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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #69601

    If they are sharing a database, then the problem is inheriting the logins and cookies in my opinion. Getting the user info could be as easy as a query to the DB once you know what user_id to retrieve.


    That plugin uses the built in bbPress get_page_number_links API, which does not have a function to check for the availability of pages. It only echo’s the links if they are needed.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    I ask that you excuse the general tone of this post as I’m dealing with a next-door-neighbors dog that has been barking for 3 months straight morning, noon, and night, but at the risk of sounding like a snot, I think I’ll become a fan of bbPress once integration works correctly.

    My opinion on this matter is that maybe your efforts could have been better focused elsewhere.

    I know that we all need a break from the grind, but if one of my clients had an integral operation issue with my product, even if it was free, there’s an obligation to resolve it. Just because it’s the best thing out there doesn’t exactly make the lack of response or attention to the broken integration acceptable.

    I’ve checked the trac and scoured the forums flailing my arms all the way, and so far no one seems to have figured it out or given a time-line to a resolution. I would settle for a quick and dirty fix or even someone that could point me in a more obvious direction on how to resolve it myself.

    That this is what the bbPress development team feels is the most important thing to do just seems like bad timing on someones part. In a time where world economies are suffering, I think it’s probably more important now than ever before to stay focused on the task at hand, because there’s always someone waiting to do a better job at your job for less pay.

    And lets face facts, everyone that is a fan of bbPress, is already here. I personally don’t think we don’t need another place to go quite yet. I don’t disagree that it’s a good idea, but maybe get a working 1.0 version out there first?


    Since the alpha is here , I guess I can wait some time for the stable release.

    Thanks for the fast answer!

    And I have one more question : can I make the romanian community and purchase the domain to run the community on it ?


    In reply to: New forum layout


    I don’t think the the BB in bbPress should ever be small caps. Always lowercase. Looks better.


    Looks worse this way, IMO. I like the little bb. Is bbPress a trademark like WordPress is (capitalization included)? If so, then there’s no question. It needs to be little bb.


    Since this plugin does pagination, there are functions in it to figure out how many pages there are then add page links. I suspect if you looked at the functions you might be able to see how it was done by _ck_.


    Hello people, I tried to find the en_EN language folder in , but it isn’t there .

    I want to translate bbPress in romanian but I can’t find it . Is it this one : ?


    In reply to: plugin: seo meta

    The website doesn’t exist anymore.

    Check this thread:


    Topic: bbPress Romania

    in forum Showcase

    Hello people and hello to all the people in Romania that are using bbPress.

    I made a support forum for bbPress in romanian language .

    Forum address :

    I have also made a installation tutorial with pictures :

    Hope you like it and you will join the romanian forum also :)

    Bharat Karavadra

    Sometimes forum topics are so interesting that they get many replies and bbPress v0.9.0.2 does not have any links to the latest reply when you go to a topic.

    So I created one as you will see when you go to any of the topics in the Set Forever forum.

    Here’s a link to the code update to the Kakumei theme for the topic.php file:

    Sam Bauers

    You can now become a “fan” of bbPress on FaceBook…

    Go nuts!


    In reply to: New forum layout


    The new theme should match the theme but in dark greens so we have a common identity.

    I don’t think the the BB in bbPress should ever be small caps. Always lowercase. Looks better.


    In reply to: New forum layout


    In reply to: New forum layout

    If a guy wanted to try and go for the gold and make the new official theme, who would he talk to about such things? :)


    In reply to: New forum layout


    Are blockquotes styled differently now?

    …only wanted to alleviate some of the long standing complaints people had about the layout. I’m planning a more thorough overhaul as we approach bbPress 1.0


    Please explain further.


    Topic: New forum layout

    in forum Showcase

    Can i share blog in bbpress


    Currently I have a website, let’s say which is currently a WordPress site (for now, more on that in a sec). I have successfully installed and been running bbPress at a subdomain: So far everything is hunky dory. Except that now I want to dump the WP part of the site and replace it with something homegrown (I no longer have a need for a blog-based website). The website is going to be for a streaming radio station. What I would like to be able to do is integrate bbPress to leverage the users/logins, so that those who are registered can login and make requests.

    Building the PHP/templates for the site isn’t the problem, but what would be the best way to get to the necessary bbPress objects/database/”stuff” so that I can 1) tell if the user is logged in and 2) who they are (so that I can track for request reasons). If I was integrating with WP, I’d use one the WP-integration options, but since I’m not, I’m not sure how to go about performing this. Actually that’s not entirely true… I guess what I really want to ask is, if my bbPress is in one folder linked to a subdomain, what do I need to include from another folder to get to bbPress user info from the main domain.

    I hope this made sense.



    I am on and I’m still having Bozo problems even though I deleted the Bozo plugin completely. I think it’s because my first version of bbPress was 0.83, and there’s some legacy Bozo stuff in my database.

    Anyone have any idea how to get rid of all Bozo-related data from a bbPress database?


    I’m now going through the WP and BB integration FAQ and it seems there is no option for BB in webroot and WP in a subdir listed there:

    Could this be wrong? Something to do with cookies? But then the BB homepage gives these errors, so I’m not even trying to log in…


    Oh, so true! So true! That’s what she keeps me around for ;) nice new Gravatar, BTW.


    I’m afraid I do qualify for too many of the “Granny” points – large fonts, too many cats, health problems, etc. LOL!

    But I bet your granny can’t write PHP or javascript so that makes me feel better somehow… ;-)


    Oh, eh, that’d do it! I flipped mine to Granny Mode (sorry, _ck_, it’s what I use for my gran with glaucoma) and I reproduced it. Huh. Better check my layout for that too!


    Maybe it’s because I use the “large fonts” setting in Windows.

    That makes my fonts like 10-20% bigger.

Viewing 25 results - 54,226 through 54,250 (of 64,077 total)
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