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  • #71052

    Just a heads up – you probably want to use the “Hidden Forums” plugin instead of “Private Forums”:

    As one user put it, “The plug-in is great, but somehow it turns off randomly”. That exact same thing happened to me twice, before I got fed up. Each time it happened, I almost had a heart attack!

    “Hidden Forums” is a better version of the plugin, and has no reports of that bug.


    But to use gravatar its necessary a gravatar account. I forgot to mention something: in bbpress, I’m using Avatar Upload, so no one needs to have an extra account to use a avatar.


    You could use Gravatar, and then they’re the same all over.


    In reply to: PHP usage poll


    Unfortunately bbPress version is extremely different to determine, however the point is moot as there are technically only two now, no?

    Very few people still using 0.8.x unless they have hacked the core and they are stuck.

    Personally I am waiting for 5.3.0 to be final and stable before going to 5.x

    Until then, 5.x is slower than 4.4.x


    Hi there

    As said in the topic title, how can I use bbpress avatars on wordpress comments? I have bbpress and wordpress on the same database.

    Is there anyway to do this?

    Someone told me to use User Photo, but I couldnt make it work… and I was wondering if existed some kind of code to add so wordpress could call the avatar from bbpress.

    Thank you


    As of today, Alpha6 is still not in the download link.

    This method above is what I used to upgrade to alpha6. Have not tested new users yet however.



    I installed again and it seamlessly integrated with wordpress blog.

    I installed bbpress- with WordPress version 2.6.1

    Many thanks for your support


    Chris Martin

    Anonymous User 1502623

    Good call that – validating the CSS seems to have let me do what I wanted. Thanks!



    Thanks for the Reply…

    I guess i may have to wait, but in the mean time, Is there ay pages available to see existing HOOKS on bbpress 0.9+. I guess it may help with testing randomly. who knows, I may get lucky :)


    I have uninstalled bbpress forum. Which version should I install now

    Anonymous User 1502623

    Not yet – that discussions2 div class was something I made in an attempt to change the look of the links that the latest discussion plugin displays. I’ve decided to have a go at validating these errors before I attempt anything else.


    Did you resolve it? It’s in your WordPress theme CSS.

    Anonymous User 1502623

    Yeah I keep meaning to look at them. I just assumed that because I’m using bbpress as the forum on my site, with the bbpress latest discussions plugin, it would’ve had something to do with bbpress. Oh well.


    You mean the “Community” section on your WordPress site?

    You need to change your .discussions2 style in

    .discussions2 {

    font-weight: none;


    There’s no such font-weight. You want:

    font-weight: normal;

    It pays to validate your CSS:

    You’ve made the same error in other places as well.

    Also, this has nothing to do with bbPress really, it’s more of a Revolution Theme or WordPress question.

    Anonymous User 1502623

    hi guys, site is

    Basically, I’ve got the latest discussions plugin active in the sidebar, but I can’t find the necessary code to edit to customise it. I’ve create a custom DIV class (this managed to change the line-height) but I can’t get rid of the bold properties, I can’t change the font – I’ve looked on the widgets.php page and can’t find it, and editing the plugin itself doesn’t seem to work. Anyone got any ideas? thanks


    I’m trying to make my front-page.php template look a little more like a conventional vBulletin type theme by displaying the “last post title and link” in a column next to the “forum title.” The problem is that topic_title() isn’t giving me what I want inside the loop. I guess I need some sort of nested loop or an alternate function.

    Here’s an example of a vB style i’d like to emulate:

    Main Car Forum (This is a top level forum)

    Car Forums by Brand <– this is a bbPress category forum w/ subforums per car brand.

    — Honda Forum 1…………………….. last post: my car broke down

    — BMW Forum 2…………………….. last post: new tires?

    The problem is when I play w/ the front-page template I can only get the last post info for the “Main Car Forum” not the brand subforums and even that isn’t actually giving me what I think it should.

    Here’s what I have in my 2nd HTML column of my modified template:

    <td class="topicTitle"><a href="<?php topic_last_post_link(); ?>"><?php topic_title(); ?> </a>
    <br /><span class="lastPoster">by <a href="<?php user_profile_link($topic->topic_last_poster) ?>"><?php topic_last_poster(); ?></a></span>

    The topic_last_post_link and topic_title() aren’t giving me the expected results. For topic_last_post_link it’s actually returning the last topic/thread link not the last post link and that’s for the “Main Car Forum.” For the subforums it’s displaying the same exact thing as it does for “Main Car Forum” it’s not actually displaying the topic/post info for the correct subforum.




    Please post the version of bbPress you’re using. I haven’t heard of this issue in a long time.


    In reply to: Help-plugins.


    my site is and i used bbpress- which i think is the latest version.


    1. No I don’t recieve an error. The System is translated, but only 1 from 10 words.

    2. I read about it here in the forum: … not sure if this is the same issue?


    In reply to: Help-plugins.


    Please post the URL to your forum so people might register and try to use the system and see what happens. Also, what version of bbPress did you install, and is it integrated with WordPress? If it’s integrated, what version of WordPress did you install?



    In reply to: Upgrade advice needed.


    Also, if you do attempt to upgrade either bbPress or WordPress, be sure to make a backup (database and filesystem.)


    In reply to: Upgrade advice needed.


    In general I try to keep up with WordPress releases as well. The upgrade from 2.5.1 to 2.6 included these bug fixes:

    In 2.5.1 the AUTH keys thing was really sorted out, so they changed that in 2.6 and that’s the main reason 2.6 is not compatible with the 0.9.* branch of bbPress.

    If you don’t require integrated logins between the forum and the blog, then you don’t have to upgrade your bbPress to use the latest WordPress. If you do need integrated logins, then you probably need to wait for the 1.0 branch of bbPress to upgrade WordPress to the latest.


    In reply to: Upgrade advice needed.


    Hi again, and thanks for the reply, I visit the wordpress forums a lot and have only heard that 2.5.1 is insecure, have no reason why though, its always been very good while I’ve been using it. I’m just trying to keep up with develpements before I upgrade this blog to 2.7, and hope fully my bbpress forum will still work.

    all the best.



    Hello whoever you are…

    I already begin playing around with alpha version of bbPress for some time now… and trying to put together some plug-in’s to make it work properly…

    There seems to be quit few Plug-in’s working with the Alpha version already… Now: i was looking for a Moderation Plug-in… There is only Quit few available and the one called BB MODERATION HOLD seems to be working fine, excerpt that It doesn’t Display the Post back to User or any other message to confirm the Post has been Taken into account and awaits moderation… So I was trying to append and make it display message on POST and Also, Show the Post BACK to user (and admins / Moderators) in LISTING with others with simple mark of awaits moderation.

    There is not a Clear documentation available like wordpress for available Filters and Action…

    For now, I want a Filter to Append the Query when it’s Querying For the Topics in Forum, Latest Topics, Sticky Topics and each so I may Append the Where cause to List the Awaiting moderation Post to Owner (User) and Moderators / Admins.

    It would be great if anyone may give me a List of WORKING filters available to use i Current TRUNK version (Alpha 6)…

    original Plug-in:



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