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  • #4929

    Getting slashes before quotes/apostrophes in bbPress 1.0-alpha-6 integrated with WP.

    Have searched forum for solution, but most seem to be from 2 years ago (what can be found anyway). The core file that needs to be edited (bb-includes/template-functions.php) in those instructions is no longer called that (yes, i know which one it has become), but the code also looks markedly different.

    While I have *some* PHP knowledge and can follow most step-by-step stuff, I’m starting out with a different syntax than the instructions, which makes me a little nervous.

    Here’s the code I think I may need to change:

    ‘function get_post_text( $post_id = 0 ) {

    $bb_post = bb_get_post( get_post_id( $post_id ) );

    return apply_filters( ‘get_post_text’, $bb_post->post_text, $bb_post->post_id );’

    and then what about forum titles?

    Is there an easier way to do this now, or do the core files still have to be edited?


    Hi Ipstenu,

    Once again you are spot on mate.

    I’m not in anyway suggesting that the mods/owners don’t have the right to close / delete a forum post, in fact i respect their right to do so. But i also think if someone’s taken the time to write a constructive post then there should be a common decency to at least tell them why it’s been closed and then deleted within 5 minutes of it being posted. Respect kinda has to go both ways.

    I doubt the post is being “mulled over” though, as it’s been deleted and not closed. I know this because i went to fix a typo less than 2 minutes after posting (there’s a typo in the firs paragraph) and it was closed. So who every closed it, did so without reading the post. It was deleted not long after.

    I’m not going to flog a dead horse, or push a personal agenda; the mods have a right to do what they want – but i would like to reiterate that if people still refer to this as an open-source project and us contributors as a community, then we have to accept that there will be voices out there that don’t 100% agree with us on everything. Deleting posts that detail such opinions only makes the consensus of a view point insular and narrow.

    BBpress has amazing potential, I hope it succeeds, i want to help make it succeed.

    If _ck_ isn’t updating her plugins for any of the alpha or beta releases, then we’re effectively given a free-er reign here to not worry about backward compatibility (as lets be honest, _ck_’s plugins are freaking’ awesome); then surely now is the time to ask the hard questions.

    I am not, in any way shape or form, suggesting a complete rewrite or anything like that. But if we put our BA or PM heads on and ask ourselves:

    1) Is BBpress moving in the right direction?

    2) Is the legacy code from before Sam took ownership causing issues?

    3) If we had a clean slate and unlimited time, what would be fix?

    Now the answers may be 1) Yes, 2) No, 3) nothing it’s all working fine. And if they are that’s cool, but sometimes there is a big difference between am end-user view, a developer view, owner view and a Project Manager view. Even if everyone is in complete agreement (unlikely in any community), the right and ability to question can only help but guide the project and give reassurance to its contributors.

    It might also end all of these timeline/compatibility/development/plug-in questions we’re getting (and going to get more) – thus making the lives of the mods alot easier.

    BBpress has amazing potential, I hope it succeeds, i want to help make it succeed.


    I’m of divided opinion there, danblee.Yes, it should be noted (but alas a lot of the documentation is ‘in progress’) but then I think PHP 5 came out in 2004, that’s five years ago. It’s not unreasonable to say you should upgrade.


    This worked like a charm, Ipstenu. Thanks for the fix. I find it strange that there wouldn’t be a warning regarding the issue with PHP4. It’s kind of a big deal.


    You need to create a file called .htaccess in your forum root. Be sure the file starts with a period, and this only works if you’re on an Apache-based web server. IIS will not repond to this.

    Point your browser to bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php and paste the output of that screen into the file called .htaccess in your forum root. Now change the setting in the bbPress admin. Hopefully all will be well with that setup, but if not, post here.

    For example, if your forum is at then you need to point your browser to and grab the output of that to paste into your new .htaccess file. Also, I think that only works if you’re logged in as keymaster. I don’t think you can just do that on any bbPress site.

    Also, you might need to put this at the top of your .htaccess file:

    Options -MultiViews

    Some hosts won’t work without that (like mine for,


    Permalinks are just that – permanent. I don’t believe the permalink will change even if you change the topic title. I don’t think that’s a bug, I think that’s intentional.

    For example:


    To help get more people actively involved, why doesn’t bbPress host a “bug fixing marathon weekend” and offer a prize to the most bugs fixed within a 48 hour period.

    Or a contest to redesign the web site.

    Or a contest to improve the documentation.

    Just trying to come up with ideas to help.



    I noticed a bug in bbPress, when editing message title. When using url rewriting option, bbPress doesn’t fix the url to the htaccess file.

    Change title First forums to First forum

    URL (No change) = …forums/first-forums

    Can somebody repair that?


    I’m having a similar problem (404 error when using Pretty Permalinks) and assumed it was the .htaccess file. But where do I get the code to add to the .htaccess file to make things work properly? Would I need to adjust my main .htaccess file (outside of bbpress) – or is there an .htaccess file for BBPress. I don’t see an .htaccess file in BBPress anywhere…


    Try here:

    I use that when I’m trying to understand how it all ties in.



    I’m using the post notification plugin (

    I’m wondering if there is an opportunity that i’ll get the actual post instead of just getting a notification…

    I guess I would have to change that:

    $message = __(“There is a new post on: %1$s nReply by: %2$s nn%3$s “);

    but have no idea how…

    Anybody any help for me?



    I’ve read the threads on the problem with and php4. For example:

    Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()!

    Are we going to see a version before 1.0 that I can run properly without upgrading the server to php5?


    _ck_ paints a pretty bleak picture for bbpress 1.0. A pointless rewrite of 50% of the code, which neutralizes much of the benefit of having the beta in the wild for all this time. Extra bulk and slower performance.

    Sam’s response reads like a carefully worded validation.

    Sounds like a lack of information is the least of our problems.


    It would nice to get links to your BP & WP intergrations.


    If I can throw out some input, having felt both sides of this debate multiple times, I think the bbPress audience is just looking for a little more information than maybe what is presented publically, and hoping that maybe it’s delivered with a little more public relations than it is firm moderation.

    Lets take a moment to be honest with each other. The bbPress website, as a whole, is in bad shape. The documentation is old and outdated, transversing multiple versions and subversions of code with no WordPress style codex to whisper about. To offer a bit of perspective to everyone, bbPress is following WordPress in it’s development style, and remember that bbPress isn’t even 1.0, and WordPress is at 2.7. Where do you think bbPress will be when it is at version 2.7?

    While we’re all used to how WordPress works and how convenient it is to have years of experience and knowledge to build off of, bbPress just isn’t to that level yet, and it isn’t fair to expect for it to be.

    I feel that the bbPress site needs a serious update, just like the WordPressMU site does. There needs to be some uniformity and some solid public relations going on to get the message across to answer these questions before they even begin to be thoughts in a users mind, and no offense to anyone but a sticky topic isn’t enough, even though there isn’t a sticky anymore. Even if the product is free, it’s still a product, there are reputations on the line, and ultimately someone is investing in Automattic to help pay Sam’s bills, so someone needs to be nice to the customers, even if they’re not paying a dime.

    Sam, if you’re listening, I’d love to help restyle to help it more accurately match I would have suspected this was something done by someone specific within Automattic, but I think I remember reading that you styled it specifically yourself. If it will help take some of the burden off of you, I’d love to help out in anyway that I can.

    Sam Bauers

    I’d just like to say that _ck_ is well qualified to answer questions about just about every aspect of bbPress, including this topic. I can’t fault the information she gave in her replies here.


    You should be able to upgrade from anything as far back as perhaps bbPress 0.8 to any later version. Upgrade paths are generally kept smooth, but downgrading is an issue.


    I’ve looked into making 0.9 compatible with WP2.7, but the changes it would introduce would probably make 0.9 less stable than 1.0-alpha and take a long time to complete.


    Speaking for myself, and possibly a large number of others, the main reason for wanting to use v1.0 is WordPress integration. If there was a plugin for 0.9 to make it play nicely with newer versions of WordPress, then that would be awesome and might keep the rabble happy for a while. As it stands, the only choice if you’re running a version of WordPress that’s any way recent is to go with the bbPress Alpha.


    I was going to recommend BuddyPress as soon as I read this. I’ve got bbPress fully integrated right now and highly recommend it for someone looking to do a pseudo-social networking site, or even an e-zine with some basic social abilities. (Sam, I’m interested in the memcache plugin though, gotta look into that. Thanks!)


    nobody cares if bbPress stable will be ready in many months _ck_. I think the biggest problem here is this:

    The community: we, us, who use bbPress (alpha or not) report bugs, try all, use your plugins, make it public… we are also a piece of the “raise of bbPress”. We are all very thankfull for the work that you guys do, but what if nobody use it? It would be work for nothin. And it’s just a thing of respect and good will to get the community informated. So if e.g. you don’t know when its ready, dont write “stop asking” or “ready when ready”… try instead “i don’t know” …? So all of us will wait for a reply from someone that knows. Like Sam. And he replied. And it was really informative for us all. Lots of ppl like me are a little happier :-) now, so where is the problem? Chill…

    (sorry if you cant understand my english)

    and just for my personal info: are you (_ck_) working on bbPress itself? or “just” the plugins? Because why reply you always to this questions if the question is not for you (when you’re not working on core product)?


    The news about bbPress on that blog is just rehashing news elsewhere (and it’s a month out of date at that). 2009 will indeed be a big year for *development* for bbPress 1.0 – but that doesn’t mean 1.0 should be adopted for use on live sites in 2009.

    I don’t know how to explain it any further that 1.0 is not simply a continuance of 0.9, it’s about 50% rewritten. 0.9 was reaching a certain maturity but now virtually every major function has been changed in some way that makes it more complex (for the same functionality).

    You’re not using code in 1.0 that’s been proven stable in 0.9, you are using code that’s been rewritten to mimic the functionality of 0.9 with complexity added to force the use of BackPress (essentially WordPress core functions). Not only does the added bulk slow things down, but it degrades the proven stability that was in 0.9 because the new code is not thoroughly tested.

    You shouldn’t be nagging about 1.0 over here, the key question you should be nagging developers about is over on the WordPress side: When will WordPress use BackPress? If it’s not going to (anytime soon) what was the point in rushing to break a stabilized bbPress to make it use Backpress and why are people rushing to use bbPress 1.0 when it’s not finished?

    I think there was only one problem: it’s that 0.9 never got support for the cookies in WP 2.7 so way too many people rushed to 1.0 despite heavy warnings not to do so, somehow thinking they know better, or worse, that they’d just nag about any problems they have and get some kind of priority fix.

    I am considering releasing a plugin to make 0.9 work with WP 2.6-2.8 cookies to stop this nonsense once and for all however people still won’t be able to downgrade unless I also make another plugin to downgrade the database also. But it’s a lot of work and I have little motivation since I would never use WP 2.7+ myself.


    Don’t confuse ‘freedom of speech’ or ‘tell us what you’re thinking’ with ‘I can say anything I want and you have to keep the post up.’

    I don’t advocate deleting a post without explaining why, however bbPress mods have the right to delete any post they don’t want to have on the site for any reason. I also don’t assume ‘they hate me’ or ‘they don’t want to hear this’ when I post feedback that is a bit of criticism and the post is deleted. There are a lot of reasons to delete a post. Maybe it was felt this wasn’t a post for public discussion, or they wanted to mull it over without having a deluge mud-slinging (which even if your post wasn’t offensive at all, we’ve seen how people get when they get riled up).

    In lieu of guidelines, one can fairly assume only this, and little more: Posting is at the discretion of the people who own and maintain the site.


    @kevinjohngallagher – I got it from the horse’s mouth. She posted it on her blog and in her Blog Herald post last Friday.

    WordPress News, scroll down to bbPress On Fire.

    And yeah, the ‘follow the blog’ was partly tongue-in-cheek (I know updates are sparse), but also serious (as it is the best place to get ‘this has changed’ news). The blog will be updated when there’s news to update. And if there are long gaps between posts, well, it’s not a dev-blog. The forums are kind of the dev blog right now.


    I think we all love _ck_ for her plugins, and her attempts to help the community before and after she was made a Mod, but if she and other Mods have “had it up to here” with the same posts being made and the same questions being asked all the time; maybe it’s time to change the website which gives this the false /conflicting/confusing information?

    We can’t tell people to look at Trac for info on bugs/releases/roadmaps, and then complain when they get confused by the conflicting information.

    I’m also don’t find Joel’s blog too helpful, but that’s not to say that some project management isn’t necessary simply because it’s an open source project. But rather than taking the comments about leadership/ownership of the project on the chin, it’s apparently easier to discredit/deflect from the man making the comments – i mean, seriously, who cares if wikipedia doesn’t list Joel as a developer? Does that mean the man doesn’t know that keeping Trac/Gantt chart/documentation/bug list etc up to date greatly increases productivity and keeps a project focussed?

    Or is it because he worked for “Microsoft, so he couldn’t be more opposite in thinking to open-source web based code development”. Are we just presuming now that if you happen to take a wage that you’re fundamentally against free or open source software? I take a wage for a company that wont be releasing it’s software, am i now in the “couldn’t be more opposite in thinking to open-source web based code development” simply because of my day job? Or is it easier to shoot down people making comments based on presumptions moderators have about anyone who places feeding their wives and children above working a 9-5 for an open source software foundation?

    I see, it’s cos it’s easier to shoot down questions and comments rather than have a discussion.

    (btw _ck_, the guy left Microsoft over 9 years ago. 9. years. maybe we can let that one go.)


    Hey dude, can i ask where you got his info from:

    Now Lorelle (from Lorelle on WordPress, a name many folks may be familiar with) has intimated that this will be a ‘big’ year for bbPress.

    It seems great news, but in the same way that Sam lets us know that he’s been focussed on non-BBpress projects 7 replies down a random forum post; it worries me that finding out this cool info is getting harder and harder.

    Follow the bbPress blog. You’ll get your answer when you do :)

    I kinda hope that’s tongue-in-cheek , with 5 posts in 6 months (and 3 of them within 3 days of each other), the BBpress blog isn’t quite the bastian of information you might think. All it does it tell us when there’s a new release. It’s not not a blog as much as a list of release dates.


    I suspect _ck_’s had it up to here with the same people asking the same questions. It does get a little wearing and if I were to link to every post that someone asked this ‘How long…’ question… well I may find the practical limit to post length ;) Exaggeration a little, yes, but not as much as you’d think.

    FWIW, I read Joel on Software frequently, but I disagree with him when it comes to the Open Source Solution. Locked Down software, like Office and such, are a totally different beast, and most Open Source developments start out herky-jerky (like BB and WP) and eventually smooth out into a sort of update schedule. But you can’t do that until you have a baked product, and when you’re re-inventing things, you can’t give a firm deadline because there is no way you can quantify the time it takes to be inventive. Open Source created a new development roadmap, and that map is still very young and very tentative. It took a decade or more to get commercial software where it is today. Open Source has been around since the 60s, but it didn’t really become a ‘thing’ until 1998. And Open Source development, where anyone can pitch in? Whooof! A lot of folks never even saw that coming as more than a passing fancy.

    Now Lorelle (from Lorelle on WordPress, a name many folks may be familiar with) has intimated that this will be a ‘big’ year for bbPress. What does that mean? Dunno, but I suspect now that WP is a grownup, it’s time to burn creative juices over on bbPress. Which still does not mean you’ll get bb 1.0/release any time soon.

    Be patient. Read the posts people have already made. Follow the bbPress blog. You’ll get your answer when you do :)

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