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  • #4164

    Topic: Page 63 of 1

    in forum Troubleshooting
    Ben L.

    The links to topics on my forum have recently been getting weird. Instead of linking to the first page of a 1 page topic, it links to the non-existant 63rd page.

    Here are the plugins I’m using:

    Admin Can Post Anything 0.05

    Akismet 1.0

    Allow Images 0.7.1

    Announcement forum 1.0 (Custom, not publicly released)

    bbEmoticons 0.72

    bbPress Polls 0.5.5

    bbPress Private Messaging Extended 0.9

    bbPress signatures 0.14

    Bozo Users 1.0

    Censor 0.1

    Hidden Forums 0.0.4

    Mini Track 0.1.6

    Move It 0.14

    Post Count Plus – Dynamic.Titles & More! 1.1.6

    Report Post 0.11

    Support forum 2.3.3

    Temporary ban 1.0

    Unread Posts 0.9.1

    I’ve tried recounting the forums many times, sometimes it works for a few hours, other times it doesn’t do anything to help.

    I’m on bbPress 1.0-alpha 2.

    My forum url is


    In reply to: Problem deleting posts


    I don’t think the problem is with deleting a whole topic when there’s only one post in it. The problem as I understand it is that when deleting the only post in a topic, this error occurs.

    I just verified that this occurs on a trunk installation (r1794) if you try to delete the only post of a topic.

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/46/d93980635/htdocs/trunk/bb-includes/functions.php on line 527

    That was my point a couple posts ago. bbPress should handle this, or remove the option to delete the post if it’s the only post on a topic, but in reality, administrators should be deleting the whole topic, not the only post in that topic. When you delete the only post of a topic, what are you expecting to be left over?

    The post is gone, and the thread no longer shows up in the front page forum list, but I think bbPress or the administrator could be smarter about how to accomplish what we’re really trying to do here.


    I’m not trying to have integrated users & logins between wordpress & bbpress.

    Following my approach from above, I have been able to get bbpress 1.0-Alpha working without doing anything different than I did with


    In reply to: Problem deleting posts


    Actually bbPress should handle a one-post topic delete as the full topic delete, I think that bug was addressed awhile ago but may have been reintroduced. A foreach won’t fail on one item, as long it’s still an array. Zero items is a problem though.


    WordPress 2.6.2 and bbPress are not compatible with cookies and logins. But I don’t think that would create this problem. Are you trying to have integrated users and logins between WordPress and bbPress?

    Also, re: bb-config-sample.php, the web installer can take care of modifying the sample file and creating a bb-config.php. It didn’t used to do that, but it can take care of it now.


    In reply to: Problem deleting posts


    If you are deleting the only post in a topic, you should probably be deleting the whole topic, not just the post. I can see that bbPress should probably catch that, but if you delete the topic rather than the post, does it error out?

    Why would you delete the only post in a topic? What would be left?


    My guess is that there is a problem in your bb-config.php on the line right before line 28. The problem shows up on line 28 because the previous line doesn’t have the proper syntax. I think the problem is in the line with the BB_SECRET_KEY – maybe you have a single quote or back slash in there that’s not properly escaped. If you use a text editor that has syntax highlighter, you should be able to see the problem with the syntax.

    Also, what version of bbPress did you install?



    Newbie setting up bbpress with integration to wordpress but coming across a problem.

    Inatalled latest version of WordPress on Wednesday and BBpress yesterday but BBpress gives the following error when starting:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /websites/LinuxPackage03/xp/er/ie/ on line 28

    Line 28 of my bb-config.php file is:

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_xpe’; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!

    My forum site is:

    Any help resolving this would be welcome.

    Many thanks



    I’ve just added an an experimental “cloud view” for the Top 1000 forums so you can spot patterns in words and trends.

    (requires free registration to use)

    I’m still tweaking some of it’s visual layout and abilities but it’s fun to play with.


    In reply to: Problem deleting posts

    Bharat Karavadra


    I;ve just noticed that I get this issue as well. It seems to happen when there is only one message in the topic.

    So when yu are logged in as Keymaster and go the the topic and then click DELETE under the message, the ajaxy stuuf does it’s wipe up and then the message re-eappares on the page but with the “Invalid argument for foreach error” just above the message again.


    Bharat Karavadra

    Well it seems to work OK here.

    What version of bbpress are these forums running?

    Bharat Karavadra


    One of the members of our bbpress installtion reported the following PHP error when they were posting a message with links in it. I could not replicate the problem as Keymaster but can as a member.

    When a member starts a NEW topic and the message includes http:// URLS in the message the following erro occures and the topic/message is not posted.

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ on line 527

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/ in /home/ on line 214

    On replying to a message and your message has http:// URLS then the page simply re-directs back to the forum without the above error message and again no post.

    If however, you START or REPLY with a message with just text and no URLs you can then go back and EDIT the post and add the URLs.


    I’ve followed the installation instructions, including saving bb-config-sample.php as bb-config.php with the correct values (although it doesn’t say to do this in the bbpress installation instructions). When I go to the intended URL of the bbpress site I get the following error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: wp_kses_no_null() in /homepages/45/d144276697/htdocs/ on line 240

    I have a wordpress installation in /news/ of the domain, and attempting to put bbpress into /news/forum/

    WordPress: 2.6.2


    Any thoughts?


    In reply to: CSS files. . .


    Ah… nevermind

    i only need to know how to increase the posting text size

    i am now using one of the bbpress raw templates


    In reply to: CSS files. . .


    Thank you for your help.

    I have set everything right, except I can’t find how to increase the size of three fonts:

    the font used when a person is in the process of typing a post

    and the tiny little font for for “posted # days ago”

    the “send post” font

    I want to make the font large enough for geriatric eyes

    I am comfortable going into all the templates files and fooling around with them. my site, demonstrates the extent of the rough surgery

    I do wish I could keep a sign giving credit to bbPress, but unfortunately I was unable. perhaps there is a nice graphic saying bbPress I can put somewhere? I cannot write the code to put a sign at the bottom saying, “powered by bbPress”

    I would like to cut out the “member” etc. designations given below the name of the poster

    How can I tell how large to make the font and page?? It would seem to depend on the setting of the person’s computer, which is variable. On a Mac, if you hit command+ or command-, everything is enlarged or decreased


    In reply to: CSS files. . .


    Yes, please keep your modifications restricted to files in the template folder. If you think you need to modify something outside that folder, it’s probably already possible with a plugin. If it’s not possible with a plugin, you’re getting into modifying the bbPress core, which is a very bad idea for keeping up with new releases.

    I recommend copying all the stock theme files over to a new theme and then modify those files. That way, you can always refer back to the original if you break something, or you can even revert to the stock theme if you really break something.

    Or this more recent explanation:


    I know where the CSS code is for my bbPress site, but what parts are relevant for the following simple adjustments?

    larger font size throughout

    more narrow margins and a wider text area

    taking out tags and other things like that

    maybe even adding a big announcement at the head of my page?

    taking away titles such as “member”

    replacing the text ‘be brief and descriptive’

    many thanks to anyone who can tell me


    I haven’t attempted this alpha 2 install yet, but I will sometime this weekend hopefully, however, in regards to the issue that bharatk was seeing in alpha 1… I was seeing the same thing. When integrating with WordPress 2.6.2, from the looks of it, you are only able to be logged in AND access the admin page of either WordPress or bbPress at one time. It seemed to work fine as a normal user to log into both entities at the same time and retain function, but I can double check that again before I upgrade. It just seems like the Admin functionality is limited to being logged in to either WordPress or bbPress at one time. If you log into one and then want to go to the other, you have to log out of the original one you logged in to. Let me know if you want any additional information before I upgrade and I can get it for you.

    Tom Lynch

    I have investigated some more it seems that new users of mu which own blogs get assigned as inactive on bbpress, dispite the role map being set to give them member level or higher for all levels on the role map.

    Any suggestions, theres no error codes it just plain doesn’t like wpmu’s role map

    Tom Lynch

    I have just tried again now using alpha 2.0 and while the integration was easier and the keymaster seems to work fine user role maps still are not coming across from wpmu


    In reply to: New Topic Notification


    Did you try installing it? Since bbPress is beta software and has undergone lots of changes in the past year, a lot of the early plugins don’t work without modification.

    There was a reply recently by sambauers about subscribing yourself to the new posts feed and front page feed (I think) via an RSS to email service like Feedblitz. Then you could get notification in your email rather than RSS.

    I think the creators of bbPress have gone down the path of RSS rather than email, for notifications. Adding back in the functionality for delivery via email is most likely going to always be via a plugin. Just my opinion.


    I’ve seen a bunch of replies today regarding things you’re unhappy with being missing from bbPress, things that are handled by plugins that should not be. I think your idea of forum software is different from the creators ideas for bbPress. I don’t think all the functionality you are missing in bbPress is ever going to be in the bbPress core. I have no official word on the subject, but from watching the replies over the past two years regarding topic like this, I don’t think these things will ever be part of the core, but will be available as plugins.

    Also, bbPress is alpha or beta software, depending on the version you installed, around two years old, where phpBB is something like eight years old.

    bbPress isn’t for everyone. That’s why there are lots of forum packages out there. Something for everyone.


    I don’t want those things in the bbPress core – I would never use them. That said, normally things like this can be added via plugins, which are optional and I wouldn’t have to install them. Best of both worlds.

    I am curious why you selected bbPress over phpBB if these core features are already present in phpBB but not in bbPress? Not a flame, an honest question.


    Why on earth is there an image plug in? Why isn’t it a standard part of the main install? It seems that the BBpress logo should be…

    “BBpress, the bulletin board that looks deceptively lean because… it is! Everything you take for granted isn’t there until you add a plug in”.

    Surely email notification, email notification by forum subscribed to, images, WYSIWYG formatting, are all soooooo important and standard on other bulletin boards they should be part of the standard install?

    But, I may never know the answer because I won’t get an email if someone replies to this thread.

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