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Hi there,
Since I installed the GD bbPress Toolbox Pro plugin I no longer see my WordPress media library.
I deactivated the plugin and it comes back but cannot find the parameter in the plugin to reactivate it.
I need your help.Thanks.
Topic: Pagination using shortcodes
I am using WordPress 6.1.1 and bbPress 2.6.9.
I have a forum where if I use the standard forum page e.g. there are no problems and pagination of the large number of topics works correctly producing a URL of say
However, I wish to have a page with some other content at the to so are using a short-code to list the forum topics. The URL for that page is However, on this page pagination does not work. The URL for the third page is but this produces an error 404.
I have tried various solutions found from others having a similar problem including: using a standard theme, resaving the permalink setting, adding a bp-custom.php file with some code in it etc. but it still fails.
Can anyone suggest a solution?I can’t reduce the font size on the Forum/Topic Type/Topic Status dropdowns so they don’t get cut off. This is using bbp Style Pack.
I’m running Astra Pro with a child theme, Elementor Pro and WP Super Cache. I’ve cleared the cache, done a browser (Microsoft Edge) reload (ctrl F5) and the font size change doesn’t show up. All of the green background lines in “it’s not working” are green, as they should be.
WordPress 6.1.1
bbPress 2.6.9
bbp Style Pack 5.1.5What else should I try?
I am a first time user of bbPress plugin and am mighty impressed by the ease inspite of it being used in an untested version of WordPress.
I am using WordPress 6.1.1, though it is listed as not tested, I decided to try.
My bbPress version is 2.6.9
I am using the theme Astra version 3.9.4Help needed:
1. I have filled in some details on my Forum page, which are not visible on the output page
2. Is there a way I can copy Categories from one forum to another?Thank you so much for your attention.
Best regards,
Topic: Bbpress redundant H1 tag
On this page on my site. I can see that bbpress insert/edict link form is causing my site to have redundant H1 tags. This is bad for my Bing SEO as it’s showing up as something I need to fix. So I have 2 H1 tags. One is the tittle of the page and the other one is coming from the link insert/edict form on my site “front end source cod” that’s a feature created by bbpress.
Please can that insert/edict form have H3 tag please ? is there a way to course the form to have a H3 tag and not a H1 tag??
Secondly the form edict menu does not function properly. The form link and other menus does not show or work on the “reply box” on the front end even if I’m accessing the site as an admin! Also the “create a new topic form” the insert/edict link form doesn’t show up on a pop up but instead shows up on my footer. I’m using both the latest version of bbpress and wordpress.
I will really like to fix this issues. thanks for any help or advice that would be provided for this issue!!