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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #75221
    Sam Bauers

    Those are bbPress 0.9 cookies. Don’t know why there are so many though.


    Frooyo, to answer your question, you can remove that dropdown as you did, but first you need to add the forum name as hidden value to the form. You can look at the source of a rendered page, find the select, grab the form field name and value, and just code that into the form as a hidden value. That way, when you submit the form, it looks the same to bbPress as if someone had actually selected one (of one) value for a forum name.

    Mine looks like this (your forum ID might be different):

    <input type="hidden" name="forum_id" value="1" />


    I thought at first the permalink thing was because it was a Windows server maybe, but then I noticed these headers. Is it normal to have this many (seemingly) duplicate cookies?

    I wasn’t even logged in.

    Sam Bauers

    To be honest though, I’ve never tried integration across SSL sites, it may not be possible with currently existing tools.

    Setting bbPress to also force SSL might do it, but I can’t do any testing right now.

    Sam Bauers

    In bbPress to use SSL you need these in your bb-config.php:

    define('BB_FORCE_SSL_USER_FORMS', true);
    define('BB_FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);


    WPMU Trunk + bbPress Latest RC + Integration Plugin with:

    define(‘FORCE_SSL_LOGIN’, true);

    define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true);

    Does not work. Setting the values to false (disabling SSL/HTTPS), integration works great. However when it comes to SSL, forget it. I’m going to say it’s impossible. :-)

    We need SSL to work across software packages, security is paramount.

    Any help from anyone or the devs, let me know.

    Again, this is a SSL WPMU install.


    In reply to: Performance

    Sam Bauers

    _ck_ could be right about NFS. Also, bbPress does a few extra MySQL queries which seem redundant, but speed things up when you actually have posts in there.

    It’s hard to tell what you mean by “slow” when there is no quantitative information to go by.

    Let us know who your webhost is as well.


    In reply to: Performance


    Install the bb-benchmark plugin and look at what’s slowing you down.

    If your host uses NFS storage, bbPress will be slow but there are other possibilities like a plugin misbehaving (since you aren’t using any, I suspect it’s NFS)


    Theming is not coding. Well, it’s HTMLing, which isn’t really coding.


    All you have to really do with your new theme is a style.css (in which all you have to do is specify the name of your theme etc) and the header.php (where all you need is to add the header you want). The rest of the files will be pulled from bbPress’ default theme, Kakumei.

    Sam Bauers

    In bbPress 1.0 you can use post_position() inside the loop of posts.


    Topic: Performance

    in forum Plugins
    Martin R.

    bbPress is sooooo great – the board of my dreams, but without Caching-Plugin its nearly useless for me because its soooooooooooo slow. Are there any major tips to improve the performance? Or is someone just working on a Caching-Plugin?


    Uhhh…I’m no programmer. Messing with actual code could get me in a lot of trouble. :-) Is there an easier way? WordPress has tons of Plugins to make things like this simple. I can’t find much in the way of Plugins for BBPress.


    That’s just adding in the link in your theme.

    Seriously :) You can edit your header.php to have this, no plugins needed.


    Howdy…I’ve searched high and low and only find help that is 2 years old. I need to put a navigation bar on my BBPress page so people can link back to my WP site. I can’t believe I can’t find a plugin for this. Or maybe I need a new theme (There don’t seem to be many)? The top of this forum has a navigation bar. I just need something like that. Thanks!


    Has anyone found/experimented with creating a plugin that would allow users to add friends like facebook or

    This would be a great addition.



    WPMU + Latest RC of BBPress, User tables integrated, v1 of Integration Plug (on wp side) installed. Latest RC of bbpress was installed directory fresh but over an existing bbpress 9.x (latest stable) tables.

    Tests Passed:

    – Logging into each site individually works fine. Can’t log out without errors (understandably as there is a cookie issue see below).

    Tests Failed:

    – Log into bb-press via https

    – Log into wp blog.

    – Should go to Admin.


    – Stepped through to find wp was looking for “wordpress_sec_[long hash string]” cookie. Thinking it was ‘mal formed’ it redirects to the wp login.


    – Why would the “wordpress_sec” cookie not be created by bb_press?

    I will be stepping through the bbpress code but wanted to put a heads up in the forums if maybe someone already knows whats going on.

    Btw Is there a developer forum?


    Is there a simple way to insert the first post of the topic with an individual command? And then start the loop with the other posts, starting with the second one (as the first post is the question and the following posts are the answers)?

    Just to be clear about what I want to achieve. Here is the site I am trying to make work:

    I want the first post to have e.g. green background, different question mark icon, while all the other posts remain as they are now.


    Silly me, a few more minutes of searching and I turned up an answer:


    I can’t seem to get the Pretty Permalink Type setting to work. When I change it to name based, none of the pages threads/forums/etc will load. After some reading, it seems like I need to make an htaccess file and fill it with some rules.

    Are these officially provided anywhere? I found some in a thread from a couple years ago ( but they don’t seem to work. What exactly do I need to do to make my permalinks work?

    Derek Herman

    Check out the new bbPress forum I just finished over at

    Derek Herman

    I’ve ported a few plugins and themed bbPress and built from scratch many WordPress plugins, and to be honest I wouldn’t try and port that plugin. There are way to many unknowns to consider when caching and it’s just a lot of work.

    Also, I don’t think there are enough positives to warrant the headache inducing long nights that will cause just for the insignificant amount of resources being saved since so many users are going to be logged in. Unless your forum is ranked in the top 100 of all forums on the internet, you’re not getting enough traffic to go through that kind of trouble. You’re better off upgrading your server IMHO.


    I have not been a huge forum user in the past, but since I started, I came up with this idea that would seem to have helped with the usability of forums in general, especially for me, a visual noobie.

    The idea has to do with changing the layout from a linear conversation format (with replies sequentially down the page) to a round format (with individuals’ avatars or colors in a circle, above the fold, as though they’re around a campfire). Let’s say there are five “discussers” on a forum topic. The PHP would generate five shapes around a “campfire”. Each would have its own color, and if an avatar is available, there would be an avatar in the shape. Also within the shape would be a (series of) number(s) separated by commas. The numbers represent the post number. For example, the first user would have a 1. and a 3. and the second user would have a 2. and a 4. because they’re talking back and forth.

    At the bottom right of the screen would be a “forward” button and a “back” button.

    At the bottom (or, if there’s room, in the middle of the “campfire”) would be the actual comments of one of the users. The comments shown would depend on how far you have progressed through your reading of the forum by having pushed the “forward” and “back” buttons. Only one comment would show at a time. As you progress, the individual’s shape whose post you are reading will be highlighted or glowing or otherwise visually apparent. It would be even user-friendlier if you could also click on any number (within someone’s shape) and go directly to that particular post.

    Are you getting the vision? I think this is a really cool idea. Yeah, it would be some pretty intense coding. bbpress is a wonderful app, and it would be awesome if it paved the way for a new way of presenting forums.

    (I understand that if too many users posted onto one topic, things could get hairy. Perhaps the PHP would stop once the threshold limit is reached, and then below would resume the traditional linear forum layout from then on in that topic.)

    What do you all think?

    Josh Leuze

    I got pretty close with wmnasef’s script, but I think I am having a problem similar to gavinj77’s.

    SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘opinions on current political questions.’, ‘0’, ‘2’, ’48’, ‘235’)’ at line 1 [1064]

    I’m trying to convert an install of phpBB 3.0.4 to bbPress, a small amount of data did transfer over to bbPress before I received the error.

    I tried to download matiaspunx’s edited file and I was also unable to.

    Does anyone know exactly what I have to edit to “use the addslash function”, or happen to have a copy of this file they would be kind enough to share with me?


    In reply to: Theme Editor


    Does anyone know a website or another forum where I can find a reasonably priced bbpress theme programmer? Having used a lot of wordpress programmers I know that not all programmers are created equal. I really want to find someone who has coded quite a few bbpress themes. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate!

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