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  • #74918

    If you are on bbPress v.9, then you just got very lucky – this plugin by _ck_ just came out that does exactly that, if both installs are using the same users table:


    want to Integration WordPress and BBPress

    but they will be on Different Domain names

    same hosting space …


    I created a new forum dedicated to home theater networks at It lets users ask questions and comment on how to set up a home theater network and different devices such as HDTVs, HTPCs, speakers, receivers, Blu-ray, game consoles, amps, home networking, home automation and more.

    I have a WordPress site that goes along with HTNforum at and it’s designed to let people post pictures and talk about their home theater networks. I made it so users can vote and rank each other’s home theaters.  I found wordpress to not be the best tool for asking and answering questions so BBpress was perfect as it let me add a forum without my hundreds of users having to create a new account.

    My forum site has been up for a few weeks now and I haven’t noticed any major bugs. I would appreciate any comments/suggestions on how to improve the forum. Thanks and keep up the good work with BBpress!


    Do you know the userid of the keymaster account you’re using now? If so, you should be able to edit this plugin to restore your access:


    I have wordpress and bbpress integrated. I deleted the admin user after creating a new admin user (per recommendations). Now when I log in to bbpress as the new admin user I am unable to administer the forum site. What can I do?

    Markus Pezold

    Hi… hmmm…

    I’ve no idea yet, if its possible to implement this function to a bbPress Board.

    If you take a look deep into you can see this forum saves the input into an cookie file (discussion_category_id=3007; discussion_title=Test; comment=test;). So – there it’s possible to log in or to register – and then use your input for a new entry.


    Well, OK, this is pretty strange. I’ve added require_once(ABSPATH . 'forums/bb-load.php'); to the bottom of my wp-config.php file, and it all seems to work fine. Except, my admin interface for WordPress has lost all its colors and images. I have run a diff on the two resulting wp-admin interface’s code, and it looks like the act of loading bbPress is taking over the loading of styles at the top of the WordPress admin interface, which doesn’t really make much sense to me. Anybody understand what’s going on here? I’m using bbPress 1.0-rc-3 and WordPress 2.8.


    @Markus Pezold

    Thanks but this is not exactly what I’m looking for.

    I do NOT want Anonymous posting.

    What I simply want to do is display the HTML textarea field to either create a post or reply to an existing post to non-logged in users.

    Then, once that user clicks submit – it then asks them to either login or create an account.

    I don’t believe this is driven by bbPress but it’s a demostration of what I’m talking about.

    Notice how at the bottom of the page, you can “Start New Discussion”, then once you submit the form – it prompts you to login.


    Hello People,

    I would anticipate in advance for my bad English sorry.

    I have bbPresss and want to upgrade to 1.0-rc-3 make.

    I have read the upgrading instructions.

    If I call the bb-admin/upgrade.php, the following error message appears:

    ERROR: Could not establish a database connection

    If I have a new installation of bbPress and then upgrade it works, just not at the present, what can this be?


    Thanks, guys!! I will try those out!


    I just updated this site. Now using WPMU 2.7.1, bbPress 1.0 RC3 and BuddyPress 1.0.1. I have cookie problems, but apart from that, everything works great.

    There are many things to tweak, but those are small details … – main site – forums


    Found the difference: The user for whom only the login name is shown indeed does not have a bbpress display name, but a buddy press display name. I’m not exactly sure why one display name got transported over to bbpress and the other did not, but I guess that is not a topic for this forum.

    I’m still searching for a way to get the login name for users with a set display name, though…


    First attempt at providing Wowhead item links. Please post any bugs or weirdness. This requires BBPress 1.0 RC 3+ and PHP 5+ . It has no cache, so may not be suited to ultra-high volume forums.

    Plugin Name: Simple Wowhead Item Links
    Plugin Description: Adds item sudo-html to create links to Wowhead.
    Author: Tim Howgego
    Author URI:
    Version: 0.1.rc


    * PHP 5 or above.
    * BBPress 1.0 RC3 or above.


    * Copy the file to the "my-plugins" directory.
    * Active the plugin within the Admin interface.


    * Default language is English. For other languages, edit $lang (in bb_wowhead_item_search) below.
    * Default will color items which are uncommon or rarer. To change this edit $commonest_color (in bb_wowhead_item_search) below.


    * Users must enter the following "sudo-HTML" code within their posts: <item>Name</item> - where name is the correct name of the item to be linked to.
    * Wowhead is queried each time a new link is posted. Once the link is created, it is stored as a complete link within the post. A cache should not be required given the amount of traffic on most forums.
    * If Wowhead is unavailable (often due to maintenance), or some other error occurs, the link created will simply point to a Wowhead search for the item.

    Thanks Drexle for some ideas.

    function bb_wowhead_item_search( $find ) {

    // Edit Options:
    $lang = 'www'; // Language: www (english), de, fr, es, ru.
    $commonest_color = 2; // Only color item qualities of this number or higher. 0 colors all items. 2 does not color white and grey items. 101 (or "high") colors nothing.
    // Stop Editing

    $f = trim ( $find );
    $s = 'http://'.$lang.''.esc_attr( str_replace(' ', '+', strtolower( $f ) ) ).'&xml';
    if ( function_exists("curl_init") ) {
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $s );
    curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
    curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 3 );
    $output = curl_exec( $ch );
    curl_close( $ch );
    } else {
    $h = fopen( $s, "r" );
    while ( !feof( $h ) ) $output .= fread( $h, 8192 );
    fclose( $h );
    if ( $output and function_exists("simplexml_load_string") ) {
    $xml = simplexml_load_string( $output );
    $link = $xml->item->link;
    $name = $xml->item->name;
    if ( $link and $name ) {
    $quality = $xml->item->quality[id];
    $class = ( $quality and ( $quality >= $commonest_color ) ) ? ' class="q'.esc_attr( $quality ).'"' : ' class="nocolor"';
    $result = '<a href="'.esc_attr( $link ).'" title="Wowhead - '.esc_attr( $name ).'."'.$class.'>'.esc_html( $name ).'</a>';
    if ( $result ) return $result;
    else return '<a href="http://'.$lang.''.esc_attr( $f ).'" title="Wowhead - '.esc_attr( $f ).'.">'.esc_html( $f ).'</a>';

    function bb_wowhead_item_link( $text ) {
    $text = preg_replace('|(<item>)(.*?)(</item>)|e', "bb_wowhead_item_search('\2')", $text);
    return $text;

    function bb_wowhead_item_tags( $tags ) {
    $tags['item'] = array();
    $tags['a'] = array( 'href' => array(), 'title' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'rel' => array() );
    return $tags;

    function bb_wowhead_item_header() {
    echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'."n";

    add_filter( 'bb_allowed_tags', 'bb_wowhead_item_tags' );
    add_filter( 'pre_post', 'bb_wowhead_item_link' );
    add_action( 'bb_head', 'bb_wowhead_item_header' ); // Comment this line out if the Wowhead javascript file already exists in the header



    I wrote up a quick outline of the screencast that may be helpful:

    I found that I would forget some of the non-intuitive steps but not want to re-watch the whole screencast.

    Sam Bauers

    Contact form used.

    Markus Pezold

    Hi …

    for the stable 0.95 release there is a plugin to allow anonymous user to post:

    I use this plugin in combination with:

    But in my test environment the plugin don’t work with the bbPress 1.0 Release Candidate.


    This allows anonymous posting:

    This allows you to add Name/email/website fields:

    But it’s really tricky stuff to add post-level meta info to version .9, so this may not be a stable combo of plugins. It should get a lot easier to have post-level meta information in 1.0…



    I am getting started with bbpress and have searched Google and the bbpress forums for an answer to this to no avail – Can I let anybody, even people who aren’t logged-in, post to my bbpress forum? If so, how can I set this up?



    bbpress and phpbb 3.0.5 at localhost:

    when i click on “converting users data”

    i have:

    SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

    Data too long for column ‘user_url’ at row 1 [1406]

    to small? how to fix and convers users data properly?

    updated: fixed!

    ALTER TABLE bb_users CHANGE user_url user_url VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL


    In reply to: 404.php Not working


    What version bbPress are you using? The 404.php was a recent addition, I think.


    In reply to: Deep Integration Issue


    Okay.. Figured out the first part of the problem. It was an issue with bbPress Live. Now doing some stuff to make sure it’s not something I’ve done.. Hopefully it’s not the plugin.

    I think it’s just the plugin.. Going to consider this resolved for now. If for some reason it’s not the plugin, I’ll unmark it resolved.


    Ah ok. We’re using a dedicated server…

    This post reported that MT grid uses NFS, which supposedly isn’t good for bbPress?

    I used MT grid for a long time and had a lot of problems. But it could’ve been their growing pains, which I hear they’ve grown past. We’ve had a great experience with their dedicated servers, although it’s a totally different setup.

    That topic also mentioned a tweak that the user made just for the 1.0 alpha on the MT grid – dunno if that would help at all, but thought I’d share the link anyway.


    In reply to: Deep Integration Issue


    I’m not really familiar with deep integration, so I don’t have any insight beyond just looking for similar errors reported on the forums.

    That error has only come up twice that I can see:

    The first user didn’t report the fix, although a few other users in that same thread reported alternate approaches that resolved the issue for them.

    The second user mentioned a conflict with a plugin.


    In reply to: Deep Integration Issue


    [Sun Jun 21 20:04:07 2009] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /var/chroot/home/content/a/m/a/amaron11/html/bbpress/index.php

    [Sun Jun 21 20:04:12 2009] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /var/chroot/home/content/a/m/a/amaron11/html/bbpress/index.php

    [Sun Jun 21 20:04:17 2009] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /var/chroot/home/content/a/m/a/amaron11/html/bbpress/index.php


    When I moved to a new host (Media Temple), I also upgraded to RC1. I skipped RC2 and I’m currently running RC3.

    Ever since I switched, I have had three occasions in which bbPress informed me that I needed to upgrade the database. I get this message when I go to the admin panel. Fist I notice that certain plugins aren’t activated (which were activated previously), and so I go to the admin panel and get the upgrade massage.

    Here are the upgrade messages:

    Beginning upgrade…

    Tags copied to taxonomy tables: bb_upgrade_1080

    Display names populated: bb_upgrade_1090

    Index forum_stickies dropped: bb_upgrade_1100

    >>> Done

    Is this a problem with my host? A bbPress bug? Hacking? Could it be related to my recount problem (see my previous post for info)?

    Thanks in advance…

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