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I’m doing some integration of WordPress and bbPress and I need to know where this certain function is before the login_form function will work correctly on the WordPress site. The function I cannot find is:
If someone could tell me in which file this function is located, well, you would make my day.
– Justin
Ok I know, another question about integration.
I trying to intergrate Mu wordpress and bbpress and here is the thing:
I have installed wordpress in to a folder like:
and I also installd bbpress in to a folder like
I have also altered in bbpress config.php
Now when i try to access
Wordpress wants to create a new account for the blogg and I think this is because I dont use subdomain for new blogs.
Q1: Is it possible to intergrate bbpress with Mu wordpress?
Q2: Do I have to use subdomains to get this to work or is it possible not to use subdomains. If so, how?
I have to change webhotel to try subdomains so I rather wait until some of you tell me if it will work or not!
If i dont try to integrate the functions with the
require_once(‘../wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’); line in bbpress config.php everthing works just fine… I can use the same username and the intergration works really good untill I add the wp-blog-header.php line.
I integrated wordpress and bbpress; I succeded in displaying wordpress header, footer and sidebar in bbpress, and user logins are integrated which is great
However, each bbpress modification is being a big step for me and I’m finding quite difficult to add things like emoticons beside post-forms, tiny mce in forms, avatars, ranks, quote buttons…
Is there any theme with this kind of stuff already implemented?
Feedback for bbpress developers;
Regarding wordpress-bbpress integration, don’t you think wordpress and bbpress projects are starting to overlap?
I’ve been trying to integrate wordpress and bbpress and now I have;
* two login forms and profiles
* there are some css properties in the style sheet that are defined with same names that in wordpress; h2, h3, .alt …
* Afer adding <?php require_once(‘/wamp/www/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’); ?> for integration, I load wordpress functions again if accessed the web through wordpress frontpage.
* Some times I’d like to use the same plugins in both; wordpress and bbpress, or any other feature/modification, so I need to duplicate the work. You activate a wordpress plugin and you have to find a similar plugin that could work in bbpress or any workaround.
I wonder if developers are considering a bbpress version as a plugin for wordpress
I’m just fiddling around with the Crystal theme and trying to get it to match my installation of Unsleepable on wordpress.
I also decided to put in avatars.
I’ve made a bit of a mess of it.
As you can see, all the posts are somewhat pushed up so they are all together. I would appreciate it if I could get some help.
Here’s my post.php
<div class="threadauthor">
<p><strong><?php post_author_link(); ?></strong><br />
<small><?php post_author_title(); ?><br /><?php post_avatar(); ?></small></p>
<div class="threadpost">
<div class="post"><?php post_text(); ?></div>
<div class="poststuff"><?php printf( __('Posted %s ago'), bb_get_post_time() ); ?> <a href="<?php post_anchor_link(); ?>">#</a> <?php post_ip_link(); ?> <?php post_edit_link(); ?> <?php post_delete_link(); ?></div>
</div>And the relevant parts of style.css
font:10px Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
.threadauthor small{font:11px Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif}
.post {
margin-left: 100px;
position: absolute;
padding-left; 100px;
padding-up; 50px;
.threadauthor {
margin-left: 10px;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
max-height: 215px;
width: 150px;
}Any help would be appreciated.
Topic: Translation causing errors
I put es_ES .mo and .po translation files in this folder;
Then I changed config.php;
define(‘BBLANG’, ‘es’);
and as a result the whole forum stops working and I’m getting this message;
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class CachedFileReader in wampwwwwordpressbbpressbb-includesstreams.php on line 163
Any idea of what’s wrong?
I have another question;
Is there anyway I can make bbpress to read wordpress language files in wordpress language folder?