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  • #234882

    In reply to: SEO friendly theme


    bbpress does not have a template since it’s a plugin. You can style your bbpress via css so that it looks like your wordpress theme.

    Alternatively, there are some wordpress themes which have built-in styles for bbpress.

    You can check some in Themeforest:


    In reply to: SEO friendly theme

    Robin W

    Not quite sure if this is the answer, but if a good looking bbpress is what you are after, then this should help

    bbp style pack


    In reply to: SEO friendly theme


    thanks for your comment.
    I already have a WordPress blog.
    Recently, I installed bbPress.. Now I am looking for a special template for the forum.


    In reply to: SEO friendly theme


    bbpress works with wordpress so you have to install wordpress and then if you don’t want to use the bolg just don’t create articles.

    Robin W

    if you want gutenberg in your actual topics and replies, this plugin does it

    Blocks Everywhere

    it requires you to add stuff to wp-config.

    though frankly, you are then expecting everyone in the world to use the stupid + sign. Why gutenberg in not just ‘ms word’ is beyond me.

    But anyway just threw that in as it came up as a result whilst trying to google to see if anyone has already done what we are trying to do


    It would be good indeed, FSE looks like the future of WordPress.

    I just started so I don’t know much, and I think I’ll be in forever learning 😉 I think a template part that is the forum would work best though, but I could be completely wrong on that. I can type down what I’ve got so far though.

    From what I’ve gathered so far (I could be wrong on some things here). There are several kinds of templates, for example Archive and Single. Single displays the layout for single posts and that seem to be what all pages except forum root are.

    Simply put the templates work in that way you build a layout using the block editor where you can put in single post parts like post title, post content and so on. In Elementor I made a Single with just post content and magically the post content would display the forum on the front-end.

    bbPress forum root appear to be an archive, but since it has a shortcode forum root wouldn’t need anything more I think.

    The FSE recognise custom post types and you can make Single templates for those. I’m not sure if bbPress is a custom post type, but if it is and FSE would recognise it that would’ve solved it all.

    Hope that makes any sense.


    Unfortunately I don’t think any of them is close or can just be cloned.

    [bbp-forum-index] – This one works well and can add the forum root anywhere.

    But then there’s Forums or Categories, Sub forums and topics/replies themselves. These pages seem to all be seen as ‘posts’ by WordPress, why making a posts template worked in Elementor for all of them. FSE templates seem to ignore bbPress entirely though.

    [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] – This one do make it possible to add single forums anywhere, but not if they’re inside a forum Category. Would also need one page for each forum which would get a little crazy. I don’t know if this one could be tweaked into something more advanced.

    What would be needed is shortcodes for displaying forum Category pages in general, as well as their sub forum pages where the topics are listed. And then all the topic/replies pages too.

    All that sound too difficult to be honest.


    Hi Robin, Thx for the info. Done.

    Robin W

    my style pack has some code that fixes (sort of) FSE themes


    bbp style pack

    once activated, navigate to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack, and you should see the first tab called ‘Theme Support’ – if you don’t see this, come back.

    In that tab, select

    Enable Theme Support

    and save

    The forums should then display

    If you want to look at code, then download the plugin to your computer and find


    I’m trying to avoid getting too deeply into FSE – I find it annoying, but appreciate that I am old and ludite, and that many find it fine or even great 🙂


    I’m looking into the possibility to move a community site from using Elementor Pro to WordPress own Full Site Editing and block theme.

    I’m curious if anyone has figured out how to apply templates to the forums and topics themselves. The forum root works fine though because it has a shortcode.

    In Elementor I worked it out by making a single post template and then exclude posts and custom post types from it, but in FSE it doesn’t seem possible to apply any templates to bbPress at all.

    Thank you in advance

    Robin W

    for others finding this thread – if you have the additional bbp-style-pack plugin – and why would you not have this 🙂

    bbp style pack

    then this fix is available at a single click – so not coding or other plugins needed.

    once activated just go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack and click the theme support button

    Robin W

    for others finding this thread – if you have the additional bbp-style-pack plugin – and why would you not have this 🙂 – and are at the latest version

    bbp style pack

    then this fix is available at a single click – so not coding or other plugins needed.

    once activated just go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack and click the theme support button

    Robin W

    for others finding this thread – if you have the additional bbp-style-pack plugin – and why would you not have this 🙂

    bbp style pack

    then this fix is available at a single click – so not coding or other plugins needed.

    once activated just go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack and click the theme support button


    I believe they slow down site loading, and often plugins are no longer supported with wordpress upgrades, where php in functions.php works forever so far in my experience 🙂

    Robin W

    Can you add a ticket to the trac system

    Robin W

    I spent a couple of hours yesterday hunting down the issue.

    This code fixes it :

    add_filter ('astra_single_layout_one_banner_visibility', 'astra_bbpress_fix', 50) ;
    function astra_bbpress_fix ($value) {
    	if( class_exists( 'bbpress' ) ) {
    		if (bbp_is_single_user()) return false ;
    		if (bbp_is_search()) return false ;
    return $value ;

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets

    Robin W

    I spent a couple of hours yesterday hunting down the issue.

    This code fixes it :

    add_filter ('astra_single_layout_one_banner_visibility', 'astra_bbpress_fix', 50) ;
    function astra_bbpress_fix ($value) {
    	if( class_exists( 'bbpress' ) ) {
    		if (bbp_is_single_user()) return false ;
    		if (bbp_is_search()) return false ;
    return $value ;

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets

    Robin W

    I spent a couple of hours yesterday hunting down the issue.

    This code fixes it :

    add_filter ('astra_single_layout_one_banner_visibility', 'astra_bbpress_fix', 50) ;
    function astra_bbpress_fix ($value) {
    	if( class_exists( 'bbpress' ) ) {
    		if (bbp_is_single_user()) return false ;
    		if (bbp_is_search()) return false ;
    return $value ;

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets


    Hi Robin – yes, if I do a ctrl-U on the forum page in bbpress, I see it. Oh I just clicked edit on each forum in wordpress and found it there and deleted it, so now they display correctly. I have *no* idea why astra adds all that junk html after title & descr, another bug!


    oh dear I was hoping not to use any plugins. I prefer just to add to functions.php but everything I’ve tested on this page so far, does not work:

    Astra has promised they’ll fix that bug with their next upgrade but then that would mean installing two plugins, so I’ll give up at this point. I’ll just remind users not to change their email.

    Robin W

    that is the wordpress profile.

    so you will fix that part by

    Profile & Dashboard fields [Modify/Disable/Remove]

    There is also a bbpress profile, but you are using the astra theme, and there is a bug which astra know about which stops it working – it just goes to a page with a permanent loop

    you get to a bbpress profile by clicking the username in the forums.

    You can turn this off using

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Profile


    >wordpress profile or bbpress profile ?? There’s a bbpress profile? When I installed bbpress into astra wordpress theme, it displays the normal wordpress profile page when a person clicks on their name in the upper right, e.g. I added you as a forum participant:

    login at:

    It’s that email I’d like to prevent users from changing.

    Where’s the bbpress profile?

    Robin W
    Robin W

    so is this wordpress profile or bbpress profile- in essence give me the url of your profile page

    Robin W
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