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  • #4459

    I’ve noticed when you click on a topic with multiple pages in these forums, it still takes you to page one….is this the default for bbPress? If so, is there a way to change it so the user is always taken to whatever the last page is? (ie. if the topic has three pages, the link from the forum takes the user to page three).


    In reply to: change text.


    Most hosts will not admit and definitely not advertise NFS, it’s a downside, not a plus.

    But you can tell if you have an account with them by studying df -a though the shell, php shell or perl cgi shell. Or if they hide/block all that you can write a script to time 1000 reads of filemtime (with clearstatcache) which cannot be cached by the OS and will have telltail lag.

    Marketing-wise NFS is usually spun as “unlimited” or “expanding” storage space, like Dreamhost promises extra space each month.

    I’m very curious to find out what the “resolution” was.

    The latest page show shows 1.432 – 36 queries which is still poor.


    Alicia R, are you guys using NFS? I poked around your site but I can’t find the answer.

    Go Daddy

    We have communicated with the customer and he appears to be satisfied with the resolution.


    Alicia R.

    Go Daddy Hosting


    In reply to: How to move a forum?

    @staats – If you have access to your SQL database (like through phpMyAdmin), it’s much the same as moving any databased app, like WordPress :)

    The first set of directions I put in the post above are mostly right. I’ve updated them here since there’s a couple things that should be explained differently than my copy replace from WordPress’s directions (why reinvent the wheel?). If you’ve got WP and BB integrated you’ll have to make all the changes to the files (wp-config and bb-config AND the admin settings changes) BEFORE you backup your database.

    First, backup your database – (obviously the bb database, not the wp one for your case) No matter WHAT you want this copy! If you screw everything up (and we’ve all done that) you need a fall back plan.

    1. Download a copy of the main bbpress files from your OLD forum to your hard drive and edit b-config.php to suit the new server.
    2. Go back to your OLD forum and go to settings and change the bbPress address (URL) to that of your new site. (You may want to change your email addy here, but you don’t have to just yet).
    3. IF you’ve integrated bbPress and WordPress, go to your WordPress Integration page and change any domain information there that has changed.
    4. Download your database (but keep the old backup just in case), upload this new database and the copy of the forum files with the edited bb-config.php to your new server.

    Again, if WordPress and bbPress are integrated and sharing a database, do steps 1-3 for bbpress, and then steps 1 and 2 here, and THEN do the last DB download step just once.

    And if it’s all confusing … yeah, it’s a lot of fruit to be juggling at once.


    Apologies for the attempt at bumping that was deleted. I should note though that I tried just a straight install of bbPress, skipping the WP integration, and it said forum failed to be installed.


    I guess it depends on what you want a forum to do.

    Make a list of what you need, being firm with yourself to separate your WANTS from your NEEDS. For example, for me a PM system is nice, but it’s not a deal breaker for me. Whereas sharing IDs and Passwords (and cookies) with WP is a must have. Include things like ‘cost’ and support. Do you want to be able to call up the company, or is a support forum okay.

    Then check out a place like to compare some of them. Like a quick check comparing SMF, bbPress and Vanilla may help you out (see my results).

    bbPress is a young product, it’s not even ‘live’ yet, and having been there as a user for SMF back when it was YABB and then YABBSE and THEN when it moved on to SMF (not to mention IPB, the big bad daddy of fat forum software) … well, I’ve tried a lot of forums. They all start out about this level and some improve and some don’t. It’s hard to tell at this stage, but bbPress feels like it’s headed the right way to me :) I do understand why it’s not right for everyone, though!


    I’m aware of that :) but sooner or later, template things should be placed in the templates folder, I don’t know, perhaps a new functions.php in all templates.

    BTW John, do you know where can I find some info in custom loops? I’d like to build a loop like this one that I described here;


    A week ago, before bbpress 1.04a I tried all forums for wordpress that I know and the only one that I could make it work was simple-forum plugin.

    I was on the point to start working on this forum but I don’t like it at all because it is too complex and because I wanted to accurately match the template of a new custom wp theme, forms, buttons…

    With simple-forum this task is a hard work as result of all its bells and wistles

    Fortunately, bbpress 1.04a came out and I can develop my projet quite easily, despite the fact that it still needs more development and perhaps more literature.


    Firstly, what versions of WP and BBP are you using?


    I apologize beforehand if this isn’t the proper section for this – it’s the best that I thought fit.

    I’m starting to look for alternatives to bbPress. I went with it initially because I was impressed by WordPress – so much functionality in one package, all basics included, and the offbeat requirements were largely fulfilled by third-party plugins. bbPress as a forum were also innovative, quick, and the “new generation” designed with the mistakes of current forums in mind.

    However, unlike WordPress, the basic package doesn’t quite provide the basic functionality – and having 3rd party plugins do the essential jobs needed is unreliable. For some things, there is no such plugin yet, for others the plugins are outdated, or poorly designed.

    Does anyone know of similar forums – designed to be lean, and up to date on today’s web design and technology?

    I’ve looked at a whole bunch lately, and am eyeing Vanilla right now. However any suggestions are welcome.


    edit: sigh, my ampersand is being replaced with & which leads to some trac ticket…


    Hrm. On the nightly build, I still can’t rename topics. Also I see the option to delete, undelete and mark as spam. Seems to me that ‘undelete’ should be hidden.

    On the SVN ‘build’ I can rename topics, but I still see ‘undelete’ as an option for … non-deleted posts.


    In bb-config.php

    define('BB_AUTH_KEY', 'WP's AUTH KEY halmstad');
    define('BB_SECURE_KEY', 'WP's SECURE KEY halmstad');
    define('BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'WP's LOGGED IN KEY halmstad');

    Also make sure you have the salts:

    define('BB_AUTH_SALT', 'WP's AUTH SALT');

    And that you have these defined:

    $bb->secure_auth_cookie = 'wordpress_sec_456c71223b3bb9958349ec3d65b850f6';
    $bb->logged_in_cookie = 'wordpress_logged_in_456c71223b3bb9958349ec3d65b850f6';

    Personally, I set my cookie domain to for both WP and BB.


    vannak, if you activated load options, something is still wrong because it’s using 36 queries on the front page. Are you using bbPress 1.0 or bbPress 0.9 ?

    Make sure your bb-topic-views plugin is the latest version (1.6.3)

    The old version before I took over used excessive queries.

    If you are using an earlier 1.0 alpha version, it also had excessive queries (still does on the newest version in some places).

    Before you run to hostmonster or other provider, make sure you do your homework and check those suggestions I gave you.

    Oh one more tip for choosing a hosting provider – if they use the word “unlimited” in any of their advertising, find another provider.



    Think I have that prefix issue aswell, is this fixed?



    I´ve tried a WordPress and BBpress integration and it works just fine, i´ve have added all the cookie information in both config files of WP and BB press but it still doesnt work on login, only on logout.

    My WP:

    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘halmstad’);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘halmstad’);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘halmstad’);

    define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ‘halmstad’);

    define(‘SECRET_KEY’, ‘halmstad’); // Change this to a unique phrase.

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);`


    define(‘BB_SECRET_KEY’, ‘halmstad’); // Change this to a unique phrase.

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘’;

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    $bb->custom_user_table = ”;

    $bb->custom_user_meta_table = ”;

    $bb->authcookie = ‘wordpress_456c71223b3bb9958349ec3d65b850f6’;

    $bb->cookiedomain = ”;

    $bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;

    $bb->sitecookiepath = ‘/’;

    Can anyone spot the problem?


    nice. i’ll installed it later on. might show some good results.


    hi chrishajer

    I do use the ltest stable WP -2.7- in a sandbox modified theme and the 1.0.4 (the one from the .tar)of BBpress


    Sam Bauers


    There was a problem with the 1.0-alpha-4 version of the bbPress integration plugin. Please try the slightly newer plugin version 1.0-alpha-4.1



    Firstly, while there’s two ways to skin a cat, david’s method kills the kitty in the process. My advice is not to do it that way. If you need to get the absolute path of a directory I made a quick file to do it…

    Put this code in a php file, I named mine “abs.php”

    $p = getcwd();
    echo $p;

    Then upload that file to the directory you want to find the path to, and visit it in a web browser. It will echo the absolute path for you. Copy the output. Delete the file. Done!

    Duplicating the themes is really the best way to do this, and I promise that once you’ve included WordPress into bbPress properly, it’s a really straightforward and rewarding process.

    Firstly, download Notepad++. It’s free, and it rules.

    Firstly.5, make copies of your WordPress header.php/footer.php files, and save them someplace safe. We will be modifying these files and don’t want to ruin the actual working WordPress ones.

    Secondly, open the header.php/footer.php files for both the stock bbPress theme, and the copied ones I just mentioned. In Notepad++ you should now have 4 files open.

    We’re basically working from the outside in.

    Thirdly, take all of the relevant bbPress PHP code from it’s header.php/footer.php files, and start copy and pasting them to the equivalent places in the WP copy header.php/footer.php files. Like in mine, I actually have:


    Which loads all of the WP and BBP head related functions inside my BBP forums. Because I want links to my feeds and what-not…

    Fourthly, once you’re done with this, then you start poking around the other BBP theme files, and modify all of those files to work within the same construct as your WP theme does, with the same DIV classes and names and what-not.

    Because we’ve included the WordPress functions inside bbPress, and because we’re using the same original WP theme header.php file, all of the same style-sheets and JS from that theme are already coded and loaded, even though you’re looking at bbPress. The rest is just tweaking all of the files to look how you want them to.

    This is the process I used at, and I think it’s worked really super well. :)



    If you wanted to, it is possible to write a “clear all cookies” plug-in/function that would just be a link that would delete the cookies for a user entirely. I can verify that as long as you’re using WP2.7 and BBP1.0a4, that integration works and works really well. I’ve fully tested it on two different platforms now and both times it’s worked without a hitch.


    Sam – If you could explain setting the cookie names/COOKIEHASH for WPMU in more detail that’d be greatly appreciated. I’m working on integrating with WPMU and BuddyPress and can’t get cookies to sync so any details you can offer would be greatly appreciated.



    I’m sorry to screw the happy mood but my experience is not good at all.

    I’m a very happy WP (nearly from the very first 0.x release) and bbpress user.

    I use the last versions of both WP and bbpress (I use svn for this)

    Until now (WP-RCx) and bbpress 1.0 alpha <4 things were far from perfect.

    When I was loged both on the weblog and the forum I couldn’t access anymore bbpress admin part.

    But from a user perspective it worked (they were logged in the blog and in the forum)

    Since bbpress 1.0 alpha 4 nothing works any more. When I log to one… I’m logged out of the other (as an admin) and some of my users can’t any more access their loging in the forum (logging in WP is no problem).

    I suspect it could be solved by deleting cookies but I can’t ask my user to do this (most of them would even don’t know what I’m talking about).

    I ended deactivating WP integration plug in and commenting COOKIEPATH in wp config, hopping this integration problem will be solved one for once in 1.0 final.


    Sam Bauers


    There are a couple more things you have to do to integrate WPMU. It’s a different thing to the standard WordPress in a few ways, so requires some extra setup.

    You need to set the SALTs as well as the KEYs in your wp-config.php for a start. You also need to set the cookie names individually or just set the COOKIEHASH as well.

    One day I’ll document it all, but right now we are just trying to sort out standard installs first.

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