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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #71320

    @circuit – I had the same problem when importing the wordpress header. It is not recommended to import wordpress as it causes unexpected errors like the one you have seen. It is advised to use plugins to replicate wordpress functionality – although I have not seen one to date.

    At the moment I am faking my wordpress theme in bbpress.

    I presume future versions of bbpress will allow deeper integration.


    Approve User Registration plugin works for the 0.9* series of bbPress:

    Ok Really

    I might be asking too much at this early stage …

    * We need *all* user registrations to be approved by admin or a moderator.

    * New users should have posting permissions in BBPress, but not the WordPress it is integrated with (unless those permissions have been explicitly granted by admin).

    * Posting permissions in WordPress are granted by admin only after seeing evidence that the user is both responsible and competent to do so.

    * It is easy to require admin approval of new WordPress users, but we would prefer all registrations to be through BBPress (there is no ‘register’ link on our WordPress).

    Right now we are using WordPress 2.7, so we don’t have full integration yet. But it would be nice to think we might be able to work with our users in this way eventually.

    Sam Bauers

    Do you think we could add some custom meta data to bbPress standard HTML to report this stuff in a machine readable way for them?

    Sam Bauers


    I heard about this before, but no ticket was created.

    bbPress is supposed to merge in it’s language file into the existing array of languages from bbPress. Of course, that may not be happening as planned.

    Can you create a ticket with links to the language files you are using?


    Yes, you just have to redirect everything from WP to BB. I do that on my site.


    Thanks to Sam for these lines, I can use the $wpdb object in bbpress which is really great !

    if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

    include_once( '/Full/Path/To/wp-load.php' );


    Unfortunately there is a serious drawback as it breaks the translation of bbpress. The seems to have no effect with these line.

    Could you please help ?


    Bel sito! Hai tolto il il form di registrazione di bbpress e non hai messo il link al pannello di controllo di wordpress, vero ? L’edit del profilo in pratica lo fai solo dal forum.

    a me piacerebbe che gli utenti che commentano registrati abbiano un link al loro profilo, poi forse userei Gravatar per accoppiare gli avatar del forum con quelli dei commenti.

    ti ho mandato una mail dal form del sito per uno scambio di link. bye


    FYI, this works in trunk now:

    Tom, is your bad email an account that’s being used by someone else? Can you change it to ‘’?


    Yes, alpha and WordPress 2.7.

    With the Flash upload bug though, can’t you just use IE7 or the browser upload, and then integrate WordPress 2.5.x and the 0.9.x series of bbPress?


    I have tested with Alfa 2+. There was some changes in DB structure. bb_meta is one of them. It’s time for ( :( )

    NOTE 2: this script is compatible with trunk

    If your database size is not a big problem you can wait for next bbpress version.



    I’ve come across a problem – i’m having to pick between the flash upload bug in 2.5 RC1 and the fact that cookies don’t work for the RC1+ wp integration.

    can anyone help me resolve this? how are people dealing with this? I’m not averse to hacking a solution either way if necessary.

    i need to use WP/BBpress on a heavily customised client based implementation so am guessing that the alpha implementation with 2.7 isn’t the way to go?




    Yeah they do that for vbulletin and phpbb too, so I suspect it’s a problem they have to work out.


    This is not possible with bbPress as far as I know. bbPress does not live within WordPress or on a WordPress page. It’s not a plugin for WordPress. You can integrate bbPress to get single sign-on (shared logins) between bbPress and WordPress, and you can have access to WordPress functions in bbPress, so you can use get_footer(), get_sidebar(), get_header(), etc. But, it doesn’t work they way you are describing.


    In reply to: delete user

    Version of bbPress?

    Integration with WordPress y/n?


    Google’s counter appears to be capped by the number of posts per page, in my case 20.

    For example, the first result here shows “20 posts”, yet the topic runs to almost 400.


    Google is probably still sorting out the algorithm.

    Because templates can be customized endlessly, it’s hard to find patterns sometimes.

    You’ll notice it only appears on some topics, not all:

    Mihai Joldis

    Ok hey alll.

    Lets say i have something like: http://www.mysite.php/?cat=623

    and inside that category i have one post

    and i want to show in that post the bbpress forum

    dunno if u get my point here on what i want to do

    i want to have bbpress to show inside a page that belongs to a category that lets say i called it Forums

    is there some integration code that i have to put in that page or something ?



    I don’t believe there is a definite date.


    In reply to: Server Overload


    The problem with VPS is the system will lie to you as far as how much CPU is available to you at any given time. MySQL being at 90% may be a symptom, not the cause.

    You can have just one program running but if a neighbor on the same node is hogging the disk with heavy disk access, processes like MySQL which need fast disk access to respond timely will start to overload. There isn’t a single VPS that has decent disk I/O management.

    What you can try to do is give MySQL as much ram as you can afford. Also take a look at how many queries your bbpress pages are using via my bb-benchmark plugin, make sure they are below two dozen.

    There are specific tools you can monitor your VPS with that I highly recommend:

    1. This one is a MUST so you can show your host that you have bad neighbors

    2. This one takes a little more install time but is very helpful too:

    3. last but not least you want a mysql monitor like MyTop

    Keep in mind, if you discover (via loadavg) that the load time of day happens at the EXACT same time every day (like on the hour at 9am) that means your host is doing something stupid like backing up all the VPS on the node at the same time instead of staggering it. Some VPS hosts are more experienced than others. Some hosts will argue with you that your neighbors can’t be affecting you on a VPS, in which case the host is ignorant or an idiot, or even worse, a liar.

    Oh and if you don’t have a php opcode cache installed (you didn’t mention it one way or another) be sure to install one: eaccelerator, xcache or apc (eaccelerator recommended for ease of install and general compatibility)

    If all else fails, replace Apache with Litespeed or lighttpd or get a better host.


    Sounds marvelous.

    My pages probably need some recrawling before it turns up though.


    Mmmmh… in my forum, google indexed the information that the header was showing when the thread was posted; date, web age, moon phase, hit counter count and next, the thread title and the title of the first sticky :/ Great work.

    Now, is there any bbpress plugin that can insert meta tags in the wp header after a deep integration? just like the all in one seo wp plugin?


    Any idea when bbPress 1 is out? At least in beta? I would really like this integration to work.

Viewing 25 results - 52,926 through 52,950 (of 64,087 total)
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