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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #70877

    Hopefully, you’ve added the Human Test plugin to prevent spam registrations.

    I don’t know of a way to mass moderate users in bbPress. If you’re integrated with WordPress, I believe there is a mass edit for users available there.

    If you’re not integrated, I think you need to use some SQL with the database directly. If you need that, please post the MySQL version you are using (since subqueries were added in MySQL 4.1, and the solution would be different if you’re using MySQL prior to 4.1)

    I’ve been playing with the SQL to do this, but my MySQL version is 4.0.27, which does not support subqueries.


    I confirmed on a installation that this is the case. I had a topic with a tag, clicked “topics with no tags”, the topic does not show up (others do.) I deleted the tag on that topic, topic still does not show when I click “topic with no tags.” I went into the admin for the Recount, and even after recounting everything, the topic still does not show up in the view “topics with no tags.”

    I upgraded the installation to and the problem persists. I didn’t look into why it does not work as expected, but this is not what I would have expected either. (It’s like the topic is marked as having a tag, but it’s never set to “no tags” after the sole tag is removed.)

    You might want to file a bug at


    In reply to: Sanitizing user names


    Hey Ipstenu,

    The plugin you suggested seems to work after a wp-bbpress integration! thanks a lot :)

    In my case, I’m forcing registration and login through wp. I tried registration through bbpress before, and I think you run into a lot of problems.

    The sanitize_user() function is the same in bbPress as it is in WordPress. Even the filter names are the same. Still, WordPress plugins don’t generally work in bbPress without some modification.

    If it is the same function, in my opinion this feature should be in the core of both, wb and bbpress. It has no sense to allow double registrations like “John” and “john”, don’t you think so?


    sbouazza: I added the include before the <?php. I’ll try as you’ve outlined.

    Ben L.

    I’m on the current trunk as of writing this post. (1903) I’ll try testing the live forum.

    Edit: Using the default theme made the problem go away, but the line of code that shows the edit/delete/undelete links is exactly the same as Kakumei’s and there’s no functions.php file.


    My bb-includes/backpress/functions.core.php begins with :

    include "functions.bp-options.php";
    // Last sync [WP9916]


    wordpressfan, have you added the line above inside the <?php … ?> tag ? If you have added it at the beginning or the end of the file, then it’s normal if you get header related warnings .


    sbouazza: I tried you ‘include’ trick and it only created more warnings. I guess bbpress is pretty much off-limits until someone comes up with a downloadable that can be successfully installed.


    sbouazza: yes, the bbpress 1.0 alpha 5 download link when installed, gives the backpress_get_option error. What is the solution, since there appears to be one?


    macron: My host (bluehost) is using php 5.2.8.

    Ben L.

    On my forum ( both (un)delete links show up under each post, whether it is deleted or not. I’ve tried my theme and all my plugins separately on a local install of bbPress, but the problem does not occur. I’m on bbPress trunk if that helps. (I update it automatically via FTP from my home computer)



    I got the same error Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in …/bb-includes/wp-functions.php on line 113

    I switch from php4 to php5 and it works fine now. I’m hosted on MT GS.


    The fatal error is backpress_get_option related ?


    Arg! I cannot install bbpress no matter what download link I use. The link for the stable version gives me this error when trying to install:

    Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in /home3/wifirepo/public_html/wpmatrix/forum/bb-includes/wp-functions.php on line 113

    The download link for the unstable 1.0.5 alpha give me a fatal error that is said to be fixed in the “trunk” version, but there is no download link (only reference to an svp – no zip file.

    I want to install a working version of bbpress but all attempts have been thwarted.


    My roles don’t get assigned as I mentioned above, only this time I can go into the bbpress admin and change their role where I couldn’t do that before.

    I get this error: Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in /home/hfw/public_html/forums/bb-includes/ on line 2009

    But at least, this time, the pull-down works to change the role.


    I figured it out – $path or $page must be variables used by bbPress, so I changed their names and it works now. Thanks!


    When you say trunk does that mean its fixed in the download link too?


    my Wodpress version 2.7

    my bbPress version 1.0 Alpha 5

    Integrated wordpress. Use wordpress user table.


    User Name : admin then login bbPress.

    User Name : hasan then login bbPress.


    User Name : 123456 then cant login bbpress.

    Help me..!


    I can confirm that the install fatal error issue is fixed in trunk. Thanks Sam!


    About the “backpress_get_option” error : I don’t even know if it’s the best way, but you can edit functions.core.php and add this :

    include "functions.bp-options.php";

    It works for me :-)


    Yes I do have the role map setup in the bbPress admin area. I also installed the additional role map plugin you made just to see what it was for, and retried these steps with and without it active.

    I think this evening I’m going to retest this on stock installs of both to see if any of my plugins are conflicting. I am using the Register Plus plugin on the WP side, so I suppose it’s possible it could conflict (as far as I know it uses the stock WP registration and user activation methods to create them though.)


    In reply to: Sanitizing user names

    Sam Bauers

    The sanitize_user() function is the same in bbPress as it is in WordPress. Even the filter names are the same. Still, WordPress plugins don’t generally work in bbPress without some modification.

    Sam Bauers

    Sounds like the problems people had with deep integration, where the bbPress role was being stomped on.

    Sam Bauers


    Do you have a role mapping setup in bbPress? It should at least work in one direction. Unless I broke it worse with the fix.

    Sam Bauers

    The PHP warning is also fixed in trunk.

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