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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #69111

    Psst! You mean to put bbpress here:


    If you put it under wordpress, your URL will be


    Oh one big thing I should point out – the features in bbPress, and the time of the main developers are first and primarily geared towards the need of Automattic and – people forget or don’t realize that.

    Remember, bbPress is a purpose driven product that happens to also be open source. It wasn’t just a few people that said “hey let’s make a better free forum because we can”.

    The features that are “missing” from bbPress just happen to be the features that Matt decided weren’t a priority for and the other Automattic forums. It’s also why there is no documentation, remember Matt has to pay the coders, why does he need documentation for 3rd party plugin developers if it’s just going to cost money.

    bbPress 1.0 and the backpress integration are now being driven by Matt’s goal of TalkPress for members.

    So there’s the logic that some might not understand without perspective. There are projects like SMF that literally WERE “let’s make a better free forum” that have matured now so you can compare to them – but remember they are half a decade old. bbPress is far younger (and bbPress is way easier to write mods for).


    SteveDrum both anon posting and PM are plugins.

    I don’t see why they should be built in, I for one don’t like them on my forums and it bloats the code.

    Until 1.0 there was a problem with anon posting because there was no place to store post meta, but now the general bb_meta table can be used. So maybe one day it will have it built in but not likely 1.0


    Sam’s short on time these days. He just went to bed, so no more replies from him today (aussie time).


    Just seen Sam pop up on these boards (was beginning to think he was a myth), so hopefully we’ll get an answer on some of these points we’ve made :)


    No, but I try to keep a running list here:

    You can always rely on the tags here too:


    I think they just want to spread spam links. I doubt they could hurt anything unless there were a flaw found in bbPress.

    Using the Human Test plugin pretty much eliminates the spam registrations:


    All fixed. This post by deadmedic fixed all my issues! It explains why all the ‘worked for me!’ posts seemed like nonsense to me.

    The fix:

    Change line 673 in bb-settings.php from:

    $bb->sitecookiepath = rtrim($bb->sitecookiepath, '/');


    $bb->sitecookiepath = '/' . trim($bb->sitecookiepath, '/');

    Thank you deadmedic!

    while ($stars_in_heavens) {
    deadmedic.karma += extra_scoop_of_icecream();
    deadmedic.praise_sung += 1;

    You fixed it.

    Here I was searching for all instances of setcookie…novice error!

    WP2.6.3; bbPress 1.0a2; PHP5; Apache 1.3

    I can log in and out of WP and bbPress from any direction!

    I did not use the .htaccess edits, just the rtrim line.

    Thank you, so very much!

    I wonder if this is going to solve my bbSynch and bbLive issues?

    BTW, there is a WP plugin to skin the wp login. They have a flickr group to share what people have done.

    I like the idea of funneling registrations through bbPress, as most of my members will hit the fora.

    I have to go and clean up some nasty things I’ve been saying around the web about integration…

    Thanks again, man.



    I just noticed that my newly installed BBpress board has now around 20 members (launched it around 2 weeks ago). Of these 20 only 4 have posted a message. Moreover, when looking at my logs showing real traffic I do not see evidence of so many registrations (my logs show real traffic only). Also, some of these new users have provided a spammy website URL (porn, gaming etc).

    My question: can some of these new users be automated bots that somehow exploit the register form? If so what shoud I do/expect? How would they want to harm my website?




    This would be great as a ‘Promote To Main Forum’ plugin.

    WPMu integration comes to mind where satellite fora feed a global forum…



    i want to use bbpress in an intranet. Is it possible to deactivate the registration , and allow posts of all users (not logged in – anonymous)?





    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    A simple phpBB3 to bbPress converter would be great. I really hope this gets done soon — bbPress + WordPress absolutely rocks.


    I have a site with two separate bbPress installs that share a single users table: one is a Message Boards forum, while the other one is for Classifieds. They are on two separate subdomains:



    Some users post classifieds listings to the Boards, which creates tons of admin work: I have to mark the listing as spam, message the user and ask them to repost it to Classifieds. It’s a big pain, and the problem is only growing.

    After doing this several hundred times, I finally realized that maybe there was a better solution :-). It’d be great if I could click a button and have the topic be deleted from the Boards server and added to Classifieds.

    Is it possible to have a plugin “cross over” and send data to another bbPress install? In this case, both the Boards and the Classifieds bbPress installs are on the same physical server… maybe that helps here? Or maybe that doesn’t matter, and this can all be done through API’s or something…

    Any insight on this one? Thanks!


    Put it in your root, but in a folder of its own. So, if you have WordPress here


    you can put bbPress here:


    Then, your website/blog is and your forum is

    You can call your folder whatever you want, it might be forum, forums, bbpress, anything at all.


    I just ported the awesome iNove wordpress theme over to a bbPress template. Here is a link to download it and see a demo:

    Hope someone finds it useful!


    in installation manual is written to upload files, but not in which folder of wordpress, into plugins or content or on root or where?


    In reply to: Blockquotes are broken


    Agreed. I’ve brought it up before, but I think they must be working on other things.

    Bozo problem


    At a guess…

    RewriteRule ^forum/faq(.*)$ [L,R=301]
    RewriteRule ^forum/mcp(.*)$ [L,R=301]
    RewriteRule ^forum/member(.*)$ [L,R=301]
    RewriteRule ^forum/search(.*)$ [L,R=301]
    RewriteRule ^forum/ucp(.*)$ [L,R=301]
    RewriteRule ^forum/view(.*)$ [L,R=301]

    That’s the majority of the links, I think. At least the ones off the main page of a forum.


    In reply to: Blockquotes are broken

    Hey, my site works fine. I’m saying’s quotes are broke. :) Someone should fix the CSS here.


    I have written instructions (in Swedish) on how to find and use a Swedish language localization, it can be found here:



    I just set up a vanilla bbPress installation (, as I am curious as to how it looks, feels and works. The first thing I did was to turn on Gravatar support, because Gravatar is awesome. However, it seems like I can’t turn it off again! When I uncheck the box and press “Update Settings”, I return to the same page but now with a green box saying “Settings saved.”, suggesting everything went smoothly. However, when I scroll down, I find that the damned box is checked again. What do I do? (And where do I file a bug report if this is not just me?)

    // Job


    You would need to map all the old phpBB URLs to new bbPress URLs, one to one, since it doesn’t look like there’s an easy way to create a rewrite rule. Once you have all the URLs before and after, you can create 301 redirect rules in your .htaccess file.


    Well, your shots are spot on _CK_. Many many thanks. Hope this helps lots of other newcomers as well.

Viewing 25 results - 54,501 through 54,525 (of 64,076 total)
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