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  • #65817

    can you explain how you intergrated the wp functions in the bb-config.php , im having a lot of trouble with that

    i appreciate any help



    i tried what you just and no I obviously put the <?php first lol

    here is a screenshot of my situation.

    wordpress still works when i use that “functions” line, but logining to bbpress does not.


    as i said, when i use the line, the domain results in a white empty page


    Hi there,

    I’ve been using bbpress for a while but I recently updated my servers and switched all the sites over to it. Much to my frustration I am experiencing infinite loops when attempting to edit or view any profiles or topics. Thus making a rather rubbish forum!

    Admin pages work fine, WP integration went through perfectly, topics can be posted BUT not viewed.

    Right so heres the spec:

    Windows Server 2008


    PHP 5.2.6

    MySQL 5.1.25

    Both the latest versions of WP and BBpress, WP is installed absolutely fine.

    With debug activated I get the following:

    REQUEST_URI: string(31) “/journal/messageboard/topic.php”

    should be: string(37) “/journal/messageboard/topic.php?id=39”

    full permalink: string(64) “;


    If anyone can help me out I would actually love them a great, great deal…..

    I found this thread, which is quite old:

    But the fixes suggested there are in the settings file already.

    Help would be appreciated and thanks in advance



    Hi to all!

    For a simple (!!!) project I’m using WP and BBpress: I’ve change all the precedure for the users registration in BBpress and I like to integrate it with WP.

    I’ve perfectly integrate the forum with the blog (including the function file in bb-congif.php), but I cannot understand how can I include the registration block in WP.

    Can someone give me any kind of information?


    i just read a post on another thread, and saw this checklist:-

    1. You are running latest versions of WordPress (2.5.1) and bbPress (

    ME – yeahs I am !

    2. You have matched SECRET_KEY in wp-config.php with BB_SECRET_KEY in bb-config.php

    ME – yeahs I have !

    3. You have matched WordPress "secret" database option with bbPress "secret" database setting

    ME – yeahs I have!

    4. You have setup compatible cookie domains and paths in config files (see instructions in bbPress admin)

    ME – I take its these two things i have to add to wp-config.php file: – define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”); define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    if so what do I change those parameters to, or do i leave them blank … im not that familiar with cookies .. :/ (my site is and the forum is )

    5. You are successfully sharing user tables from WordPress with bbPress

    Me – Yeahs I am


    it worked but when i logged in as admin in the blog and then go to login as admin in bbpress (both the same user).. it logins me in as admin but when I click on the “admin” link at the top.

    I get this: –

    Warning: require_once(../wp-blog-header.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/picbico/public_html/forum/bb-config.php on line 29

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘../wp-blog-header.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/picbico/public_html/forum/bb-config.php on line 29

    and yeahs the wp-blog-header.php is there, otherwise there would have been an error before i even logged in.


    Ok. I figured out how to get the single login working for both bbPress and WordPress…

    I did understand the Function part of the setup.

    I made sure the bb-config.php file looked like this.

    if ( !defined(‘BB_PATH’) )

    define(‘BB_PATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );


    require_once( BB_PATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );


    Ok. I figured out how to get the single login working for both bbPress and WordPress…

    I did understand the Function part of the setup.

    I made sure the bb-config.php file looked like this.

    if ( !defined(‘BB_PATH’) )

    define(‘BB_PATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );


    require_once( BB_PATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );


    While a TOS (terms of service) agreement for any forum during registration (as well as a age confirmation) I suspect it’s more likely your site got suspended for adult content?

    In any case TOS and AGE confirmation are good plugin ideas. Here’s a plugin for TOS.

    ps. “native american” = North American Indian. I suspect you meant instead that english is not your primary language.


    In reply to: Bozo deletion


    This is a quick fix for now, until bbPress gets the well needed mass-edit:

    If you have your bbPress integrated with your WordPress, then all of the bozo users will show up with no role in your WP users mass-edit. You can mass delete them from there. Look out, though, because non-activated accounts show up with no role as well. I’d check in bbPress for bozos and then delete them in WP after you know who they are.


    Ok. Yes. Any user I create in bbPress shows up in wp_users table.

    So that means I completed the checklist.. BUT what am I missing that won’t allow one user login to carry from bbPress to WordPress and vice-versa, so that a user doesn’t have to login twice?


    It would not be too difficult to make bbPress look/work like that. Maybe a week of tinkering.


    In reply to: Bozo deletion


    bbPress does indeed need a mass-edit users like wordpress has.


    There is a long words/long links plugin for wordpress that someone ported to bbPress. Search for it around here somewhere…

    Sam Bauers

    If you create a new user in bbPress the user record should turn up in the wp_users table. That’s the best way to check.


    In reply to: TalkPress

    Sam Bauers

    bbPress is not a competitor to WordPress, it is a complimentary product.



    I followed your checklist and feel I am doing everything right. I still can’t get it to work. How can I make absolutely sure I’m doing #5 (sharing user tables from WordPress with bbPress) correctly?

    1) You are running latest versions of WordPress (2.5.1) and bbPress (

    2) You have matched SECRET_KEY in wp-config.php with BB_SECRET_KEY in bb-config.php

    3) You have matched WordPress “secret” database option with bbPress “secret” database setting

    4) You have setup compatible cookie domains and paths in config files (see instructions in bbPress admin)

    5) You are successfully sharing user tables from WordPress with bbPress


    Themepress seems to be the easiest way. Working under wp 2.5.1 and bb I found it here.


    I’m having the same problem! After integrating, I see how the “test user” I created shows up in both admin consoles. However, whether I login to wordpress or bbpress first, the login does not carry over to the other when navigating, which forces me to login twice. I followed all the steps, which also inlcuded adding the following to the wp-config.php file…

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘*******’);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    The only thing that comes to mind is a “minor error” that I received after walking through the “successful install” of bbPress…

    Duplicate key name ‘user_nicename’

    >>> User tables will already exist when performing a database integrated installation.

    I’m wondering if this is the problem. If so, I’m not sure how to fix it. : Can someone help?


    You can install this with a free standing WordPress installation. Instructions are here.


    In reply to: No user found


    mdawaffe: that has no effect. I logged out of this chrishajer account, then logged in with a new account from today, hajii. I tried to change the password since it is the default emailed one. I get the error about the user being unable to be found when I try to access the profile page. (Screenshot above.)

    It might be new accounts: that hajii account is from today. And it appears to happen only on member accounts, so you might need to create member account and see if you experience the same thing.

    The only people who can fix the problem won’t be able to see it, as moderator or keymaster. :D


    In reply to: No user found


    In reply to: No user found


    This link appears to work for me:

    Can you take a screenshot of the error you are seeing, put it online somewhere (imageshack or photobucket) and post a link to it here? Thanks.


    Topic: No user found

    in forum Troubleshooting

    Hi there,

    I hope I’m in the right category here. I have a problem here on When I look at my profile, I get an error message, telling me that I don’t exist ;(

    How come?


    In reply to: wrong password


    I think the reason it was correct sometimes would be due to the content of the password. bbPress originally (or a while ago anyway, pre-0.9*) used a 6 character alpha-numeric password. Now, it uses something more complex, and depending on what characters are in the password, maybe some certain characters get dropped in that plugin. If you post a link to the plugin you’re using, I can look at it and see if this is likely. You could also contact the plugin author and see if they have any idea.

    On the special characters in the password email. I suspect the message is just sent as plain text, but those are html entities. I didn’t look too hard at it. Maybe you could just put the รจ in the text of the message and hope the email client can handle it.

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