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  • #68913

    In reply to: WPMU integration


    let me clean up what i said above

    i just did another test

    it happened that, if you created abc123 from bbpress

    you can’t login wordpress (it will turned to cookie error, i am using firefox)

    you will have to first use admin account, and then go to site-admin -> users, and make abc123 from No role to one of the role, let’s say editor.

    now, you can login

    and also, i can’t login at the same time

    i can’t login abc123 in wordpress but bbpress is still not login yet.



    Note: Compared to wp, I don’t see a wp_options database entry so I can’t see where the base URI is being saved at…

    I am new to bbPress so maybe I am just missing it.


    In reply to: WPMU integration


    hey klarko, thanks a lot

    just another quick question

    everything went fine, i did everything in the admin panel

    now, when i tested registration in bbpress, it worked, but i tried to login from wordpress, doesn’t work

    i mean i created a new user name abc from bbpress

    it worked in bbpress,. but i can’t login in from wordpress mu

    is that the case? or something went wrong?


    I know your a busy person _ck_ so thanks for the quick reply.

    it is a true subdomain, no mod_rewrite. There are no .htaccess files associated and I did have the forethought to add an .htaccess page in the root directory.

    Tried RewriteEngine and RewriteBase.

    I am not using multiviews.

    I am using the same database for several WP installs for them to share the same User data. Yet I have not used the integration functions for bbPress. All files have their bb_ prefix and should not be interacting with any other ones.

    And you are right , doesn’t look like it is allowing Index.php file to run through.

    Any other ideas?


    What would the RewriteCond be in this case?


    Jeez, the thing why I couldnt log in was caused by year long cookie plugin. Deleted it and its okay now…

    The thing with rating in FF persists though :-(


    My very first guess would be a problem with the way subdomains are being handled. Is it a true subdomain or a mod_rewrite subdomain?

    There may be parent direct htaccess rules that is messing something up with a conflict.

    It doesn’t even feel like bbPress is getting to execute, index.php is not even being called.

    You’re not using multiviews correct?


    I am trying to install bbPress version

    Installation URL:

    Hosting data:

    Operating system Linux

    Apache version 2.2.10 (Unix)

    PHP version 5.2.6

    MySQL version 5.0.51

    So it goes through the whole process and completes it, but when you go to the main page, there is nothing. No error messages, no output, nothing at all.

    Since I don’t know what the problem is, I am at a lost as to what to do. I search of the forums hasn’t provided any answers.

    Here is the end of installer message:

    Referrer is OK, beginning installation…

    Step 1 – Creating database tables

    >>> Create table bb_forums

    >>> Create table bb_posts

    >>> Create table bb_topics

    >>> Create table bb_topicmeta

    >>> Create table bb_users

    >>> Create table bb_usermeta

    >>> Create table bb_tags

    >>> Create table bb_tagged

    Step 2 – WordPress integration (optional)

    >>> Integration not enabled

    Step 3 – Site settings

    >>> Site name: Internet Marketing forums

    >>> Site address (URL):

    >>> From email address:

    >>> Key master created

    >>>>>> Username: admin

    >>>>>> Email address:

    >>>>>> Password: XXXXXXXXXXX

    >>> Description: Just another bbPress community

    >>> Forum name: SEOC

    >>>>>> Topic: Your first topic

    >>>>>>>>> Post: First Post! w00t.

    >>> Key master email sent

    Installation complete!

    For security reasons I have X’d out the password.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    This topic is an interesting read.

    I don’t see that BBPress should fit established norms for “forums”, which I personally think are horribly outdated: Trying to apply a nice neat academic/usenet ontology to the “Twitter generation”, who would rather just communicate. Now.

    So I believe the prime role of “forum software” is to allow users to freely express themselves. Structuring and organising the information they post is a different challenge. “Categories” is essentially a response to that challenge. But can’t we do better?

    Which ironically is where things like XML-RPC become interesting. Can I make use of that now? Probably not. But it surely has potential to cross-reference discussions.

    BBPress is clearly still an early stage product. It’s certainly not there yet, even if technically it works. And almost by definition nobody is going to have clear view of where it is going.

    (And for the record, personally the biggest annoyance with the core of BBPress (0.9.x) is that users cannot register using a unicode-style username – Russian, Chinese, Arabic, or even oddball European characters. It’s just… rude, right? Or is there a solution I’ve missed that doesn’t involve rewriting the core?)


    I’ve been working on this for a few weeks and its finally complete. There are still a few small bugs left and I’m sure I’ll find more, but I have launched the forum in its present state.

    I’m using a few of _ck_’s pluggins. “Instant Password” and “Human Test”

    I made quite a few modifications to the core to support what you might call “Virtual Forums” for lack of a better term.

    My site lists apartments, I have pages for around 26,000 cities in the U.S. I wanted to have forum content on each page but didn’t want to create 26,000 forums for a few obvious reasons. The main being that probably 99% of the forums would never get any content.

    My solution. I created 2 generic forums and 51 state forums. On each one of my apartment city pages I integrated the forum content from the state forum in which the city resides. For example, the Boston, MA apartment page would show content from the Massachusetts forum.

    The trick is that if someone creates a topic from the Boston, MA apartment page, the topic is inserted into the bbPress DB with a new column that contains the latitude and longitude of Boston,MA.

    If someone creates a topic from the Newton, MA (10 miles from Boston, MA) apartment page. The topic is inserted in the bbPress DB with the latitude and longitude of Newton, MA.

    What this allows me to do is show forum content from any City in the U.S. with the forum topics sorted by distance (and secondarily by date) from the City the user is currently viewing.

    To show you an example. (Scroll down under the map to view the forum content on the right hand side)

    Boston Apartment page

    Newton Apartment page

    Each forum topic has the City and State that the user posted from prefixed to the actual forum topic.

    As you can see the forum posts change order based on what city you view. This is not that useful without many forum posts, but once the forum starts to fill up it will appear that each city page contains a “Virtual” forum based on that city and the cities that are nearest to it.

    Hopefully this will not only allow me to engage a much larger audience as most of the forum topics will be relevant to the page they are viewing.

    Please let me know if you have any suggestions or comment. This is very much still a work and progress and can definitely be improved. The #1 thing I’m not happy with is the location of the city forums. I’m working on a redesign that would move the forums, or at least a link to the forums, up near the top of the page.

    You can also view the regular apartment forum which has a modified very of the default template.


    In reply to: WPMU integration


    klarko, may i ask you a question

    for the wpmu, did you just use the default integration provided by the bbpress installation?

    and for the wordpress url and blog url, what do you write?

    i mean, if i have a couple blogs already,which one should i use?

    will i miss any user if i choose one not the other 3 blogs?


    I’m not a fan of XML-RPC myself but it’s a feature Matt wanted to pioneer. He mentioned it in one of his first announcements about bbPress. He wanted some features no other forum has. Given that it’s his “baby” he can guide it in any direction he feels fit of course.

    bbPress is just like WordPress in one major way – if you don’t like something, or want to make it better – get coding.

    WordPress didn’t have documentation for YEARS. You can find many complaints about it. Even as recent as 2.0 I believe. But look at it now.

    bbPress is the same way. And in a couple years, newcomers will wonder what the heck you were complaining about.

    Last but not least, in fact most importantly, you’re working with a pre 1.0, pre-release project – what exactly are you expecting? Features aren’t even locked in yet.

    I only learned PHP a few years ago and I figured out how to code for bbPress, 100% without documentation. If I can do it, anyone can.


    Hi John – _CK_’s pluging bring up related topics, but this plugin only works in bbPress.

    I’m after a plugin that shows related topics on a WordPress article (so you’d be able to show related posts and related topics on the forum).


    Thanks Chris and Ipstenu for your reply. I will give it a try and report back!


    @ipstenu: So your bb-config.php has:

    $bb->wp_siteurl = '';
    $bb->wp_home = '';
    $bb->cookiedomain = '';
    $bb->cookiepath = '/';
    $bb->sitecookiepath = '/';
    $bb->admin_cookie_path = '/forum/bb-admin';
    $bb->core_plugins_cookie_path = '/forum/bb-plugins';
    $bb->user_plugins_cookie_path = '/forum/my-plugins';


    and your wp-config.php has similar entries:

    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
    define('COOKIEPATH', '/' );



    It was also reported here:

    There is a bug in bb-admin/options-general.php

    Edit bb-admin/options-general.php

    and right near the top after

    bb_check_admin_referer( 'options-general-update' );

    add this line:

    if (empty($_POST['avatars_show'])) {$_POST['avatars_show'] = false;}


    Their server might have networked storage (NFS) which WordPress runs poorly on. bbPress 1.0 will have similar issues because of the sheer number of files.

    But try installing bb-benchmark on the bbPress side and try this great-grandfather of bb-benchmark on the WordPress side (jeromes-query-diagnostics). I’ve been too busy to port bb-benchmark back to wordpress unfortunately.



    I wondered if it possible to have links to the Login/Register page on BBPress instead of the login boxes.

    But i didn’t want to use hyperlinks in the template because i want it to show the links such as to access the site Admin, users profile and logout.



    Make a backup of the files and the database, then just try the upgrade. I don’t know of any specific problems that come up between 0.8 and 1.0-alpha. I can’t remember any when I upgraded.


    @techypenguin: What do you mean, “Thanks but the quiries doesnt work” – you need to get it to work to see if that’s part of the problem. Then you need to figure out where the extra queries are coming from.


    Errors like this are far more helpful to Sam when they are entered into TRAC ( )


    lastest commit issues

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function number_format_i18n() in /foo/bar/bbpress/bb-includes/ on line 231

    see :



    By the way, it’s perfectly possible to create a subdomain mapping to the same single copy of bbPress so a single table is shared within the same copy.

    Just takes some additional mod_rewrite rules.

    Merging your two separate forums now however would be a boatload of work unfortunately.


    Since they share the same db on the same server it’s possible to write a custom mysql query to do the move behind bbPress’s back. This would be necessary because it’s impossible to load the core for both copies of bbPress to move the topic with the two APIs.

    If you could use the API, it would be far, far easier of course, but since you are literally deleting the old topic in the 1st table and creating a new one in the 2nd table, it’s “safe”. New topic id is created and other data is not expected to carry over (other than the author id which is identical).

    Email me the two different table names and I’ll try to come up with a custom query for you.


    The function is tricky in how it works, many WP/bbPress functions now use the generic $args call instead of breaking it down by field.

    First it checks if what’s passed to it is a number, if so, the number is treaded as a specific forum id request.

    If it’s NOT a number, then it’s checked if it’s not empty, and then if it’s a string and there’s no problem using it in an array. If so, then it’s used as the before element.

    To bypass those situations, you’d have to send it an array

    Something like:

    $args = array( 'id' => 1, 'before' => ' [ ', 'after' => ' ] ' );

    Where you could leave out any of those elements inside args if you didn’t want it, like the id, after, etc.

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