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  • #69655

    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    How is repeating that you’re not happy with integration, that it doesn’t work, that it fails, over and over again helping?

    Ticket #1007 has been opened, by SAM and that means developers agree. It is highest priority and flagged as critical. So look, they know, they agree, and they’re working on it. Can they tell you how long it will take? No. And instead of doing what my office tries to make me do (make up an answer) they gave you the truth. It will take as long as it takes. If that doesn’t work for you, then you should move on to something else. Because those are your options, unless you want to write the code yourself and offer it up.

    There are a lot of tickets (see ) and a small amount of coders. If you want to (and can) fix bugs, fix bugs. If you can only report on them, report. But once the report is there, badgering the techies to be smarter faster doesn’t help anyone. It pisses off the techs who are trying, but honestly, you can’t inspire creativity any faster than it naturally comes

    So thank you for reporting that integration sucks, and that the website implies something that isn’t exactly true – bbPress .9 works with WP 2.6, but it’s not full integration. That should probably be modified to say ‘shared login’ or such. There’s a ticket up for fixing real integration, so that is something that the dev team is aware of.


    In reply to: forum exporter plugin

    You could probably do it with RSS. If you’re using wordpress, you can do this (I have it as a sidebar widget).

    <?php require_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss-functions.php');
    $today = current_time('mysql', 1);
    // insert the feed URL here
    $rss = @fetch_rss('');
    if ( isset($rss->items) && 0 != count($rss->items) ) {
    // set the number of items from the feed to display (6)
    $rss->items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, 5);
    foreach ($rss->items as $item ) {
    echo '<h1>';
    echo wp_specialchars($item['title']);
    echo '</h1>';
    echo '<p>';
    echo wp_specialchars($item['description']);
    echo <a href="';
    echo wp_filter_kses($item['link']);
    echo '">(Read More)</a>';
    echo '</p>';
    }; ?>

    The main (all posts) RSS feed is:

    All subsequent forums (fori?) are:<whatever&gt;

    Like this subforum would be:

    This page would be:

    If you don’t have wordpress, look into MagpieRSS


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    I’m really disappointed in this response actually. _CK_ is without a doubt the person who carries the most weight around here these days given her exceptional and continued support and development.

    Whenever we, as a community or an individual, say something that is negative about BBpress it is because we want to make it better. You said yourself in October that Sam wasn’t on the forums much, and as time goes on, mostly because of wordpress moving forward, BBpress has looked more and more stale/abandoned. I appreciate it’s a perception rather than reality, but surely you can see by the response that Sam’s first post in months was met with this reaction, is down to that feeling that’s been growing in the community for months now.

    Its not an attack on Sam, as a person, in anyway. It not an attack on BBpress or its code, its people who read one thing (or multiple things) and then find them out to be not true. its people who read new posts daily about “wordpress integration”

    “I’m not sure how many more times I can repeat that bbPress is pre-release software.”

    We know this, we don’t expect everything to work, we expect bugs, and we’re trying to report them back and be helpful. But we’ve been reporting 1 particular ind crucial bug back for over half a year now, with no info being forthcoming.

    “Every part of bbPress is subject to completely change and break overnight”

    We get this too. But, um, it broke over half a year ago!

    If it broke last night, last week, or last month then yeah i’d get it.

    But it broke a long long time ago.

    “there are no feature or bug priorities”

    Sam said there is (read up).

    You said there was last month (about XMLRPC – will find link to post).

    “If that bothers anyone, or they feel the need to rant about it, please stop using it asap”

    TO Be Honest, that sounds childish in my opinion.

    And not what i’d expect _CK_.

    “Integration is tricky because it was not a priority for bbPress”

    It wasn’t? wow.

    Ok, it wasn’t. Can we ask why?

    Again, it seems like the most asked about thing on the forum. Not just in terms of how often people ask, or that fact that there is a sticky on it, or that it’s the biggest word on the tag cloud by miles or… (i could go on, but i think we all know the point i’m getting at).

    “there is no such thing as a “standard” wordpress install”

    Yes there is. Download wordpress. input your database and password. hit install.

    Famous 5 min install remember.

    There is a standard wordpress install!

    “The radical changes to WordPress security in the past year have not helped at all with integration ease”

    We get that _CK_, we do, and we totally understand.

    But the change happened in WP2.6, then we had 2.6.1, 2.6.2 , 2.6.3 . 2.6.5, and now 2.7.

    BBpress / Automattic have had 7 month (minimum) to realise and fix this issue.

    I mean, and correct me if i’m massively wrong, but did security change in 2.6, or did it change drastically in every release? If it changed drastically in 2.6, 2.6.1, 2.6.2 , 2.6.3 . 2.6.5, and now 2.7; then yes i can see how that would be a huge issue and a moving target. but if it has stayed the same for 6 months (in all the WP2.6 releases) then frankly, it seems crazy to me that NO-ONE at automatic can be asked how security has changed.

    “So weigh your options and either stick with it or move on but please don’t rant against the very people trying to help the project”

    We’re not ranting against the people _CK_, there is nothing personal here.

    We want to help.

    We want to use BBpress, spread the word, fix bugs, make it better.

    But with this HUGE issue over our heads, we can’t, and thats what we’re trying to put across.


    Facebook just needs to offer OpenID like everyone else, not yet another proprietary standard.

    The OpenID plugin for bbPress is nearly finished, I have an early working version, just need to finish the new account code.

    Someone wrote a Facebook OpenID gateway somewhere, can’t find it at the moment.


    Remember that 1.298 is the page generation time on the server side, not the transmission time.

    Depending on how slow their server is, the transfer could take another full second.

    Then each script needs another query and turn around and render time.

    I’m showing a page load to ready time of 3.6 seconds on my Firefox when the page generation time was 0.6 seconds. So 3 seconds to transfer is not good on broadband.

    I’d start with the load_options switch I posted above and the script removal.

    GoDaddy might actually be complaing about the excessive queries which will be fixed with the load_options.


    @lyrics, it’s not possible with ANY version right now that I know of.

    Sounds like it could work as a plugin, but I haven’t heard of one yet. This topic was the first I heard of it in relation to bbPress.


    _ck_ – I doubt a visitor is complaining about either 1.298 - 35 queries or 0.489 - 35 queries – that’s not enough for people to complain. I could be wrong, and the performance tips are good, but I doubt this falls into the range of horrible for a forum visitor. Loading Adsense and Analytics takes more time than that.


    In reply to: Kazakh Localization



    bbPress is the #1 forum software for do-it-yourselfers


    + should maybe be {3,8} instead


    bbPress is the #1 forum software for do-it-yourselfers

    nope, still broken in backticks.

    testing some more:

    Joe User

    100 Main Street Suite #17

    Anywhere, USA

    nope ;-) In fact it removed the space between Suite and #17

    [trac=123]see this ticket[/trac] or [trac]123[/trac] would be better.

    Or just copy the entire url out of trac once you’ve looked up the number anyway.


    In reply to: when bbp 1.0 release?


    Please see the other dozen “when will 1.0 be ready” topics.

    bbPress 1.0 will absolutely, most certainly, not be done this year.

    1.0 has many internal changes from 0.9 and several complete code rewrites on some functions and has many bugs.

    Do not use the alpha on live sites.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page


    I’m not sure how many more times I can repeat that bbPress is pre-release software.

    Automattic isn’t making a dime off it, it’s not being promoted, there’s no guaranteed support, all assistance, plugin development is completely voluntary. Every part of bbPress is subject to completely change and break overnight. There is no timetable, there are no feature or bug priorities. Assume you will be on your own.

    If that bothers anyone, or they feel the need to rant about it, please stop using it asap and go get SMF – I am completely serious about that. I’ve sent several people about here to vbulletin where money was no object and they could afford it and all the extra hardware it requires when they grow. It has every feature you could possibly want after 10 years of development and all the bloat and price tag to prove it.

    If you want forums directly integrated with WordPress and don’t like bbPress, you can go use one of the several discontinued single-developer plugins available for WordPress. They are all slow and buggy and break with every wordpress upgrade, but there you go.

    Integration is tricky because it was not a priority for bbPress in the first year or two and there is no such thing as a “standard” wordpress install, everyone has their own weird configuration. The radical changes to WordPress security in the past year have not helped at all with integration ease. Sam is going to try to make integration easier in a future version by creating a plugin for WordPress that assists with the process (in fact a WP integration plugin has now become a requirement because of some recent changes with WordPress).

    I suspect bbPress will become much more of a priority for Automattic in 2009 but there’s no guarantee about that of course. So weigh your options and either stick with it or move on but please don’t rant against the very people trying to help the project.


    Logging on to bbPress through “facebook connect system” is possible in which version? Are we discussing with respect to version 9.0.3?


    Another performance tweak that will help with the end user’s page loading times (but won’t reduce that queries - time report for the page generation) is to remove the shedload of external javascripts that bbPress tries to load on many pages. Note that doing this will remove the ajax features but bbPress falls back to the conventional page-reload method instead so that’s okay.

    Only admin can use most of the ajax features anyway so this is crazy that bbPress adds half a dozen scripts for everyone, including the bloated 100k jquery library.

    This technique requires a mini-plugin unfortunately:

    Plugin Name: bb-tweaks
    // get rid of default forum scripts
    remove_action('bb_head', 'bb_print_scripts');

    (I’ve never tried it but it might be possible to just put the single line

    remove_action('bb_head', 'bb_print_scripts');

    inside functions.php in the theme folder.


    1.298 - 35 queries is absolutely horrible actually.

    However I only get 0.489 - 35 queries on that site which is barely acceptable.

    It’s probably due to an overloaded shared hosting box.

    Let’s review some basics.

    First of all, let’s make sure you are using 0.9 and not 1.0

    (If you are using 1.0 I can’t really help you much because it’s slower than 0.9 for now and I keep explaining to everyone not to use it but they do anyway)

    Performance 101: (for everyone)

    1. go into bb-config.php and add this line:

    $bb->load_options = true;

    2. after you add the above line, queries should be under 20 per page, usually less than 15 – if they are not, then you have a misbehaving plugin (or are running 1.0)

    3. if you run your own server or VPS, turn on the mysql cache

    4. if you run your own server or VPS, install a PHP opcode cache

    (eaccelerator, APC or xcache)

    5. if you are on shared hosting ask your host why they don’t use 3 and 4 and if they don’t give you a good answer, get a better host

    GoDaddy is up there in like the top 10 for people who dislike their hosts.

    Just google the number of people that have trouble with them on wordpress.

    But unlike WordPress, bbPress doesn’t have any page cache plugins yet so if your host sucks in the first place, any large php program is not going to perform well.


    This is also straightforward to do, but I sure would like to know why someone would do such a thing.

    You can’t mimic the post_position trick because no positioning is tracked by bbPress for topics. bbPress shouldn’t even use post_position anyway but it does it to accelerate the alternative looking up the position by date.

    You’d have to do a mysql query that simulates the get_latest_topics but returns only topic_id’s and then find the position of the desired topic_id in the resulting array. Then you divide by number of topics per page and there’s your page number.


    It’s extremely easy to get forum <-> topic <-> post relationships in bbPress.

    Depending on where you are, you may just be able to do a

    global $topic,$bb_post;

    Then $topic or $bb_post will have the following objects inside:




























    You use it like this:

    global $topic; echo "$topic->topic_title";

    or to answer your original question:

    global $bb_post; echo "$bb_post->forum_id";

    Of course doing it this way bypasses any filters that may be in place from plugins but that may not matter if you are just trying to do something simple.


    Yes functions.php works for bbPress.


    Hi vannak,

    If the forum you’re reffering to is the one linked to in your profile, then it seems to be running nicely.

    If you like showing off the fact that your server rocks,

    1.298 – 35 queries

    That said, if you think it’s running slowly the best bet is to do a few things:

    1) delete any plugins that you are not using (i know they shouldnt have any effect but always better to be safe than sorry, wordpress 2.6.1 had a similar bug)

    2) deactivate plugins one at a time, and see if you notice any difference.

    3) use Yslow to see what is taking the time to load from the front-end.

    4) try disabling the adverts on the website. they shouldn’t have an effect, but sometimes Flash banners can do that (though they should only slow it down after the page has loaded)

    5) Ask godaddy for the server logs and error logs, or ask them exactly what page/script is slow.

    BBpress isn’t perfect, but the code is well written and generally very very fast.


    bbPress could be slow depending on what plugins you have installed. You can use something like bb-benchmark to see where the delays are:

    A stock installation of bbPress has never been slow for me. It’s almost always shared hosting.

    What *exactly* is slow on your forum? Can you post a link to the forum?


    Hmm… This is a tough one, because it involves reverse engineering the query… To the best of what I can tell there isn’t anything in the core of bbPress that delivers this functionality…

    Because topics are sorted by date, it would involve a custom query which is then divided by the number of threads you choose to display per page…

    @the developers: Do bbPress themes accommodate for a functions.php file, similar to WordPress? This is the type of situation that a plug-in is a little bit much for, but would be perfect for an add on function.


    In reply to: when bbp 1.0 release?

    Dear Santa,

    For Christmas this year I would like bbPress 1.0 with working WordPress integration, and for daddy to find a job.


    Little Johnny

    : How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

    The world, will never know.


    currently i have bbpress hosted on godaddy but users complaint that the site is slow and when i go to godadday they say it is because of the coding of the site and so on. so is that true?


    Perhaps there is a way.

    This guy;

    integrated wp 2.6.3 with bbpress;

    meta name="generator" content="WordPress 2.6.3"

    We are missing something.


    I need an overview of the different user roles in bbPress. E.g. what is the “Key Manager” and what is the difference between him an the “Administrator”?

    I can’t seem to find anything in the documentation. Can anybody help with this?


    Yes when you rebuild PHP to a new version you must rebuild the eaccelerator module, that’s a good tip.

    Also sometimes after a rebuild you need to clear the eaccelator disk cache which is usually stored in tmp or you might have specified somewhere else in the php.ini settings.

    techypenguin, mysql speed is not related to eaccelerator but mysql’s own cache.

    If you are going by the time showed inside bbpress pages, that’s misleading as it shows the number of queries but the entire page generation time, not mysql query time. If you want to see the breakdown, install my bb-benchmark plugin.

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