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  • #53600
    Trent Adams

    No problem! Good to here!



    I believe I defined the WP information post installation, so I deleted the bbPress DB, created a new one, went through the 1 step install and still no go. None of the WP users show up in the bbPress user list and I still cannot log in with to WP with the bbPress users nor log into bbPress with the WP users. When I look at my bbPress DB, I have the following tables:









    As soon as I saw the DB structure, I realized that I needed to specify my WP database, and not create a new one for bbPress for this to work. Once I put in my WP DB information at the top of the config.php file, all worked! Thanks for your prompt response.


    This theme work perfect in bbPress 0.80. Is based in Refresh of Aydos.

    Trent Adams

    Did you install bbPress before or after having that information in your config.php? Did you see the WP users in the install process when you installed?



    Hello. I have a WordPress installation (2.1) at / and then the bbPress installation (0.8) at /forums/. I have followed the instructions: and still no go. The WordPress integration plugin is installed and activated in my WP install and I have defined the bbPress tables (bb_) prefix correctly in the plugin options.

    I have defined the options:

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘’; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: ‘’

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘’; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: ‘’

    in my config.php file, but do I need to add anything else? Right now, my WordPress users cannot log into the bbPress install, and the bbPress users cannot log into the WordPress install. Any help would be creatly appreciated.


    any luck with a bbpress -> wordpress script guys?


    hey Lingmeister

    i used this:

    what is the problem you are having?

    I had problems initially – something to do with PHP 5 or something – check that link above

    good luck!




    First of all, thanks for all your help with getting this all straightened out. I’ve gotten a lot done thanks to your help alone.

    As for the 1 header approach, maybe I am creating a “complexity by simplicity” approach, and if what you are saying is correct, then I’m probably better just making the wp side have a wp header, and the bb side have a bb header. I guess I just thought in the long run it would be simpler and more effective to have one-size-fits-all header with the necessary bb code and wp code being selected only when it was needed. That was before now, when I just assumed that since you could call wp code in bbpress, that you could also just as easily call bb code in wordpress.

    So, I will create a second, separate header file for bbpress, and I will see where that takes me in this process. Thanks for your help with this. I hope my reasoning at least makes sense now, even though it is probably faulty reasoning at that.



    In reply to: install bbpress


    I have tried reading the documentation & other forum threads over & over again, but i could not get through the complete installation of bbpress.

    As stated, through my ftp client, I draged & dropped config-sample.php from my computer to config.php in my remote server.

    I then also uploaded complete bbpress at /var/www/html/blog/ ( remote site ).

    The next step suggests to load bb-admin/install.php in the browser & do what it says.

    Now, this is what, i am not understanding. Loading this url leads to a google page listing.

    I have opened a few links there; but, that has been of no use.

    I am reletively new to the wordpress environment ; but, apt direction will definitely get me out of this fix.

    Sir, I would be obliged to get your support.

    Thanks & Regards,



    There’s been some discussion of integrating WordPress, bbPress and MediaWiki before (“MediaWiki, bbPress, and WordPress integration” from spencerp and “Wiki Integration: WordPress & bbPress” from XXP), but this goes beyond authorization, because once users can log into forums, blogs and wikis with the same login, they naturally assume they can start mixing the wikitext they use on the wiki with forum posts and blog comments.

    Zechs’ MediaWiki Markup for WordPress does precisely that–for WordPress. It seems to be working all right, but it’s not one of the plugins that magically works in bbPress just by dropping it in. I tried that. The general lack of documentation yet on writing plugins for bbPress does not mix well with the lack of documentation for this plugin, written by a fellow who seems to live a few blocks away from me, but for whom English is a second language.

    So, given that I’m obviously not the only person trying to get MediaWiki and the *Presses to play nice, perhaps someone would be willing to point me in the right direction of where I’d get started getting this plugin to work for bbPress as nicely as it does for WordPress?


    In reply to: install bbpress

    Trent Adams

    Welcome to bbPress! The first place I would start would be to look over the bbPress documentation because that has the information needed for installation, customization, integration with wordpress and all about themes!

    After you get going, if you have questions along the way, do a search in the forums for similar problems that you are having and if you can’t figure out what to do, then go ahead a post a question back in the forums and we can try and help you out!



    Akismet puts every post by me, the logged-in keymaster, into the spam queue.

    Is there something I can do to prevent this? Could it have something to do with being integrated with WordPress?

    I’m using bbPress 0.8 (although it did it with previous versions too).

    Emre Erkan


    bbPress 0.80 is really nice, thank you. :)

    Turkish version of bbPress 0.80 is ready, we have a bbPress page on WordPress Türkiye.

    Downloads and docs:

    bbPress Turkish version 0.80 (whole package)

    bbPress Turkish .mo file

    bbPress Turkish .po file



    We all know that the AutoMattic guys use their own stuff, but after each site has been skinned with all their CSS magic, sometimes it’s hard to see… I thought we should savour the moment the forums ran with the default bbpress theme ;)


    Hi Ateale,

    Which script did you use cos the one i found to convert it did not work for me?



    Well, in this case I am calling the header file from wordpress on the bbpress pages. The only problem is that I have things in the bbpress header like




    which create tons of problems when I put that code in the wp header file. I was able to load wp when bbpress loads, but it seems like the opposite would also be useful, to register bbpress when wp loads. I suppose through reverse engineering, I could figure that out on my own?! Otherwise, I would like to just be able to tell the page, “Hey, are you wordpress, then load this…otherwise, don’t load it. And if your BBPress, then load this, otherwise don’t load it”.

    Currently I am also trying to specify which stylesheets to load. If it’s wp, I want the wp stylesheet, and if it’s bb, I want the bb stylesheet, and I don’t want the conflicts when both load.

    1 – Does this make sense?

    B – Is there a solution? and

    4 – Am I overlooking a more obvious solution?


    Trent Adams

    What kind of content are you trying to distinguish between? Theme content or actual content? With wordpress being a blog and bbPress a forum, the content itself would be different. I guess I don’t quite understand exactly what you are trying to do. Could you explain to me like I am 5 years old (my wife says I act that old anyways ;)



    Ok, I am trying to serve up content based on whether a user is on the WP side of my site, or on the BB side. Trent, you helped me with this earlier, but you helped me find a much more common sense solution to the problem in that situation.

    Here’s what I’m wondering: Is there any way to say “if bbpress” then do this, or “if wordpress” then do this? I can’t seem to find the code I need to tell wordpress AND bbpress to both understand and accept this discrimination. Thanks



    In reply to: Unique Style Sheet?

    Trent Adams

    It seems goofy to be discussing WP on a bbPress forum, but this is important for theme integration between the 2. Here is my login form in my sidebar (well ex sidebar as I use now). I use a conditional to welcome the user or display the login form.

     <li id="login">
    global $user_ID, $user_identity;
    if (!$user_ID):
    <label for="s"><?php _e('Login:'); ?></label>
    <form name="loginform" id="loginform" action="<?php echo get_settings('siteurl'); ?>/wp-login.php" method="post">
    <div><label><?php _e('Login') ?>:<br /><input type="text" name="log" id="log" value="" size="15" tabindex="7" /></label><br />
    <label><?php _e('Password') ?>:<br /> <input type="password" name="pwd" id="pwd" value="" size="15" tabindex="8" /></label><br />
    <input type="hidden" name="rememberme" value="forever" />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Login'); ?> &raquo;" tabindex="9" /><br />
    <?php wp_register('', ''); ?>
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>"/></div>
    <li><script type="text/javascript">slvBanner();</script></li></ul>
    <label for="s">Welcome <?php echo $user_identity; ?>!</label>
    <?php wp_register(); ?>
    <li><a href="<?php echo get_settings('siteurl') . '/wp-login.php?action=logout&amp;redirect_to=' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>"><?php _e('Logout'); ?></a></li>



    It’s better than Christmas…

    But really, I have to say that even though I am much more familiar with phpbb, and even though it has a (currently) larger, more active community, and even though there are many more features, I chose to stick with bbpress to integrate with wordpress.

    First of all, the integration process, though buggy now, will no doubt only get simpler and cleaner. I also expect to soon see the types of features that I need, and a shortage of the code that I can do without.

    In fact, my decision may even have been in part due to the “code is poetry” which is written at the bottom of each page, but more importantly in the code. I’m excited to see the developments, and would even like to get to the point where I can lend a hand to the community like others are.


    In reply to: Unique Style Sheet?


    Thanks again. Hey, since I have you here, maybe I can ask you a quick one…I’m looking for a way to display content solely based on whether it’s a wordpress page or a bbpress page. For instance, I would like to have the login controls for the wordpress site be in the sidebar when wp is loaded, and the bbpress controls there when bb is loaded.

    I imagine it wouldn’t matter which way the user logged in, but there are a few things I would like which I haven’t been able to achieve due to the way I have to put absolute path for redirects, etc. Here are the features I need, maybe you can suggest a more elegant solution for them?:

    – Login Redirects to last visited page

    – Display selective content based on which side the user’s on (bb vs wp)

    – I seem to be having some issues with relative paths? (Actually, I think I may have just figured this out, and I may just be dumb)

    – Some other thing I’ll ask about in 7 minutes or less, I’m sure…

    I’m a beginner, but not a newb. (anymore). I feel I am getting a pretty good grasp, but I still get confused now and again. Thanks for any feedback you can give.


    In reply to: Dumb question!


    Well, I for one, would absolutely LOVE to see you all do hosted forums… have it intergrated into WordPress, that would be the bomb diggity man…

    Anyways, just a thought.



    In reply to: Dumb question!

    Trent Adams

    Who knows. Maybe will spark some kind of hosted bbPress solutions. May be wishful thinking though….



    How come ya’ll don’t offer hosted forums?


    I think yours looks 100% better and more than likely easier to config too.

    just wonderin’

    WordPress is awesome, BTW… could use a more themes… and customizeable Smilies, But other than that it rocks… :) and you shant ever hear me complain… *hehe*


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