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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #70173

    @chrishajer I am using Windows Vista with Wamp (Apache 2.2.11, PHP 5..2.8, MySQL 5.1.30)., running on my own server at home.

    I am using name based virtual hosts in apache, it seems to be setup correctly because everything else is working ok.

    I´ve notised that the cookie domain in php.ini is undefined, do i have to add an value to that?

    When logging into WP and BBP each on is own i get 8 cookies, it that the number i should get?


    @JesperA – what type of hosting setup are you using? PHP, MySQL, Apache versions, Windows/OSX/Linux, etc. There is something weird on some setups, for sure.


    If you want bbPress users but not blog users, why integrate? Without integration, wouldn’t people be able to register at bbPress but get nothing at the blog?


    I´ve done everything in my power to integrate BBpress with WP 2.7 but i wont do it, every cookie salt, cookie key, EVERYTHING in both setting files is the same and still it behaves as 2 completely different installation, this is really weard.


    I know how to add the link, using date and name(under permalinks) to link the forums, but still it goes to the forums, I want it to display in my main page.

    I will pay an expert to help me with this, I need my date and names to work correctly and my forums to display when I click the tab, and the rest of the site still viewable, I would like it very similar to bbpress forums just different colors.

    Message me here or


    In reply to: Mass user delete


    A kind of hackish, but simple way:

    Log into your MySQL database with php_myadmin, go to the <db-prefix>_users table, go to Browse view, and simply select each user you want to delete with a checkbox, then press the X at the bottom of the screen. phpmyadmin lists the username, real name, id, and so on of the user, so that you can quickly delete by names.

    NOTE: Of course, only do this if you know what you’re doing. Using phpmyadmin, you can do anything from change one letter of someone’s username to trash your entire installation. Do not use this tool if you’re a noob. :)

    Also, this only works if the user accounts do not have any posts associated with them. If they do, this may cause very unpredictable behavior. Before doing this, delete all the posts associated with the user accounts from bbPress, or by deleting posts from the bb_posts table. Then, you can safely delete the users using the steps above.



    Although the option “Anyone can register” is disabled in my WordPress Admin Panel, anyone… can register on bbPress (so my blog is forced to accept new registrations). Why ?

    I have just installed WordPress 2.7 with bbPress 1.0 Alpha 4, following the sambauers’s basic integration video.



    I followed the tutorial for integration and everything is setup fine,

    I would like the forums to be a link after about on the homepage

    I’ve googled, and searched these threads but I don’t want to mess up my install doing anything more.

    It seems everyone has it integrated to load into there main page so maybe I am missing something.

    Anyone help?



    Windows server wordpress permalink with 404 error pages like below;

    for “” wp-404-handler.php


    $qs = $_SERVER;

    $_SERVER = substr($qs, strpos($qs, ‘:80′)+3);

    $_SERVER = $_SERVER;


    how are same server bbpress permalink with 404 error pages.

    what “” bb-404-handler.php



    Trent Adams

    Last time that happened to me, it was “plugins go wild” and there were ridiculous amounts of extra entries in my meta tables in the DB. I have also seen this with bad plugins in general for whatever reason. It could also come from a bad plugin on the WP side of things if you have integration. First place I would check would be the user and site meta tables for both bbPress and WP. As well, try disabling plugins to see if that works.


    Trent Adams

    Personally have never tried to get the userbase from bbPress into WP or WPMU, so not sure how that process would go. With integration, the users are pulled from the wp_users instead of the bb_users and the same for the user meta files. Your understanding is correct, but as for the process of getting those bbPress users in, not sure.


    Thank you. Will try that ;)


    Tried to reinstall, deleted config first, no luck., deleted entire bbpress install., no luck.. I will try and fix tomorrow. =(


    I just watched the basic integration screencast and tried integration again. I ran into some of the same problems mentioned above so I did a little testing.

    1. Sam, thanks for the screencast.

    2. Using a subdirectory of forums, and then making a WordPress Page called “Forums” with a slug of “forums” works just fine. The page will show up in your WordPress page menu like any other Page, but the real ‘forums’ subdirectory you installed bbPress into is what is displayed to visitors, NOT the content of the WordPress Page called “Forums.” I used to install a redirect plugin at WordPress to redirect the “Forums” Page to the real subdirectory, but I guess this works just fine like this. Good to know.

    3. When using PHP4 (4.4.9) I encountered the “Forum could not be created!” error mentioned above. I thought it was possibly the MySQL version (which was 4.0.27 I believe) but it turned out that by using PHP5 (5.2.6) it installed fine, into the same database. I added this to my .htaccess file in the site root (for WordPress and bbPress):

    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    That forced .php files to be processed as PHP5. I did that before installing WordPress. I confirmed with phpinfo that PHP5 was being used for both the blog and the forum. The 2nd time through (actually, the 3rd time, but that’s a different story), using PHP5, the forum was created properly.

    After that, following the screencast pretty closely resulted in an installation where I can log in as Admin (key master) at either bbPress or WordPress, and I am logged in on the other side, as expected. Logging out of one logs me out of both. It’s what I expect user integration to be.

    Waiting for the next screencast, Sam. Thanks.

    p.s. Did I miss it, or is the NONCE key for bbPress never set in the video? I have one in wp-config.php, since the keys were generated by the API, but did I miss setting that in bbPress? Should I just make it the same as it is in bbPress? Will not having it prevent me from administering the forum or something? I didn’t test any functionality of the forum, just the logins.


    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2) in /nfs/c03/h04/mnt/57391/domains/ on line 123

    I just got this same error on installation of Alpha 4 with WordPress 2.7 integration. I caused it by being logged out of WordPress when I clicked the link to my wp-admin/options.php that was displayed by bbPress (the one where bbPress tells you to look for the salts in the WP admin area.) In Sam’s screencast, he was logged in, so clicking the link just brought up the options page straight away.

    Anyway, I was logged out of WordPress at that step, and when I clicked the link, I got the WordPress admin login, with a redirect URL that looked like this:

    So, when I logged in, instead of redirecting me upon login to, it redirected me to step 2 in the bbPress install. After that, I got the same exact error as you did. In fact, there were a couple more too.

    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysqld.sock' (2) in /home/example/forums/bb-includes/backpress/class.bpdb.php on line 123

    Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/example/forums/bb-includes/backpress/class.bpdb.php on line 377

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/example/forums/bb-includes/backpress/class.bpdb.php:123) in /home/example/forums/bb-includes/ on line 842

    I ended up reinstalling since I was not confident in the installation at that point and didn’t want to take any chances at something not being set properly.


    bbpress live and bbpress intergration. I deactivated everything.. I think I might just delete the config file and start over again ughh..


    I had to start a new topic as it said my previous topic was closed:

    I did a fresh install on another website, this time combining both databases as described in the screencast someone did here on the forum, and this install is also not giving a role in WP when signed up to the forum or a role in the forum when registered in WP.

    It is the same server, it is running PHP v5.2.6 and MYSQL v5.0.67-community

    So it seems to be a problem on my whole server. Hmmmm…


    Try the User Photo plugin. It is available for bbPress and WordPress:

    It worked easily for me. Just need to make the right settings – set the same paths to image folders and keep the original function calls to avatars if you want to use Gravatars when available.


    How about undoing what you did and see if it works again? Sounds like whatever you did broke it somehow.

    What are “both” bbPress plugins for WordPress?


    I got alpha to work,. I then installed both bbpress plugins for wordpress. I went back to change user options in the bbpress admin panel and error messages came up.. goto for details.. The error codes are popping up there


    Hi everyone

    My question is simple… I want to use the bbpress avatars on the wordpress comments page, so when a member is logged in and comment on wordpress, the page gets the avatar he’s using in bbpress. How can I do it?

    Thank you


    I see you’ve already asked here which is the proper location:


    I am running the alpha and I was in the middle of the intergration and I got this error. Now I cannot log into my site. it wants me to register.,.

    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2) in /nfs/c03/h04/mnt/57391/domains/ on line 123



    I’ve been using bbPress for over a year now and it has been working fine until recently.

    I received the following error:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 92160 bytes)

    I’m unsure of how to fix this error. If anyone can help that would be great.


    I’ve tried to install bb-ratings on bbPress 1.0 (with the _ck_ replacement on line 205) but it doesn’t work. I tired it also on the stable bbPress 0.9 but that didn’t work either. I’m clueless where to start. I know it must be a good plugin and it also works on this site, so why doesn’t it work for me?

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