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WordPress integration help

  • Hey,

    So I am having a few issues while integrating with wordpress.

    My first question is, in step 2 when doing the cookie integration it asks for the SECRET_KEY” in the WordPress wp-config.php file. I am using wordpress 2.7.1 and I cant find the SECRET_KEY in the file. How do i get the SECRET_KEY??

    Also i want to know if me creating a separate database in step 1 of the installation was the right thing to do?

    Thanks for any help.

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  • chrishajer


    You don’t need a separate database, and it’s easier to integrate with WordPress if you install bbPress in the same database as WordPress.

    What version of bbPress are you installing? Sounds like an older one that doesn’t integrate well with WordPress 2.7.1. In the bbPress installation of the alpha, which does integrate with WordPress 2.7.1, there are pretty clear instructions beneath each box on where to find the keys.

    I am trying to install the latest stable version Is this the proper version that i should be using for integrating with WordPress 2.7.1?



    The 101 referred to doesn’t cater for the fact that the names for the various keys seems to have changed.

    The route I followed (using the “freshly baked cookies” plugin, and using calls for a “secret key”, but the latest version of wordpress doesn’t refer to such a beast. I opted for the AUTH key, guys, figuring that if it was wrong, the bbPress install would let me know. It worked.

    Perhaps a minor tweak to the 101 would help in this respect?

    As it happens, I went on to experience “fatal errors” when I tried to activate said plugin, so I clearly haven’t finished with the integration efforts myself! :o)

    If “it’s easier to integrate with WordPress if you install bbPress in the same database as WordPress” They why does the installer not advise you of that during the config process? I’ve gotten to the same headache. There is no variable in wp-config called “SECRET_KEY”. There are however, “AUTH_KEY” “SECURE_AUTH_KEY” “LOGGED_IN_KEY” “NONCE_KEY”…

    I just got done reverse integrating existing installs of WP and BBP. So I didn’t actually run the BBP install, but I think “…/bb-admin/options-wordpress.php” answers your question about the secret key. See the “WordPress database secret” section on that page.

    It points you to “…/wp-admin/options.php” for the value “secret” setting in your WP install. I think this may be the SECRET_KEY you are looking for.

    If your install is already done, just go to “…/bb-admin/options-wordpress.php” and enter the secret in the text field provided there.

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