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  • #72584


    PierrottorreiP, i was only trying to help, i think you could drop the attitude man. Rest assured, i’ll not try to help again.

    My first point, about using a development environment, is a sound technical point. The point of doing things locally is to plan/develop/test until it’s right then push live. If as you said you “I did put the site together locally and realized that I wanted them to talk to each other after I made it live.” that just shows poor planning, and it’s not my fault for not realising that you had decided to make things on your live server different from your testing environment.

    That said, your site currently has 1 user, you, so taking down the forums until you fix it locally isn’t going to be a disaster.

    As for my suggesting you only include a link when needed, again, it wasn’t to persecute or “bitch”, but was honest advice. If you have something you want us to look at please include a link by all means, but make it a link to your forums and or the page you’re having an issue with. ‘bumping’ your website via views from a BBpress support forum aren’t going to help (of the top 10 google links form your website name are from this website – and many people have tried to bump their site this way before which is why i mentioned it).

    You also have to accept that English isn’t everyone’s first language, and while not bad at it myself, taking offence because of the way something is worded – especially in a post that gave you step by step instructions on how to fix your issue – is frankly very bad form.

    Name calling, on an anonymous internet forum, is hardly the way to get help from those of us who care for BBpress’ development.


    Rather than using the crazy structure of BBpress’s header.php file – actually while i’m on that can i ask why BBpress DID NOT use the same div nesting as WP so that integration was simple? madness – if you use this one, your BBpress forum should automatically look 90% like it’s in your WordPress page if you use the default theme, default K2 or sandbox.

    You will have to tweak bits of course, this isn’t fool proof, but in terms of the basics, it makes life alot easier.

    I mentioned these changes back in October, so i’m used to the copying and pasting of them now as it doesn’t look like making thing easy for the end user is part of the goal here; hence the plugin. I too hope we get an answer on the bug soon :)


    Hi Vernal,

    In terms of integration in a software sense, you have to answer yourself this:

    1) Do they need to look the same?

    2) Do I need shared login ?

    3) Do i need shared wordpress functions (menu, sidebar, otehr cool wordpress stuff) ?

    If you answered yes to 1) and no to 2) and 3) you only need to make your style sheets and HTML look similar and dont need any integration.

    If you answered yes to 1) and 2) and no to 3) then you should be able to use the latest alpha and latest wordpress and all should be fine. Personally, i’d not ouch with with a bargepole and i’d use BBpress 0.9 and WP 2.7.1 with _ck_’s Freshly Baked Cookies plugin (link coming up in a bit).

    If you answered yes to 1) 2) and 3) then you need to use Ann’s plugin (again link coming up).

    In terms of fixing your BBpress to integrate into your wordpress theme easily, that one is simple. Replace the code in your header.php file with this:

    <body id="<?php bb_location(); ?>">
    <div id="page">
    <div id="wrapper">
    <div id="header">
    <div id="headerimg">
    <h1 id="blog-title"><!-- PUT YOUR WP LINK HERE --></h1>
    <div id="blog-description">
    <div class="description">
    </div> <!-- #description -->
    </div> <!-- #blog-description -->
    </div> <!-- #headerimg -->

    K2 USERS

    <div id="access">
    <div class="skip-link"><a href="#content" title="Skip to content">Skip to content</a></div>
    <div id="menu">
    </div><!-- #access -->

    <div id="container">
    <div id="primary">
    <div id="current-content">
    <div id="content">
    <div id="post">
    <div id="main">

    <h1><a>"><?php bb_option('name'); ?></a></h1>
    <?php if ( bb_get_option('description') ) : ?><p class="description"><?php bb_option('description'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php login_form(); ?>

    <?php if ( is_bb_profile() ) profile_menu(); ?>


    bbPress isn’t, by nature, designed for that. You’re kind of looking for blog functionality in a forum. Looking at the related functions, I see there’s a way to get first and last, but the posts aren’t sequential. Or rather, they are but they aren’t directly consecutive so you can’t just get the first post and add 1. There’s nothing built in, or easily hackable for that.


    In reply to: Install help


    Chrishajer, thank you for your detailed help.

    Before I installed the bbpress, I have created a database as below:

    1, mysql> create database MyForum_database;

    2, mysql> show database; it is displayed.

    3, to create a dbconnect.php file to test it,


    $con = mysql_connect(“localhost:3306″,”myname”,”mypassword”);

    if (!$con)

    { die(‘Could not connect: “.mysql_error());}


    echo “Successful connect.”

    mysql_select_db(“MyForum_database”, $con);


    4, to run this dbconnect.php file in the

    http://localhost/mrm/bbforum/dbcon.php //mrm is root of my website

    To get the “Successful connect.”

    This means my website host is “localhost” and the database is on the same server as the web site, then this probably should remain localhost in Database Host.

    5, my web site host is ‘localhost’ in my Apache setting in my server.(We have static IP address)

    6, please see my setting in bbpress installation:

    Database name: MyForum_database

    Database user: myname

    Database password: mypassword

    Database host: localhost

    Database character set: utf8

    Database character collation: forum

    bbPress cookie secret key: skyisblue

    Table name prefix: f_

    Where is I wrong? My MyForum_database has been connected, why bbPress installation can’t connect it.

    My database and website are on same server, same host.

    So I wander why…

    Please help again.


    Hey kevin,

    Thanks a lot for your great info. I hope that someone in the know picks up your request.

    In the meantime, is there anything you could point me to that will at least get me started in allowing some WordPress template tags to function from within bbpress? I’m using a shared database, 2.7.1, and the latest bb alpha.

    Does that still work?

    And of course, I ‘d love to hear more about your plugin if things get fixed up on it.




    Hi GGwarpig,

    It is possible with my “themer” plugin, which has an option to dynamically load a different header/footer file or just a different stylesheet depending on the domain you’re looking at. While this doesn’t load in an entirely different theme, it incorporates most of the changes you’re looking for.

    Sadly it can’t be released until we get an answer to this (what appears to be) bug in the core:


    Hi Chris,

    I’ve actually made a plugin that makes theme integration between BBpress and WordPress an absolute breeze (one click!), but it used to require one of my customized baseline theme’s.

    Last week I converted it to work with any standard BBpress installation but alas hit some bugs in the BBpress core. I have posted about them, but have had no reply yet. You can find the post here:

    Basically all of my original customized themes have a far more usable div nesting in the header and footer, so that it matched 3 of the most common wordpress theme’s (standard, sandboz, K2); thus anyone loading up an integrated BBpress would see their own website styling/menus etc. While not 100% accurate, it saved me a great deal of time when customising.

    But then last week i converted this into a much better plugin. It reads the directory of the wordpress theme you are using and automatically outputs the WordPress theme’s header and footer files with the necessary BBpress code injected. It effectively encapsulates your BBpress forum inside wordpress pages for seemlesss moving around (basically like simpleforums).

    But the whole thing’s on pause until we can get answer to . On a side note, as someone who is attempting to build plugins for BBpress, getting answers to questions like these to help development is really difficult, and the standard answer of “read other plugins that’s how i learnt” really doesn’t help when you come up against something new. Maybe we should have a plugin developer section (as the current plugin section has become a request section)?


    I need to have two domains pointing at the same bbPress setup each with a different template.

    Should I setup two installations and point them both at the same database. Can you even do that?

    Any ideas?


    Hi All,

    Here’s my situation…

    I have installed 3 instances of bbPress on one WordPress blog. I want to keep them separate in case I need to scrap one – but I’d like to make them so if someone creates an account on one they are logged into all.

    I currently have them sharing cookies but not a database.

    What should my next step be?



    In reply to: Instant Password


    I might be missing something here –

    I just installed bbPress ( on a different site and still get the same message with instant password. I don’t have bbPress and WordPress integrated.

    What could I be doing wrong?

    Here’s the link – just started building it live yesterday so not much action yet…


    There is no simple theme integration solution that I am aware of. Because bbPress is in a state of flux, many people are saving their energy for developing for it once 1.0 stable comes out.


    In reply to: Install help


    > 1, Do I create database first before running install.php?

    > Both I try ( no database to install and after create database

    > to install), it doesn’t work.

    You need to create a database first, then supply that database name to the installer. In addition, you will need a database user, password and maybe host name.

    > 2, I can’t find the path where is I created database save in, so

    > I entered localhost in the Database Host. I really don’t understand

    > what is the database host and search it in internet, is it belong

    > to company? I use Mysql 5.0.45 . and bbpress- . How can find

    > the path about my database in Linux.

    This information comes from the company that hosts your website. If they allow you to set up a database, somewhere on that page or near that page will show the database name, user name, password and maybe host.

    > 3, I don’t choose the Show Advanced Settings (default), it is still stuck step 1.

    You probably need to do this, but first you need to get the host name from your website host.

    > It is always (There was a problem connection to the database you specified.

    > Please check the settings, then try again.)

    I am going to guess this is because you have not entered all the proper information, or you entered incorrect information. Your host may have to help you with some of these details.

    > Is it terrible to install it?

    No, not once you have all the correct details. If you can’t tell bbPress how to connect to your database, you’re going to be stuck right there until you get some help.


    I’m using WordPress 2.7.1 and just installed the latest alpha of bbpress. Looking around I see lots of very old chatter about Themepress being the best solution for sharing a theme between the two products.. but it doesn’t seem to be available/work anymore.

    So what’s the latest? I’m going to make the assumption that someone picked up on themepress’s work and has come up with a solution to integrate WordPress and Bbpress themes. What’s the latest and greatest?




    In reply to: Install help


    Thanks, Chrishajer.

    More question:

    1, Do I create database first before running install.php? Both I try ( no database to install and after create database to install), it doesn’t work.

    2, I can’t find the path where is I created database save in, so I entered localhost in the Database Host. I really don’t understand what is the database host and search it in internet, is it belong to company? I use Mysql 5.0.45 . and bbpress- . How can find the path about my database in Linux.

    3, I don’t choose the Show Advanced Settings (default), it is still stuck step 1.

    It is always (There was a problem connection to the database you specified. Please check the settings, then try again.)

    Is it terrible to install it?


    Topic: Install help

    in forum Installation

    I take some days to install the bbpress forum software and still can’t pass step 1.

    I have checked many topics at “install”, “installation” and “config.php” etc. in FORUMS and try it.

    After read these topics, I was confused.

    1. If I only need forum and don’t need blog. Do I need install WordPress?

    2. Do I need to fill the Show Advanced Setting in step 1? I checked the bb-config-sample.php file, it prompt “If you are installing for the first time, leave them here.”


    WP and bbPress are not integrated.

    Registration is not required on my WP blog, so it does not send any emails at all.

    We used to use some Perl classes with previous versions of bbPress engine to send emails, but after upgrading, we did not managed to configure them. So I want to see if there are any other ways to send emails.


    I see you have WP on your site as well. Does it send emails when users register?

    Do you have bbPress integrated with WP?

    What version of bbPress are you running?


    Yes, it is just for sending emails from my server.

    It is not spam. Try to register on my forum and you will not receive the registration email.


    In reply to: LaTex support

    I’ve now uploaded a plugin for LaTeX support to the plugin page here at bbPress.


    It should not require any configuration. Is it just not sending email from your server?

    With thousands of posts in your forum, is this just spam or do you really have a problem with registration emails being sent?


    Now I got an extra headache, my WP widget column disappeared.

    I’m switching back waiting suggestions.

    update: sorry, it was a wicked weather widget blockng sidebar, not PHP5 extention, but bbpress install problem remains


    I just do not know where to read about it.


    Cool — thanks for the ideas folks. The solutions seem a little out of my league. It is not a huge deal though. That functionality isn’t completely necessary.

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