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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #72379

    You can add roles using a plugin like this:

    Good luck!


    Got the problem…..when copying the secret from the options.php in wordpress to enter into the WP INtegration in BBpress, on submit bbpress (or something) was stripping the final character off the secret string. I checked this twice to make sure it was happening, and then edited the record by just pasting in the “).” Voilla. Ann’s cookie worked!


    Hi all

    First off I feel I need to thank the developers for creating bbpress. It seems to be the solution I have been looking for.

    I’m trying to set up private forums.

    I have installed the private forums plugins, but the “roles” are what bothers me. I don’t wish to give users a “moderator” role.

    There has to be a way for me to give them a different role? I simply cannot find the place where to add additional roles or HOW to do it. I’m on version

    Hope someone can help me out here.

    Best regards,



    Do not even “try” the alpha as you can then never go back to 0.9

    Many plugins will not work with the alpha and won’t for some time.

    You want to downgrade the wp cookies. Use Ann’s plugin.


    circuit, thanks again for the insight. are you running bbsync or just running bbpress exclusive of your wp install?


    CK I installed the plugin with the salt keys, etc……and there is evidentally a little progess as the cookies do not conflict as before, but the integration hasn’t worked either. Not sure what the issue is but in the docs there are not a precise definition of the secret key. Is the database secret key that you refer to the key I have defined in the config, php that holds the database name, password, etc…..or is that the “secret,” randomly derived string that is listed through options.php as “secret”? Also, since I am using .9, where exactly are the bbpress integration settings in wp……there was a new-plugin, but that was for 1. alpha, right…..not for .9?

    Excuse me because I am new to this, but does it make sense for me to upgrade to the alpha version, is that easier to integrate? Or do I want to go the other direction and downgrade the wp cookies.

    Thanks in advance>>




    |—- BBpress

    aka :-





    /bbpress inside here


    /rest of wp’s files..

    wordpress is on the root and bbpress isin a folder called /community

    im resintalling it all now, all same versions.


    No, it’s probably becuase it’s Sunday.

    bbPress isn’t a WordPress plugin, so unless you have conflicting htaccess files, I can’t see why that would happen.

    What folder is bbPress loaded in and what folder is WP loaded in?


    Yes you still need to fill the bbPress/WP user table (many plugins also refer to it directly).

    All you are replacing is authentication.

    You can write a plugin to auto-fill the user table when a newly authenticated user first tries to see a bbPress page. Actually it could go into the authentication code directly.


    andyimages, to use WP 2.7 with bbPress 0.9 you need one of the two plugin solutions now updated in the first post. Changing the cookie path is not enough, you have to change the cookie method entirely.


    if (file_exists(‘../wp-blog-header.php’))


    ^That line of code causes a lot of stress on my bluehost site. With that code active, I get “This Account Has Exceeded Its CPU Quota” all the time, deeming my site unusable.

    Is there another way to have the bb-config find the wp-blog-header? Everytime the server has to search for it, it takes fooooorever, which also slows down the rest of the site, then I get suspended by bluehost and can’t access anything.

    It’s weird though, because this code will slow up the rest of the site that isn’t even using the bb-config. I’ll load up and it’ll go soooo slowly while that code is active – this, even though my bbpress config is way over there at If I comment that code out, everything is fast and zippy.

    WP 2.7

    BB 0.9


    So far I am failing on this. I am going to try the plug-in that xurizaemom has suggested… integration is failing and I have tried the suggested method running WP 2.7 and the latest bbpress .

    There is definitely some conflict between the cookies as if I login as admin on wp, then go to bb, clicking on the admin link fails and I am redirected to the front page instead of admin area. Logged out of WP, and logging into BBPress as admin, the link works properly and the admin panel opens…

    The wordpress is in the the root directory and bbpress in its own directory in the root.


    They can be integrated if you use one of these two solution to make the cookies compatible:

    Yes the roles integrate in

    The private message plugin has nothing to do with WordPress – it’s a bbPress plugin. However, there have been some security issues with it recently and you might not want to use it right now until those are ironed out.


    Hello :)

    I noticed that Bulgarian translation is quite out of date so with a friend we made an update. It is available here:

    bbPress 0.9 in Bulgarian


    More than likely you have set up permalinks in the bb-admin but have not configured the webserver.

    error 404 when viewing forums


    In reply to: Do I Need a Server?


    You can use and configure bbPress locally if you like, but it needs to be in a server environment. You need PHP, a web server and a database. It’s easiest to have it on the same type of system it will eventually be hosted on, to minimize problems when you go live, but it’s not essential.

    On Windows there is WAMP:

    On OSX (and for many other systems) there is XAMPP:

    On Linux, well, if you have that I don’t need to tell you what you have.

    The machine you build, test and configure on doesn’t need to be on the Internet, but you do need to have a server environment to make this work.


    In reply to: Integration questions

    Any news on this? I have the Simple:Press plugin but I love BBpress better (even though Simple:Press wraps around my WPMU/BuddyPress site perfectly…)


    Do I need my website to be uploaded onto a server in order to start using and configuring bbpress or can i work on it while i’m building my site without having uploading anything onto a server?


    I soved the problem of logn request on paginated topics using the EWp plugin mentioned here:

    I can’t understand why with normal integration the whole system didn’t work… but I have no time to investigate for a non payed task :) The customer have the same problem of quote adn double-quote double escaping thamentioned in the same link…

    This topic can be considered closed.



    I have wp 2.7.1 and the last bbPress, i install this and i create a forum but when i want to open the new topic is going me to a 404 Error page from my blog.

    Can anybody tell me what is wrong?



    Hi !

    I need 2 WordPress themes for bbPress.

    First “comunizine” from

    and second PureType from

    I can give the theme and can make a small donate.

    Please answer to fuhrmara at freenet dot de


    Unbelievable. I was able to figure out what the problem was. WP-Super-Cache plugin was screwing everything up. All I did was add /forum/ to the URI strings to be ignored and it worked fine.

    Now it’s time to fix up the theme.

    Thanks for all the responses :)


    I am using WordPress 2.7.1 and bbPress 1.0 Alpha


    If you’re seeing WP logins work, and BB logins fail, then BB is probably logging you in and setting the wrong cookie path.

    (You can debug this sort of thing by using a proxy which lets you inspect the headers as they pass from client to server – I recommend the excellent Charles Web Debugging Proxy.)

    I fixed this using the WP Cookie Root plugin. Changing the COOKIE_PATH defines for me hadn’t worked, but the plugin did.

    Q: With deep integration, I see any postings to BB get double-quoted, eg an apostrophe posted to the forum will appear as ‘ …

    Here’s hoping BBPress doesn’t munge the line above. Apostrophes appear in the forum with a backslash to escape them, because both WP and BB are running the apostrophes thru their escaping function. How can I avoid this?

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