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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #70726

    In reply to: bbpress vs phpbb


    phpbb is much much much more powerful and has dozens of features.


    In reply to: 404 Error new install


    I believe it may have something to do with my .htaccess file being read only. I can make it writeable but how do i go about fixing bbpress so that it writes the correct .htaccess file information.


    I just setup bbpress on my domain and moved away from simple forums. I am however getting a 404 error when I go to my site. you can also view bbpress at

    Thanks in advanced for any help you can give on fixing this problem


    I am using WordPress 2.7 and wanted to know which bbpress would be compatible with it?


    I think it’s cool that the index and the mini-plugin can improve on bbPress, but “severe performance issues” to me is not going from 0.0920 to 0.0005 seconds. That’s from 1/10 of a second to nearly nothing. But 1/10 second was “severe performance issues”?

    Or, does this query from _ck_ just show a way to measure the improvement, where in actual usage, someone with 10K topics or 42K topics would see a performance hit (delay) much different than the test query that _ck_ posted. I’m all for improving what can be improved, but there are much larger issues to worry about than something that is taking 1/10th of a second. With bandwidth and browsers being what they are, the page isn’t going to load that quickly anyway, and adding 1/10 of a second to the processing time is not going to be noticeable to me.


    In reply to: bbpress vs phpbb


    Well from my past experience with phpbb and bbpress I have to say bbpress would be quicker for you and there are plugins that will allow you to do so.



    bbPress 1.0 alpha 4


    Hi there!

    I am sorry if someone else has already created a post on this.

    I have a website (powered by wordpress) that has a bunch of how-to windows tech articles. I need to get a forum for my site users. Which one would be better? My users will need the capability of uploading files, pasting code and images. Which forum program would put less pressure on my servers and hopefully keep the running a little faster?

    Thank you ahead of time for any help.


    This is the SQL query to use if others want to add such an index:

    ALTER TABLE bb_topics ADD INDEX (topic_time)

    But that in itself is not enough, bbPress has to be forced to use the index.

    I am trying to figure out a way to do this without hacking the core, via a mini-plugin instead.


    That’s funny I was just about to make a TRAC ticket pointing out there is no index on topic_time for the latest view.

    Strange you have to force the index though, what is the default ORDER BY, let me go look…

    yup, they order by topic_time, with no index, that’s just crazy, even for just 1000 topics, because it would have to do a full column scan. Ordering by topic_last_post_id would be even faster with an index too though I guess in a very strange circumstance the last post might not be the last time.

    Still, you should not have to force the index.

    Oh wait, I see why – it’s because mysql decides to use the stickies key instead, ugh.

    Yeah I can see why that would bring a large forum to a crawl.

    I think whomever designed the bbPress database tables had a misunderstanding how mysql indexes work because they are using multiple field indexes that are not the primary key. Or a key at all. Which is useless because mysql will only use one index per query regardless of it’s complexity (or lack of). An index on multiple fields is useless unless it’s used as a key. MySQL 5 can use different indexes for the query vs ORDER BY or GROUP BY but bbPress doesn’t take advantage of that at all.


    with wp 2.7 which version of bbpress i should use ?


    How you can do for registration ? Have you disable wp or bbpress registration ?


    In reply to: bbpress INSIDE theme?


    Your layout is already very much like a standard forum structure. You have a header and a footer and a content area on the left.

    Simply build a bbPress theme that is identical to your website by taking apart your current page structure and putting it into the appropriate templates and make a path to /forums/ or whatever you want to call it.

    Or you could go for full/complex integration but it will double your page creation time.

    Sam Bauers

    There is currently no IntenseDebate functionality in bbPress, and although I have discussed the idea of an IntenseDebate Plugin with them, there are no immediate plans to do it.


    Been really excited about BBpress 1 and was planning on incorporating it into my WordPress site when it finished Alpha testing.

    Anyone have any clue how IntenseDebate (via WordPress plugin) interacts with BBpress 1? Anyone have problems?

    Obviously with Automatic behind both I’m sure its only a matter of time before BBpress, IntenseDebate and WordPress go together like Peanut butter, Jelly, and bread.


    The changes you made might not have been major, but one of them is apparently critical. I would compare one template file, between the original and your modified version, and see what’s different.

    Also, what version bbPress are you using, and is in integrated with a version of WordPress? Do you have any plugins installed that could be causing this?


    In reply to: bbpress INSIDE theme?

    Trent Adams

    The easiest way now would be to look at the bbPress-live plugin at and use the new xmlrpc functionality to pull the information in. Just create a new WP page template file to use for a new WP Page. There is more documentation on the plugin page, but kicker is that it requires 1.0 alpha 4 at minimum. As for including bbPress as a WP page, I don’t think I have ever came across instructions that work…..


    In reply to: bbpress INSIDE theme?


    There’s no simple way to do what you are asking. bbPress is not a plugin for WordPress, it’s a standalone forum. You can find themes for WordPress and bbPress that are similar, but in most cases, if you have a custom WordPress theme, you will probably have to customize a theme for bbPress to match it.

    You might want to browse the integration tag at this forum:

    And you can also see some bbPress themes here:

    Looks to me like you’re using the Revolution Lifestyle theme. Brian Gardner recently mentioned making a bbPress theme in 2009, and I thought there was a revolution theme for bbPress as well (maybe not lifestyle, but there was one.)

    Ah, Revolution Magazine:


    I thought it would be nice to intergrate a forum into my website, but i want it inside the website, like a page..


    Now my forum opens in a new page and my wordpress layout is nowwhere to be found..

    How can i intergrate it into my website?

    Thanks in advance,


    I created a theme so the Forum looks integrated with the rest of the site, but now the Reply link does not work and the Reply box does not show up. I’m not sure how to fix it. When I change it back to the default theme, everything works fine. I didn’t make any major changes to the files, but maybe I deleted something? If anyone can help me figure out how to fix this I would appreciate it!

    Here is the forum:

    And here is an example of the issue:


    Ah ok, didn’t realize you wanted something to search both WordPress and bbPress. I don’t know if any plugins natively support that – I need to do something similar on my site, but use Google’s custom search engine to pull it off:


    Thanks for the links, Chris. As bad as the search is in BBPress, it’s still better than phpBB2 (which I’m migrating from). ;)

    And John, I saw the Super Search, but didn’t want to use it since it’s in super-alpha mode and I need something that will also search WP posts, and it doesn’t seem like that plugin does that. At least not yet. So for now I’m using the WP search plugin:

    Just wondered if there was any way to get Tags/Titles in the existing forum search. Hrm.


    Sorry i forgot to say that, it have always worked with right out of the box but none of the 1.0 Alpha versions works for me, its a standard installation, the 1.0 alpha 4 is a fresh installation, doesnt use the old tables from, bbpress is installed after wordpress and they share the same usertable.


    In reply to: language files


    I think you pick an English .pot file from here (depending on your version) then you translate it into your language and save the mo file.

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