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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #4245
    Jeff Waugh

    Here’s a quick tip for anyone running an integrated WP+BB setup…

    Sometimes you’ll find users who haven’t been properly mapped into bbPress roles, so here is a quick MySQL statement to make them all members:

    insert into wp_usermeta (user_id, meta_key, meta_value) select user_id, 'bb_capabilities' as meta_key, 'a:1:{s:6:"member";b:1;}' as meta_value from wp_usermeta where user_id not in (select user_id from wp_usermeta where meta_key = 'bb_capabilities') group by user_id;

    (It adds a bb_capabilities record to the wp_usermeta table for each user who doesn’t have one. Thus, broken accounts become members. Yay!)

    Have fun. :-)


    In reply to: BBpress not loading


    I had a similar experience.

    I wish I knew what caused it.


    I finished my install, but when I try to go to the site, it flashes between the following two like seven times:

    And then the browser says it can’t open the page???


    Bump – I know this may wind up being a dead issue (at least until a future bbPress update), but is anyone aware of any plugin to give greater control over how links are handled?

    I don’t want to dig into the core files, but I need to have internal links handled differently from external links, and need to be able to not have manually entered links (not using the URL button) altered to remove or add anything to the <a>tag… I’m hoping a plugin exists that will allow for link customization….


    I noticed that the cookie & secret related data changed between WordPress 2.6.2 and 2.6.3. Now I am able to find the information that bbPress requests when attempting to integrate with WordPress.

    Does this mean that WP 2.6.3 fixes the cookie-related issues that led to the edict “Do not try to integrate WP 2.6 and bbPress 0.9”? Or is that still a bad idea?

    and no, I haven’t tried to integrate the two in my latest install. I’m still trying to deal with some of my other install issues. I’ve stopped trying to integrate until I actually have the forum working.


    I’d like my forum address to be my root domain URL:

    So long as bbpress’ “subdirectories” such as “” don’t conflict with other, real directories (such as “”), I figure that should work alright.

    However, I don’t want to dump all the bbpress files in my root directory. I’d rather keep them in a resource folder. I can do this with wordpress by putting an edited wordpress index.php file in the home dir. (I just edit the page’s require function to point to the correct location) Unfortunately, this didn’t work for bbpress.

    I imagine I’m not the only one doing this; what’s the working solution, please?

    (bbpress )



    I have tried bbSync to replace my wordpress comment system with forum posts, but it doesn`t seem to work with wp 2.6.3 + bbpress 1.0a2.

    I wanna redirect my users to my forum instead of the comments section

    Is there any other way to do it ?


    Don’t send $500, that’s crazy. Well unless that’s a single day of your adsense or something, lol. Donate here.

    Make sure you install the Human Test plugin with it.


    I suggested they change this in the core long ago and let the user choose passwords while sending only an activation link via email.

    If you don’t need them to verify via a link in the email this could be written in an hour as a plugin. The code for password entry with re-entry verification can be lifted from the 1.0 alpha source.

    I do recommend you use my Human Test plugin however.



    I don’t know what I’m doing, really, but I followed the instructions to integrate bbpress with wp; they are on 2 separate databases, so I did the advanced config option …

    After updating the settings I was logged out, and when I attempted to log back in as my bbpress info, I got the below error … I am also not able to login using my wp admin login, I got the same error but with that login name instead.

    Any thoughts? Please provide as specific instructions as possible :-) Many thanks

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘bizref_bbpress.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT ID FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘allaboutdarien’

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘bizref_bbpress.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘allaboutdarien’


    I seem to be having the admin login problem as well. I checked the salt settings and they match. I think this is a problem with the login integration. When I login to wordpress first I can post comments to bbpress but that is about it. The bbpress logout button is broken and wordpress doesn’t seem to recognize bbpress-originated logins.

    It certainly is close though. I’ll dive into the code to see if I can’t figure it out.



    How can I make bbpress allow apturl ( links?

    For example, this doesn’t generate the proper link: (had to pastebin as bbpress converts)


    By the way, once we do get this working, you’ll need to add these three rules to the .htaccess in /Forum/ because bbPress’s rule generator is not complete (and for my plugin to work)

    RewriteRule ^topic/?$ /Forum/ [R=302,L,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^forum/?$ /Forum/ [R=302,L,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^page/([0-9]+)/?$ /Forum/?page=$1 [L,QSA]

    (put them just before </IfModule>)




    Im exhausted looking for a solution so i post, after a clean install in hostgator, when I click on Latest Discussions ADD NEW link, while not logged, I get a link similar as:

    and after clicking on it: I got a WordPress 404 not found page.

    I have tried adding and .htaccess in my bbpress directory with Options +MultiViews

    I have turned off-on pretty permalinks,

    I have installed a wordpress 404 fixer plugin,

    But nothing works,

    Only if is logged a user the ADD NEW link works.

    Please helpme I am on a deadline weekend.

    best regards



    It will indirectly fix the problem with page numbers.

    Doesn’t actually fix the bbPress internal issue but avoids it instead. I still don’t understand why I can’t reproduce the error on my installs.

    You are probably getting an internal server error because of a conflict with a rule in the root htaccess. Make sure you don’t still have the old rewrite rules in the root one. You can also post that root htaccess here for me to look at. Be sure to put it between code backticks.


    I have the same exact same problem with wp 2.6.3 and bbpress 1.0-alpha, divided db but integrated login and cookie.

    I guess it could be solved by making all login throgh bbpress but it’s annoying.


    You need to make sure the .htaccess is in /Forums/ and not the root of the entire site. Your host’s directory structure is a little strange but I don’t think it will interfere with mod_rewrite.

    There is a possibility that there is a rule in the root .htaccess that is interfering the lower .htaccess. But let’s first make sure it’s in the correct directory.

    By the way:


    is correct.


    is wrong.

    bbPress needs to know that the string following is a topic, otherwise it doesn’t know what to do with it (it might be a forum). /Forum/forum/forum-name is also legit.


    I just moved WordPress and bbPress to a new host. Everything is working fine with both apps except I can no longer log into bbPress with my WP account and the posts using the BBpress Latest Discussions plugin are no longer displaying.

    The bb-config.php file is configured correctly because the forum posts are displaying. Is there an .htaccess file elsewhere than the root that’s missing? Is it a permission issue?

    Any clue what I’m missing?




    The rewrite rules are correct to add the topic and forum in the URI. If it didn’t, bbPress would not know based on the permalink if you were talking about a topic of a forum. So, that part of it is correct. You have another issue causing the permalinks to not work for the forum. Maybe a .htaccess file one directory up?


    Hmm that’s a really strange problem that I am going to have to explore a bit later.

    You are using the final copy of the plugin correct?

    And you didn’t modify it at all?

    Even though I can’t reproduce the problem on my copies of bbPress, this may be an internal bug since I can workaround the issue by doing this (note the ?& )

    ps. the best way to do pretty-permalinks is to use the .htaccess method with “rewrite” where you have to copy and paste the rules that bbPress offers here:

    Once you do that, then you have to turn on the option in your bb-config.php


    Hi _ck_ – thanks for helping.

    Here is a link from the front page to a topic:

    I reported it working because the numbers showed up exactly how I wanted to see them, but I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t actually “click” on the numbers at that point to be sure they actually worked correctly.

    I didn’t change the plugin in any way. It does work perfectly on the other pages – the individual forum list of topics (forum.php) and the topic itself with the posts (topic.php)……I only get this error if I click on the additional page numbers on the front page.

    (p.s. – I would LIKE to use pretty permalinks, but have not been able to get that working, even after reading everything I could find here on the subject and trying all of the suggestions – I’m hoping a future version of bbPress will fix this issue, but for now I’m stuck with the ugly permalinks)


    I have bbPress fully integrated with WP 2.5.1 using shared DB and tables. Everything seems to be working fine, except that when users register on bbPress they are shown as having “no role for this blog” on the WP side.

    Role mapping defined in bbPress is: WP-Administrator==bb-Administrator, WP-Editor==bb-Moderator, WP-Author==bb-Member, WP-Contributor==bb-Member, WP-Subscriber==bb-Member.

    I was expecting somemone who signs up to bbPress (with the default Member role) to be given Subscriber status in WP. I can see that there is an ambiguity as to which WP role should be chosen for a bbPress Member, but I guessed the one with lowest privilege, i.e. Subscriber, would apply.


    Chrishajer: Thanks for helping out. I have tried clearing the cache and I’ve tried both IE7 and FF3, doesnt change anything.

    Regarding the path, line 41 says:


    I have tried using this instead:


    And then the error goes away, but as soon as I press the “Admin” link next to my login name and Log Out it just takes me back to the first bbpress page located at


    OK, I guess I should modify that last posting. I now have tabs off to the right called “Profile”, “Edit” and “Favorites”. I still don’t see any WordPress integration section of the bbPress admin area, however.


    Zulan: this error says you have the path to the file wrong in your bb-config.php.

    Warning: require_once(../wp-blog-header.php)
    [function.require-once]: failed to open stream:
    No such file or directory in
    on line 41


    What path do you have listed to wp-blog-header.php on line 41 in your bb-config.php?

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