    Secure No
    Expires At End Of Session


    I just noticed there is no box at this forum either.


    Thank you for trying but it does not work. I placed the plugin in the folder bb-plugins and activated it. Before your answer I tried as “Göran Åsnäs” which was tranformed to “Gran sns” and after activating the plugin I tried as “Örjan Ågrän” which was tranformed to “rjan grn”. No success at all. I run bbPress upgraded from an earlier version yesterday. My forum is at

    This must affect a lot of users, I know at least one other Swedish forum having the same problem and there must be many in other countries as well.

    Help would be very useful and appreciated!

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