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  • #233630

    I’m just setting up bbPress on my site (WordPress 6.1.1, custom theme non-Block Editor/Gutenberg).

    I found interior forum pages are working but the main landing page was not. I was able to work around that by setting up a regular page and using the [bbp-forum-index] shortcode, but I see the user profile pages are still not working (and they are doing exactly what the forum index page was doing before).

    Here’s an example:

    It’s possible this is a problem with my theme, but I’m not immediately sure what might be wrong (and I’d like to fix this without having to test for plugin/theme conflicts because this is my live site and I don’t have a staging environment set up… yet).

    I’m guessing it may be a routing issue… I do have some code in my theme that uses the template_include filter.

    Milan Petrovic


    The new version of the Toolbox Pro does contain a feature called Booster, and it does add new DB tables for indexing, but it does not make any changes to how the data is stored by bbPress. If you use Toolbox and disable it later on, there will not be any negative impact because the plugin is not changing how bbPress works with data. When Booster works, it intercepts some bbPress queries and modifies them to use index tables, and that’s it. When the plugin is not working, or Booster feature is disabled, bbPress works as it always does. But, modified queries are much faster than normal ones because Booster removes postmeta from the query and instead adds joins to the index tables (3 tables added for forums, topics and replies).

    Tests I did so far, for queries that Booster can modify, new queries are 20 times faster (on average). But, for large forums (1 million posts or more), queries can be 30-40 times faster. Yeah, I know, that is a huge change, and it might sound unreal, but the postmeta tables in WordPress are never meant to be used for queries the way they are used right now, because the data in postmeta can’t be indexed, and all data is stored in TEXT column, which is the worst column in MySQL for any kind of query.

    Anyone who follows my work knows that I have been proposing multiple times to make core changes to bbPress to stop using postmeta; I even have a GitHub repository with transformation queries and other information about changes needed, and I know that that is a huge thing to implement, but the only way to make bbPress fast, is to stop depending on postmeta for queries. What I did in GD bbPress Toolbox Pro 7.0 is just a small change for now, and I plan to expand index tables with more data and affect more queries (right now it affects 6-7 query types). Again, what my plugin does, doesn’t have any negative effect on bbPress, and if my plugin is disabled, the bbPress works just fine, no data is destroyed by my plugin.

    Finally, query speed is irrelevant for small forums (under 10000-20000 posts). Yes, queries will be much faster with my plugin, but the database size for queries is not that big, but as soon as the forums grow and have more posts, these postmeta queries will get exponentially slower, and my plugin will make it much faster.

    The plugin is now in the Beta stage, with a stable release planned for mid-January 2023.



    @taliabarlev, have you tried any PDF converter for WordPress instead of looking for a specific solution for bbPress?


    I have to say that I’m pretty impressed by the fact that GD bbPress Tools Pro plugin has sent today news regarding the update to the next big version (7.0) and Milan will be upgrading the topic and replies system to a completely separate table.

    He says that this will increase efficiency for an obvious reason (indexing of wp_postmeta for such large amount of data in many forums is obviously one of the Achilles talon of bbPress).

    But to some extent I feel that this will be like a “fork” of the bbPress project.

    I’m uncertain if Milan is a regular user of these forums, but I would like to see your opinions on this movement. I’ve been using GD bbPress Tools for ages because it really complements well all my devs for bbPress on my forums (and I don’t have to be duplicating the code to perform most of the features that he has already implemented), but I’m pretty skeptical that this could be a major caveat for future releases and too much attachment to Milan (in case something happens to him, and considering that this is not open sourced).

    I’m not sure either if he will be implementing this for the free version in the WordPress repo.

    Furthermore, I may also ask this in his private forum, but I was looking for more opinions in this official forum.

    PS: Yes, Milan is around as expected @gdragon


    In reply to: Hide “topic type”


    I’m not good at using WordPress. Can u guide me how shall I proceed with FTP?


    Hi, may I know how to hide “Topic Type” in create new topic form? I couldn’t find any clue in WordPress forum setting.

    Robin W

    Thanks for posting – should help someone else coming along later.

    I’ve posted a trac ticket


    J’ai installé le pack bbp-style-pack dans les extentions, puis je l’ai activé, il n’apparait pas dans le tableau de bord de wordpress en tant que forum, il figure dans les extantions et
    dans réglages, faut il installé le pack dedans le dossier bbpress ou seulement dans les extentions comme je l’ai fais, et comment démarrer un nouveau forum ?
    J’ai essayé de mettre le pack dedans le dossier bbpress, mais il est supprimé automatiquement et affiche une erreur ” le fichier bbp-style-pack.php n’existe pas !
    Merci de votre aide.

    Robin W

    you are using twenty twenty two theme.


    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>

    and you can set to allow forums to work


    Bonjour, j’ai un souci à partir des liens crées dans le forum, ils affichent tous des pages blanche, et donc les sujets ne s’affichent pas, le forum est visible, mais pas opérationnel, j’utilise le thème wordpress twenty one amélioré </>, les permaliens créesdu forum ont l’air corrects, le plug-in wat the file indique le fichier template-canvas.php et donne désolé ce fichier ne peut être modifié, je ne trouve pas l’origine des liens crées dans le forum qui mènent vers des pages blanche dans le navigateur web, merci de votre aide.

    Robin W

    This should be what you want

    bbp style pack



    With the great bbp style pack plugin, with active moderation on moderation tab, we can approve any new topic or reply from a new user

    is it possible to use a shortcode to show all topics / replies “pending” (so the ones that require approval)

    that would be nice for moderator to have all contents to approve at the same place in frontend

    Is it something already doable with an existing shortcode ?


    Robin W

    sorry, late in the day when I looked at this. change the forum id and text you want below to the one you want. if you want it blank, then $translated_text = ''

    add_filter( 'gettext', 'rew_change_must_be_text', 30, 3 );
    function rew_change_must_be_text( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {
    	if ( $text == 'You must be logged in to create new topics.' && bbp_get_forum_id() == 2927 ) {
    		$translated_text = 'new text here' ;
    	return $translated_text ;

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets

    Robin W

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Topics Index Styling>item 17

    Robin W

    a quote function is in

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>quotes

    Robin W

    I pulled that function from toolkit and added it to my style pack plugin.

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>subscription management


    In reply to: Forum load upon login

    Robin W

    In reply to: Forum load upon login

    Robin W

    looking at the login link, I’d guess you are using

    bbPress Login Register Links On Forum Topic Pages

    so it would be a setting in there.


    In reply to: Repair tool with cron

    Robin W

    You need to get this working within Cron.

    2 choices

    1. pay someone to write a plugin specifically for you to use cron to do this
    2. use a cron plugin such as and add the tasks in there

    I suggest you go for option 2 – free and would probably be much better

    Robin W

    wordpress and bbpress registration do not have a password option or Detalles del perfil, so the layout is not from worpdress or bbpress.

    It may be your social login is doing this, so layout would be with that.


    Hi Robin,
    Don’t Understand what exactly do you mean with “bbpress or wordpress registration”.
    I’m using miniOrange social login for users that want to login with their google or facebook account.
    I’m login to wordpress as admin, from wp-admin.
    How can I check that?
    If I disable some possible “conflict” plugin, layout will change?!
    Thank you!

    Robin W

    you are not using the bbpress registration, or wordpress one, so you have something some custom registration maybe using your theme or a plugin


    Topic: Youtube Embed

    in forum Troubleshooting


    On Astra theme, youtube embed is showing fine

    but on hello theme for some reason, the youtube embed is not showing in right dimensions :

    800 x 450px, which is not a right ratio for youtube video, it crops parts of the video

    how can i set a good ratio for youtube embed on forum posts ?

    (i checked on a wordpress posts it shows fine)

    thank you !



    When i paste a wordpress post link on bbpress, it creates a nice box with featured image & link

    but when i paste a topic link, it just creates a grey box with link inside

    is it normal ?how could i get something better ? (with author / date etc) is it possible ?

    Thank you


    In reply to: Topic Count

    Robin W

    Interestingly I also tried using the shortcode [bbp-stats] in a test page and that reported the correct number of topics despite the individual forum count being incorrect! How can that be?

    I should start by saying that I am not a bbpress author, just someone trying to help 🙂

    the [bbp-stats] shortcode does the wordpress function
    wp_count_posts( bbp_get_topic_post_type())

    so actually counts the number of topics in the database.

    the forums page calls a function bbp_get_forum_topic_count in \bbpress\includes\forums\template.php

    This looks up the number held in the forum’s post meta under _bbp_topic_count (which you had already worked out)

    so how did you delete the post which caused the numnber to fail back?

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