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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #75291

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Sam Bauers


    Yep, that’s how it looks. Not pretty, but futctional.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    Thanks for your great work on 1.0 final.

    I also have a question to the tags: If i use the destroy tag button i will be forwared to tag-destroy.php. It looks like this: Screenshot Just a blank page with some words. Is this intended? However the tag was deleted…


    for BBPress 1.0*


    In reply to: Performance

    Martin R.

    Footer tells me: 0.397 seconds – but thats relative. I will change host and server when I publish the board. I just know 4 other boards that are faster on my server right now. So its not exactly beeing about “slow” – Its about making it faster. Perhaps with Caching because my board will have 90% passive readers/guests who can wait a few minutes for updates and should not slow it down.

    But thanks. Looks like there arent any tipps or a caching-plugin. To bad, bbPress would be really great.


    Punbb: 200ms

    Vbulletin: 200ms

    Minibb: 300ms

    Seoboard: 400ms

    BBpress: 500ms

    Phpbb: 500ms

    Vanilla: 600ms



    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Sam Bauers


    I’ll email you some info on possibly taking over that translation.


    Normal progression is alpha to beta to RC. We skipped beta to go straight to RC.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Awesome, super easy upgrade from RC3. So 1.0 Beta was skipped and this is a final 1.0 release now?

    Plugins seem to keep working too as mentioned in the RC3 compatibility thread.

    As for Tags, I can add and delete them on my custom theme.

    Now let new Plugins commence, especially something to split/merge topics *pray*.

    Congratulations to the Dev Team, you rock!


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    thanks, i’m waiting for the pot.

    how can I do to upload it in the repo? I can have access? There are other projects for bbpress Italian “under constructions” for years and I want start my own with my other project BP IT and WPMU IT, so if is possible i want upload the files to maintain the translation update.

    thanks for the reply.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    Even I am not able to delete tags (from INove theme), and its not Ajaxed…. its links to the tag-remove.php file.


    Hi all,

    I have a bbPress 1.0-alpha-6 running, and I don’t know why the favorites link on a topic doesn’t entirely work.

    When I click on the link “Add this topic to your favorites”, it creates a meta on the database “bb_favorites” with the proper id, BUT, the link still shows “add this topic to your favorites” instead of a link to the favorite page.

    AND, if I add another topic to my favs, it doesn’t add the id with the previous ones, but overrides the meta_value with the new one :/

    Is it a known bug or is something wrong with my bbpress ..?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Sam Bauers


    The pot will be auto-generated within 24 hours and will be here:


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Thanks Mate :)

    I am the 24th to download it :P

    I will also write a blog post on it….


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    ehi Sam thanks!

    is possible have the pot for the 1.0 release? in the svn repo the last pot is for the rev 2285… i have to make the localization before update or my users kill me :)



    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Like the download counter, I was twelfth to download at 12 minutes :)

    Admin looks loverly now.

    Draggable forum order is nice.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Dang, it must be the theme. (can delete tags via the default Kakumei 1.0).

    I guess this means this theme uses AJAX for tag deletion (I am a BBPress newbie, don’t know where to look to know for sure).

    Any suggestions for a work around without having to switch themes? Here it is:

    Theme Name: blank 2 column Right Sidebar

    Theme URI:

    Description: A blank bbPress theme. Matching WordPress themes available.

    Version: 1.0

    Author: refueled

    Author URI:


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Sam Bauers


    Is it an integrated install by chance?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Nice !

    Thanks Sam for the release !!!


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Sam Bauers

    Does this happen on the default theme?

    If it works there, is the tag deletion in your template attempted via AJAX?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Sam, just installed. Everything looks amazing internally. Well done.

    The bees and hives icons are perfect.

    The only snafu I have found is when I try and delete a tag I get

    “The tag was not removed.”

    “Back to [site name].”

    My theme is Refueled Blank 2 Column – Right Sidebar (Not sure if it helps)


    I’m also curious about this. Using

    <a href="/profile/<?php post_author(); ?>">User Profile</a>

    doesn’t work for me since some users have display names that aren’t their user name. Is there not a simple bbPress template tag for calling the link to the user profile?


    In reply to: bb_meta corrupted?


    If only that one table is open when MySQL crashes, you might have exactly this problem. Posts, users and topics are all stored in other tables, but the theme and plugins you’re using are indeed recorded in bb_topicmeta (in my installation). So, if bb_topicmeta gets corrupted, I could see this happening. The database version is stored there as well, and if bbPress doesn’t find that, I think you would get the “upgrade the database” message as well.

    I think the question is to find out why MySQL or the server is crashing.


    In reply to: bbpress integration


    What version of the software are you talking about Marcomail?

    What is your question exactly? Do you have existing WordPress users and you’re wondering if they will be integrated with bbPress after integration?


    If you post your email address here, we can close this topic and people can contact you directly.


    I think you could do it with a plugin and a template, with no changes to bbPress at all. I get the vision and I think it’s pretty interesting.


    Or, the FAQ here:

    Note, for people who cannot get this to work on a 1&1 server, you need to put this at the top of your .htaccess file:

    Options -MultiViews

    The Options +MultiViews does not work (IME) at 1&1, so in addition to creating the rewrite rules manually as in the FAQ, you need to DISABLE MultiViews to make this work. Worked for me.


    In reply to: BBPRess friends plugin


    Can you explain exactly what you’re looking for here? I don’t see any friends function on (but I didn’t look too hard) but I am familiar with Facebook. What would you like to see in bbPress?

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