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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #72722

    In reply to: What is what?


    >WP is 2.7.1 and bbPress is Both are the latest versions.

    partly – bbPress has the 1.0 alpha (unstable!). And you should integrate the 1.0 with wp 2.7

    I think there is some plugin to integrate 0.9 with wp 2.7 but still… read some topics about the compatible versions in this forum.

    In general:

    WP < 2.7 & BBpress < 1.0: yes

    WP >= 2.7 & BBpress < 1.0: no

    WP < 2.7 & BBpress >=1.0: no

    WP >= 2.7 & BBpress >= 1.0: yes

    but remember: the 1.0 alpha is not recommended to use on live sites.

    (sorry if my english isn`t correct, i hope you get what i want to say)


    In reply to: What is what?


    >Sounds like you’re integrate incompatible versions. What versions of bbPress and WordPress are you trying to install?

    WP is 2.7.1 and bbPress is Both are the latest versions.


    In reply to: What is what?


    Sounds like you’re integrate incompatible versions. What versions of bbPress and WordPress are you trying to install?


    In reply to: Dutch translation


    bruinfelix, your bbpress install looks very good and matches your wordpress side – I don’t understand why you don’t like the theme, it works well.

    It would be nice if you released the .mo file – all the other bbPress installs that I can find in your country have “hard coded” their templates directly with the translations which is not good.

    You’d be helping many other people and giving back to the community. I noticed you are using several of my plugins so it’s good to give back. The more people use bbPress, the more people will convert other WordPress themes.


    The reason these guys are not getting enough help from the likes of CK and others is becuase this is an Autommaticc product, it may be open source, but it’ll get lots of money out of it for any person to help voluntarily… I think they need some programmers and a proper PAID team to develop this,,.. becuase it isn’t going no where. SCROUNGING OF VOLUNTEERS…

    besides all that,.. its a good script but i believe Matt Mullenweg and co are going abit cheapo on this.


    You know, there’s no good way to say this…

    But wouldn’t that sort of table (and i think it’s a great idea) be classed as documentation?

    And if so, does anyone expect to see it on the BBpress website? Heck the wiki that Sam set up a year ago so that we’d have documentation hasn’t been updated for the last 8 releases…


    I’m not aware of a comparison table like that. Hopefully someone who knows of one will post a link to it here.


    In general, I don’t think it’s possible, from what I’ve read here.

    I’ve read here in the past that the reason for the additional forum in there is that bbPress would have no idea if the slug referred to a topic or forum, hence the need for the second ‘forum’ in the URL. The first one just happens to be the name of the subdirectory you installed bbPress into.

    There was this plugin, but I’m not certain if it will work with your version:

    Also, Sam Bauers talked about this recently, but I think it was something that would be possible in the future.


    In reply to: Dutch translation

    At the risk or hijacking this thread, given how quickly topics get pushed down the front page, i really wanted to post this link:

    Overwriting Template functions

    And Bruinfelix, i’d like to urge you to release the language pack to the community even if you are leaving BBpress. Many Thanks. Kev


    In reply to: Dutch translation


    No, i dont release the file ;)

    And during the lack of good theme’s available, i’am planning to uninstall bbPress ;-)


    It’s work good thank you.


    fair enough.. i might as well use the older version.

    do you know if there is a comparison table on what new featues the alpha version has compared to the older one…


    Yes there is a caching bug in bb_location that is fixed in the newest 1.0 alphas but remains in the earlier versions. I caught the problem a month or two ago and Sam patched it.

    So it’s impossible to add locations in bbPress 0.8-0.9. You have to work around it manually.


    In reply to: Dutch translation


    I see that you completed this, did you want to share the file?

    There are about two dozen other Dutch bbPress sites but it looks like they hard-coded their template translations which is a shame.



    My host was able to help.

    “Due to the amount of posts contained within the treatment forum, bbpress was reaching the maximum execution limit set by PHP which in effect caused the software to stop processing the feed.”

    They put in a custom php.ini to allow a longer execution time and now the RSS of the topics works fine.

    I may still need a consultant some time, so the question still stands, but this crisis is averted. :-)


    I have just completed a brand new install of R2014, although the issue happens with A1.6 as well. The site works fine with with both database and cookie WordPress integration (WPMU 2.7).

    When I add require_once( dirname(__FILE__) .’/../wp-blog-header.php’ ); to my bb-config.php I get the following error:

    PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function hide_errors() on a non-object in /home/site/public/wp-includes/functions.php on line 345, referer:

    Line 345 is $wpdb->hide_errors(); within function get_option

    Obviously my BB install has not fully loaded up my WP environment. I have tried all sorts of ways to get this to work without any luck.

    I even tried to build my bbPress templates by reproducing the WP functions I need but found that meant I need to re-write a huge portion WP which seems silly and a huge waste of time. Although the 8 hours I have spent trying to solve this might have built a fair bit :-).

    Any tips on how to sort this out?


    Aha… 2.7.1 and got them integrated (light integration: logins only), using _ck_’s guide here:

    and Ann’s plugin:

    Devin Price

    Hi. I have BBPress installed at: When you click on a topic it will take you to: for example.

    I would like to remove the additional “forum” from the url (permalink), or at least change it to “topic” or “subject”. Can someone give me an idea of where to go with this? My first thought was to change the rewrite-rules.php, but that didn’t seem to have any effect when I uploaded it with changed values.


    In reply to: bbPress Integration

    Jimmy B.

    Hi johnhiler,

    I’m actually integrating it into a website, so when users login there they’ll also be logged into bbPress so they can post there as well, I would think it’d be easy to get avatars work, but I really have no idea. I shall read the link you’ve posted!

    I’ll definitely share results too.




    I am trying to install bbPress in a directory of a subdomain: I went through all the steps of installation, and at the end it said everything was installed, then I went to the site, and it proposes me to do the installation again – nothing happened, no tables in the database got created. Do you know what might be the problem?

    Thank you very much in advance!


    I just had a similar event. Using IE & FF that i had previously logged in to bbpress/wordpress and then logged out, i couldn’t get the registration form to work. But when i close the browser and reopen then the form works. This is with the alpha bbpress and 2.7 WP

    Not sure if this is really a problem, as it stops someone repeatedly registering in the same session, but worth knowing. Thanks


    You’re in luck – _ck_ just programmed a plugin to do this yesterday!


    In reply to: Spam Registrations


    Two things:

    * Have you upgraded to the latest version of Human Test? It has new protections over earlier versions.

    * There’s an alpha version of a plugin that identifies spammers who have never posted, and lets you delete them.

    Good luck!


    Not sure if this has been brought up before but I am getting a huge amount of .ru and .gmail registrations,these are not being activated but are loading up my database.

    Not allot of them, on average 20 to 30 every 5 or 6 days.

    I have Akismet and Human Test for bbPress enabled, It is really not a big deal just annoying having to go in and delete them.

    Anyone have any ideal how I can fight this.



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