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  • #74540

    Hi guys,

    I was facing the same problem here, but I could solve it. Basically, I put this on wp-config.php:

    define('COOKIEHASH', '65f9fb5b6e5df178e02402af4495ed46');
    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
    define('SITECOOKIEPATH', '/teste/');
    define('COOKIEPATH', '/teste/');

    And this in bb-config.php:

    $bb->cookiedomain = '';

    I’m running a test installation. Main WordPress is in a directory (/teste), and bbPress is a sub-directory (/teste/bbpress). Right now, it’s working fine.




    For integrating WP 2.7.1 with bbPress 0.9.04 or, you can use this tutorial of mine :

    I have integrated several setups using this tutorial.

    Let the bbPress 1.0 come out and I will write a tutorial for its integration with WordPress 2.8 too. At the moment WordPress 2.8 can’t be integrated by using the method I wrote.


    In reply to: login


    I am also facing the problem related to login. I have installed both wordpress blog and bbpress forums. But on integrating them, i am facing a problem of login into my account while using firefox. Although it is working properly in other browsers. Please check and


    i have instal & integration bbpress 0.9.04 & WP 2.7.1 and there have wrong way,

    instalation mesage:

    >>> WordPress cookie secret key not set.

    >>>>>> Your “bb-config.php” file was not writable.

    >>>>>> You will need to manually define the “BB_SECRET_KEY” in your “bb-config.php” file.

    Key master email not sent!

    i just copy four WP secret key to bb_config.php:

    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘^y?+[8|=-QR1cngc>:Kd:%8:ob/67|{#Trw1wV}{YDUngFP 2DL5ibGmfp8CiknU’);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘3C%:+qR(Jkuan5oA#Eq2 vq;siUcsF- D^,fij:pV0<|ZD!gHZjlHO8k?(7`sh’);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘A;nBjuz%qGr$F<]{G_L8%tM?{PT5+_{a?lkBs%)4]t_)9;vZgy,s)m<W=/l+9M$*’);

    define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ‘V-_=k,n).uzdcm65)f)2jAdST8s4EARpWMhOX26Q0e8x8[UB|LI|hcyptQtYbw’);

    but login still different betwen WP and bbpress. what ur think?



    I’ve been searching this forums yet but could’nt find any explanation to my problem so here it goes:

    I’m a newbie at developping for bbpress, and trying to customize it for my needs.

    First, I’m running bbPress 0.9.4; I’m also using a copy of the default theme that i’m modifying (located in my-templates/mysite).

    I’ve attached a hook to the action ‘bb_index.php_pre_db’ which is ran on bbpress/index.php; My goal is to display only forums (without latest discussions and sticky topics) so i’ve copied the content of index.php and removed calls to latest discussions and sticky topics:

    add_action('bb_index.php_pre_db', 'home');

    function home(){

    $forums = get_forums(); // Comment to hide forums

    do_action( ‘bb_index.php’, ” );

    bb_load_template( ‘front-page.php’);



    The problem is that once in the file front-page.php, the $forums variable doesnt exists anymore. Actually i tried to print it out in the bb_load_template as well and the variable is empty too. It seems that because i’m using a hook (called by do_action), globals variable do not exists anymore in this context. I might be wrong but i’m actually stuck to this point and can’t really move forward. Any tips?


    Ryan Hellyer

    Is it not possible that adding caching will actually put MORE load on the server? Writing new .html files every time a new post is made could potentially slow things down, not speed it up. With blogs it makes some sense as there are many more views of a page than there are posts written, but with a forum that is not necessarily the case.


    Hi ya’ll I had something so weird happen that I need help. Using simplescripts,, I installed bbpress on my blog @

    This is what happens when I try to log in,,, it does not login and it adds my address to the URL. Like this

    I don’t know how the hell that happened. I did get to login once and just browsed around. I don’t think I changed anything that should have made it add my address. Which I have no idea how that happened as I only entered my address when I first signed up for my hosting account.

    I was just testing the install at this site,,, I am starting a wpMU/buddypress/bbpress site and I have a developer that is going to do the installs for me. When I asked about the bbpress install he said,,,,,

    “If you don’t mind, please don’t install bbpress, as it’s a bit hard to configure properly; i had one install that required 1 full day of php-in to make the compatibility and integration, as the two versions were not fully compatible.”

    He quoted me a price for the wpMU/buddypress install and I told him I was going to do the bbpress install myself,,,,,, because I had read in this forum and in other places that as soon as WP2.8 come out that the install/integration should be pretty seamless. Plus I had found simple scripts and thought,,, why should I pay him if I can auto-install and it go smooth,,, well as you see it did not.

    I have seen several videos that show more than one way to do a manual install,, It seems the install goes easily for some and not for others.

    SO should the install/integration go smooth now that I am running WP2.8?

    AND does the integration plugin that I seen around here work well?

    I know this info is around here somewhere to be found,,, if I dig again. I am just stressed from over a weeks research,, and suffering from information overload,,,can ya’ll help?

    Any information would to help me get this installed would be great,, AND if anyone could explain to me how the heck it adds my address to the url,,, I would really appreciate that,,, cause either I am NUTZZZZZ,,, or my computer is possessed. LOL

    Thanks ya’ll, damon

    Ryan Hellyer

    Thanks for the themes :)

    The links to your demo’s don’t seem to be working though :(


    Hey Michael – I struggled with something similar, but then I found a plugin by ck which enabled this… along with some suggested template tweaks which allow you to hide the posting link if you’re not allowed to post:

    Not sure if that touches on what you were asking about… but thought I’d share the link in case it was helpful!



    It’d probably be useful to have a section on registration and post spam, along with the various techniques to fight it:


    Some general stuff on htaccess and pretty permalinks (and how support for different approaches to permalinks vary across hosts):


    It’d also be helpful to have a summary table showing major differences between the different versions, especially for people using plugins and unsure if an upgrade will break their plugins.

    For example, version 1.0 uses BackPress plus it uses WordPress’ latest taxonomy stuff. Plus it has a new approach to meta data. So if an 0.9 compatible plugin depends on any of this stuff, it will probably break in 1.0 unless the plugin’s been specifically updated for the latest version.


    Tag permissions – who can add and remove tags:

    How hot tags work and can be formatted:

    Reordering of hot tags:

    Multi-byte characters (this may have been addressed in recent versions):

    Sam Bauers

    Most 0.9 themes will work in 1.0 – they just may not have all the latest bells and whistles.

    Sam Bauers

    Hmmm, that’s lame. Looks like it isn’t the latest bbPress though.

    Sam Bauers

    I really must release the new version of the bbPress Integration plugin… I’ll do some testing against WPMU now.

    Sam Bauers

    1.0 RC3 is still slower than 0.9

    And will probably remain that way due to the increased demands of the WP_Taxonomy structure.

    Sam Bauers

    It’s totally possible. I think you are trying to use bbPress 1.0-RC-2. Try the newer 1.0-RC-3 instead, this problem is fixed there.

    Sam Bauers

    Then add one. It’ll get included automatically by bbPress.



    rather, ask, how great is the difference between RC3 and RC2? is it enough for there to be any incompatibility issues…? if the difference is small, than most RC2 plugins should work with RC3.

    in which you might want to look at this thread: –

    otherwise… add to the list of tested RC3 plugins by contributing to this list…

    RC3 Compatible :-

    – BB-Reputations

    – BB Code Lite

    – Members Online

    – BB-Signatures

    – BBPM


    @ Ipstenu,

    Have 2 different sites running BBPress and cannot delete tags under either.

    Both tell me “The tag was not removed. You cannot remove a tag from a closed topic.”

    Something is not right.

    Sam Bauers


    There has been caching via the WP_Object_Cache methods for a while in 1.0 – what I did was a review of bbPress’ most commonly used areas to optimise its usage.

    There were a few places where perfectly good cached objects were being ignored and the required data was being retrieved from the database instead.

    There were also a couple of places where multiple MySQL queries were being used when one query was possible. For example when fetching multiple user objects via BP_Users->get_user() we were looping through an array of requested user_ids and doing a query on the database for each user. Now this is all bundled into one query (with the meta for these users still all fetched in a single separate query).

    I knew this was a problem before, but I hadn’t realised quite how deep the rabbit hole was until I started crawling into it.

    Sam Bauers


    Although things look a little different now. The premise of integration and the instructions remain the same with one small variation. If you are integrating with WordPress < 2.8 then you need to make an additional setting in bbPress to get cookies to be compatible.



    Like massbase said, the blog announcement from Sam says:

    >>”Some new issues came up around WordPress integration, caching and SQL query performance which were simply too important to leave out of the final 1.0 release.”

    That seems to indicate to me that Sam did add in some type of caching mechanism into bbPress 1.0

    bbPress 1.0 Release Candidate 3

    Did I misinterpret what Sam wrote?


    OK, great. Thanks for looking into that. It almost seems that I’ve come at the wrong time, but I can’t wait to dive in.



    Will these blank themes compatible to bbpress 1.0? Or will there be new releases in future?



    see the following 3d:

    to make the integration work, change the cookie key, in wp-config and bb-config, in wp-config insert :

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    in bb-config:

    $bb->cookiedomain = ‘’;

    with this code i have the integration fixed.


    It’s not increased caching, it’s just reducing queries closer to what 0.9 does.

    1.0 RC3 is still slower than 0.9

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