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  • #67093

    Core hacks would not be needed for this, just special views and filters. The same way my hidden-forums plugin works, you could make topics available or hidden based on location.

    Do you really want to track at the POST level or rather the TOPIC level which would create far less data to churn through?

    There is already someone using bbPress for a travel agency of sorts with dozens of destinations all linked together. Each city is like a forum in itself. I remember it well because it was very difficult to filter out the dozens of pseudo-forums from the top1000 list.


    I’ve installed this on three sites so far and have the following issues:

    1. I don’t have the admin setting that is in the file that comes up with the link on the integration settings page for wp. If it isn’t there how am I supposed to give the setting to bbpress? I was able to find everything else. That setting isn’t in any of the three WP-MU sites I’ve installed bbpress alpha 2 on. They’re all using 2.6.2 or 2.6.3.

    2. As keymaster, I cannot undelete a thread. I just get an error saying “An unidentified error has occurred.”

    3. The “new topic” link is active even when no one is logged in. This link shouldn’t appear if no one is logged in. I normally get a 404 error page when I click on it without being logged in.

    4. One one site, I couldn’t start a thread. as soon as it was submitted, I was told it was deleted or moderated or something like that.


    Something like this?




    I was wondering whether there’s a plug in which creates a new forum topic in bbPress and links to it everytime I post a new WordPress post?

    This has three plus points:

    -Forums are a more organized/structured system than a blog comments system

    -In addition to being a comments system, users can also start their own threads

    -Topics per post encourages users to join the forums/register at your site

    Here’s an example of how it’s done (WP + PHPBB topics per post plugin)

    I hope there’s a WP + BBP version of that plugin.

    Olaf Lederer

    I wrote that function monthes before:


    I have the exact same problem, luckily the site isn’t online yet, but I really need wordpress 2.6.x and bbpress to work together..

    Anyone know when they are planning to bring out a (more) stable version of bbpress 1?


    In reply to: Mass email function

    Olaf Lederer

    If you have a large number of members, this is a positively guaranteed way to get your server IP banned by most major email services like gmail, hotmail, yahoo and aol.

    What is your advice to send a newsletter to 10.000 bbpress forum members?


    Nah, still didnt work. If I dont use require_once(‘../wp-blog-header.php’); I cant get to the admin page, it just redirects to the bbpress frontpage. And if I use it, I get:

    Warning: require_once(../wp-blog-header.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/ on line 41

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘../wp-blog-header.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear’) in /var/www/ on line 41


    I have tried both 1.0-2 Alpha and 0.9.2

    And for the modifications you are doing I would recommend 0.9.2 as it’s a stable release, and I have intergrated both database and theme into my forum without problems


    By the way, this only happens on my front-page.php. When I use the pagination on my forum pages I don’t get the error……

    Started new topic:


    Hi there,

    My bbPress forum (0.9.2) has been theme and databased intergrated, I’ve just decided to test sticky topics, and this occurs on a sticky topic:

    What is this [sticky] code doing, Is this meant to be how a sticky topic is identified to someone or is broken bbcode?




    Sure, it’s possible with bbPress.

    If you are set on modifying the bbPress core, then what I would do is download two exact copies of bbPress. Use one, then save one. You can always compare your current version to the pristine one you never touched, in the event you need to upgrade and you need to recreate your changes in the updated files.

    I would say the is pretty stable, for sure. The Alpha releases are less stable, but I haven’t had any problems with them either. I installed an old, old alpha version about 18 months ago and am still using it, but YMMV.

    Maybe someone else can recommend a specific version or revision as a starting point for your project. Good luck.


    I’m about ready to start integrating bbPress into my site. I plan to make extensive modifications, so much so that it would probably not resemble bbPress at all when I’m done.

    This is my idea. I’m going to have 51 forums (1 for each state + DC) and then tag each forum post with latitude and longitude of the city from which the user posted. So if a user posts a message from my New York City page, it will be tagged with the longitude and latitude of New York City.

    Then I would like to sort of auto generate forums for each city by using proximity searches. So say the user loads a page in Rochester, NY. I can search the NY State forum for all the posts within X miles of Rochester, NY.

    I have all the MySQL latitude/longitude stuff figured out using MySQL spacial indexes.

    My question is whether or not you think this is possible with bbPress, and second if I go ahead and make extensive modifications to bbPress and can not easily upgrade, is the current version stable enough to “live with” for quite awhile?


    I follow this with great interest since I have almost the same problem. I dont even see the admin admin, I only have one admin and that is my account since if I try to use it I get to edit my profile. I’ve tried entering the path but it only takes me to the first page :-(

    I have checked my AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY AND LOGGED_IN_KEY and they are for sure the same since I havent changed them. So both my wp and bb config says like this:

    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’); // Change this to a unique phrase.

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’); // Change this to a unique phrase.

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’); // Change this to a unique phrase.


    I actually have a closely related but slightly different need – I need bbPress to NOT strip out the target if I manually enter it into an <a> tag and, ideally, to also not strip out the rel=”nofollow”

    This plugin does add the rel=”nofollow” to links, but I wouldn’t want that added to my internal links, just external ones. But it is not adding the target=”_blank” and bbPress is still stripping it if I add it manually. Again, I wouldn’t want it added for internal links, just external (we want ALL internal (on-site) links to open in the same window, but want ALL external links to open in a new window).

    The only way I know of to get this granularity of control is to do them manually, but dang it bbPress keeps removing them.

    I agree totally that it’s not good to mess with core files, and I try to avoid it at all costs, but this is a very important issue for us – so if there is no plugin to add this level of control, how can I modify my file(s) to do this? I would happily add a functions.php to my theme and put it there, but am not a good enough coder to write this function myself.

    Any suggestions?


    In reply to: Newsletter plugin


    There was also this recent discussion:


    In reply to: Newsletter plugin


    Would there be any content at all from the forums? The reason I ask is that instead of using bbPress for the newsletter, you could just sign people up for a newsletter service like AWeber if no content is from the forum. Under 500 subscribers is $19/month.


    In reply to: Newsletter plugin


    So, when members join, they can opt in to your newsletter. You want to use bbPress as sort of a member database. But the content you send out would not be bbPress topics and replies necessarily, but maybe something written by you, with links to topics in the forum you found interesting, or topics with no replies, or topics with lots of activity?

    Just trying to get a clear picture of what you want to do. Thanks.


    I know this issue has been raised several times before (example posts: , ).

    I too would find it very helpful to have a way of sending out a newsletter to forum members (with the option to opt in at signup). I do not use WordPress on my website so integrating BBPress with WP is not an option. Is a newsletter plugin for BBPress going to be developed?




    I just installed this plugin that automatically adds new posts to an author’s favorites. However, in order for the post’s author to receive a notification email for a new post he/she must also turn on email notifications in the admin area.

    My question: is there a way to change the code to have these email notifications turned on by default?


    update: I’ve now included this functionality in the topics-per-page plugin so use that instead which is maintained and not this mini-plugin which will not work properly with 1.0a

    Here’s something I had made a mental note of quite awhile ago but forgot to do, add pagination to the front-page for the latest discussions. You can see a demo near the bottom of

    (the following two functions are included in the 0.0.4 version of topics-page-page plugin, so don’t use them if you have that)

    function front_page_pagination($limit="") {
    global $page;
    if (is_front() && $page>1) {$limit.=" OFFSET ".($page-1)*bb_get_option('page_topics');}
    return $limit;
    function front_page_pages() {
    global $page, $bbdb;
    echo get_page_number_links( $page, $bbdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(topics) FROM $bbdb->forums"));

    1. add to your front-page.php template

    <div class="nav"><?php front_page_pages(); ?></div>


    <?php endforeach; endif; // $topics ?>

    2. If you use rewrite slugs you MUST add the following rule to your .htaccess file

    RewriteRule ^page/([0-9]+)/?$ /forums/?page=$1 [L,QSA]

    anywhere before </IfModule>

    where /forums/ is the path to your bbpress install.


    In reply to: integrate design


    If you are using WordPress, you need to read this about WordPress integration, to have access to WordPress functions like get_footer, get_sidebar and get_header.


    bbpress/my-templates/front-page.php is the template file that controls the look of the front page. You might want to put it right before the “discussions” div.


    You can create a full plugin out of it, then activate the plugin, or _ck_ likes to create a single plugin for all the miscellaneous tweaks or mini-plugins, then add this to that file. Adding this to a file of other mini-plugins means you cannot activate and deactivate this independently. That works for tweaks you will always want to use.

    A plugin header will need to look something like this:

    Plugin Name: bbPress Tweaks
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Various tweaks to bbPress
    Author: You
    Version: 0.1

    Add the above code after that, and call the file bbpress-tweaks.php, put it in my-plugins, then activate it in the bbPress admin. It should look like this when you’re done:

    Plugin Name: bbPress Tweaks
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Various tweaks to bbPress
    Author: You
    Version: 0.1
    function meta_keywords() {
    global $tags;
    if (!empty($tags)) {
    foreach ($tags as $t) {
    $keywords.=$t->raw_tag.', ';
    echo "n".'<meta NAME="keywords" CONTENT="'.trim($keywords,", ").'">'."n";
    add_action('bb_head', 'meta_keywords',8);

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