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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #71008

    You’re using an anon-posting plugin? It may no longer be compatible. Try turning that off.


    1. I don’t believe those versions will integrate. 2.5 goes with 0.9.0* and 2.6+ goes with the 1.0 alpha versions.

    2. Where to find the logs depends on your host. Is there access to logs from your hosts control panel?

    If you’re not a techie, adding the code for custom error reporting might be a bit over your pay grade, so I won’t post that. Right now though, if you are not seeing the forum, and it’s giving a 500 Server Error, you need to see what that error is to help resolve this.

    [~] $ curl -I

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

    Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2009 19:54:12 GMT

    Server: Apache/2.2.11 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8i DAV/2 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/

    Accept-Ranges: bytes

    Connection: close

    Content-Type: text/html


    famous, I agree with you. The vast majority of users have no idea how to use RSS. Email notification is absolutely essential. Do we really expect users to check a forum on daily basis for responses? It would be wonderful if they did, but reality says otherwise.


    Hopefully, with an active blog, you have a good database backup.

    I’m confused on this point:

    my bbpress tables are inside of wordpress (obviously)

    That’s not obvious to me, at all. Do you mean the bbPress tables are inside the same database where your WordPress tables are? That’s OK. You can put as much stuff as you want into a database, so long as you use different table prefixes for the different applications. For example:

    WordPress: wp_
    bbPress: bb_
    Joomla!: jos_

    You can call your database whatever you want, then just keep loading tables into it for different application, like WordPress and bbPress.

    If you integrated WordPress and bbPress, then your bbPress installation used two existing WordPress tables: wp_users and wp_usermeta. That’s to allow integrated logins.

    Regarding where you put bbPress files, you said you put them into the phpbb directory. Does it look like this?



    If so, someone else recently found that bbPress finds an existing config.php (the one for phpbb3) and won’t go any further. In that case, just rename the phpbb3 config.php to something else for just a minute, so installation can continue.

    There is some confusion about database names, table names and folders, for me anyway. Any information you can post to help clarify will help. Thanks.


    am talking about database tables. both phpbb3 and bbpress should use the same database.

    first, get a backup of all of your files, so you can restore everything back if anything went wrong.

    now install a new copy of bbpress, make sure you use the same database as the current phpbb3 installation is using.

    finish the installation then run the converter, and there should be no problems.


    That is a really poor analogy. This isn’t Slashdot, so we don’t really need another car analogy, but, here’s one I think is more applicable:

    It’s like creating a car that is beautiful, sleek and fast, but deciding up front that things like tinted windows, remote start and stainless tips on the mufflers should be possible, but will be supplied by the aftermarket, not delivered with the new car.


    I did a second test using my live installation and it worked. A new user registered through wp and after login he appears as member in the bbpress control panel.

    However, since 1.05a all new posts appears as started by “anonymous” user. I do know what to check to correct this behavior.


    I totally agree with the whole lightweight approach, but it seems as though creating a forum without:

    is like creating a car that is beautiful, sleek and fast, but forgetting to put the steering wheel in… Screwed up analogy, but you get the point.

    Don’t get me wrong though I am still amazed at open source programs, and especially BB, Buddy and Word. Love um and thank everyone who has contributed!


    Just tested. Made an ID on bbpress and it is magically set up as a Subscriber on WP!

    Hot digity!

    We’re Not Worthy!


    I see there are a bunch of bb_files hidden inside the database and I don’t know what to remove and what to keep. Please, please tell me what to do to remove them all. I have an extremely active blog and this is making me quite nervous. Thank you.


    I tested 1.06a integration. I created a new user through wordpress and he can post in bbpress.

    Let’s see if anybody can confirm this.


    Great. I removed all the bbpress database files from mySQL and all related bbpress files from my control panel. I reuploaded bbpress into the phpbb3 directory and it won’t let me install, says there is an old config.php file. Now I can’t use bbpress at all. Any suggestions?


    Ok, I copy instructions Ipstenu kindly provided for 1.05a ;)

    1. 1.06a is here, download link at the bottom

    2. no backpress in trunk however, download this: – This is for the backpress folder

    3.Create a folder /bb-includes/backpress and unzip backpress there.

    that is it



    I am using following versions-

    WordPress version 2.6.1


    Where to find PHP error Logs? I tried but unable to find it. I am not a techie. I would appreciate if you can sort out the issue.




    How about

    Yes :) It would be very nice. I wonder why Matt didn’t send some resources to bbpress. Wp + bbpress + the buddypress thing… it would be the most powerful cms so far.

    Instead, the core of wp is being loaded all the time with stuff that you need to block installing new plugins :s


    How about

    That was Sam’s project before going to work at Automattic.


    Yeah, the zipfiles are wrong.


    OK, before I go and mess with this whole thing, are you telling me I should install bbpress inside of phpbb3? I want the tables to be inside wordpress, not phpbb3…I will eventually remove phpbb3. Please confirm that I should be uninstalling the other copy and putting the new one inside of the phpbb3 database and then tell me how that will affect my integration into wordpress and the removing of phpbb3. Thank you.


    bbpress and phpbb3 tables must use the same database for the convertor to work!


    It still says 1.0-alpha-5 in the file I downloaded :(


    WP 2.7

    bbpress 1.0 alpha

    I uploaded to directory, navigated to directory. Clicked “let’s get started”, then it says:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function backpress_get_option() in /home/path-to-site/bb-includes/backpress/functions.core.php on line 412

    Fresh install. Not sure what to do.


    Perhaps the problem is the lack of a codex where you can find out how to add things-> do you want email notification? add this plugin.

    You know, that would be nice. If we could all (or maybe some more of us testers) could have codex access. The WP codex actually is editable by anyone. If BB’s was as well, we could all start helping improve documentation.


    I am looking at mySQL and my bbpress tables are inside of wordpress (obviously) but with the bb_ prefix, so what would I be changing it to? There are no bb_ tables inside of phpbb3, which is what that error code indicates, or am I thinking of this wrong?


    FYI – Only three files changed in Trunk

    • bb-adminoptions-wordpress.php

    I uploaded those and my version says alpha-6

    Check your file for this:

    case 'version' :
    return '1.0-alpha-6'; // Don't filter


    Sometime ago I used to think the same, bbpress is too light but when it comes to integrate with wordpress and after having tried another option like simple-forum, I prefer a light core.

    Perhaps the problem is the lack of a codex where you can find out how to add things-> do you want email notification? add this plugin.

    This should be my only concern so far along with some parts of the core that should be in the template folder. There is stuff in and I recently found more in .

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