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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #72981

    If you login on the wordpress side does bbPress see the user logged in?

    If not, the cookie hash has probably changed and might need to be forced on both sides.

    This is simple integration right, not full/deep integration?


    @chrishajer, thanks for the code, this one didn’t work for me, but the one on the page top. You can visit my forum

    If someone wants to know how i made it, I just removed stuff from the bbpress head.php so it looks like this:


    <div id=”main”>

    <?php if ( is_bb_profile() ) profile_menu(); ?>

    and also the first </div> from the footer.php, I also removed the hot tags stuff from frontpage.php. Now I installed embed-iframe plugin for wordpress and modified the iframe.php like this:

    <div class="iframe-wrapper">
    <iframe src="<?php echo $url ?>" frameborder="0" id="youridnamehere" width=100%>Please upgrade your browser</iframe>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function resizeIframe() {
    var height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
    height -= document.getElementById('youridnamehere').offsetTop;

    <code></code>// not sure how to get this dynamically
    height -= 150; /* whatever you set your body bottom margin/padding to be */

    document.getElementById('youridnamehere').style.height = height +"px";

    document.getElementById('youridnamehere').onload = resizeIframe;
    window.onresize = resizeIframe;

    Now I just modified the width of the bbpress style.css for head, main and footer, and also the cols/width of the textarea. I still have a scrollbar if there are more posts on one page, but I can live with.

    Thanks for your help!`


    Is there a tutorial available? I would like to download the bbpress to a local machine & see how it works, not on a hosted platform. Is there a way to do this without making it public? Thanks.


    Region is determined by a combination of tld, declared character set, and server ip location. Even with all that, sometimes it’s impossible to figure out automatically what the target audience is, hence the “???” I’m still improving the routine.

    Let’s just say I have a new found respect for Google – I think they must look at whois info for the domain owner registration. I don’t quite have the resources to mimic that yet.

    906 isn’t too shabby considering how many sites there are now.

    I like how you replaced “sticky” with a nifty little icon.


    *snicker* I’m on the top 1000! (#906! Woo!). How are you detecting regionality? I notice a lot of .net/.org sites are ???


    In reply to: How apply Do-follow?


    You could do it like this:

    I don’t know anything about “dofollow” but I did find this sort of interesting:


    For those that like technical statistics:

    * PHP Popularity

    5.2.x : 62%

    5.1.x : 5%

    4.4.x : 15%

    4.3.x : 2%

    * Server Popularity

    Apache/2.x : 56%

    Apache : 24% (unknown version)

    Apache/1.3 : 11%

    Microsoft-IIs : 3%

    Litespeed : 1%

    Lighttpd : 0.5%

    Nginx : 0.5%

    * bbPress Popularity

    1.0a6 : 5%

    1.0 ? : 5% (1.0 using pre-a6)

    0.9.x : 52%

    0.8.x : 35% (this is likely wrong, it includes 0.8 installs that upgraded to 0.9)


    Wow, this is really nice!!!


    There are now three bbPress forums with over a million posts, the leader being Simon and Schuster’s site which appeared so suddenly that I suspect they must have imported their content from another forum that already existed for some time.

    Here are some other ranges by number of posts:

    1,000,000 + 	 	3
    100,000 - 499,999 11
    50,000 - 99,999 22
    10,000 - 49,999 70+
    5,000 - 9,999 70+
    1,000 - 4,999 300+
    100 - 999 1000+

    bbPress is being used in nearly 90 countries/regions.

    Here are the top 50 in order of highest use.

    (note that as we get lower in the list, the higher the chance of inaccuracy,

    some countries/languages are hard to detect)

    1. United States
    2. Germany
    3. Russian Federation
    4. Spain
    5. United Kingdom
    6. Italy
    7. France
    8. Turkey
    9. Canada
    10. Netherlands
    11. Sweden
    12. Denmark
    13. China
    14. Japan
    15. Brazil
    16. Europe
    17. Romania
    18. Poland
    19. Australia
    20. Norway
    21. India
    22. Argentina
    23. Ukraine
    24. Czech Republic
    25. Belgium
    26. Switzerland
    27. Finland
    28. Austria
    29. Indonesia
    30. Hungary
    31. Bulgaria
    32. Montenegro
    33. Iran
    34. Saudi Arabia
    35. Ireland
    36. Chile
    37. Latvia
    38. Niue
    39. Portugal
    40. South Africa
    41. Israel
    42. New Zealand
    43. Greece
    44. Malaysia
    45. Slovakia
    46. Lithuania
    47. Mexico
    48. Thailand
    49. Serbia
    50. Singapore


    Well it’s been six month now so we’re long overdue

    for another (completely unofficial) TOP 100 report!

    Top 1000 requires free registration/login:

    New this year is the ability to vote on sites, based on quality/content, so even if a site is not in the regular Top 100 list, be sure to “vote it up” and I will post another list soon with the highest votes. There are some really nice looking forums running bbPress out there that deserve some votes. You must be a member to vote but registration is free of course. The Top 1000 list can also be searched when you are logged in, as well as an experimental Tag Cloud

    When we last left the list, it had just topped over 4000 websites.

    In the newest list, despite roughly 1000 sites disappearing (small test installs, etc.) the list is now over 6000 strong! This means an average of 15 sites per day are installing and sticking with bbPress. About 10% of these forums are running the new 1.0 alpha (and half of those have not upgraded to the newest 1.0a6, so they need to keep up with the releases).

    At this rate, next time I am going to have to make it the Top 10,000 list.

    However I am sad to report a dark side has emerged in bbPress’s growth. Because of how much easier bbPress is to control and manipulate with just a basic knowledge of PHP/MySQL compared to other forum software, some “black hats” have latched onto bbPress in order to create a big content spamming network, nearly 200 sites strong. They aim these sites at search engines with topics such as gambling, lottery and foreign currency exchanges. You can see them at the very end of the Top 1000 list, where they sit demoted. This really doesn’t affect the average forum operator in any way, it’s just unfortunate to see. WordPress went through this kind of event too, I just hate to see it happen.

    ps. This list also marks the first inclusion of a TalkPress powered site and while it only has a couple dozen posts because it’s brand new, it has the easy access of 7.5million members so it’s bound to grow quickly!


    Need way more information here please. Where do you see this error, what is the error, what URL is being reported as 404? What versions of bbPress and WordPress (if you integrated)? Can you post a URL to your forum? Does everything but this work?


    I use both and can work alone


    @tannar, I will only share this with you if you post a link to your forum. I would like to see this working because many people have asked about it, and I’ve never seen it working.

    From here:

    Add this to the bottom of the page you are including in the iframe.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    parent.window.document.getElementById("youridnamehere").height = document.body.offsetHeight +50;

    You need to change youridnamehere to the id of the iframe in your wordpress page. So, if you did something like <iframe src="whatever.php" id="bbpressforum" ... /> you would change youridnamehere to bbpressforum because that’s the id of the iframe.

    Also, the +50 at the end just adds some space to the bottom (it’s probably in pixels I imagine.) You can try different numbers to be sure the forum fits in the frame. I can’t recall exactly what number I started out with there, but +50 worked for my application (not bbPress, BTW.)

    Good luck.


    Which 1.0 alpha are you using? There was an issue with this but I forget with what version.

    This is the only thing recent I can find right now:


    Ok i’m using the embed-iframe plugin to integrate the forum, it looks good. I reduced the width of the forum theme in the css file so it fits the page. The only problem i have, in emped-iframe you can assign a width and height for the iframe. 100% doenst work for height, cause if the forumpage has many threads the iframe becomes a scrollbar on the right side. Any solutions to fix this, and let the iframe automaticly get the height of the forumpage height?


    My version of BuddyPress has bbPress installed successfully…. with only one glitch. Whenever I login through the WordPress login I get the following error message. If I then hit the back button and visit the site I never see the error again.

    Any ideas why this is happening?



    —-error message below

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/c/o/s/cossettera/html/wp-content/mu-plugins/oci_bp_group_forums.php on line 346

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/c/o/s/cossettera/html/wp-content/mu-plugins/oci_bp_group_forums.php:346) in /home/content/c/o/s/cossettera/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 856


    What versions did you integrate?


    That is a very clear error message: the system cannot find the file you are trying to include in bbPress. You started the file path with /blog. which is an absolute path, starting at the root /. You will probably have more luck with this:

    require_once( '/home1/endingho/public_html/blog/wp-blog-header.php' );

    The $bb->WP_BB = true; part I am unfamiliar with. But the error is indicating that you have the path wrong.


    @tannar: you can make iframes appear without borders, if you like. You need this in the iframe tag: frameborder="0"

    I have heard of a couple people trying it, but I have not yet seen it done. Can you post a link to this when you have it working? Thanks.

    @RichBrown: If you want bbPress to *look* like your WordPress installation, you are going to need to use a bbPress theme that matches or approximates you WordPress theme. There are a couple of matching themes out there for bbPress and WordPress. What versions of bbPress and WordPress did you install?

    The best way I know of right now to integrate the look of bbPress with the look WordPress is to create a theme for bbPress that looks like your WordPress theme. We’re spoiled with so many good themes for WordPress right now, and not so many for bbPress. We’re not used to creating themes; we’re used to installing themes (at least that has been my experience with WordPress.) bbPress is not quite there yet in terms of popularity and community support (i.e. themes and plugins.)

    I don’t believe you can make bbPress live inside a WordPress page: bbPress is not a forum plugin for WordPress. And I have not yet seen the iframe hack work.


    I completed the integrtion.

    I cannot be logged into both at the same tiem.

    For example, if i am not logged into WP I can get into the admin section of bbPress.

    If I then log into WP and exit the admin page I am unable to get back to it.

    Is this normal?

    If not how do I fix it?


    As a newbie I am looking to have my bbpress appear seamlessly in WordPress.

    How can this be done?


    after re-installing about 5 or 6 times and fiddling around I finally got it to work. if I would now only know what the secret was!


    Ok guys, thanks for your posts, but i didn’t understand: is it possible to integrate bbpress into my wordpress blog like on this site and on ? I see its possible, does no one have an idea how to do it?

    I don’t care about themes, i just want to integrate my /forum/ directory in a wordpress page. i tried using iframe but its not that great cause it has borders.


    All new users in bbpress are being automatically set to “inactive” instead of “member”

    I found this happened if I tried to pull in wp_head() or anything else WP related into bbP. You’re best replicating the theme…

Viewing 25 results - 51,926 through 51,950 (of 64,087 total)
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