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  • #62420

    You don’t access the admin directly like you can in WordPress. You log in on the front page and then if you’re keymaster, you see the admin link next to your name. If you don’t have an admin link after you log in, maybe you’re not marked as keymaster.

    Need more info on your setup to help. Did you integrate with WordPress? What versions of bbPress and WordPress did you install?



    Or just replace register.php with

    // silence is golden

    You should look in your logs though to see where they are coming in. Sometimes they go right to bb-login.php as well. Anything related to login really. They’re not sitting there browsing the forum and clicking the [login] button.

    You can also install _ck_’s Human Test plugin to prevent most of the registrations:


    I have a BBPress forum that is not being used, but might see some use eventually. I use it to experiment with BBPress, too. When Forums gather cobwebs, they can attract Spammers. I started getting a steady stream of similar-looking registration attempts, probably from a single group of Spammers. I put up a temporary index.html page, basically saying Forum Closed to discourage Spammers, and hid the index.php in a Backup folder. This assures nobody will come in the front door, but did not stop the spammers, who apparently are coming in directly to the registration area. The new users are being automatically flagged as bozos by BBPress, but I am having to delete them manually as they come in.

    I would like to disable registration completely for a while to encourage them to go away. What if I moved register.php into my Backup folder? Would that do the job?


    guys, I’ve never been into the dashboard. I have php5 working and tried to get into the URL,

    but it doesn’t exist? Can you guys help me out?


    Finally got it working using _ck_’s plugin. Now I want the same login sync with my custom php pages. Any pointers regarding what I should be doing? I think I will need the code used in _ck_’s plugin and the bbPress core file. Am I right?


    Hey guys, I’m getting the same problem, and my hosting is 1&1 and I’m sure they support PHP4. It is in my subfolder of the domain,



    Hello Kevin!

    Thanks for your reply! :D

    I did a clean install of WP 2.7 and then I activated Ann’s plugin.

    Then I added the code those three lines in wp-config.php and lost access to dashboard.

    Redirect Loop

    Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

    The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The site is redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.

    * Have you disabled or blocked cookies required by this site?

    * NOTE: If accepting the site’s cookies does not resolve the problem, it is likely a server configuration issue and not your computer.

    I am currently testing on localhost (XAMPP). Any idea what is causing this loop? May be I need to edit those lines but I dont know how to.

    I had to delete the plugin from the plugin directory to access dashboard again.

    I would not think of going beyond WP 2.7 unless I am unable to achieve the sync. And regarding the Open ID integration, I would like to keep myself away from it as I need to allow only registered users to login.


    The link to the wordpress theme does not work. Can you please repost the link. I love the BBPress theme and want to use the matching wordpress theme too.


    No one has done it yet but you can replace bbpress’s auth/cookie system via pluggable functions. Look at the cookie plugins for examples.


    This plugin does an excellent job of showing both the number of topics and the number of posts:

    The info is given daily; you can download it into a csv though, and add it up using Excel.


    In reply to: link back to blog


    I use CARP RSS to insert the latest posts from my blog within my bbPress forum. Also, as mentioned, make sure you are editing the header file from within the specific theme you are using. It’s not one header file fits all.


    First off, holy cow $1 per post!

    Second, is probably a plugin that will help alleviate some of your worries.


    Hi Ashfame,

    First: i feel your pain in integrating WP2.7.1 and 0.9, i’m sure alot of us do – that said though, it’s definitely possible.

    Second: it’s definitely possible to achieve site wide login using either _ck_ or Ann’s plugins. Without a doubt using _ck_’s is far easier, as Ann’s comes with no documentation and there are steps required that no-one’s written out. It took me about an hour of searching and playing with Ann’s to get it to work, but once it did, it worked brilliantly.

    Basically follow the steps given on the 3rd page of the integration forum posts (hey dont expect documentation for something a sought after as this to be on an actual page – like the integration one – or even at the start of a post so it’s easily found). Then add in

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    define(‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    to both the WP and BB configs. Obviously you can change the values.

    The other thing that really helped me, after alot of trial and error, was to set up WordPress first. Activate Ann’s plugin. It then automatically boots you our of the WP admin area. you have to go to/wp-login.php?action=logout and then entirely clear your cache and cookies.

    Then re-log in. The cookie WP sets will now be recognisable.

    Install BB AFTER this step to make life alot easier; as bbpress will recognise the admin cookie right form the word go :)

    Third: Ann’s method overwrites the ‘new’ wordpress cookie method, so the theory is that it’s future proof. at least throughout this WP2.7 branch. The bad news is, according to an automattic post i read yesterday, that the OpenID integration in WP2.8 may require a rewrite of all authentication in WordPress. If this happens then there is a good chance that all authentication in Automattic systems will have tot change, there’s just no way of future proofing against a company wide re-write. But if that doesn’t happen, then Ann’s plugin should work for a long time.

    Fourth: A the risk of reading form the _ck_ bible, there’s very little reason across the board to upgrade from WP2.5.1 to WP2.7.1 . There are no known security issues in 2.5.1. I’ve yet to come across a WP plugin that doesn’t work for 2.5.1, it’s a damn site easier to use, and it’s faster and more lightweight. Obviously, you may have different requirements that we don’t know about, but I would look long and hard at not using 2.7.1 if i were you.

    Good luck, Kev


    The 101 referred to doesn’t cater for the fact that the names for the various keys seems to have changed.

    The route I followed (using the “freshly baked cookies” plugin, and using calls for a “secret key”, but the latest version of wordpress doesn’t refer to such a beast. I opted for the AUTH key, guys, figuring that if it was wrong, the bbPress install would let me know. It worked.

    Perhaps a minor tweak to the 101 would help in this respect?

    As it happens, I went on to experience “fatal errors” when I tried to activate said plugin, so I clearly haven’t finished with the integration efforts myself! :o)


    I tried integrating them but messed up a lot. So trying a different approach what I want to achieve in my project.

    I need WP as CMS, bbPress as forum script and custom php code which will create a member’s area. I want site-wide login sync.

    Tried _ck_’s plugin but can’t make it to working even after using 0.0.3 version and I dont want to use Ann’s method of downgrading cookie of what WP 2.7.1 uses. Just because this project won’t be under me for long, so will opt a method which is more future proof. So I am thinking of directing all the login requests of WP & bbPress to my custom login page which will be the only means of login & logout on the site. I want to use plugins for both WP & bbPress so as to maintain future compatibility. I can always update those custom codes or can i have a plugin for that too.

    I may be running wild here but it seems quite easily feasible too.

    Waiting for your suggestions!


    In reply to: There are no 404’s


    My guess is that there is something in the WordPress .htaccess file that is causing it to mess with what should be a forum 404 error. I don’t know enough about subdomains and bbPress integrated with WordPress, but that’s my guess. Something in the WordPress .htaccess file is rewriting your bbPress 404. Possibly? Is there a .htaccess file for bbPress? I would guess not, since you’re not using permalinks for the forum.

    I suspect it has something to do with the subdomain, but that’s just a SWAG.


    I would like to a experiment with bbPress for building a community powered helpdesk. Was wondering if bbPress supports integration with CA’s siteminder for Single Sign On?




    I tested both.

    1.0-alpha integrates better but is more unstable and there are lots of errors. I would no use it on a live site. is much stable, and runs fine. I used this plugin and then forced always to login/logout from WordPress. That works perfect. Login/out from bbPress does not run correctly in this situation, so I preferred to force to login/logout from wordpress.

    In my case I was talking for a project 6-9 months vista, to be finished later this year. This makes things a bit different as I hope then bbPress 1.0 will be more mature.

    Also consider that you always can upgrade from 0.9 to 1.0… but you can NOT to downgrade from 1.0 to 0.9. So, perhaps I would start from the stable version.




    @ _ck_

    I am also going to use bbPress alpha for a live site. I don’t want to use any plugins. Just what bbPress is offering at the moment is required (more functionality is not a pain though). Should I go for it as I have tested with WP 2.7 for login syncs (partly – the way i want with my custom user panels). Would like to know your opinion. Thanks!

    Sam Bauers

    Also, bbPress does not modify the wp-config.php. Maybe you added a line there, but bbPress doesn’t touch that file.


    Be sure to delete all the bb_ tables. The only WordPress tables that were modified by bbPress should be the wp_usermeta and wp_users tables. If you changed the table prefix for the bbPress installation, be sure you delete the correct tables.

    Also, it makes sense to backup the whole database before doing any of this, just in case.


    I think I’m going to have delete my WordPress instance now and reinstall. :-(

    Thanks Chris for your help, but bbPress has really messed things up. I used the installation process to set the config files, so it’s not entirely clear what I need to do. I have cleaned up the wp-config.php file back to how I think it should have been, but still no go.

    I think changes may have been made to the db tables for which I’m not sufficiently skilled to reverse.

    So that’s that. Thanks again for you help though.

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