WordPress lets you install wordpress like so:
WordPress @ http://example.com/wordpress/
but maintain your blog at http://example.com/blog/
Currently, I have my bbpress like so: http://example.com/wordpress/bbpress/ so that I don’t have to worry about cookie issues… but I would like the forums to be accessible at http://example.com/forums/
How can I do this?
And this when trying to leave a comment via WordPress:
Warning: array_filter(): The second argument, 'Array', should be a valid callback in /home/content/a/d/m/adminsportzzz/html/forum/bb-includes/capabilities.php on line 271
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/a/d/m/adminsportzzz/html/forum/bb-includes/capabilities.php on line 275
Warning: array_filter(): The second argument, ‘Array’, should be a valid callback in /home/content/a/d/m/adminsportzzz/html/forum/bb-includes/capabilities.php on line 271
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/a/d/m/adminsportzzz/html/forum/bb-includes/capabilities.php on line 275
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/a/d/m/adminsportzzz/html/forum/bb-includes/capabilities.php:271) in /home/content/a/d/m/adminsportzzz/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 390
The first and easiest is integrating the user base so that if you are logged into one, you are created and logged into the other! What are you hoping to find out and accomplish with integration?
I have been looking for how bbpress.org site integrates bbpress and wordpress? so far no luck…any help will be super….
The plugin you uploaded to /my-plugins/ is really only the one for WordPress! Akismet is built into bbPress is activated by you putting your Akismet API key into your config.php. If you edit that file, you will see the space to put it in! You can remove the plugin as you need not upload or install anything else….just edit config.php
Combined profiles don’t work, but at least it uses the user database just as it should.
It also syncs the cookies if you do it right, so single sign on works too.
Nothing jumps out at me, but there are ‘gravatar’ and ‘mybloglog’ plugins that use more ‘global’ avatars versus and internal system. As for profiles, there isn’t anything to use a combined profile, that I know of….
Yep, I had same issue, and replacing /bb-includes/db-mysqli.php did the job
It seems to be a user thing. I’d been posting from a user that’d been established in WordPress. I updated it to Key Master in bbPress, so it should have all powers. But I found that, apart from tags, I couldn’t delete a post either, same no permission message (same as noted by Jolaedana above). So I logged out and logged in as Superadmin, the default account from bbPress installation, and voila, I can do everything, add tags, delete posts.
That doesn’t solve the problem. I haven’t tested to see what happens with other users, both already registered from WP and registered through bbPress. But it’s a workaround for me, and a…clue.
Perhaps my questions needs clarity. I’m aware of the plugin that enables the same username to have a blog and to post in forums. However, are profiles and avatars also consistent?
Hello everyone
Am I right in presuming that BBPress works just as well with WordPress-MU as it does with WordPress?
I love the plugin fel. It takes a while to get used to what file is doing what, but to anyone who is using it along with the integration scripts you might realize that the posts on the forum show up as comments and visa versa, but the comment count on the main page only counts the comments made via wordpress, and doesnt take into account the comments that show up, but were originally made in the forum.
I added a function in the plugin that just recieved the number of posts (since this data is correct).
function bbreplycount() {
global $id, $opshuns;
$posties = 0;
if( !$opshuns )
$opshuns = get_option('bbsync');
require_once( $opshuns['bbpath'] );
$topic_id = felwptobb( $id );
if( $topic_id ) {
$topic = get_topic( $topic_id );
$posties = $topic->topic_posts;
return $posties - 1;
Using this I was able to modify the comments_popup_link(...)
to accept another variable (the number of posts returned by the new function). Then instead of getting the number of actual comments via the wordpress method, I simply replaced my new variable with that function call. Viola, works like a charm.
Its nothing serious, but could be helpful to some. cheers. Thanks again fel.
Hi Daniel,
Being relatively new to bbPress I am not sure how to do just that. Have you tried finding the relevant .pot or .po files for the plugins that you have installed? I think you need to have a separate translation file (.mo) for each plugin – similar to WordPress.
Alternatively, there is the hard way. Translate directly in the source code!
Thanks schmitt, got it working without too much trouble.
Did you ever get this working? I plan to try soon.
Amember has a WordPress plugin but I’d like to know if it cascades successfully through a WordPress/BBPress integration.
MD5 is unique to the website URL… not the user.
You appear to be using identical style.css files for the wordpress and bbpress sections of your site. You can fix this by copying some CSS rules from one of my theme downloads.
I have just updated the blank bbPress themes at bbpressraw.com with new versions that have a forum-like tabular style.
You can see them in action via the theme switcher at the bottom of the bbpressraw.com forums page.
To solve your problem, I suggest you download one of the themes and copy all of the rules below:
/* Global Styles
=================================== */
hr {
display: none;
into the bottom of your bbPress theme stylesheet. This will allow you to pick up all the bbPress CSS rules that are applied by these themes. Tweak these CSS rules in order to change the appearance of the forums.
Thanks, now that makes sense. One day learning bbpress and wordpress and it’s all working wonderfully – Great packages!
Did you actually use the line path/to/wp-blog-header.php
or did you change it to the ACTUAL path to wp-blog-header.php? Something like /home/thewayev/public_html/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php
The “path/to/” part is illustrative and should be changed to your actual path for your installation.
I just wanted to mention that I’ve finished up my bb-Bluesands theme as a complement to my Bluesands theme for WordPress. Feel free to download and test it out – and let me know if you run across any bugs.
When I add the line
to my bbpress “config.php” file in order to give access to WordPress’ functions: my forum doesn’t load and I get the following message instead:
Warning: require_once(path/to/wp-blog-header.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/thewayev/public_html/forums/config.php on line 12
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘path/to/wp-blog-header.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/thewayev/public_html/forums/config.php on line 12
It doesn’t seem to matter what line I put the code on, and as far as I know I’ve carried out every other integration procedure listed with no problems. Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?
I deativated all plugins in WP and reactivated them one by one. Event Calendar 3 is causing the error.
“WordPress database error: [Table ‘jamtho_southerillinoiswatcher.wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.* FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_post2cat ec3_post2cat ON ec3_post2cat.post_id=id LEFT JOIN wp_ec3_schedule ec3_sch ON ec3_sch.post_id=id AND ec3_sch.end>=’2007-10-08 00:00:00′ WHERE 1=1 AND (((post_title LIKE ‘%hello%’) OR (post_content LIKE ‘%hello%’))) AND post_type = ‘post’ AND (post_status = ‘publish’ OR post_status = ‘private’) AND (ec3_sch.post_id IS NOT NULL OR ec3_post2cat.category_id!
) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 10″
I am working to resolve.
I have changed the encoding in my database, from latin 1 to utf8, and everything is ok except for the display of the usernames set in wordpress “display name” and brougt in to bbpress with the “use dispaly name”-plugin. When I use special characters like swedish å, ä or ö, or e.g. é, they show up like �.
I notice that in the bbpress database, special characters that I use in posts are stored with what I think is utf8 in the DB (e.i. they look strange), but/and they all look ok when displayed in the forum. Names in the wp_users “display_name” however are stored with the latin character but show up wrong.
The conversion was made following this manual: http://www.mydigitallife.info/2007/06/23/how-to-convert-character-set-and-collation-of-wordpress-database/
Any thoughts on this, anyone?
hey guys,
i have little coding experience, i could do a fair pimp of my myspace page but that’s about it – this php stuff is all new to me. I’ve just installed bbpress as a subdirectory of my wordpress blog, and I want to do something really simple: I want to change the color of the rollovers when you mouse over the forum topic. On this guide I read, it said to change this line:
#latest tr:hover, #forumlist tr:hover, #favorites tr:hover { background: #330099; }
(specifically, the ‘background’ tag), but as you can see, although I’ve entered in a bright color and re-uploaded the style.css file, it remains a vague greyish sorta color.. where am I going wrong here?
Thanks in advance folks..