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  • #4337

    I’ve just installed bbPress (. and tried to integrate it with my WP site (2.6.5). (I just read some of the sticky about integration and see that i shouldn’t be integrating WP 2.6 with bb 0.9, but that’s something i can look at afterwards.)

    Thing is, i think i’ve put the wrong database prefix or something like that since i’m getting the following errors (i’ve substituted ‘db’ for the name of my database):

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘db.dbusers’ doesn’t exist]

    SET NAMES ‘utf8’

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘db.dbusers’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT * FROM dbusers WHERE user_login = ‘admin’

    As a result i can’t get into bbPress.

    Can someone tell me how i can fix this?


    I decided to give the bbPress plugin another chance. I installed it and tried creating a new topic… the browser was thinking for a looong time. I eventually stopped the process, deactivated the plugin, and created a new topic — that one was created very quickly.

    It could be an issue with the permissions of my sitemap.xml, although I am pretty sure I 777’d it properly.

    As for size of the forum, it’s significant but not huge. Thanks to ck’s awesome Mini Stats plugin, I can give you the exact stats: ~11k Topics and ~75k posts.

    Just thought I’d share an update. :-)


    Yah the site was still up and running that whole time. I not-so-intelligently generated the sitemap at 11 pm, when it still has a decent amount of traffic.

    Personally, I would use the WordPress SiteMap generator but not the bbPress one. Or at least, use the bbPress one only until you notice that it’s starting to slow down the posting process…


    > – adding a banner to bbpress like that of my WP

    Not sure what you mean there. If it’s navigation you need, you probably want integration with WordPress so you can use the WordPress functions like get_header and get_sidebar. If you mean just a banner ad of some sort, you can just add that to the template file header.php

    > – changing the logo (I know, this should be simple)

    It is. Just look in header.php for the header div, and style.css for the corresponding css.

    > – containing bb within the main area of my WP pages

    Not so easy. It doesn’t work well (or at all) in a WordPress page. It’s not a plugin for WordPress, it’s a standalone forum. If you want it to look like a WordPress page, you probably want integration as explained in item one above, or here.

    > – adding a navigation button to return to my WP pages

    > from bb

    Also easy, like changing the logo. You can do it in header.php if you want the link up top. Or you can edit another template file if you want the link somewhere else.


    You probably have the path to the wp-blog-header.php wrong. You can try the full path there in the bb-config.php or you can verify that the relative path is actually correct. You may need to do something like ../wordpress/wp-blog-header.php if your WordPress installation is in a folder on the same level as bbpress. It’s easy to figure out if you have a command line. If not, if you can describe your directory structure, someone can help you with the path to wp-blog-header.php.


    In reply to: Plugins Locations


    bbPress attempted to correct where it could some of the naming and placement issues for files and functions that persisted in WordPress because of legacy reasons. In that way and a few others it’s design is subtly superior to WordPress.


    “Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_forums() in public_html/bbpress/index.php on line 11”

    I am new to bbPress and new to WP as well…was trying to integrate WP and bbPress. After integration everything seemed to work perfectly, than I tried to follow this…


    bbPress will not have access to WordPress’ functions unless you manually tell bbPress to load WordPress first. In order to do that, you need to put require_once(‘path/to/wp-blog-header.php’); in bbPress’ bb-config.php (wp-blog-header is in the same directory as WordPress’ wp-config.php file).

    Doing this will add quite a lot of weight to your bbPress installation as it will cause WordPress to load in it’s entirety. Your best option is to try to emulate the functionality you require inside a bbPress plugin.”



    but the Fatal Error occurred.

    Any suggestions?



    Yah there’s a bbPress Google sitemap plugin:

    * (the original, I believe)

    * (I think this is an updated version)

    I tried the earlier version, and it turned out that it regenerated a sitemap on every topic created/edited/deleted. This created a lot of overhead on my server, and slowed the process of posting a topic down to a crawl.

    It may work better now on that front? It’d be awesome if there was a way to have topic creation add an item to a queue somewhere, and then have the backend process the queue periodically (at a later point) to update the sitemap. That way, the process of creating a topic itself doesn’t get slowed down.


    I also have this problem, but I do have a lead… What I did is the following:

    Install WP 2.7 (latest build)

    Install BBPress 1 Alpha 2 but it skipped steps 2 and 3, went straight to the forum index

    Did all the settings manually like described in

    Go into WP, log in with admin account

    Go to BBPress

    At the top I see “Welcome, admin! | Admin | Log Out”

    So far so good, but when I click on “Admin” to access my admin page, nothing happens. So thats exactly the same as the others, but when I press the “Log Out” and then try to log back in with the admin account, I get a “User does not exist” message. So I guess its not reading my WP tables correctly.

    Note: My database is fully up-to-date, BBPres states that there is nothing to upgrade when I go to /bb-admin/upgrade.php


    That’s really interesting and definitely would be really annoying.

    There’s never been an official mechanism to change slugs in bbPress but it should not touch them during upgrades.

    I have to assume there was a bug in 0.8.3 where it would create bad or invalid slugs and that was some kind of attempt to fix the issue in the newer 0.9 code.

    Be sure to note this in TRAC, otherwise it might not be seen by the developers.


    In reply to: Plugins Locations


    The core developers absolutely refuse to ship bbPress with pre-made /my-plugins and /my-templates directory for reasons I cannot fathom. It’s very weird, especially since documentation to create it is very sparse and they will still work if you put items incorrectly into the bb- directories.


    Will the WP plugin “Google XML Sitemaps” work with bbPress? If not, do we have an equivalent? I searched for “google” in the plugins and didn’t see anything too promising.



    In reply to: Helping

    Well the money will be awarded to the needs of


    Hi –

    After a few false starts, I got the alpha version of bbPress installed and sharing user data with WP (yay!), so now, I’m thinking about making bbPress look more seamless.

    Specifically, I’m thinking of stuff like:

    – adding a banner to bbpress like that of my WP

    – changing the logo (I know, this should be simple)

    – containing bb within the main area of my WP pages

    – adding a navigation button to return to my WP pages from bb

    Reading through the sticky on the subject has me wondering whether I should bother to try to do any of this, or wait until the bb product is a bit more mature.

    Any sage words of advice on what I should and shouldn’t try to tackle?


    In reply to: Helping


    Keep in mind I’m an independent plugin developer and not directly associated with or

    I just moderate here to help out. is part of and doesn’t actually need donations of money, Sam and Michael are paid employees.

    But code contributions are tremendously appreciated. A quality bug report or code contribution on goes a long way to helping bbPress.

    (If you’d like to donate to me specifically for my plugin development, you can help me towards a replacement monitor here.)


    I recently upgraded my old bbPress to version For the most part, the upgrade went great!

    However, during the upgrade, all forum slugs were “recalculated”, so if I had manually edited my forum slugs, they were overwritten.

    By way of example, say I ran this forum and I created a forum named “Super Troubleshooting”. If I had activated pretty permalinks, the URL for this forum would be:

    Then, say I manually went in and changed the “forum slug” to be “superdupertroubleshooting” (for SEO reasons). So now the URL for that forum would be:

    When I upgraded from to, the upgrade function “recalculated” the forum slug using the forum title. In our example, this would change the URL from to

    I looked in the code, and this is all controlled by function bb_upgrade_process_all_slugs() in /bb-admin/upgrade-functions.php. Reading the code, it seems like the code also “recalculates” slugs for topics too!

    “Recalculating” the slugs for all forums and topics seems like an odd design decision to me, because it changes URLs so the webmaster loses Google juice. I was going to create a ticket in Trac, but maybe I’m missing something. Is there a good reason to “recalculate” slugs when upgrading a bbPress installation?


    In reply to: Helping

    I reformatted the code so it looks pretty:

    <object width="120" height="240">
    <param name="movie" value="" />
    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
    <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
    <param name="event_title" value="Help%20bbPress" />
    <param name="event_desc" value="" />
    <embed src="" flashVars="event_title=Help%20bbPress&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent" width="120" height="240"></embed>


    There is someone now doing bbPress themes on a professional level to match WordPress themes so maybe ask them too:


    (per “rules” I am now closing this thread)


    I am a budding new Internet Marketer and I have no money.

    But that doesn’t mean I can’t help… My forum is just in it’s infancy but you can see how I am helping round up some money to continue it’s work.

    I have included in the left hand side a widget. I will try to raise $500 dollars for and see if we can get _ck_ some extra cash to keep the process going.

    I don’t know if this is going to work but I am willing to try. I think that anyone using this free product should give something back.

    I am putting the code for the widget below and you can use it on your sites or what have you to help out. If you need different sizes, let me know and I will see what I can do.

    <object width="120" height="240"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="event_title" value="Help%20bbPress"></param><param name="event_desc" value=""></param><embed src="" flashVars="event_title=Help%20bbPress&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" wmode="transparent" width="120" height="240"></embed></object>

    Alternatively if you don’t trust me, go to and create your own widget to help out the cause!


    In reply to: Feeling Dumb


    Yup, follow hostpanic or the instructions here:


    If I add

    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
    define('COOKIEPATH', '');

    to my wp-config file, I can’t log in at all. But other than that, yes. Those directions are mostly the same as these, except for the sitecookie hack.


    Hi –

    I’m trying to install the current alpha version of bbpress. In step 2, I’ve selection the option to add cookie integration settings (since I’d like shared login with my WordPress site (version 2.6.3 of WP).

    The installer is asking for “salts”; the explanation is:

    <i>This must match the value of the WordPress setting named “auth_salt” in your WordPress installation. Look for the option labeled “auth_salt” in this WordPress admin page. If you leave this blank the installer will try to fetch the value based on your WordPress database integration settings.</i>

    I have no idea what this auth_salt is. A text search of my WP directory reveals a reference to it, but no definition. And, I’m not sure what the directions mean by “WordPress admin page,” but I can’t find anything in there about this either.

    Any idea what’s going on? Thanks.


    Curious if you’ve tried the steps in my wp2.7 topic? It should essentially be the same as with 2.6.3 and everything works pretty well other than the wp header integration.


    In reply to: Replies order in Alpha

    I never understand how responses like that work.

    You make it sound like somehow you’ve been inconvenienced by us or by bbPress…

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