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Hi .
I am not sure whether any plugin is available for this .
I have integrated wordpress and BBpress and in my wordpress blog i want to have a page which should show the lastest users who have registered in my forum along with their avatar if available. Is it possible .
More or less like we have contact me plugin for wordpress , is there any plugin to display the users ..
Thanks and regards
blog :
forum ( under testing) :
I am intergrating BB into WordPress and am hitting a wall.
When I attempt to go to step three of installation I meet the following text:
bbPress database error: [Column ‘post_text’ cannot be part of FULLTEXT index]
CREATE TABLE bb_posts ( post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, forum_id int(10) NOT NULL default ‘1’, topic_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default ‘1’, poster_id int(10) NOT NULL default ‘0’, post_text text NOT NULL, post_time datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’, poster_ip varchar(15) NOT NULL default ”, post_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’, post_position bigint(20) NOT NULL default ‘0’, PRIMARY KEY (post_id), KEY topic_id (topic_id), KEY poster_id (poster_id), KEY post_time (post_time), FULLTEXT KEY post_text (post_text) ) TYPE = MYISAM
1. Created table bb_forums
2. Created table bb_posts
3. Created table bb_topics
4. Created table bb_topicmeta
5. Created table bb_tags
6. Created table bb_tagged
7. Changed type of wp_usermeta.meta_key from varbinary(255) to varchar(255)
8. Changed type of wp_usermeta.meta_value from longblob to longtext
9. Changed type of wp_users.user_login from varbinary(60) to varchar(60)
10. Changed type of wp_users.user_pass from varbinary(64) to varchar(64)
11. Changed type of wp_users.user_nicename from varbinary(50) to varchar(50)
12. Changed type of wp_users.user_email from varbinary(100) to varchar(100)
13. Changed type of wp_users.user_url from varbinary(100) to varchar(100)
14. Changed type of wp_users.display_name from varbinary(250) to varchar(250)
15. Added index wp_users UNIQUE KEY user_login (user_login)
bbPress database error: [Table ‘louise.bb_posts’ doesn’t exist]
INSERT INTO bb_posts (forum_id, topic_id, poster_id, post_text, post_time, poster_ip, post_status, post_position) VALUES (‘1’, ‘1’, ‘1’, ‘
First Post! w00t.
‘,’2007-05-10 15:35:23’, ‘’, ‘0’, 1)
bbPress database error: [Table ‘louise.bb_posts’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT post_id, poster_id FROM bb_posts WHERE topic_id = 1 AND post_status = 0 ORDER BY post_time
bbPress database error: [Table ‘louise.bb_posts’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * FROM bb_posts WHERE post_id = 0
I am doing everything to the letter and cannot see what I’m doing wrong…..
The only things I change to install is the directory titles from:
wordpress to ‘journal’
bbpress to ‘message_board’
Help would be greatly appreciated. As its driving me mental. All of this just so I can have people sign in to both wordpress and bbpress at the same time.
Topic: bbpress wysiwyg status
Any word on a simple WYSIWYG plugin or feature for bbPress. Something similar to what is on WordPress support forums would be awesome.
Topic: Installing with IP Subdomain
Can you install BBPress using an IP Subdomain (example: http://111.111.111~directory)? I’m working for a client who wants to get their new site set-up before switching over their existing domain name. I’m wondering: can I install BBPress using the IP address or should I wait for the domain transfer? If I can install now using the IP subdomain, what are the implications for the install when the domain transfer goes through?
I’m planning a BBPress integration with WordPress, which I have installed and customized nicely and don’t want to mess-up at this point or else I’d go for it with BBPress and see what happens. Does anyone have experience with this issue they can share?
Topic: Function integration problem
“bbPress will not have access to WordPress’ functions unless you manually tell bbPress to load WordPress first. In order to do that, you need to put require_once(‘path/to/wp-blog-header.php’); in bbPress’ config.php (wp-blog-header is in the same directory as WordPress’ wp-config.php file).”
Just uploaded bbpress and tried doing this on
You can see the error message there and perhaps tell me what I’m doing wrong.
I changed
require_once( BBPATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );
to the path where my wp-blog-header.php is