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  • #1224

    I was wondering how to use bbpress tags on wordress. For example, since my wordpress and bbpress are integrated, i wanted to put a little member section on the wordpress site that would use the pm plugin to show you if you have any pm’s in your inbox. Is this possible?


    I have a site with bbPress and WordPress. They are all integrated to where if you log in to one location, you are logged into the others as well. I also have (well, am working on) a unified registration page where I ask for all needed information and write it to whichever database needs it. Since I have this, I need to have bbPress lose the ability to register. Should I just change register.php to inform the user to register on the main registration page, or is there a better way?


    In reply to: tag.php access issue


    here is a link to the phpinfo.php ::

    not sure if this helps… any how, I thought I would share a bit about my project. is a temporary url, this site is actually for a MMA publishing company. I was sold on wordpress after I read this article:

    I then became a true believer after building my personal site with WP. For Victory Belt I decided to run with WP and was originally going to go with phpBB, then Vanilla, then considered punBB for a bit, then found out about the tight integration with bbPress. The WP community in conjunction with the bbPress community had a huge influence on my decision. I was then sold when I found out about the plugin that automatically creates forum posts (, for then I realized that the integration and community would only get stronger.

    I like how light and fast bbPress is, I would like to focus on the discussions and interaction with the community, and I feel these elements would be refreshing in comparison to the other clunky mma bbs out there. And once Dr. Riddoch over at An-Archos creates his media plugin for bbPress, we’ll be set.

    Anyhow, for those interested mma is getting some pretty big traffic, and we are expecting a lot of traffic to our site, for we are releasing books by BJ Penn and Randy Couture in the near future. There is actually a special on MSNBC tonight that is a prime example to the influx of interest in MMA, trailer @:

    I just wanted to share, and I am hoping to make bbPress our solution, for I know I am going a bit out on a limb with such new software, but I believe the tree is very strong.

    Also, our look and feel is created, the site location is currently the category and back-end development. One of my designers just recently started working on the look and feel of the css… just an FYI.

    Thanks again for the help,

    I am going to call up my hosting service now,

    All the Best,



    In reply to: tag.php access issue


    Thank you again chrishajer & madawaffe,

    I created a phpinfo.php file and uploaded it to the forum root folder, and the PHP info with and with out the .htaccess file is…

    PHP Version 4.3.11

    I then tried saving the .htaccess file in several different formats including, Mac OS Western, UTF-8, UTF-16, & ASCII, and I was given an internal server error for UTF-8 & UTF-16.

    I then tried creating an .htaccess directory access and password file with a .htpasswd file, and was given another server error.

    So I am assuming, that outside of the issue of the tags.php working on php4, that there is an issue with my server in working with a .htaccess file. Hmmmm, there has to be a solution here, and I really would like to get this forum up and running, for I love the integration with wordpress.

    I am going to call up my hosting service again and probe a bit more. If any ideas come about, I will be here at full attention. Thank you so much for your help again.

    All the Best,



    PHP Version 5.1.2

    Yes, I have the ability to use .htaccess. Though I don’t no much about its parameters. I’ve used it for 301 redirects and that’s about it. Help with writing anything for the .htaccess would be greatly appreciated.

    One bit, I have WordPress on the same server using the same database (bbPress is integrated) and this is NOT an issue in WP – only in bbPress.

    Trent Adams

    Even if that is a mySQL restriction on the number of entries, I am more than 100% sure there are ways around it. If you need help believing that, just watch what happens when or go over 1,000,000 posts ! ! !

    PS Brad, you are still linking your old site in your profile.



    Thanks jaim3. I can’t tell you how excited I am about going from a board with 86 tables to one with 8! Light and fast is what my members will appreciate. I think the simpler design will result in higher adsense revenues from my message board channels.

    I have integrated bbpress to match the tech-o-crunch theme and will be releasing it to the bbpress community once I have it like I want it.

    I’ll also be posting a casestudy of the bbpress adsense theory I mentioned above on my blog.


    Hey Community,

    I have installed and integrated both WordPress and BBpress. WordPress is working fine, and I am utilizing the integrated user plugin. Both are working from the same database.

    My only issue is when I click on a forum to view from the home page of BBpress I am given a blank screen of “No input file specified.”

    I did a search an came across a post by a person who received a similar result, but under different circumstances, for is error was during installation.

    Any how, I am new with bbPress, so any general directions or instructions would be greatly appreciated.




    Thanks for the reply. I thought the spam filtering out was most likely yahoo’s fault. I honestly don’t think any of my problems are related to bbpress, and maybe more likely my cheapo hosting! :-)

    I have another installation of bbpress on another domain and it seems to work ok.

    I’m thinking of looking into linking up with wordpress as well because I have used it before and really like it. Any my forum seems to be functioning which is the main thing and I’m happy I found bbpress for it!


    Ok Thanks


    In reply to: users’ email address


    Also, please note! If you’re running WordPress version 2.1 alphaX, or now it’s in Beta state, and you have the bbPress Integration plugin going on it..

    find this line:

    require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/registration-functions.php’ );

    change it to this:

    require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/registration.php’ );

    (The devs renamed the file in the includes/ directory for 2.1)

    This is probably the main cause of these errors.. Also, we’d better make sure of any other bbPress plugins using that first call to the /registration-functions.php file.. and change accordingly..

    This is for 2.1 alphaX, and now 2.1-betaX users only!!



    On my site, I have a file of general purpose functions in the site root called “mysite_functions.php.” I have WordPress installed in /wordpress, and bbPress installed in /wordpress/bbpress. I have altered wp_setcookie() and wp_clearcookie() in a WordPress plugin. In those two functions, I use require_once('../mysite_functions.php');, and then the function call. It works fine.

    The problem comes in the bbPress plugins. I have a plugin overriding bb_login() and bb_logout(). In each of those functions I use the exact same code to call mysite_functions.php, but I get “failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [file path] [line number]”

    In either case, the functions are unchanged with the exception of appending:



    Trent Adams

    I know this post is a little over do, but I will quote Matt:

    “bbPress can power a forum with hundreds of thousands of posts with just a fraction of the load as WordPress.” – Matt



    These are just a few things I thought might be handy for bbPress.

    1. Invitations – would allow users to invite other users to the forum and maybe give them credit of some sort for the referral.

    2. Cash – this is one of the really popular phpBB plugins, it gives users cash for posting, and sending messages, etc, and sets up the facility for other plugins to use the cash for their own various means.

    3. Original Poster – perhaps next to the most recent poster or under the topic title, this would show the original author of the post on the forum view, instead of having to view the topic to find out. Just one thing that sort of bothered me, as sometimes I like to know who started what.

    4. Subforums – I saw this somwhere, I think, but subforums would be a wonderful addition.

    5. WYSIWYG post editor – I assume this is already in the works somewhere, but for folks who aren’t good with tags and what not, it’s really not userfriendly to post in bbPress. Perhaps just a copy of WordPress’s editor.

    6. Custom Profile Fields – I think a plugin that allows admins to change the profile fields that are currently shown, add more, remove some, etc, would be really nice.

    So…those were just some ideas I had, maybe they are not feasible or easy, but hey, at least maybe I got the gears rolling.

    Trent Adams

    This would have to work based on what is in the bbPress-Post plugin that creates threads in bbPress for every post created while the plugin is activated in WP.

    Nothing that does what you want, but I have a request in for turning plugin on/off inside each WP post:



    UPDATE: I just wanted to fill everyone in on what I have just done..

    1) I downloaded and installed the Themed Login and Registration plugin for WordPress.

    2) Upload it, then activate it as normal.

    OR, If you are running WordPress version 2.1-alpha3.. Before uploading and installing this plugin, open the themed-logreg.php file..

    Find this line:

    require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/registration-functions.php’);

    Change it to this:

    require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/registration.php’);

    This is because in the 2.1-apha3 version, they just renamed some of the files in the wp-includes/ directory..

    3) I made a page called: Where To

    Since I have pretty permalinks on, the page’s location is here for example:

    In the Where To page’s Write Window, I added the following text/urls for example:

    “If you are seeing this page, you now have the ability to access the following places with your username and password.

    The <a href="">Codex</a>.

    The <a href="">Forums</a>.

    The <a href="">Site Admin</a>. “

    4) Under Plugins => Login Register Options =>

    A) Under the: Uninstallation Options => I put check in box for: Toggle Complete Uninstall:

    B) Under the: Redirect After Login: => I changed wp-admin/ to where-to/

    If you have the normal setup for the permalinks, (for me on localhost this worked): /?page_id=11

    Of course, change the actual number to your own..

    C) Under the: Redirect After Logout: => I left this one at: wp-login.php

    D) If you are using any other theme, then the “Gathering” theme, you might want to skip this section. And follow the directions for it, according to your theme’s layout!

    Unless your sidebar call is like this.. in the index.php file:

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    Still in the Login Register Options, I left everything alone from there down TILL the part for the “Template Header Files: section..

    D-1) Since I’m using the “Gathering” theme, the call for the sidebar, in the theme files is right after the header call.

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    D-2) In the Template Header Files: window, I made it like this:



    D-3) In the Template After Header HTML: window, I made it like this:

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    <div id="maincontent">

    D-4) In the Template Before Footer HTML: window, I made it like this:

    <?php endif; ?>


    <!--index.php end-->

    <!--include footer-->

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    D-5) In the Template Footer Files: window, I made it like this: footer.php

    E) Scroll down to the User Email Template: window. Since he uses variables for his stuff.. here is what I used for mine, and it works because I got the email after doing a test sign up. :D

    Username: ##username##

    Password: ##password##

    You now have the ability to access any of the following locations with your username and password.

    The Site Admin


    The Forums


    The Codex

    Please note: Of course… change the The Codex and Forums urls to whatever your’s is.. example: ##siteurl##/my-forums-folder-name/

    And for Codex/Wiki: or whatever..

    Then I click the Update Options button.. :D ;)

    F) In my Theme’s CSS File, I added the following CSS Style references:

    #login {margin:0 auto 0 auto;width:250px;}

    #login ul {margin:0;padding:0;}

    #login ul li {display:inline;margin-left:10px;}

    Everything seems to be working just fine! I hope this helps others..

    After logging in, you should be taken to this page then:

    Which of course.. can still be seen by everyone, either way. (But it’s not really made public either, because I don’t have the page itself, listed in the header nav bar, and sidebar nav section.)

    However.. it’s not going to do much good to them, because if they aren’t registered and stuff.. they can’t access my blog’s wp-admin, forums or codex.. lmao!

    Anyway, I just did TWO test signups.. and was able to login to my Codex, Forums, and the Blog’s wp-admin control panel.. whee!!



    Is it possible to have a new topic created automatically when a new post with a certain tag is posted in WordPress?

    Nicki Faulk

    Updated plugin list:

    * Allow Images 0.7.1

    * Avatar .73a

    * bbEmoticons version 0.72

    * Memberlist .73c

    * Google Sitemap Generator .6

    * BBPress Private Messaging 0.73

    * Use Display Name 0.7.2

    * Online List 1.3-fix

    * WordPress Integration .7

    * Post Notification 1.2

    * My Resolve Title 0.1

    * Limit Latest Discussion 0.73


    I’ve started a little website where I’m going to try to keep track of new templates and plugins until there comes a really reliable bbpress plugins location. You can find it at, if you are a template or plugin author and would like your work featured (or not) let me know.


    You’re welcome Nate. ;):) And hopefully soon here.. I’ll have my wiki ready, and going the way I want it lol. Then, once I’m done, or as I go along.. I’ll write up what I did ..

    Hopefully someone else in need of same thing, latter down the road.. finds this post useful and I hope it helps them.. ;):)



    My thanks as well, Spencer. I’m watching what you put together with great interest, and your ongoing explanations are most helpful. Many others will surely benefit from your struggles.


    Trent Adams

    I would search both these forums and forums for bbPress and WP integration of themes. Personally have had 0 success with integrating using wp-blog-header.php in an include, therefore I won’t have anything useful to say. That being said, the point was more to let you know that support forums have suprisingly more topics of this type of integration (theme) than these forums!


    Trent Adams

    Good luck Spencer! Looks like you are rolling out a great package integration documentation!


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